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/lit/ - Literature

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11841777 No.11841777 [Reply] [Original]

salinger thread. what is your favorite work by him?

>> No.11841799

probably "For Esme"

>> No.11841806

Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.11842379

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.11842398 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 881x1402, hemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmingwhey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should my next one be JD Salinger on Jenkem?

>> No.11842866
File: 14 KB, 220x326, 220px-Seymoreintroduction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting best salinger

>> No.11842887

The Laughing Man

>> No.11842888 [DELETED] 
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Why was he so into lolis senpai?

>> No.11842911

As I Lay Dying

>> No.11842955

"The Laughing Man", "A Perfect Day for Bananafish", and "Teddy" because I teach them every year and I have a huge love for them.

>> No.11842985

I didn’t know he died in 2010....I thought he died in 80s or something

>> No.11843007

With love and squalor. This guy gets it

>> No.11843121

You're am English teacher? Cool. I like Bananafish, too. What do you think of the ending?

>> No.11843363


>> No.11844398

I know its a pleb answer, but Bananafish. A big reason is because I've convinced several people to read it and their reactions are always funny. Laughing Man is also good. Really like Nine Stories as a whole.

>> No.11844426

Boring answer, but Bananafish and Catcher. His later stuff ist too esoteric for my taste

>> No.11844436 [DELETED] 

The one with the banana, whatever it was. It was funny.

>> No.11844505

I recently re-read Catcher in the Rye. The book was a prescribed text in my high school English class, but back then, at that age, I didn't really grasp its themes, or what Salinger was getting at. Reading it again from an older age, with more experience and understanding has made it much more enjoyable and insightful. The passage about Holden, as the catcher in the rye, really struck a nerve for me. Something about it is deeply nostalgic and sorrowful. It's an incredible passage.

>> No.11844518

Seymour an introduction is the most underrated work of american literature. It was ahead of its time and it's as good as any masterpiece you can name.
Just Before the War with the Eskimos is not necessarily above anything else on Nine Stories but it's a personal favorite of mine. Nine Stories as a whole is great though. So is Zooey.

>> No.11844536

>Seymour an introduction is the most underrated work of american literature
Yeah. It's great. I get why people don't like it though. It's like reading one of those Pynchon's sections where he drops the cynicism and goes full sentimental for a few pages but Salinger does it for 100.

>> No.11845144

>no one said LOTR yet

>> No.11845171

Franny is superior to Zooey in my opinion, although they do of course work together. Salinger jerks off on the page in Zooey.