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/lit/ - Literature

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11840418 No.11840418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>/pol/ becomes /b/
>/lit/ becomes /pol/ becomes /b/

Goodbye, my friends. I guess we really can't have nice things

>> No.11840423

>in 2 years /pol/ destroyed this entire site
Okay, this isn't epic

>> No.11840435
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We can crush them do not give up.
It might take 10 Ruskies for every Nazi, but we can defeat them with the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism.

>> No.11840452


>> No.11840459

Have a cry you commie fuck
>abloo bloo shitposting on MY 4chan board.

>> No.11840479
File: 251 KB, 200x149, Swastika_blasted_from_the_Nazi_party_rally_grounds_-_Nuremberg_(1945).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't you be getting BTFO in one of the five (5) communism threads on page one (1)?

>> No.11840480

yeah, idk. I only started coming here about a year ago, but even then it seems like the change has been dramatic. On the front page, there is almost never a discussion about an actual piece of literature. A lot of /pol/ spam, some modern philosophy bullshit, and the occasional creep talking about feet or something. I don't know if it's the posters who are different so much it is the amount of people taking the bait... kinda like me right now. Oh well, it was good for a while

>> No.11840522

This is 4chan what would you expect

>> No.11840547

>some modern philosophy bullshit
what's the issue with this?

>> No.11840565
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Reminder to call them out. They're mostly from reddit and fb. /lit/ is one of the last strongholds on 4chan. We can't go down like /tv/

>> No.11840574

I've browsed this board since 2010 and it's about the same as it always was. Maybe a little bit better because there is a certain degree of self-awareness and elitism that's expected of posters, unlike the earliest days when you had people making South Park references, trollface posts, and Douglas Adams threads

There are many leftists ITT who are resentful about being purged by their ideological equivalents from /pol/. Now that is different. Marxists used to be a lot more common here and much more comfortable sharing off-topic leftist viewpoints in attempts at on-topic threads, but they've since been pushed to leftypol and the backwaters of /his/. Some still hang around and poke their heads up occasionally, and they make their whiny voices heard in meta threads like these.

Anyways, they are doing their best to craft this narrative that the days of Brownbear and I'm a huge Orson Welles were some sort of Enlightenment-era French salon where people regularly discussed the complexities of Kant and didn't scoff at black literature. Then, the story goes, pol ruined everything and forced everybody to roll their eyes at Zora Neale Hurston and watch Jordan Peterson interviews with Joe Rogan.

This is just not true. Don't believe me? Check the archive.
There has always been an undercurrent of racism and rightist thought on 4chan, it's just more explicit now

>> No.11840579

I remember when every time it looked like somebody from another site was being a faggot, a thread would get hit by gore spam and it would drive them all away. Does that still work?

>> No.11840583

>I only started coming here about a year ago
You don't say

>> No.11840592

you're just trying to form a new narrative in your own whiney voice.

>> No.11840639
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Hm, I’m not sure, it felt a lot more innocent and less concerted back then. It was just people saying their genuine unfiltered casually racist thoughts or making fun of political correctness.

Now it’s just much more annoyingly political. They spam infographs of black crime rates and how many Jews are in the media and big businesses and call everyone who dislikes them crypto-SJWs when I JUST FUCKING WANNA TALK ABOUT FUCKING LITERATURE BECAUSE THIS ISNT A POLITICS BOARD



you're right that /lit/ has always been shitty, I’ve been here since around 2012, and maybe it’s just because I was younger then/am getting more tired of this board now, but I still think it’s gotten really bad in the past year or two years. What you view as cringey references to South Park etc, I view as just being a more innocent time. Maybe I’m wrong and you’re just older and less unbiased than me

>> No.11840706

I actually kinda like the /pol/ fags. They are a nice check against sycophancy. Their arguments are terrible - but at least they make people have to engage with the embedded politics of their shit. It serves as a certain revitalization of thinking beyond that “coexist” kumbaya shit.

>> No.11840786

That guy’s completely full of it. To pretend there’s no difference in quality between now and like six years ago is a complete joke. It’s also hilarious he went to warosu and searched negro by oldest posts first to “prove” his point.

>> No.11840805

that’s not the issue, the issue is that the catalogue is filled with brainlet threads you mong. no one really cares if people say nigger unironically

>> No.11840828

the board was more friendly back in like 2012. There wasn't really more high quality discussion, that has always just been a minority of threads.

pol, well I became polesque in the past 6 years myself, it seemed like as everything got very polarized politically the options were either 'flagellate yourself for being a white man' or essentially 'become a quasi-fascist'.

I dont normally spout off on pol topics on here, but I like pol a whole lot better than progressives who I see as essentially people who want me and my people dead or humiliated.

>> No.11840880
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>the options were either 'flagellate yourself for being a white man' or essentially 'become a quasi-fascist'
> me and my people dead or humiliated.
really getting sick of everyone seeing themselves as a victim or oppressed these days

>> No.11841286


>> No.11841309
File: 26 KB, 600x375, comeonnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only started coming here about a year ago

>> No.11841321

Then you don't deserve to live in this world.

>> No.11841340

lurk moar you fucking faggot

>> No.11841353

I see more people whining about /pol/posts than I see actual /pol/posts
fuck, I see more people whining about posts whining about /pol/posts than I see actual /pol/posts
It's incredible, I can drop the most retarded shit-tier jordan peterson themed bait on this board and get 6 replies, it's like you people want to be mad about /pol/ so desperately you're willing to derail your own threads and ruin your own board just to reassure yourselves that you're smarter than /pol/ and you sure showed that /pol/tard!
Sometimes I throw in a dumb comment about jews into a high-quality thread just to see if the posters in that thread are willing to continue their discussion or would rather chew bait instead. It depresses me how often I succeed in derailing a good discussion without a single person actually defending the /pol/ stance I put up. /lit/ jumps at shadows and gets angry before they have something to be angry about.
If you don't like bait, don't reply to it.

>> No.11841361

Fuck off, /pol/

>> No.11841364

Do everyone a favor and stop posting

>> No.11841369

Yes. However, I get the sense gorespam and the like is more actively moderated now.

>> No.11841390
File: 51 KB, 960x539, 17rvzk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember: no one cares about your gaslighting
Go jump at the spectre of the iron curtain in one of the other threads

>> No.11841411

What amazes me is that so many people are under the impression that this minimum effort boogeyman-du-jour bait didn't used to happen.

On a different note, dropping this sort of bait is actually a great way of defusing /pol/posting in the long run. As /pol/posting itself becomes more and more of a pure meme, the salience of any of its real content fades. Serious /pol/posting is then seen only as a meme, on the level of copypasta. Gradually the meme fades too, out of boredom.

Also 1488, the (((federal reserve))) and based mussolini, MAGA!

>> No.11841442
File: 21 KB, 275x182, hscan-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I love being a Klansman now

>> No.11841444

Ah the cringepill.

>> No.11841455
File: 296 KB, 1920x1080, kkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using gaslighting unironically

go back to twitter faggot

>> No.11841467

This is how we made Claude demap himself I’m pretty sure

>> No.11841483

It wasn't like this until about 2015. It was a conceited effort to change the website.

>> No.11841505

I think most of it was not any effort but just excess news profile. Much worse than previous news appearances.

>> No.11841512

This all happened because Moot killed /pol/ in 2014.

>> No.11841513


>> No.11841519
File: 240 KB, 1280x995, 1280px-Namering_exhumed_bodies_of_SS_murdered_slave_workers_ww2-183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think if you're triggered by a word so easily, it's you who got lost somewhere on the way here.

Regardless, I'm not going anywhere.

>> No.11841527

I do remember coming here a few years ago and telling my friends that the only boards that I would actually like were this one and /sci/ because they weren't infested with dumbass kids who learned history with their braindead grandparents, yearning for a past that never existed and fantasizing about "western" values that only were artificially created by the cuckhold romantic movement of the nineteenth century.

I love right wingers, some of my best friends are, and I have amazing conversations with them. The same can't be said about these stupid dickless neo-nazis. Go read a book instead of fapping to interracial porn and then, out of the sheer guiltiness, become more radicalized and ridiculous than those fluorescent painted hair degenerate mongoloids.

>> No.11841571

It reminds me of Gamergate. Everyone is still screeching about it years after everyone stopped caring.

There are no Klansmen anymore. Just undercover law enforcement.

>> No.11841583

Very much so, the exodus got 8/pol/ off the ground, and we've had a one-way valve there, i.e. 8/pol/ influenfes 4/pol/ but not so much vice versa. Then 4/pol/ assimilated a bunch of the r/Donald influx, according to the indirect template of the most die-hard self-exiled /pol/acks.

>> No.11841608


>> No.11841626

>believing this
/pol/ hasn't rewired the other boards' mode of thinking. occassional /pol/ shitposts are harmless. conservative-accelerationist neo-Heideggerian 2018 /lit/ is a thousand times better than some bizarro world's leftist shitfest.

oh, and nobody talking about /b/-ization of /lit/ and the like has ever been to /b/, it seems. for sure not pre-2014 /b/.

>> No.11841638

>try to talk about Tale of Genji
>weeb plz go white men only

The funny thing it's easy to spot which ones read and which ones only watch youtube videos of JP defending the western canon. Also why the fuck is Russia considered part of the west or white for that matter?

>> No.11841653

>conservative-accelerationist neo-Heideggerian 2018 /lit/ is a thousand times better than some bizarro world's leftist shitfest.
Well said

>> No.11841702

Remember to report racism on blue boards. It's one of the options.

>> No.11841729

4chan doesn't have to be inherently sexist and racist. /lit/ typically was the board that was smarter than to fall for that

>> No.11841737

>my people

Learn to think outside of ingroups. White people aren't the only ones to exist.

>> No.11841745

This. It works surprisingly well. Don't forget to report anti-semitism and sexism as well.

>> No.11841760

It's almost like the kind of major intellectuals who take Zizek seriously can't see through bait.

>> No.11841894
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>learn to think outside of ingroups

>> No.11841903
File: 29 KB, 236x355, 0ef256837adb3e1bde8c3968ffde8e64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro just ignore me I'm only posting all this Nazi propaganda in your neighborhood as a prank

>> No.11841905 [DELETED] 

(((mods))) delete gorespam these days. 4chan turned into reddit.

>> No.11841917 [DELETED] 

I hate pol but at least they aren't so fucking cringy it makes me want to burn them with a flamethrower. Off yourself faggot

>> No.11841923

>anybody who doesn't like eating dog shit eats cat shit

>> No.11841924

>muh wheat
If you werent such cringegods maybe it wouldn't be so irresistible

>> No.11841932
File: 149 KB, 500x500, Philipjbond-astronauts-cccp-nasa-female-girl-space-valentina-tereshkova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I triggered your Celiacs

>> No.11841952

Pathetic strawman + double standard

>> No.11841962

/lit/? sure is fine just take a look at this thread aha yessir no [petty] politics to be found

>> No.11841964

Do you think Beria pissed on Koba's writhing spasming corpse too or was it all his own piss?

>> No.11842040
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>Stalin pic

>> No.11842044

nu/leftypol/ invasion has been a lot worse

>> No.11842046
File: 13 KB, 190x250, lenin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with it

>> No.11842055

>communist with food

>> No.11842067
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Hahahaha yeah it would be crazy if there were some of them still around after they all starved to death because of how their backwards systems defy the holy science of Austrian Supply-Side Economics (ASSE). Imagine that.

>> No.11842079

I seriously can't understand how communist are real people. Nazis? Sure I can understand the rationalization, but a communist? Wtf LMAO you have to be brain dead or illiterate to be that gullible. Imagine reading the communist manifesto and believing it instead of seeing it like the cringy materialist larp that it is. Why do you assume you're somehow smarter and less prone to the corruptions that ruined previous attempts in the past if you believe it's somehow possible? Disregarding that it's a disgusting ideology, imagine being that arrogant and delusional

>> No.11842083
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>Chinese communists
Bro just stop holy shit, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.11842100
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It almost feels like tricking someone with a developmental disability into trading you a 20 dollar bill for a 5 dollar bill at this point.

>> No.11842322

yeah dude imagine thinking it was possible to share the fruits of technology so everyone could have a decent standard of living, wacky i know.

>> No.11842474
File: 323 KB, 1596x684, EP1CHP10-041-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a thread from 2014
It's shit, maybe not as bad as now, but still shit
Here's a thread from over 6 years ago
A discussion of African literature that doesn't even include the word nigger.
So it seems as if sometime around 2014, reddit flooded the board, and after 2015/2016, /pol/ flooded the board as well. Seems like the era of genuine discussion has ended, and we have entered the age of extreme irony, cynicism, and shitposting.

>> No.11842489

Don't forget crypto anti-semetism. Looking at all the whacko pro-palestine/Syria threads. Even see some people suggesting that Israel isn't america's greatest ally. insane

>> No.11842498

4chan has become so cynical over the last few years that its rubbed off on me. I feel more drawn to the non-literature discourse threads, even though I know they'll be filled with wojaks and buzzword spam

>> No.11842521
File: 47 KB, 657x879, abstractwoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hly fuck, a thread on africa without the word nigger on 4chan is like a unicorn
I'm guessing we just became more popular, similar to how /fit/ was advertised on misc and the traffic grew in size and the quality plumited
The 2017 april fools was probably when we started to fall, as it joined us with /fit/ when it was at it's worst

>> No.11842526

Cry more /pol/lack

>> No.11842533

>we are just pretending to be retarded!

Go do it on /pol/ instead

>> No.11842536

Sexism too. And anything transphobic.

>> No.11842542

Quick question, where did the actual funny people who used to be on this site go?

>> No.11842547

You've got to be rusing me
Maybe you were just easily amused when you were 12

>> No.11842552

We share a website with the internet capital of using Nazi propaganda as troll material. Why do you not believe that someone would be doing that.?

>> No.11842557
File: 796 KB, 1200x793, slide_391940_4775328_free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I swear it's just a joke s-stop interfering with my propaganda campaign

>> No.11842560
File: 118 KB, 500x500, 1529543083740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not here to appease you, you worthless faggot. Your post is about as shitty a bait as a Peterson thread and communism has consistently failed as an ideology.

>> No.11842568
File: 100 KB, 800x544, curranposter4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fan of stale memes and opium, newfriend

>> No.11842573
File: 254 KB, 500x531, 407216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well in my case i'm trying to actually write short stories and maybe one day a novel.
Most who have a series interest in a hobby are busy doing the hobby rather than discussing it. Most of the posters here on /lit/ are fairly new to literature and they are the ones who make the most threads

>> No.11842579

>pretending that /pol/ isn’t a containment board
History revisionism

>> No.11842587

ok, (you)

>> No.11842599

/pol/ is trash, but people overestimate their impact and neglect to mention other sources of trash, like /tv/

that board is pure shit, populated by abject retards, and its "culture" has become pervasive in the rest of the site

>> No.11842606

I've always been serious about writing stories and books, even got a few short stories published, but I only came here for the comic relief.

You're right that anybody serious about it doesnt come here to talk about actual writing, too many tards to ruin everything. Back in the day the tards were at least funny, but it's just dumb and boring and sad now

>> No.11842609

Fuck of /tv/ post the dankest memes and they are never as evangelical about it as /pol/. If anything memes from /tv/ has this quality to them that is completely opposite to /pol/faggotry

>> No.11842612

>I only started coming here about a year ago
go back

>> No.11842617

>Fuck of /tv/ post the dankest memes
Case in point, a product of /tv/ browsing.

>> No.11842658

>Implying sexism and racism are a bad thing
How new can you get

>> No.11842661

look a mario a spicy meme a upboat for you sir a he so funny

>> No.11842663

Someone get these hotheads out of here

>> No.11842676

nah I'd prefer to stay. I have to act normal all day around smart people in uni, I just want one place where I can act like a fucking retard around smart people in my free time

>> No.11842679

/tv/ is a perfect example of what will happen if /lit/ becomes to saturated, it's use of buzzwords and phrases are used because the fosters can't articulate their points, kino being the worst offender.
While some of /tv/'s poster are better than most, they mainly watch the overrated films of tarkovsky and hold them to biblical status

>> No.11842690

The medium doesn’t exactly have huge depth to comtemplate, but what really handicap /tv/ and hobbyists boards like it are e-celebs shit and commenting on other people’s commentary on certain things. /lit/ is somewhat free from that traps.

>> No.11842694
File: 168 KB, 628x814, Screenshot_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ becomes /b/
/pol/ is nothing like old /b/ lol, especially post-2016 /pol/
if reddit were a board it would be /tv/

>> No.11842726

>if reddit were a board it would be /tv/
>not /v/ or /pol/
If anything /tv/ is closet to [s4s] among all other boards

>> No.11842748

you faggots see /pol/ as some kind of boogeyman that isn't there everytime somebody makes an obvious caricature of them you retards think its actually a poltard

>> No.11842772

/pol/ ironically has the same story about itself.

>> No.11842775

The average /pol/ poster is incredibly unintelligent. I say this from firsthand experience because I go to /pol/ from time to time when geopolitical shit is going down. Therefore, parodies of /pol/posting are often indistinguishable from the real thing, at least to me.

>> No.11842783


>> No.11842809

>as he posts communist propaganda posters

>> No.11842823

Holy shit are we about to make a breakthrough with your reasoning abilities?

>> No.11842825
File: 4 KB, 126x102, 1268588940616s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black guy comes in and asks for the african-american section.
>Point him to the door
Truly a lost paragon of intelligent discussion

>> No.11842847
File: 484 KB, 1368x706, 1531957448041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not /v/ or /pol/
if you wanted to be more precise, it would be a mix of /tv/, /mu/, /v/ and /pol/: the reddit quadrumvirate
>If anything /tv/ is closet to [s4s] among all other boards
it's probably closer to one of those cancerous "dank meme"/"shitposting"/"oc meme" boards on reddit rather than anything here

>> No.11842861

You're a retard than.

>> No.11842862

Kek I lost my shit when reading that. Was that really what 4chan was like in 2012? I wasn't here back then. It seems so sweet and innocent yet at the same time you can tell the poster is actually trying to be as inflammatory as seems acceptable to him.

I want to see old archived shit from the other boards now

>> No.11842925

It's not like these idiots calling some random American who delves only in identity politics a Leftist are really raising the bar.
I mean.. look at this guy and the way he assesses the current state of discussion
It's like i'm watching an illiterate 70 year old man who has never had contact with anyone other than the 20 people who live near him in the village.
They even think they are having a dispute between Left or Right Wing!!