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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.16 MB, 2098x1024, bloomer and doomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11849210 No.11849210 [Reply] [Original]

What can they both read and enjoy?

>> No.11849218

The Færie Queene

>> No.11849251
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fresher, younger, more vital doomer incoming

>> No.11849284

stop forcing this meme

>> No.11849296

So what's the point of this
Am i supposed to relate to this loser

>> No.11849384

I feel personally attacked here

>> No.11849657

Escape from Freedom

>> No.11849679

I'm 27 and I'm here to report that these memes are true. 27 is a much happier age than 23, regardless of any external conditions that might suggest otherwise. Life just gets better with age.

>> No.11849696

Thank you based bloomer.
t. 21 year old doomer

>> No.11849700

How does it get better? Did things change in your life for the better or did you just stop giving a shit?

>> No.11849701

The Sirens of Titan

>> No.11849707

25 year old here

things dont get better in your life until you realize that they will only get better if you make them better, and that is your responsibility to do that, no one else's. and if you dont make them better, your life will still suck. dont blame anyone else.

then your life can become way better, way fast.

dont wait for someone to come along and fix your shit for you. because they wont. and you will keep suffering until you take the fucking wheel

"not giving a shit" is surely an option, but that is an option that opts for numbness. you cant numb yourself from pain without also numbing yourself from joy and genuine good feelings.

if you really want to have a fulfilling life, you have to take the wheel. and try to be a good person for fucks sake while you are at it, because if not, you will have a very lonely life.

love is real m8

>> No.11849714

confront your problems

the more effort you put into understanding the issues you are facing, searching for solutions and trying to apply them, the faster your life will make sense

>> No.11849753

i'm 25 and my life hasn't gotten better in the last 5 years despite me trying. which is precisely why i'm losing hope. anyways i didin't expect a serious answer anyways.

>> No.11849756


>> No.11849765

Never been a doomer, the concept feels alien to me. What is some good literature to understand the doomer?

>> No.11849771

some people never take responsibility for their lives, even to their graves. to at least attempt to do it at 25 is a massive leg up on the people who live into their 70s and still blame all their shit on everyone besides themselves (I know people like this)

at least you are trying. but maybe you aren't trying enough, or in the right way. there is raw effort, and then there is also the effort that you need to put into trying to get a different perspective on your situation and reframe your understanding of things

open yourself up to sources of wisdom that you may have shunned before. they can literally come from anywhere.

>> No.11849780

im not sure what wisdom i can open up to. i've lost weight, i got a job, i've been studying programming, started dressing better and taking better care of my hygiene, got my teeth straightened, started getting mental health therapy and yet despite that literally nothing has changed. i'm in a worse position now than when i was 20. give me a book telling me what i can do more or for that extra wisdom.

>> No.11849784

pessoa, montagne, leopardi, and thomas bernhard

>> No.11849794

Existentialism is Humanism.

>> No.11849795

Well... is it an a or an e?

>> No.11849798

literally try The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

that's a good place to start. sounds like you are also trying to attract a mate? I would also recommend Be the Person You Want to Find by Cheri Huber

there's more than thousands of books devoted purely to wisdom. there's also a vast natural world and all of its animals, there's old people, and there's children. they have quite a bit of wisdom too if you pay attention, and so do your dogs and cats.

if you feel too tired to read, there's youtube vids. there's alan watts, osho, terrence mckenna. put your back into the search my friend and you will likely find something that will mean something to you. do not consider giving up before you know that you have literally tried everything.

>> No.11849803
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tf me

>> No.11849808

what is a good life worth to you? what would you be willing to pay, in effort, in suffering, in contemplation, in order to "purchase" the life you would rather be living? you can't even know what that life is like and what it is worth until you've literally given it everything youve got to try and get there

focus less on achieving circumstances and more on achieving better perspectives

>> No.11849810


>> No.11849837


>> No.11849843

hopefully we can try to help each other in these lives that dont often make sense, so if you have helpful ideas, please share them

>> No.11849926

There is literally nothing worse than nu-4chan.

>> No.11849975

Notes from Underground

>> No.11849983

>Notes from Underground
That's an amazing pick.

>> No.11849989

no it doesn't

i'm 28 and all aging has done for me is induce anxieties about my age

>> No.11850008

22 year old doomer is a cyberpunk larper, and i can relate

>> No.11850014


>> No.11850020

Who gives a fuck? I'll rap the entirety of Culture of Critique for $1000. I have NO shame whatsoever.

>> No.11850028

That’s cause you squandered your life on anime image boards, faggot.

>> No.11850040


>> No.11850049

I think Dostoevski in general fits the theme. Crime and Punishment and Notes from the Underground were good, havent read anything ese from him tho

>> No.11850060

>the jews are the reason i'm a loser

>> No.11850064

Take some shrooms

>> No.11850127

>just tacked on a few stale memes

>> No.11850154

Tao Te Ching nigga

>> No.11850166


>> No.11850179
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William James' Varieties of Religious Experience

>> No.11850284
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>> No.11850312

is it bad that i relate to this? im 24. is this a generational thing?

>> No.11850332

I relate to that one except it is like only one dimension of me, and some of the other dimensions directly contradict it even. Im also 24

>> No.11850353


>> No.11850371
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>> No.11850537

Its me.

Perfectionist disgusted with extraverts society values, disgusted with hedonism, disgusted with advertising, always carefull not to overdo alcohol or other drugs... Always not really happy.

I dont believe someone could excuse their behaviour with "i was drunk" or sth. like this, so anyone who does it loses his value in my eyes.

I almost stopped believing in things like love or justice.

What about Adventures of Alice in Wonderland?

>> No.11850568

>nigger rap starts
>entire song ruined

>> No.11850738


>> No.11850790
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>i got a job
There's your problem.

>> No.11850810

the bible

>> No.11850931

>tfw you finally cant relate to 4chan
my sentence is coming to end

>> No.11850941

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.11850942

Memes on the internet are for idiots, just try screaming at people in real life instead

>> No.11850950

The Icelandic Sagas

>> No.11850987

Alcohol really isn't some magical *turns you evil* potion. And no one with a sane mind would claim being drunk excuses immoral behavior, it just explains it, which means nothing.
Seriously, why the fuck are some people so afraid of getting drunk? Try it out sometime, you aren't turning into Hitler with a few sips too much.

>> No.11851003

There will never be a universally applicable answer to such questions about life, because everyone's circumstances are ultimately very different. Any effort to distill one's own experience into some general rule is simply an exercise of the ego.
And it can't be any other way, does not need to be so, because the answers are always right under your own nose anyway, if you are brave enough to go down that path. Any answer that doesn't begin with the demand to look within, is no answer but a weak thinly veiled expression of authority and self importance under the guise of wisdom.

>> No.11851009

i just gave one...

>> No.11851087

If you're that well meaning anon, sorry but all you've given are handjobs for your own ego.

>> No.11851148

What the fuck does your therapist say about this mindset of yours? My therapist told me about this concept called "radical acceptance." My mom was an abusive sociopath who shaped me to be a constant source of affirmation for her and then got bored of me after I went to college. My dad was simply not present in my life. I've been suicidal since I was 12, barring the last 6 months where I've been up to the challenge of living.

Maybe your life does suck. Maybe this existence is hell. Did you want an easy life? Do you want a cushy existence where mommy and daddy pay for your every whim, provide you with money and beautiful physical features to attract you any mate you could desire, and put you into a high paying job so that you can maintain their standard of living the rest of your life raising children whose grandchildren will reek of generations of entitlement? What the fuck did you expect would happen?

On top of all that, is there seriously nothing about your existence you find worthwhile? You never have a moment where you look at some flowers or hear some music you like and feel good? The nature of human existence means that any goodness you do experience, if your life really is the hell that you describe, is intensely magnified in the context of your experience. Water tastes better to a man dying of thirst.

I actively push myself to suffer because it makes me stronger. I don't give a fuck about living a good life.

>> No.11851574

shut the fuck up imbecile

>> No.11851595

cynic brainlet

>> No.11851600

how I love to see myself

>> No.11851862

>new age self-help isn't brainlet tier

>> No.11851863

I'm almost 26. When it's going to change, bro?

>> No.11851891

what are you referencing, some antifragile career shit that about 1% of the elite can access?

>> No.11851892

The Holy Bible

>> No.11851895

he's referencing wageslavery

>> No.11851904

i assumed the pic meant taleb had some thoughts on the topic

>> No.11851914

the OP's doomer is a better image but Burroughs is pretty /doom/

>> No.11851921 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11851926
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Fucking delete this now

>> No.11851928
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>> No.11851932
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>> No.11851942
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Related interests

>> No.11851949

These are literally so caricatural. I refuse to believe that any of them can actually describe a real, living person, even someone who browses 4chan.

>> No.11851953
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Better start believing boyo

>> No.11851955

How do I stop myself from becoming this

>> No.11851960

stop falling for politically-convenient memes

>> No.11851961

But how can someone who has his whole life to develop a personality end up as a walking pile of dogmatic, statistical traits?

>> No.11851967


>> No.11853086

This is just being an annoying fuck and then crying
>"waaah why people don't talk to me"

Prove me wrong.

>> No.11853099

doomers are just psuedo-depressed emos who also post on 4chan, they don't read

>> No.11853134

>flip flops between feeling superior for intelligence and hating self for feeling superior
>can't wholeheartedly subscribe to any philosophy or ideology anymore
>can imagine 4chan posts mocking him with greentext for everything he does
>is addicted to the anticipation of smoking weed but doesn't actually enjoy it anymore
>gets along fine with parents

>> No.11853136

How can you spot genuine depression?

>> No.11853147

The Canterbury Tales

>> No.11853268
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what the fuck happened to his sideburns

>> No.11854747

people can't draw

>> No.11854841

Well if you didn't do any of these things your life would probably be substantially worse, so...

>> No.11854866

>the law of attraction

t.Elliot Rodger

>> No.11854881

Describes me to a tee. How unfortunate. Surprised so few people here can relate. Is everyone a normie?

>> No.11855052

pls no more

>> No.11855446

That picture describes a normie so I don't really see your point.

>> No.11855463

>That picture describes a normie
I've been doing academic research on the word 'normie' and I can assure you that it doesn't.

>> No.11856145


>> No.11856163

>had friends but stopped talking to them to fulfill a reclusive lifestyle
>secretly misses
hits too close to home

>> No.11856175

harry potter part 1

>> No.11856186
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>can imagine 4chan posts mocking him with greentext for everything he does


>> No.11856909
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This is the only Doomer that makes sense

>> No.11857221

How does this work?
What causes so many people across the globe to develop such specific meme personalities?
Like, what causes all these young men to be so fucking similar?

>> No.11857238

22 year old doomer aka community college brainlet with delusions of grandeur

>> No.11857253

and these fags wonder why they feel so alienated lmao

>> No.11857258

go outside

>> No.11857281

Imagine waking up to the miracle of existence and then crying about "normies" and "npcs" on a Filipino aerobics forum. show some gratitude you crybabies

>> No.11857288


>> No.11857317

Bloomer can read Dostoevsky, Kafka, Houllebecq to understand the Doomer

Doomer can spend time outdoors, with family/children (no pedo), and pray/meditate to understand the Bloomer

>> No.11857380

>used to be doomer, looks back and laughs

It's going to be ok.

>> No.11857397

We're all gonna make it

>> No.11857406

>Qts, but no high IQts

>> No.11858683

they kill themselves

>> No.11858688

what the fuck how do you know.
why cant all of us that relate to this just be friends.

>> No.11858725

I like what you said here, but explain what you mean by perspectives.

>> No.11858735

once YOU start to change it

>> No.11858767

>Bloomer is just a low-key white supremacy meme

Oh for fuck sakes..

>> No.11858774

No, it does not.

>> No.11858802

Needs to be a name for the mindset of knowing how depressive and low self esteem you are that you will take your own life at some point, but just not now. I like doomer. Ever had a dream that made you so inexplicably sad you couldn't begin to describe it?

>> No.11859045

It depends on the person, I'm 27 and I already feel like a fucking old man.

I don't know, maybe I'd feel different if I had ever had sex. The fact that I'm still a filthy fucking virgin is enough to make me contemplate suicide.

Then again, I assume even if I had had pussy in the past I'd still feel like killing myself, its probably a hidden blessing I never have.

Last thing I need in the world thses days is to have a fucking kid.

>> No.11859076

logged in to say this

>> No.11859081

This deserves a kickstarter more than 99% of the shit on that site.

>> No.11859087

i was a 21 year old doomer but am now 23 and starting to bloom

>> No.11859097

Made me giggle

>> No.11859104

the bible

and because i know you wont read it, tl;dr: love others more than yourself

>> No.11859943

Glad to hear it. The sooner you bloom the better.

>> No.11860261

I fully agree. The reason is why life can get better in late 20´s is because you learn to see life as it really is. This means both the bad and the good sides of it, no matter how small. Problem with many people here (me 2) is that since childhood they grew up on tv and internet and thus got a false sense of what life should be, since it´s not based on their surroundings but imagination. Once you open up, you might still think (with reason) that life is shit, but also that there are plenty of things to love and enjoy.

There´s also the part that things hardly stay the same, and as time passes it´s likely that unexpected events can occur and your life takes a detour.

>> No.11860346

>turns down sex offers from women he isn't serious about
I wish more men were like this.

>> No.11860380

classic cringe

>> No.11860611

read 12 rules for life by jordan peterson, I guarantee it will fix all your problems if you actually follow the rules

>> No.11860918


>> No.11861132

How do I gain confidence? I hate being a soft-spoken weasel.

>> No.11861144

Don't put yourself down brah. Work on your body and try things outside of your comfort zone. But at the end of the day, you have to have an inner reservoir of self-love. You have to irrationally believe in your self-worth even when you feel worthless. Then you will begin being comfy in your own skin. And remember that we're all gonna make it :+)

>> No.11861188

Thanks dude, much obliged

I love this new positve self-improvement vibe that's going around on /lit/ recently. I wonder what's causing it. Maybe the general age group is just moving into a life phase where they've either worked these things out or are working on them. Or maybe this is the counter-wave against all the irony over the years.

>> No.11861195
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thanks brah. i needed this today

>> No.11861205

too close to home except for the racist stuff

>> No.11861206

Learning a new skill really helps sometimes. The biggest hurdle is acknowledging that you won't be great at it at first, but if you force yourself to be patient you can really gain some self-esteem. Cooking is always a good one because it has relatively low cost of entry (just go to goodwill and pick up some used kitchenware) and it's something practical you can use everyday. Plus, you'll end up eating better quality food over time, which just improves uour quality of life. You don't even have to go for anything fancy, just getting good at making a burger rather than buying one at a restaurant is a good feeling.

>> No.11861232

So the effect comes from the growing more competent in a skill?

>> No.11861262

Same types of books. Difference is the bloomer will not let his emotional health get tangled up in them and may even feel like he benefits from the insights, even if they can appear depressing.

The doomer is just your average emotionally unstable neurotic. I'm sure 90% of anons are like this. It doesn't matter what he reads, he'll still feel like shit and be a self-defeatist looser.

>> No.11861279


>> No.11861343

Yeah, that's a yikes from me.

>> No.11861538

>memes cause personalities
The reason it's become a meme is because it is so popular. The reason it appears so much more frequent now vs then is the ease of access to the global population through internet. This ease of access+human nature's desire to be like others to fit in better rapidly advances many to the least common denominator. Individualism is being slaughtered at a breakneck pace and people celebrate this. /blog