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11854265 No.11854265 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy is cool and all, but let's cut the bullshit. Which philosopher was right?

>> No.11854267


>> No.11854271
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>> No.11854272

What was he right about?

>> No.11854275


>> No.11854278
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Post neo-Platonisc jazz NOW

>> No.11854283
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>> No.11854287
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>> No.11854383


>> No.11854384


>> No.11854403
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based and redpilled

>> No.11854409

She's so autistic. I want to nakadashi her

>> No.11854503

hey Joe

>> No.11854550

but Op said to cut the bullshit

>> No.11854564


>> No.11854576

Where you gonna go

>> No.11854590


>> No.11854861

No one. They're all hacks.

>> No.11855337


>> No.11855342


>> No.11855361

This. Philosophy is only impressive at the beginning and/or if you're a doctrinarian, as many people on /lit/ actually are. The more you read, the more you start to realize that at least 90% of them are totally disingenuous and just writing crap to support whatever they want to believe. Even those that seem supremely rational like Kant still have an agenda.
Having said this, modern philosophy is definitely worse than ancient and medieval philosophy. I have no doubt there are people on this board that legitimately think Nietzsche is a genius and that probably haven't and won't read a person like Anselm ever in their fucking life.

>> No.11855421
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she is cute, CUTE!
And she's on the TRUE PATH.

Philosophy DOES NOT SAVE.

>> No.11855436

>t. STEMfag

>> No.11855517

"We live our way into thinking; we do not think our way into living" -Kierkegaard

Kierkegaard was right in being the best phenomenalogist. However, his philosophy was not "right" as much as it was his own and true for him as your philosophy should be true for you and do the same.

Other good branches/thinkers:
William James, John Dewey, and Pragmatism although both James and Dewey have things wrong that I disagree with.
Jean-Paul Sartre is a good read if you want to get laid via existentialism.
Platonists should be shot, these as well as many philiosophical branches are more about society, and this is where I think Dewey has his faults as well, instead of the individual. These people have a general disdain for the phenomena of the individual and see philosophy as something meant to better society, a reverse of this is true. Bettering the individual betters society, idealistic society worship betters no one as we have seen occur since the 1960s.

>> No.11855522

All of them

>> No.11855529

They are all right when they're tearing down the other guy, but none are right when establishing their own foundation.

>> No.11855531

Daniel Dennett

>> No.11855541
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>"platonists should be shot"
I'm a Platonist, fight me. Why do you hate the truth?

>> No.11856097

You idealistic fool. There is no truth except for the one we create ourselves.

>> No.11856136

Sounds like a truth

>> No.11856147
File: 8 KB, 175x287, Zizek pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11856154

slavoj zizek, very intelligent reading of hegel and lancan, pratical for modern times and (thank god) still alive today.

>> No.11856400

None of them because western philosophy doesn't bother itself with primordial truth

not even a eastern loving faggot before anyone feels like insulting me, just someone who has read extensively

>> No.11856687

Aristotle, Pierce and Stirner.

>> No.11856703

Neechee was so right he reshaped the entire West.

>> No.11856705

In response to your point about individualism, how do you respond IRL to people who preach about bettering society while ignoring the individual?

>> No.11856796

All of them, even the hacks.

>> No.11856821

With that gun in your hand