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11859941 No.11859941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking about adopting a dark triad nihilistic philosophy. A walking psychopath. Is there any philosophical reason we should be striving to be nice and good people? who is even keeping score? I mean all the psycholopaths and npcs end up getting a lot more out of life than us in the end.

>> No.11859952

Maybe have a guy paint your portrait before you embark on your epic journey of wickedness, OP.

>> No.11859953

Shit people get treated like shit and there lives have a way of going ass up eventually, no matter what

>> No.11859984

Cringe. You can't just 'become' a psychopath.

In fact, I'll tell you what. Go out and find a dog or a cat, and kill it. Right now. And post pics. You won't be able to; you'll be a) too squeamish and b) too afraid of getting into trouble. If you truly were a psychopath, you wouldn't feel either of these things.

You can't just 'think about adopting' psychopathy like it's on par with getting a gym membership or buying a new TV.

>> No.11860001

m8 i read all the major books of the marquis de sade and agree with his philosophy, but im too cowardly to do anything.

>> No.11860012

Know this: once you've identified someone as a psychopath, understand that everything that ever came out of her mouth was a lie. She never loved you, never cared for you, never even saw you as a human being. You were just an object to use and abuse. The only way to win against a psychopath is by dismissing her like she's nothing.

>> No.11860015

im a psycho desu

>> No.11860025

Sounds like you're a beta and you got dumped.

>> No.11860029


>> No.11860031

Yes, the matriarchal society and gynocentric culture is causing an epidemic of cluster B females because they have no controls on their behaviour and zero accountability.

In a strong patriarchal society females acting like they do would be locked up in an institution, so they wouldn't act like that and would tone down their actions a lot. BPD/sociopathic women act like they do because they can.

>> No.11860033

If by "patriarchal society" you mean a society where men and women are held to the same standards, I agree. It's more likely for men to assume leadership positions, so it's fair to define this kind of system as "patriarchal" even though it's egalitarian. If you mean a society where men are assumed as more capable in all fields based on their gender alone, ignoring individual performance, then of course I disagree. Also, women AND men who display this kind of destructive behaviour should be isolated from the rest of society. The traits I described as also encountered in male psychopaths, and the "affection" is incurable. Unfortunately, more often than not, female victims of psychopaths dismiss them as being "jerks" instead of mentally disordered, in the same way that male victims dismiss female psychopaths as crazy (as in typical crazy woman). Which leads to ridiculous generalizations on both sides. Like I said, female psychopaths are easier to identify. But it's not only because more and more of them feel like they can get away with insane behavior. It's also because female psychopaths are more likely to manipulate their victims insidiously, by using words alone, so they tend to display more of the traits I mentioned. Male psychopaths on the other hand are more likely to resort to physical intimidation to reach their goals. These 2 factors create the impression that narcissism and BPD (forms of psychopathy) affect mostly women. Nothing further from the truth. Psychopaths are not a gender spcific plague.

>> No.11860036

This is why the Chinese have good boy points. They’ve turned being a good citizen into a vidya game.

>> No.11860041

>who is even keeping score?
Your conscience.

>> No.11860048

My mom is a sociopath and she fancies herself a master manipulator and reader of souls but she’s really just a lonely bitch. You don’t get much out of life that way and it honestly pains me to try and conceive of such an empty existence

>> No.11860065

I don’t care morally about the content of your post, fake incredulity or obnoxious castigating responses are boring, but the tepid way of writing paired with that blank-faced anime girl picture it’s just such a perfect beacon of shame. There is aristocratic amorality, a transvaluation of values, and then there is petit-bourgeois emptiness... human husks...
The only way you could be redeemed is if you joined me in some kind of unforgivable sadistic sex orgy.

>> No.11860185

You wouldn't last five minutes as a psychopath. You're a good boy at heart. Don't do anything stupid.

>> No.11860189

can you, like, not write like a pseudo-intellectual, sweatie?

>> No.11860193

I'm a sick fuck, I like a quick fuck

>> No.11860235

>Is there any philosophical reason we should be striving to be nice and good people?
No, but you can't just become a psychopath. People will notice you're just an edgy try hard and they will treat you even worse.

>> No.11860242


>> No.11860254

>No, but you can't just become a psychopath
yes you can.

>> No.11860512

i want some book recommendations for a dark triad philosophy

>> No.11860524
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>> No.11860525

Have you even read the Republic? Do you even have a basic undederstanding of virtue ethics and the fact that people find you more reliable if you don't lie and cheat all the time? Have you even started with the greek?

>> No.11860529

i know someone who did it on purpose. he wants to be a psycho victim and is becoming one. starts with extreme introversion and narcissism. he does it so he can be a cunt who can’t help it. no one likes him.

>> No.11860531

Ahhh, how fun it was to be 13

>> No.11860532

maybe he’s just gay and in denial. sounds like it.

>> No.11860540

It doesn't like anything like that at all. Maybe you're just projecting your own homosexuality.

>> No.11860547

>I mean all the psycholopaths and npcs end up getting a lot more out of life than us in the end.
What, dying alone and unloved without having made intimate connections with other people and spread the joy and awe of the incredible world we live in? If you want material posessions or fame, sure, maybe being a misanthropic narcissist will work out, but those are misplaced goals in my opinion, and do not offer the satisfaction of embracing the world and the people in it.

>> No.11860581


>> No.11860599

>spread the joy and awe of the incredible world we live in

>> No.11860605

>spread the joy and awe of the incredible world we live in
oh wow that's a yikes from me

>> No.11860621


Pussy faggot hip cynics afraid of confronting their neglected emotions

>> No.11860633

no you're just an unbearable faggot

>> No.11860637
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It has it's downs but life isn't all horrible. You just have to know where to look. Nature is a good place to start.

>> No.11860643

you faggots are misunderstanding
this sugary outlook isn't something you should present as good
you should see the bad and fix it, by any means
this is just avoidance and frankly it's pathetic

>> No.11860657

you're supposed to load the hat before you come onstage, OP.

>> No.11860658

Just because the world is terrible doesn't mean it isn't also wonderful you oblivious children. And it'll be all the more wonderful if you fucking contribute instead of sitting around malaising about how we don't all live in constant perfect heavenly ecstacy. The perfect is the enemy of the good.

>> No.11860659

ofc it isnt horrible, the pain and suffering of all the creatures of the earth brings me joy. its a beautiful world.

>> No.11860664

I know you don't really mean that.

>> No.11860669

See 11860658 faggot

>> No.11860672

i always laugh at the poor, enjoy the idea that my food came at the expense of some animal and the knowledge that all my goods were manufactured in china by some exploited sad fucks makes me hard.

>> No.11860677

You don't have to lie to try to impress us, anon.

>> No.11860683

you need to go back to r*ddit, moralfag.

>> No.11860730

As if one extreme or the other are the only options.

I convinced my friend to go out to look for a cat with me and kill it when I was 14.
You can become whatever you want.

>> No.11860732

>I convinced my friend to go out to look for a cat with me and kill it when I was 14.

>> No.11860984

what would you do if you had to spend all of time alone?

>> No.11861025

hurting others might be wrong and could lead to extreme remorse or damnation. don't know why you would risk your potentially eternal existence.

>> No.11861038

It should be clear that this guy doesn't believe in damnation

>> No.11861154

Haha the fucking edge man
Have fun in prison with all the other dark triad idiots

>> No.11861323

Thanks. Honestly doing just a few random things I've had the urge to has given me a nice collection of unique experiences

>> No.11861336

Psychopaths are just less complex NPCs.

>> No.11861816

Who are you? I want to be in the screencap they show on the news when they finally catch you.

>> No.11861827
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Thank You Kanye, Very Cool!

>> No.11861884

Is there any reason why you should be striving to be a piece of shit?

>> No.11861931


>no matter what

what the hell are you talking about? Shit people walk out of life completely unscathed all the time, thinking that 'everything evens out' in the end in some cosmic karmic way for shit people is just what people do to convince themselves that the world isn't as unfair as it clearly is. People literally get away with murder all the time

>> No.11861934

who are you even talking to

>> No.11861944
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>> No.11861961
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>I'm thinking about adopting a dark triad nihilistic philosophy. A walking psychopath

>> No.11861972

This, actual psychopath are brainlet repeat offenders who can't control their impulses, not hannibal lecters

>> No.11862100

" nice " and " good" are psychopats.
Smart psychopats will never betray his nature. And who doesnt use this dark triad? Everyone!

>> No.11862152
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>Is there any philosophical reason we should be striving to be nice and good people? who is even keeping score?
Yes anon, God is watching. And God wants you to be nice and good.

>> No.11862184

>I mean all the psycholopaths and npcs end up getting a lot more out of life than us in the end.

Im not sure, usually people who work together are well off. Just gotta find those people anon. It'll be hard for a psychopath.

>> No.11862207

I feel like I’m reading the latest from Russia’s Memology R&D unit

>> No.11862232

Liars and cheaters are running the world and have been for a very long time.

>> No.11862339

Dear OP
Come back after you've read Stirner, not before

>> No.11862489
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>Yes anon, God is watching. And God wants you to be nice and good.

>> No.11862520

There is a huge correlation between psychopathy and lower IQ. Most psychopaths are borderline clinically retarded if not outright clinically retarded. Stop falling for movie memes.

>> No.11862538

i myself have a pretty wicked sense of humor

>> No.11862801

> still hasn't realised love and belonging are most wholesome feelings.

>> No.11862850

this, I would probably be a sociopath atm if I wasn't intelligent enough to see past its lack of soundness. actively stabilizing yourself at a balanced core is the trick to avoiding poor thought progression.

>> No.11863632

Good books on/about sociopaths guys?

>> No.11863664


>> No.11863755

Anon.. Easy on the memes

>> No.11863761

I thought most psychopaths had High IQ's

>> No.11863763

Psychopathy is a medical condition, you can't just become one only because you want to.

>> No.11863807

There's no real correlation between IQ and ASPD, sociopaths can be highly intelligent as well as dumb as bricks.

>> No.11863974

not true. they are all dumb as bricks.

>> No.11864975
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That's what an intelligent sociopath like yourself would want us to think!

>> No.11865287

Never read something so fucking cringe in my life

>> No.11865304

my twisted diary desu

>> No.11865306


you'll find sociopaths if you can comb the groups well enough but they hide really easily. its also really easy to find submissive people

>> No.11865878

>who is keeping score

never gonna make it

>> No.11866760

>never gonna make it
never gonna make it

>> No.11866788

Gamers rise up

>> No.11866809

They not be caught but they don’t get away with anything

>> No.11866821
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>> No.11867469

Unironically this