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/lit/ - Literature

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11865793 No.11865793 [Reply] [Original]

Books that this fellow would enjoy?

>> No.11865811

This is just a caricature of an imagined happy 4chan user, so just find a book /lit/ likes that is happy

>> No.11865810

this is just a transitional phase

he will sooner or later turn into a doomer/bloomer

>> No.11865819 [DELETED] 

>secretly is a bleeding heart liberal
you lost me here, ive always found subhhman peoples disgusting, literally every other part is an accurate prediction of my future self though down to the weary eyes and hiking gear

>> No.11865877

Often there is an element of verisimilitude in similar types of images made by the berks here, but this bloomer doomer stuff is pretty crap. It's oddly specific but bizarrely seems to aim at a much broader scope of users. It also just doesn't hit the mark or have the perceptiveness to make it remotely interesting. If it is telling in some way, it is only because it is reflective both of such a dull type of person that I would yikes out a conversation within 5 minutes if I met them IRL and of such middling creators that they think the images are anywhere near insightful when they're just instead projecting their provincial, insipid 'personalities' and signalling what an anodyne life they lead. Stop inflicting such tedium on the rest of us.

>> No.11865879

Well it wouldn't be secret if you admitted it, anon

>> No.11865886
File: 836 KB, 286x204, 1537907199853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop forcing your memes. I know you fags are on discord coordinating this on every board. Just stay in your containment zone.

>> No.11865896

Literally me

>> No.11865897

What a wholesome meme. It's true that I gravitate between a doomer and a bloomer.

>> No.11865905
File: 44 KB, 350x450, 1535992568388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defining yourself through memes
Shit like this makes me think late stage capitalism really is a thing

>> No.11865919

trust me, it is. haven't we had a thread about depressing late stage capitalism images last month? we have.

>> No.11865929

I make these to trigger you fags

>> No.11865932

ok? doesn't change anything that has been said in the thread.

edit: Gave you gold bro
edit 2: why tf you downvote me???!?!??!
edit 3: lol libtards are just triggered
edit 4: FINAL EDIT. I was just trolling lmao

>> No.11865937

No I think its funny how serious you take a fucking picture. Makes me happy knowing I perplexed you. You are very smart!

>> No.11865948
File: 129 KB, 1450x1443, 1538243799899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are very smart!
I know you are, but what am I?

>> No.11865994

or that Plato was right about everything

>> No.11866025

this actually got me

>> No.11866348

stop attacking me