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/lit/ - Literature

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11867645 No.11867645 [Reply] [Original]

This might be off-topic, but I'm curious to know what /lit/s tastes in film are like. If there was such a thing as the western film canon; what would you like to see in it?

I would argue for Fanny and Alexander; it very much feels like the film equivalent of any of the great european 19th century novels, and is without a doubt one of my favourites.

>> No.11867971

Yes. Fanny and Alexander I enjoyed very much.
But I'm hoping you saw the complete thing, the whole 5+ hours, and not that 3 hour reduction of a real work of art. If you did, go back to /tv/.

>> No.11868002

>But I'm hoping you saw the complete thing, the whole 5+ hours,
Of course, anon. Even with those five hours that left me feeling entirely satisfied, I wasn't full; I felt like there was still room for more Ekdahl.

>> No.11868064

>If there was such a thing as the western film canon; what would you like to see in it?
There are a bunch of reputable lists of movies that could be considered canon.
For example Sight and Sound top 250 https://letterboxd.com/garrincha89/list/sight-and-sound-2012-critics-top-250-films/

>> No.11868094

Not a poor list, though I haven't gone through the full thing. It always bothers me when they start ranking films with that specificity though.

>> No.11868101
File: 216 KB, 1440x817, Until the End of the World 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wim Wender's Until the End of the World, aka Bis ans Ende der Welt.

It's a great road movie don't you fucking dare @ me.

>> No.11868113

It's just a list. It might as well be all number 1s.
I've seen 172 of them and I think it's a good selection.

>> No.11868115

>It's just a list. It might as well be all number 1s.
Yeah, I suppose you're right, anon. It certainly includes a bunch of films that I've intended to watch, but never gotten around to.

>> No.11868229
File: 229 KB, 1360x1000, favourite-films.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck that shit, Japan stays

1920s: Le passion de Jeanne d'Arc (Dreyer), Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (Murnau), The Kid (Chaplin)
1930s: La règle du jeu (Renoir), The Story of the Last Chrysanthemums (Mizoguchi), City Lights (Chaplin)
1940s: Ladri di biciclette (De Sica), The Red Shoes (Powell & Pressburger), Late Spring (Ozu)
1950s: Seven Samurai (Kurosawa), Rashomon (Kurosawa), Tokyo Story (Ozu)
1960s: 8½ (Fellini); Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo (Leone); Rosemary's Baby (Polański)
1970s: Apocalypse Now (Coppola), A Clockwork Orange (Kubrick), The Mirror (Tarkovsky)
1980s: Paris, Texas (Wenders); Offret (Tarkovsky); Blue Velvet (Lynch)
1990s: Breaking the Waves (von Trier), Festen (Vinterberg), Eyes Wide Shut (Kubrick)
2000s: Love Exposure (Sono); Synecdoche, New York (Kaufman); Dogville (von Trier)
2010s: Moonrise Kingdom (Anderson), Paterson (Jarmusch), Happy Hour (Hamaguchi)

>> No.11868235

Yeah, a Western film canon would be a bad representation of film when Japan and Russia have such a prominent footprint in it

>> No.11868243

You're right, of course; Kurosawa's without a doubt one of my favourites. Let's just say *a* canon, then.

>> No.11868272


Stopped before the movie brats. Need to wait till they're all dead before we know for sure (though its a good guess Lynch, Spielberg and Scorcese are in).

Also this gonna get delete. Mods, don't be twats.

>> No.11868333

>Also this gonna get delete. Mods, don't be twats.
just make a thread about a tranny youtuber and then you can talk offtopic there till you reach bump limit

>> No.11868340

what is the film equivalent of finnegans wake?

>> No.11868364

Denis Villeneuve, Paul Thomas Anderson, Quentin Tarantino, Darren Aronofsky, Christopher Nolan and Chan-wook Park are probably the most consistent directors of the past 3 decades.

>> No.11868386

>no Cronenberg
>no Wes Anderson

>> No.11868392
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>Darren Aronofsky

>> No.11868396

Don't remind me about that dumpster fire of a fucking thread.

Coens trump them all.

>> No.11868530

dogg you got great taste. throw battle royale up there and i'm a happy man

>> No.11868549

>Synecdoche, New York (Kaufman)

shit taste desu, except for Wenders. Moonrise Kingdom was good but you have to be from a certain generation to appreciate it. Fillini and Coppola and Kubrick are nobrainers. The rest is trash.

>> No.11868558
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Movies are good entertainment, like I'd rather just watch a movie instead of reading some newly released thriller or sci-fi book, etc. I watch Horror movies the most.

>> No.11869157

The philosophy of life in this movie is actually optimistic which is funny cause of how fucking dark it gets

>> No.11869915

>this utter pleb list
Imma giving you the benefit of the doubt here and assume this is bait

>> No.11869916
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It's not what one would expect from Bergman, that's for sure. Nordic cinema at its finest, I think.

>> No.11869918

dude fuck off
/lit/ is just charlatans these days, how about get off lit and read a book. Movies suck anyway

>> No.11869920
File: 419 KB, 801x600, 10-The-Rake-DDL-A-Room-With-AView[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Room with a View is probably my favorite movie. Does anyone else plan on seeing the James Ivory exhibit at the Morgan Library? It closes this month.

>> No.11869930
File: 131 KB, 2948x644, Top 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like canons

>> No.11869976

I've always thought this is a good list. You'll find something.

I wish /tv/ would talk about the great ones here and not the big productions that are usually garbage that don't aspire to anything other than a big box office.

I wouldn't mind if we had something here called /filmlit/ for discussion.

>> No.11869989

Weekly reminder that film is a lowly art form, and you thinking there is anything more sublime in Godard/ Lynch/Kubrick/... than in the current year capeshit, just outs you as a tryhard wannabe fag.

>> No.11869997

I watched RAMPAGE on a recent flight, shit ruled. The Rock is friends with a giant gorilla, hell yeah.

I really like Bruce LaBruce, Paul Verhoeven and Cronenberg. I have pretty dumb taste in movies.

>> No.11870012

>Haha, Mom, I posted it again!
Fuck off back to /tv/ with your stale memes.
>I would argue for Fanny and Alexander; it very much feels like the film equivalent of any of the great european 19th century novels, and is without a doubt one of my favourites.
And that's a good qualification for a movie... how? A movie is a movie, and it's not supposed to be a novel. Or are you implying that 19th century novels are the zenith of fiction so anything that resembles them must be good? I'm very confused.
>the film student tier list that's almost identical to every other
Yes, how wonderful. And people actually wonder why all Hollywood movies are repetitive garbage when most "movie people" are taught to agree on almost everything.
It's so counterintuitive when you think about it. Movies take only an hour or two to watch, so everyone should have starkly different tastes. If anything, it's literature that takes a real commitment to read a lot of that should have people spouting the same tired opinions.
In reality, movies seem to attract brainlets and the entire field is an endless circlejerk since most film students are too stupid to think for themselves.

>> No.11870034

Maybe 8 1/2 although it takes place in theoretic real time as opposed to dream time

>> No.11870071

>Movies take only an hour or two to watch, so everyone should have starkly different tastes. If anything, it's literature that takes a real commitment to read a
Not following this. A painting takes a second to look at, a symphony is over sooner than a movie, but an opera is longer, poetry is usually shorter than a novel. Don't see why the time taken to experience a work of art should have an effect in this way

>> No.11870087

Great list. I would add, however, Jacques Tati, Alain Resnais, Kira Muratova, Eric Rohmer, Raul Ruiz, and Mike Leigh.

>> No.11870118

>Movies take only an hour or two to watch, so everyone should have starkly different tastes.
You're confusing a canon for a personal list. Those are two distinct things, and the thread concerns presumably only the former.

>> No.11870125

Nice post. Reflection is much more qualitative. Step one is the aim to reflect on anything at all but this is undermined by entertainment itself which is the only goal for many. Escaping from having to contemplate on anything at all from life.

I've never been to film school, but I can imagine they're taught what is most profitable, techniques that "just work". If my assumption is correct, already, creativity is stifled from the onset and people are molded to produce what has already been market approved.

>> No.11870127

>And that's a good qualification for a movie... how?
Because we're relating films to literature, anon. Why else would I even make that point?

>> No.11870132

posted what again you retard? https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/ please do show me

>> No.11870381

Great shouts especially Tati, I though I'd put him in, however Rohmer I can't stand, I think he's a hack and Leigh I have really mixed feelings about.

>> No.11870396
File: 2.94 MB, 624x360, Les Amitiés Particulières train scene.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11870749

>the special friendship
I watched that film, but I cannot find this book anywhere, totally out of print. same with The Thibaults, which I've been wanting to read for a long time.

>> No.11870782

The only available Peyreffite books I can find that don't cost a million dollars are THE JEWS and Manouche. Annoying. I was surprised when I saw some quote from Stephen Fry saying reading 'Special Friendships' was a formative experience for him.

>> No.11871087

>Japan and Russia have such a prominent footprint in it
Pretty much just Eisenstein and maybe Tarkovsky.

>> No.11871142

Dovzhenko (