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File: 30 KB, 380x515, your brain on porn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11856908 No.11856908[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

seriously a mind fuck fellas

>> No.11856912

Your Brain On Porn - Gary Wilson

>> No.11856998

NoPorn + NoFap + Bible Study = Übermensch = INDISPUTABLE TRUTH

>> No.11856999

why? I already realized porn screwed me up. Does this book tell me anything else?

>> No.11857011

What if you masturbate without using porn ?

>> No.11857013

yes. it's mostly science. you can understand how, and why, and what to do about it and how to do it, if you want

for instance experiments show that for 3 days after masturbation, social anxiety as well as decreased ability for eye contact are very prevalent

it talks about the parts of your brain that are affected, how they are affected, how your brain structure changes, and that you can change it back to how it should be if you want

>> No.11857023

not sure about that one, but I think its generally discouraged if you want to break out of the addiction cycle

>> No.11857038
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And this:

>> No.11857049
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dont make this about that

>> No.11857061

>If you do anything staring at pictures on a screen rather than going outside. Don't.

Or don't be a fucking neanderthal, OP.

>> No.11857069

>3 days after masturbation, social anxiety as well as decreased ability for eye contact are very prevalent

Come on, I know you are all incel losers, but get a grip.

>> No.11857070

I’m more worried about the internet in general desu

>> No.11857074

Are these claims applicable to women too?
I have a lady friend who frequently watches pornography. I worry for her well being too.

>> No.11857080

i do nofap and there is 0 difference except i get a wet dream every week.

>> No.11857086

I'm a girl who doesn't watch porn but only reads yaoi shota, specifically where older men rape the shota. I don't know if this applies to me.

>> No.11857087

I've read that masturbation decreases risk of prostate cancer by 20%. I really enjoyed nofap but cancer scares the shit out of me

>> No.11857097

read more then. educate yourself more instead of less. never let yourself be scared away from investigating things deeper.

>> No.11857098

It also makes you a horny neurotic, so there's that.

>> No.11857102

Because all people who have ever directed porn are jewish and have the exact same motives as him

>> No.11857103

does this even make sense to you?
no way any legitimate study could ever arrive at that conclusion and I'm sure even for their bullshit report the numbers look something like
>you have a .000003% chance of getting prostrate cancer
>wacking off will reduce this by TWENTY percent
>please, keep violating yourself out of fear, you licentious peasant
c'mon man

>> No.11857105

how long have you done it for successfully? there are nofap websites of people who have done it for months, years, and they all have definite benefits to speak of

yes, our brains work the same way as far as addiction goes

>> No.11857115
File: 83 KB, 750x500, JF_SP_BOSTONMEDICALGROUP_0707717_0051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obvious Gary Wilson, that while able to "quit porn", was never able to quit the masturbation habit and holds no problem with recreational sex.
While being mostly correct about the harms of porn, his tepid approach puts more holes in his argument than Swiss cheese.
He's a terrible figure to advocate against pornography, simply by virtue of people disliking hypocrites. Look at him. The only thing he can serve as is an example of what happens when sexual excess is taken a bridge too far, which leaves you a wretched, shell of yourself, mentally as we all know, and physically too.

As someone who has done both. It is of little difference. Sexual release causes negative side effects, like impaired motivation and hypersexualized mind, no matter if you do it on your own or with a corporeal other.

Note, he didn't truly "quit porn" if he switched it out for masturbation without it or sexual release in some other form. Pornography instilled habitual sexual release. It instilled the urge to repeat it at such an inflated frequency.
You might not be using the porn, but you're still using the neurological habit pathways that were created by it. In a sense, it still uses you.

Below are some studies.
Two of them are never mentioned by Wilson in anything. Also, I've written in extensive detail about the neuroendocrine consequences that arise from sex act to show that it isn't a biological free lunch on numerous occasions. You can find these posts easily. Yet, this is unintelligible to most laymen.

None of their discussion sections, like Mr. Wilson, want to approach the Elephant in the room, the potential for these findings to be extrapolated and generalized to all sexual activity.
>Brain structure and functional connectivity associated with pornography consumption: the brain on porn.
Shows a loss of gray matter in the right caudate of the striatum from pornography indulgence.

>Pornographic picture processing interferes with working memory performance.

>Craving Responses to Methamphetamine and Sexual Visual Cues in Individuals With Methamphetamine Use Disorder After Long-Term Drug Rehabilitation.
"that sexual demand might be more robust than drug demand"
That should spell out an unironic "yikes". The urge to copulate is literally stronger than drugs in drug addicts.

You reinforce this urge, it will direct your daily routine, behaviors and activities and drain you. You cannot approach this lightly.
My suggestion is to avoid Wilson altogether to instead read older literature on the matter, and trying to devise new mechanisms with the latest medical research. Start with.
>Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence

Good luck anons. Freedom is possible.

>> No.11857116

>Horny neurotic
Yeah, nofap really does do that to you

>> No.11857118

using any neuron network in your brain strengthens those neurons

where neurons fire, the brain wires

the more you think about sexual activity, the more habitually you will engage in sexual complusions

>> No.11857119

well, afaik there was only a correlation

>> No.11857120

I've been on NoFap for 2 weeks now and am already feeling much better. No more brain fog and I am not feeling tired anymore. Another big difference is I am finding it much easier to talk to women, something I couldn't even do before I started NoFap. Please stop watching porn, it literally degrades your body and mind.

>> No.11857121

a month or 2

>> No.11857130

does this even make sense to you?
no way any legitimate study could ever arrive at that conclusion and I'm sure even for their bullshit report the numbers look something like
>you have a 3% chance of getting the flu
>Flu shots will reduce this by NINETY percent
please, keep violating yourself out of fear, you licentious peasant
c'mon man

>> No.11857134

I'm with you, there's a book called Cupid's Poisoned Arrow I am into about this very subject

Gary Wilson presents less of an immediately off-putting and controversial hypothesis at face value, so it is not as prohibitive to gaining new readership

>> No.11857136

>yes, our brains work the same way as far as addiction goes
Understood, thank you.

>> No.11857140

i think i has link with your prostate slewing too much, and mastrubation reducing that.

>> No.11857145

>loves jacking off
>because it feels good, thinks it must be good
>could investigate why it might be harmful
>continues jacking off

>> No.11857151

if this prostate shit were true, then why isn't prostate cancer a fucking epidemic amongst monks and the like, for all history of monasticism, thousands of years?

>> No.11857165

I've been on nofap on and off for years, and in my current streak it has been about 2 months

instead of actively engaging in sexual fantasy, I choose not to. I've been trying to see people as human beings, not sex objects, and form genuine connections based on bonding, not mating

I'm not a horny neurotic at all anymore

>> No.11857171
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>muh science

literally who cares

>> No.11857174

How do you know it was not?

>> No.11857179

It is.

>> No.11857182

Ive been on NoFap for 4 months now and can easy say my life has never been better. There is a highly noticeable difference when I would jerk off every other day. Not watching porn has stopped my anxiety and depression completely and I don't over eat anymore. I can't couldn't believe something like pornography and fapping was ruining my life until I actually tried quitting.

>> No.11857186

dude, don't be so attached to your idea about your life that you need to masturbate to feel alright that when a body of work presents itself that contains an opportunity to gain a larger understanding of things, whether going in you are predisposed to agree with the viewpoints/ extrapolation of the evidence or not, that you will opt out of investigating/exposing yourself information which could possibly change your opinions for the better because your are Afraid of your opinions changing in the first place

>> No.11857189

>violating yourself
Bitch please

>> No.11857191

you sure it's not an autosuggestion?

>> No.11857194

Aside from the ones who fuck little boys

> there are websites of people
Who do any stupid shit you can think of and praise it to high heaven as the reason for being alive. People are stupid retards, and you are a retard for believing anything anyone online tells you. Or I would be a billionaire with an elephant size cock and a harem of nubile women (m/f) at my beck and call

Are you all this much of a fucking waste of oxygen. Christ people, this thread.

>> No.11857196



>> No.11857201


Fuck off with your net fodder

>> No.11857202

I'm all for no-porn, but lemme point out some inaccuracies here.

Prostate cancer is REALLY fucking common. Beyond common, to the point of expected once you hit a certain age (70+).
Prepare for it gentlemen, whether you wank or not. This is a serious epidemic effecting nearly all men.

Especially if your black, as black men are effected with prostate cancer much more frequently than whites. However, they experience penile cancer far less. As of yet no one knows why this is.

>> No.11857203
File: 50 KB, 850x400, quote-lust-indulged-became-habit-and-habit-unresisted-became-necessity-saint-augustine-76-74-99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the opposite.

>Sexual activity and prostate cancer risk in men diagnosed at a younger age

>Whereas frequent overall sexual activity in younger life (20s) increased the disease risk, it appeared to be protective against the disease when older (50s). Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s

>Prostate cancer mortality among Catholic priests.

This is a canard. When unchaste, I can masturbate or have sex 3+ times a day. It satiates for a half hour. The rest of the day is baseline arousal "horiness" is far worse when unchaste and is easily triggered by just about anything. It is a feedback mechanism.
When abstinent, sex isn't on my mind and I am not aroused. The "horniness" is not there.

While you may have been physically abstinent for a short period, you were never practicing mental abstinence. You still conjured and indulged in lascivious thoughts. You still exposed yourself to sexual stimuli. Of course you would be horny all the time. You have no frame of reference.

>> No.11857208

that's right, keep jacking off you vapid twat and go spout your superiority nonsense despite the potential downsides that you refuse to look at

nofap is obviously not the reason for being alive. the actual point is to make it easier to live for other things than sexual obsession. so that you can better live for other reasons, reasons that might seem to be a little more well placed

>> No.11857211

>When abstinent, sex isn't on my mind and I am not aroused.

Fuck off. I know you have an agenda, but what you are claiming is anecdotal at best, ludicrous and meaningless. Which you would know, if you didn't have your head stuck up your no-fap incel ass.

>> No.11857215

>the potential downsides

There are no downsides, you retard.

>> No.11857218

you are thinking emotionally, not rationally

this is /lit/, not /pol/

dispute logical points on a logical basis. there is evidence presented you are not engaging with

>> No.11857226

And you are making a /pol/ strawman, because all you have is shitty rhetoric. I don't argue with morons. Your are one.

>> No.11857231

honestly what do you think the overall control agenda could be?

why will you suspect people providing evidence for nofap as having some sort of control agenda over you, while you automatically assume that the good folks who tell you to keep jacking off must really have your best interests at heart?

>> No.11857235

>there are nofap websites of people who have done it for months, years, and they all have definite benefits to speak of
These people must have been chronic masturbators, doing literally nothing else but jerking it. I did nofap when I got into a relationship, it just wrecked my stamina and led to a disappointed girlfriend.

>> No.11857242
File: 6 KB, 280x180, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have any concern for truth, give due attention and consideration to the works and evidence provided. or else continue to be willfully ignorant. just dont lie to yourself that you aren't ignoring things.

>> No.11857244

>control agenda
No one said anything about control. You have an agenda to give meaning to your pointless waste of breath belief. I don't.

Your no-fap is like any other cult, normal people make fun of you, because you are nutty and like to make hocus arguments based on rhetoric and pseudoscience.

>> No.11857247

I don't feel like I need to read it personally because I'm not addicted and almost never look at the stuff, but I appreciate you sharing this info. It sounds like a valuable read.

My main concern with porn is its nihilistic nature. Like modern art, it is empty of meaning. Baudrillard:

>The illusion of desire has been lost in the ambient pornography and contemporary art has lost the desire of illusion. In porn, nothing is left to desire. After the orgies and the liberation of all desires, we have moved into the transsexual, the transparency of sex, with signs and images erasing all its secrets and ambiguity. Transsexual, in the sense that it now has nothing to do with the illusion of desire, only with the hyperreality of the image.

>> No.11857248

>dont make this about that
That's what this is about. It's what it boils down to.

>> No.11857249


Fuck off loser

>> No.11857252

It isn't. See >>11857102

>> No.11857255

there is a period of time that you have to get through after which you can get your stamina back

your brain gets addicted to the sexual novelty. then when you switch to one partner, the way your brain is firing takes time to change

nofap has actually shown to reduce ED over the long term VERY consistently in the evidence

>> No.11857266

interesting quote m8, very interesting thought

any books related?

>> No.11857269
File: 269 KB, 1200x1335, uhrrrrrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you extrapolated from your own n=1 experience by saying "duurrr you'll be horny all the time!".
I've noted on numerous occasions the habitual drivers of sexual activity and how sexual activity, like almost anything else pleasurable is subject to habituation and this is verified by a number of studies (search sexual activity + delta FosB). It makes sense how doing less of it, and having less sexually arousing material around would effectuate less sexual activity. Consider the Coolidge effect too, where the very presence of other partners or novelty stimulates greater frequencies of copulation.

What's my agenda? Wanting to propagate these ideas chiefly and secondly to help people. This pernicious habit led to me wasting a large chunk of my life and made me focus on trivial pitfalls centered on getting off instead of my dreams and goals.

>implying there is such a thing as a biological free lunch without any physiological repercussions, much less to the one act that affects your body more profoundly than anything else.
This is just willful ignorance at this point.

>> No.11857274

just because it's science that you haven't looked at yourself and challenged your presuppositions does not automatically qualify it as pseudoscience

>> No.11857276

>your brain gets addicted to the sexual novelty. then when you switch to one partner, the way your brain is firing takes time to change

Entering any sort of relationship is about the greatest reward trigger you can possibly get outside of being a professional athlete.

>> No.11857277
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>> No.11857287
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>> No.11857290

Yes, that quote is from Baudrillard's The Conspiracy of Art. I highly recommend Baudrillard's work in general if you're interested in semiotics and the significance of meaning in contemporary culture.

>> No.11857295

Jews dominate the porn business and brag about their domination of it. And the reason why there is so much sick porn is because jews are an alien desert race who using it as a weapon. They have admitted to doing this and have done it to Palestinians as well, taking over their airwaves and putting porn all over the television.

You cannot separate the porn problem from the jewish problem.

>> No.11857301

>You cannot separate the porn problem from the jewish problem.
Yes you can, because there are non-Jewish porn directors, and non-Jewish porn enthusiasts.

>> No.11857302


I'm sure it must be hard imagining how a normal person functions

Normal people masturbate and go about their normal, productive lives

Normal people look at bogus shit and discard it as what it is

I don't need to argue with you because what you are claiming is silly. You are silly. Use all the strawman images and shit you like, it doesn't change the simple fact that I am 'normal', in this one sense at least, and you are wacko cultists

>> No.11857305

>jews are not 100% of porn directors so there is no jewish problem, goy.
That is not an argument.

>> No.11857314
File: 179 KB, 727x1071, Nabokovs-America-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fap once in a day or two
>resume my daily activities without giving it a further thought
i mean if you feel like you're gonna be the next davinci because you haven't jerked off for a month, more power to you and i'm looking forward to your contributions to humanity, but don't bother sane people with your patronizing shit because you've done it 8 times and now you don't

>art necessarily having a didactic purpose
yikes, anita sarkeesian tier

>> No.11857316

That's not what was implied.

>> No.11857319

>the jewish problem

Yeah... Back to your containment camp, you inbred incel, you

>> No.11857325

>nofap has actually shown to reduce ED over the long term VERY consistently in the evidence
Prove it

>> No.11857327

mental health statistics will tell you what the new normal has become

normal does not equate to good in a disordered society

“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. "Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does." They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.”

>> No.11857333
File: 125 KB, 600x425, 9759ba9d6b8632b82b189a0a68571588ededda2a_1_600x425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are a problem, and porn is one of the main problems they cause. If these facts make you uncomfortable re&dit is where you need to be, not here, where some understanding of the JQ is required.

>> No.11857337

read the book yourself. I'm not going to go digging for sources for you. USE GOOGLE! because that is exactly what I would be doing to find a link for you

there are torrents of the audiobook version available if you are a poor sap like me

>> No.11857339

quit your fucking thread derailment tactics and gtfo

no matter who makes the porn, it could be fucking space aliens for all I care - our engagement with it is our choice. that we choose to indulge in it despite its potential downfalls is our problem, not someone elses

>> No.11857343
File: 429 KB, 2033x1602, Von Gruber on sexual excess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing
>aspiring to be a "normal person"
That's exactly the problem with all forms of sexual excess. It causes you to be a mediocre, regular joe that aspires to nothing great. His foremost concern is being placated by that orgasmic bliss. It is everything else that is a hassle for him.
Normal people hardly lead productive lives. They lead incredibly wasteful lives dedicated to attaining various sensual pleasures. All the work and chores they do is a hassle. They come home, stuff their face, watch TV, have sex and got to bed only to repeat the same monotony again and again, except for the weekends where they try to make up for it in bouts of drunkeness and debauchery.
You are a worthless bugman telling others to join you as a worthless bugman.
Lastly, I never said it impaired functioning or made you inept.
You can still function, do a your job and so forth but you'll never do anything great or worthwhile. I have much grander things to spend my limited time on than this wasteful, motivation sapping habit, that leaves me just a "normal person". They work on discipline. I work on motivation and seek to maximize it and the flow states it begets.

Please consider injecting yourself with a lethal dose of pentobarbital.

>> No.11857349

>mental health statistics will tell you what the new normal has become

I hope you recognize your unabomber neuroticism, and that you're having fun LARP'ing. Also I like that you incorporated the tragic sense of existential loneliness and desperation in looking for a cause to champion even when choosing something to blatantly silly as not jerking off. I know you are strong, you can do it. I have faith in you, anon, you give us all hope in the future of humanity.

You absolute, utter fucking retart

>> No.11857350

Attributing the whole problem of porn to Jews is disingenuous and you're prone to making a mistake in your analysis of it then. Stay true to the matter at hand.

>> No.11857351

>thread derailment
That is the subject of this thread: who is making the vast majority of the porn and why.

It's ludicrous to think you can separate the jewish problem from the porn issue. Seriously, you are on 4chan. GTFO if you aren't ready to confront this issue.

>> No.11857354

read the scientific literature

or don't

>> No.11857357

>Jews are a problem, and porn is one of the main problems they cause.

This shit is golden.

Awww, you pulled the reddit. Did I strike a nerve?

>> No.11857359

>the whole problem
No one said the whole, we're saying the vast majority.

Read about jewish control of the porn industry in their own words.


>> No.11857362

What's wrong with banks? Is there any solid theory about economy without interest and debt? Is progress even possible without it?

>> No.11857364

Says the guy who continually resorts to ad hominems. You have no substance in any of your posts. Just long winded, empty attacks spiced up by only random /lit/ buzzwords. You're the definition of a pseud.

>> No.11857365

>mind fuck


>> No.11857366

The problem isn't the institution, it's the foreign tribe in charge of the institution who is using in their interest and against the interest of the host.

>> No.11857368

no, the subject of this thread is a book. the book is about the negative effects of porn

it's like saying, here's a thread about wheat. heres evidence why its unhealthy to eat. the thread is not about farmers.

your line of thought is nonconstructive and will go nowhere. focus on issues that hurt people and how to help those people. conspiracies are irrelevant

>> No.11857370

>That is the subject of this thread: who is making the vast majority of the porn and why.

The actual PROPER topic of this thread, is this: Is porn literature? Does literature proper serve a gratification purpose similar to porn, or rather, are the apologists right in that it serves either a social, or spiritual, rather than purely entertainment purpose?

Ahh, who am I kidding, let's get the clowns back in the ring!

>> No.11857377

Porn would not be a problem for white men if it wasn't being wielded by our enemy, and was regulated by our kin who had our best interests in mind. You are trying to separate issues that cannot be separated and pretending you can ignore the source of the problem.

>> No.11857378

>You have no substance in any of your posts.

Of course I do. It's called not being an utter tool listening to dimwits like you. I encourage it in anyone else who might have the bad luck to inadvertently open this shitty thread.

>> No.11857381

The intention behind the creation of porn isn't the subject of the thread. There are many intentions behind the creation of porn, since there are many different kinds of creators who participate in porn. The thread is about what porn means to us and the scientific explanation for its appeal and how it can change us.

The subject of porn ultimately rests with the significance of meaning in contemporary society.

>> No.11857382

Ah yes, whenever you use ad hominems and meme tier topics, nobody really calls you out. Yet, I use a little of your tactics on you, you ignore the post and resort to that. The one is is clearly upset here is you. You are the one who first showed any sign of being upset. You are the one who first resorted to ad hominem and unsubstantiated slandering (muh incel!).

>> No.11857386

>Porn would not be a problem for white men if it wasn't being wielded by our enemy

You're a fucking retard. If it bothers you, just don't watch it.

>> No.11857390

Porn is a problem because it's controlled by semites who hate whites and are using it as a social weapon against whites, as they admit to doing themselves. Go to reddit, kid, this place isn't for you.

>> No.11857398

warmed up meme

>> No.11857399

>just stop watching it
I haven't watched porn in years. The best way to stop watching porn is to learn about the jewish problem, and the jewish role in things like porn.

>> No.11857400

Yes, I am so upset you got me. It must be because I am so jealous of your superior character and strength of will. In not masturbating. Because it sure isn't because of your sense of humour.

I really don't give a shit what you think. I am not arguing with you, I am not reasoning with you. You are an utter tool, and I am making fun of you.

>> No.11857403

>The best way to stop watching porn is to learn about the jewish problem

Well either that, or, you know, get a life.

>> No.11857405

everyone is vulnerable to exploitation from a million different sources

if you choose to do healthy things and not healthy things, if you choose to be independently educated, the chances of you being exploited are less

help other people to be healthy, independent thinkers, and invulnerable to exploitation, and exploitation becomes irrelevant

if you boil everything down to a massive conspiracy you will never go beyond that and find practical solutions for actual problems, solutions that might actually help real people in their real lives

>> No.11857410

>Go to reddit, kid, this place isn't for you.
The lack of self-awareness is astounding.

>> No.11857424

You're probably just stupid. A very basic understanding of the JQ is expected here. You are out of place.

>> No.11857428

I'm enjoying the discussions on this thread.

>> No.11857430
File: 44 KB, 850x400, quotepythagoras0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lalala I'm not listening!
This is willful ignorance. You are incredibly upset right now because you don't want the remote chance of the thought that it might, precipitate negative effects and be undermining your life. Your post is pathetic and you are not as intelligent as you think you are.
This is the equivalent of a fat person justifying their gluttony or a child throwing a temper tantrum at the thought he cannot have another cookie.

>> No.11857431

>watching porn.
Porn is meant to be read.

>> No.11857442

>associating the act of reading with sexual arousal
Worst possible thing you can do.

>> No.11857446

you can literally pick out the females itt

>> No.11857451

dead thread. thanks again stormfaggots.

>> No.11857478

it's not just stormfaggots

it's also the refusal to engage in rational discussion on a point-to-point basis

providing evidence is worthless if one party refuses to look at it

>> No.11857533

You guys don't belong here. And only jews use that outdated term btw.

>> No.11857535

imagine caring about this, are you all faggots or women, i dont understand

>> No.11857551

what are you getting at dude? just spit it out.

>> No.11857588

i believe you have it backwards

you, sir, are the faggot

>> No.11857603

Homosexuals don't care about the consequences of sexual indulgence. It's pretty clear you're the faggot.

>> No.11857608

>he consequences of sexual indulgence
imagine saying something this gay and then calling others faggots

are you all teetotalers or something

>> No.11857611

Imagine arguing on an image board for hours about whether to touch your dick or not.

>> No.11857620

Jews are hostile conquerors. Once you realize that it's a "a-ha, so this is how it is." and I really don't understand the butthurt.

>> No.11857632

merely touching your dick and stimulating yourself to the point of ejaculation are quite different things

>> No.11857633

What is the obsession with porn.

Porn is just a tool I use to help me masturbate. If it weren't for porn, I'd just use my imagination and social media pictures. I'd still feel like shit afterward.

It's not the porn that's the issue, it's the masturbation. And it's not even the masturbation that's the issue it's the lack of sex, intimacy and affection as well as the punishing need to stimulate myself in the shallowest of ways.

>> No.11857645

what people seem to dislike the most about the topic is that the people who promote awareness of it are usually hostile themselves and often commit divine fallacy.

>> No.11857648

I'm all for NoPorn. I haven't watched porn in over a month. But why the fuck would I do NoFap?

>> No.11857652

do you actually know any Jews? They are just people, who are more tribal on average, and have a fairly high verbal iq, which means that some Jews form little mafias and take over industries. They are hardly the only ethnicity that does this, they are just better at it

there is no head Jew dictating how this works

>> No.11857659

>What is the obsession with porn.

You're asking on a website where half the users can only jerk it to tranny porn. These people are fucked up and can't even function sexually anymore