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11863316 No.11863316 [Reply] [Original]

one day the english language will be dead

>> No.11863414
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>year 4000
>Mohammed Xing Balangao Mendez (the eighth) taking Ancient English lessons at the conglomerated world university to look smart to their robot maids

>> No.11863432

Yeah and? So many things seem eternal but aren't

>> No.11863434
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the english language can't die because it is not a living thing

>> No.11863458
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>> No.11863466
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>The Jetavana Temple bells ring the passing of all things

>> No.11863484

>language isn't alive
ok, this is epic

>> No.11863486

Die has multiple definitions, dumb frogposter

>> No.11863494

I'd actually kind of read a story like that. A retrospective on Western culture set far in the future, from the point of view of someone studying us and our culture and society as a history project.

Has it been done?

>> No.11863518
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>>11863316 good

>> No.11863523

German will die a hell of a lot sooner than English will lmao

>> No.11863539

he loved anglo literature

>> No.11863552

yeah but he then shortens the views to a couple names, and shortens it further to what they did with their writing

>> No.11863578

English will unironically take over the world.

>> No.11863618

Let us dance on the grave

>> No.11863622


>> No.11863985

Considering that English is the language of the internet, I think it's going to stick around for a good while.

>> No.11863991

What a retard. Next you'll be saying capital isnt sentient.

>> No.11864027


Probably, it's actually a pretty interesting concept.

>> No.11864030

what about china

>> No.11864122

One day you will be dead, so why do you care about the English language?

>> No.11865308

There are 600 million Chinese studying English right now.

>> No.11865314

What about Russia

>> No.11865380

what about finnish

>> No.11865387

Maybe English will evolve like Latin and will not die

>> No.11865388
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>transcending your limited existence
>who do you care

>> No.11865450

It's literally not though.

>> No.11865493

i would write it like a satirical history textbook or essay. really good concept.

>> No.11865657
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>One day they'll have to reconstruct pronunciation and accents from written records

>> No.11865690

people who live in non English as a first languagecountries, are there any words in your language that you still use when you speak English either because there is no translation or they are important words to your culture?

>> No.11865768
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>Literature does not exist in a vacuum. Writers as such have a definite social function exactly proportioned to their ability AS WRITERS. This is their main use.
>Good writers are those who keep the language efficient. That is to say, keep it accurate, keep it clear.
>If a nation's literature declines, the nation atrophies and decays.

>> No.11865812

Sure, but it will outlast every other language by miles as it's literally the most useful language in the world, whereas languages like Swedish and German will be dead within just a few decades.

>> No.11865830

tfw spanish will live forever

>> No.11865845



>> No.11866137
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This seems super interesting. Thanks anon.

>> No.11866422
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>implying God doesn't speak English

>> No.11866443

>Implying God needs words at all
>Implying God only understand one language and goes no intiendo for all others

God has a welsh accet when he speaks btw

>> No.11866453

every modern language won't be used in the future. way too inefficient for conveying information in comparison to what can be used without technological constraint.

>> No.11866461


>> No.11866467

Bits of it are already dead. You either need to read more Auden to see why you should give up or else read Beowulf to get you started saving it.

>> No.11866489


>> No.11866496

Maybe Canticle for Leibowitz?

>> No.11866501

Based and redpilled
It isn't.

>> No.11866506

What are the sino and Russo universes of the internet like?
I'm talking about today, not the future or a hypothetical.

>> No.11866528

(And that's a good thing!)

>> No.11866536

Uhhhh sweaty...capital *is* sentient.

>> No.11866548
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What do you want to know about russosphere of internet exactly?

>> No.11866555
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>> No.11866558

first book:
>"The history spans from the very beginning of life into a future World War Three. It includes the trial of all Europeans for the crimes of colonialism."

>> No.11866593

Whats it's like?
What is the Russian 4chan, the Russian reddit? What forums are there? What hobbies?
Is it like the 1990s to mid 2000s before there were sexual comments everywhere? I remember when I was young, you didn't find sexual stuff or porn unless you were looking for it.
I'd like a nice clean pre social media feeling internet.

>> No.11866666
File: 127 KB, 610x819, DkzQi0l3XDg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian 4chan - 2ch.hk
Not at best shape right now, full of underage kids.
Russian reddit - pikabu.ru
Our youth don't use it because pikabu is filled up with boomers.

American culture (in it's worst definition) had taken over ours. Porn, hip hop, selfhatred is everywhere. Our internet culture and culture in general is in big decline right now.

In comparison with anglosphere our internet is much more toxic. It is a cure for my eyes and butt to browse 4chan instead of 2ch.

>> No.11866718

holy check
Do russians really spit on Dostoevsky? Is it because he hits too close to home or because Russians have lost their way since the slavophile days?

>> No.11866870

One day we will reverse engineer the human mind and computers will write the most pleasing literature imaginable in the blink of an eye.

>> No.11867103

>Not at best shape right now, full of underage kids.
>Russian reddit - pikabu.ru
>Our youth don't use it because pikabu is filled up with boomers.
Sounds sort of nice.

>> No.11867109

The boomer part, not the part about underage kids. Phone posting currently. Didn't mean to select.

>> No.11867155

the english language is the perfect language. It can phonetically mimic any foreign language. While we dont have masculine and feminine variations of words, it can still be described with words.

>> No.11867164
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I don't hate soviets but they are definitely destroyed us as(ethnically russian) a nation. We have two types of people right now:
1.Mostly youth: Hate their ancestors, read liberal media, want to migrate to the western countries or make russia like canada, sweden etc.
2.Mostly geezers: "Noviops" product of soviet regime. Refer themselves as russians and orthodox but in fact they are not.

>> No.11867201

>pleasing literature
the plebs will never learn, let them eat and be merry

>> No.11867249
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Wow, look at this racist who wants to preserve his culture. You should be learning AAVE right now (but not speaking it because that would be appropriation)

>> No.11867279
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>one day the english language will be dead

>> No.11867285
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>> No.11867320

Imagine a Neo-Chinese scholar trying to make a name for himself 2500 years from now translating an epic involving the expulsion of the Mahometans from Europe. Here's an excerpt of the traditional stodgy status quo fuddy-duddy translation:

>Gas the jews
>Race war now

Cyber-Yang, however, explains that "jew" is etymologically derived from "Judaea", a place in what is now the Crusader Kingdoms but for most of recorded history up to that point was populated by Mahometan Arabs. "Race" could have several meanings; previously translators assumed that the word referred to the invading, but we also know that contests of speed, particularly involving motor vehicles, were very popular on the European continent. These competitions reached a height with what they referred to as "Formula One". This contest was open only to professionals, although many other citizens engaged in lesser contests informally. This also explains the puzzling use of the word "gas", which has traditionally been rendered as 气体 but which, in the original, is both homophonic and homonymic with 汽油, used as a fuel for motorized vehicles during that period. So, our improved translation now reads:

>Fuel the Arabs
>That they may race with us

This is just one example. As you can see, such improvements in understanding challenge the unexamined historical narratives often used to prop up xenophobic viewpoints.

>> No.11867348

Those ebonics aren't too accurate, especially the last one

>> No.11867504

Okay but what about Dostoevsky

>> No.11867550
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you pasta'd this, but I can't remember where I first saw it. You win today scholar-fag.

>> No.11867593

Simplified syntax of the dead-beat race.
Checking my INT privilege has never been this inspiring.

>> No.11867958

That was fucking funny even if it is a pasta

>> No.11868081
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>Can phonetically mimic every other language

>> No.11868087

Op here. English is not my first language.

>> No.11868377

Yea op was clearly thinking of die as in dice singular

>> No.11868448

>A textbook by David Foster Wallace

>> No.11868464

As all others who have responded to your post have said: I fucking love your idea.

>> No.11868468

It'd be difficult to do this and not be pure ideology

>> No.11868469

one day, everything will b ded

>> No.11868490

no u

>> No.11868528

anon be cry

>> No.11869167

One day the human race will be dead

So what. Everyone in this thread will be dead long before we see either happen.

>> No.11869578

>implying that some forms of babble are less accurate than others
Wow, look at this prescriptivist.

>> No.11869789
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It’s already dead.

>> No.11869803

It's part contained in Houllebeqc as a recurrent section between chapters and features in a Borges story.

Ben Marcus' The Age of Wire and String goes all in on the idea, but in high modernist style that's fuckhard to parse

>> No.11869969
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>> No.11870090

english language won't die because there's too many selfpublisher's

>> No.11870130
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Imagine 63rd century archeologist trying to figure out memes, 4chan threads and youtube vids transcribed into illuminated manuscripts by some monk before the fall of the internet

>> No.11870159
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>fuel the arabs
Always gets me

>> No.11870207
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God Bless

>> No.11870256

Everything that dies, deserves to die.

>> No.11870275
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I have a russian friend who thinks he is a communist, but after an argument I think I made him realize that what he professes is actually neoliberalism

>> No.11870280

Yes, hopefully soon.

>> No.11870285
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>> No.11870288

The Iron Heel presents mini chapters where a futuristic socialist utopia reflects on the main story taking place in the early 20th century

>> No.11870290

The end is nigh

>> No.11870870
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makes sense

>> No.11870905


>> No.11871281


>> No.11871358

Since we are talking about English, is there a good concise guide to early modern English vocabulary and grammar? It's used in the KJV of course but I read ancient Greek and Latin texts that are translated in it. Like right now I'm reading G.M. Cookson's translation of Aeschylus's plays and I can understand what it's saying fine when reading it all together but there's still so many unfamiliar words that I won't remember after this even if I look them up as I read along. I'd love to be able to write like this someday for fun

>> No.11872708

well if you really think about it one day (however distant may be) you, everybody that ever knew you and every place you ever went to will be gone

>> No.11872746

vulcan mind melds when

>> No.11872829

Lit would be so much better if we memed it into proper mediaeval manuscript notation.