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/lit/ - Literature

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11837650 No.11837650 [Reply] [Original]

What literary ideas are obvious to the upper strata of society that would not be so easy to understand by the lower parts?

>> No.11837657

Well, what kind of things do you find not so easy to understand?

>> No.11838255

I find it humorous that people think art degrees are a waste of time, especially people posting on a board named Literature.

>> No.11838282


How to ace the secret society selection, international diplomacy, how to survive the intrigues of other competing aristocrats, what planning elements compose a big party at a mansion, how to party with rich Arabs and survive, how the Chinese are perceived to start

>> No.11838288

Sexual attraction to their own sisters

>> No.11838291


The way language conditions what’s possible to think.

How what counts as true and common sense in a culture is actually a set of contingent, historically-conditioned presuppositions that could be otherwise

>> No.11838293

Are you literally 17 years old?

>> No.11838349


How would you get into the Porcellian, topiary-fucker?

>> No.11838786

The fact that there will always be entire flocks of people begging to be ruled by a small number of other people, on the illusion of competence, intelligence or education, but simply because they're lazy and want someone else to do all the thinking and decision for them in order to concentrate on their personal life.

At first it baffled me, but now I understand them more and more. Last week I went to the army for a series of tests. I spent a few days in barracks with other applicants. It was confortable, yes CONFORTABLE, to be given clear orders, to know exactly what to do, to all share the same conditions and be equally screamed at by the sargeant.
Whomever had seen the scene from outside would have described our experience as hard and hellish. But from the inside, it felt so comfy that I now want to join the army just to feel that again.
Maybe that's what you mean by NPC mindset.

>> No.11838805
File: 185 KB, 663x610, 96526196-C40A-480C-8DBB-AB591639EFF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic economics.

Communism is literally the flat earth of politics.

>> No.11838850


It's not the art degree that's the issue, it's 95% of the people who get them.

>> No.11839125

Pretty much everything.

>> No.11839842

upper strata of society =/= pretentious literary circles fag boi

>> No.11839876

Not so much. I bet you havent read any socialist literature. Its pretty useful, and not that "basic".

>> No.11839882

There are some stuff that rich people also cant comprehend. Rich people are not geniuses, they're just rich. Most of the time money comes from violence or luck, mantaining a high amount of power requires some knowledge, but no theyre not genius wizards. Some of them are actually very ignorant.

>> No.11839905

Just because a text is complex or hard to understand, it doesn’t make it insightful. I’ve yet to see any communist ideas that practically thought and better than alternatives without the aid of an unrealised future technology.

>> No.11839918


>> No.11840360

It was extremelly important and still used on sociological analysis, history, etc. Marxism was revolutionary academically. It was the most detailed and thorough cultural historical and economical analysis of the 19th century. Before Marx no ecconomist came close to unifying a sociological theory using the scientific method that well.

>> No.11840994

>basic economics

the type that is saying that every country on earth needs to "grow GDP" by 3% or whatever annually which even a retard can see is retarded because the planet is finite

>> No.11840996

If you have to ask you are a pleb.


>> No.11841038
File: 583 KB, 840x741, capitalism-as-marxism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hegelian dialectic:

The most important example being the meme that there's actual conflict between communism on the one hand and capitalism on the other.

>> No.11841041

The elite have an exclusive culture all their own. You might see it as the principles of noblesse oblige, but it is less about a responsibility to poors which the elite do destain and condescend to in their inner hearts, and more about the rules of money.

Real rich people don't act like rappers and cavort openly with fists full of hundred dollar bills and bottles of Crystal frothing wastefully in hot tubs. If they do this, they do it in private, behind closed gilded doors.

They have no image to sell, unless they are the young rich, the trust fund boy who thinks the ostentation of rappers is cool and he wants his dick sucked as often as possible.

His elders would disapprove of such lack of proper form. The elite pride themselves on their restraint and selective indulgence in the pleasures of wealth. They are above all discreet and practice a pantomime of formality and restraint whenever in public in full view of the deprived masses.

>> No.11841046


>> No.11841084

i knew some actual elite rich girls back in highschool and they were just the same as any other thots, they came to our shit tier neighborhood because they thought being 'ghetto' was cool and we sold drugs and stuff. we werent even properly ghetto, we were just kind of poor

idk what these girls' parents thought, we never met any of them. They were the same as other girls though, except more blow, more ketamine, a lot more expensive clothing, etc. One of them had a yacht. They did act like they were invincible i guess

But they didnt have some secret culture they were lsitening to the same trash music we did and watching mindless television

>> No.11841546
