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/lit/ - Literature

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11840421 No.11840421[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this an appropriate way to publicize your book?

>> No.11840429

Depends on the book, makes sense to me for this one.

>> No.11840438

Why is her right arm so disproportionately fat? Why are there nigger feet there?

>> No.11840448
File: 239 KB, 220x299, Portrait_of_Leo_Tolstoy_(1887).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attractive authors were a mistake

>> No.11840451

women selling with their bodies are old as time

>> No.11840453


>> No.11840460

She displays too much gum iirc

>> No.11840463

No, but it's an effective way

>> No.11840469
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>> No.11840515

>big red man feet
Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.11840531
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If she's good enough for Tao she's good enough for you fags

>> No.11840537

>small tits
>fat right arm
>ugly face
>weird feet near her
Completely unappealing

>> No.11840540

I guess so
It probably isn't effective though

>> No.11840629

Yes because in the book she lays herself bare for the world to witness you uncultured pleb.

>> No.11840650

>babby's first metaphor
you did it! congradurations

>> No.11840653

You can always tell by the arm fat which girls are going to get fat once their metabolism slows down

>> No.11840658

So what?

>> No.11841236

i don't like that kind of tattoos.

>> No.11841246

Fuck off Megan

>> No.11841254

Whoever is standing next to her has a medical issue that needs to be addressed.

>> No.11841257

Absolutely. Good marketing should inform the consumer. I now know beyond a doubt to never touch this filth.

>> No.11841267

houellebecq should do this for his new book

>> No.11841275

seems fine desu

>> No.11841280

>uncoordinated tattoos placed sporadically on body with no aesthetic link
>blogger with zero restraint in writing an "autobiography"

fucking pottery.
Do these chicks with tattoos know that they are immediately downgrading themselves to the permanent social position of the working-class? It's foolish to think you can "out-not-care" public opinion when your livelihood in society depends on the best impressions.

>> No.11841283

Libgen when?

>> No.11841419

She's stunning. I doubt I'll read her book but I could stare at her all day.

How can one girl be so beautiful, bros?

>> No.11841427

god i wish that were me (on the right)
just fucking rip her fucking face in half

>> No.11841437

Go to bed, Tao.

>> No.11841448
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>> No.11841487
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I mean, at least she's not fat, I guess. That face is unfortunate though. She used to look better.

>> No.11841501

Position of the arm changed the distribution of fat. And because she's the type to bang black guys.

>> No.11841510
File: 27 KB, 799x450, iUtouiXuJtlSZby-800x450-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best Literature ends to early

>> No.11841633

large paper bag with no eye holes should sort that out.

>> No.11841644
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True enough but she looks like she has an annoying voice. A ball gag would be necessary too, I suppose.

>> No.11841647

me on the left.

>> No.11841712
File: 2.31 MB, 3264x2448, 20180917_115048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already know you're the one making these threads, Megan.

>> No.11841744

Jesus that's depressing. It's depressing enough when Mira uses her I'M A GIRL BTW free attention to market herself when she's 20~, and then fades into obscurity as she becomes an old saggy bag. But Megan is well past the wall. She shouldn't be pathetically trying to do this shit anymore. Not just because it's abstractly pathetic to be 30~ and still thinking you're a YUNG FUN SLUT that people want to see naked, but because even on a practical level she has to notice the decreased yield of attention she gets for these stunts, as her body and face have aged.

Imagine aging as one of these women. You start off being the center of attention in everything you do, having a cool badass bitch persona and fashion style, you have lots of friends and you go to parties and do drugs, and every day is taken up by interesting drama about the latest hipster art student you fucked, whether you have feelings for him or not, how you feel about those feelings, what other women say about your feelings and what you say about other women's feelings. Your life is one big exciting soap opera and you're the star, and every day you get hundreds or thousands of people giving you attention on social media for posting a picture of your outfit. As a woman, you're in heaven. That lifestyle is the female equivalent of a man being Napoleon.

Now imagine that a few years pass, and everything starts to get worse, across the board. Your body begins sagging. Your sick screamo tattoos start to be embarrassing, because you're almost 30 now, and they are right next to stretch marks. You're still a bad bitch who doesn't care about anything, but you begin to notice you care a lot about getting old, and you wonder what the point of life even is, if you can't be 21 and cute and carefree forever. Your numbers on social media dwindle noticeably. You are invited to fewer parties. You make fewer "contacts," because men aren't willing to navigate the obstacle course of your bad personality and lack of professional skills to interact with you or to exploit your youthful sex appeal for their own business interests. You are slowly and systemically becoming invisible.

There are two responses at this point. You can fade semi-gracefully into obscurity, like Mira, who knows that her discolored asshole and lumpy love handles are no longer of guaranteed interest to anyone. Or you can be like Megan Boyle, shamelessly and pathetically cramming things into your cunt and screaming "LOOK, I STILL HAVE A CUNT, IT'S JUST A LITTLE BEATEN UP BUT IT'S STILL GOOD, PLEASE STILL LOVE ME, I CAN BE 21 FOREVER IF YOU JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE!!! DOES ANYONE WANT TO HEAR A 32 YEAR OLD CHILDLESS WOMAN IRONICALLY KVETCH ABOUT LIFE?? HELLO??? ANYONE???"

>> No.11841758

There is nothing wrong with aging. Grow up

>> No.11841771

Is this what the book reads like?
Sorry Megan, that's a hard nope from me.
It's also not healthy to self-cyberbully like that.
Read Emily Dickinson.

>> No.11841778

don't tell me you wouldn't

>> No.11841782

roastie detected

>> No.11841790

I don't like white girls

>> No.11841794
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I would but I'd have to get tested for hpv after.

>> No.11841798

God I hate that dude's feet so FUCKING much.
Giant pink ham-hocks. I can fucking feel their heat through the image almost.

>> No.11841811

Wtf even are those tattoos.

>> No.11841834

I feel like I shouldn't understand this but I do

>> No.11841852

>beat happening tattoo
god, tao really did have it all

>> No.11841888

based and redpilled

no but seriously this is all actually true

>> No.11841915
File: 38 KB, 615x409, kate_bush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white male has mental health problems
>/lit/ turns into a support group who all express concern and understanding with the person

>female has mental health problems
>/lit/ turns into a misogynist hate machine sounding straight out of /r9k/

really makes you think

>> No.11841927

Some behaviour makes people sympathetic, and some, like seeking attention and approval, doesn't.

>> No.11841930

Did you not see the Londonfag thread where everyone called him a faggot last night?

>> No.11841935

I mean sure if you're a whore
>Implying Tolstoy doesn't get your boy pussy moist

>> No.11841951

Oh, you get "depression isn't real" posts in both, don't try to pretend otherwise.

>> No.11841958

Londonfrog is a meme and a joke

>> No.11841977

You misunderstand the advertising, her being naked with her book isn't the marketing; the very question:
>is this an appropriate way to publicize your book?
is the advertisement. You are her best publicist

>> No.11841987

Depression isnt real

>> No.11841991

How many hours do you think you spend browsing (not actually consuming, just browsing) porn sites per year?

>> No.11842012

explain this!
can't even decipher title.
Tendies of death?

>> No.11842017


>> No.11842029

If she were attractive and did this tastefully (not just haphazardly sprawled with no attention to detail), yes. Neither are true.

>> No.11842099

It's Studies of Death by Count Stenbock, as promoted by its publisher, David Tibet of Current 93.

>> No.11842135

>Studies of Death by Count Stenbock, as promoted by its publisher, David Tibet of Current 93
is it worth a read?

>> No.11842139

>Current 93

>> No.11842166
File: 114 KB, 746x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tendies of death?

>> No.11842214

>is it worth a read?
I don't know, that very picture actually drove me away from ever checking it out.

>> No.11842235

when you're histrionic it's always an option