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11865417 No.11865417 [Reply] [Original]

What’s some good philosophy to read during a nihilistic existential crisis? Just want to feel like I shouldn’t off myself sometime soon.

>> No.11865427

Don Quixote

>> No.11865436

Alan Watts has been doing wonders for me lately.

>> No.11865480

It's unreasonable to expect meaning and purpose to precede us as valuing agents. Furthermore, things do not have to be perfect or eternal to be worthwhile -- don't be greedy.

Get that through your skull, then make what you will of having won the lottery of existing in the first place (and I'm guessing being born in a half-decent country where you don't get dysentery from the water and so on).

Being alive can be beautiful and amazing thing, even if bittersweet. I suppose our human perspective can be a curse at times, but also consider the extent to which most humans now escape the full capriciousness of nature.

Be glad you're alive, appreciate simple pleasures and exercise. Set realistic goals and work towards them. Make sure the feedback loops are positive, instead of wallowing in negative thought.

>> No.11865483

Get a waifu.

>> No.11866438


>> No.11866604
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Check out Epicurus, It's all about the little things
We're all gonna make it anon

>> No.11867049

Crime and Punishment, but Dostoevsky in general.

>> No.11867268

babys first

>> No.11867424

Only good post in this thread

>> No.11867957
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The Stranger
Had to go on images to save this for you so you better read it quick.

>> No.11867978
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>> No.11868004

Gonna get shat on for this. But I think JBP book can help for that. It gets boring, it's not groundbreaking, but it can give a little push.

I also started to read Thus Spoke Zarathoustra. It's interesting, but Nietzche's vision is not even worth trying for most.

>> No.11868016

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel.

>> No.11868370
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Then, the Bible

>> No.11868417
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Read this immediately.

>> No.11868427
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"Zarathustra" is the most difficult and least helpful of the six Nietzsche books I've read. I would start with "Twilight of the Idols" or "The Gay Science" to get a feel for his philosophy. They're written as series of mini-essays, without the woo-woo mythical junk that makes "Zarathustra" such a slog.

Reading Nietzsche is not like reading a self-help book. You don't "get motivated" or feel that life "rocks." But you'll want to argue alongside him and against him, and his ideas will quickly melt your apathy because there's simply so much you want to think about as you read him.

>> No.11868434
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>The Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel

>> No.11868731

nah, that doesnt work, i dont find pleasure in anything

>> No.11868803

You could try reading E.M Cioran and then stop wanting to sound like him (a lil bitch)

>> No.11869085

Nigga, read Pierre Hadot. His books on Marcus aurelius and Epictetus are amazing.

>> No.11869178

Seneca and Epictetus are better options. Everything Epicurus taught us that was of any value was already common knowledge.

>> No.11869195
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Julius Evola - Ride the Tiger unironically pummels the shit out of existentialism, materialism, and the bourgeoisie.

>> No.11869207
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>> No.11869215

fucking this.
it's such a fun and comfy read that it makes you remember why life is worth living!

>> No.11869220

the best books to read are not books that directly address nihilism, they're just going to inevitably make you feel worse. read One Hundred Years of Solitude if you want to feel O.K. with life and death.

>> No.11869234
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>so kid.. you wanna ride the tiger huh?

>> No.11869239

>nihilistic existential crisis
You don't mean nihilism. You mean, "I'm demoralized/depressed." If you didn't believe in anything, you wouldn't be able to experience an existential crisis. Feeling like there's no real point to anything isn't nihilism, it's just depression or demoralization.

>> No.11869251

well I haven't read any other nietzsche but I'll be damned if that book doesn't do things for you

>Reading Nietzsche is not like reading a self-help book. You don't "get motivated" or feel that life "rocks."
I had a little of that feeling. Depends on who you are, I think, but a lot of people feel pretty empowered reading him

>> No.11869270


>> No.11869293
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