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11833305 No.11833305 [Reply] [Original]

Preferably fiction, since this nonfiction is the only thing within the category

>> No.11833312 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11833494
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As far as fiction is concerned, any realistic romance will do for me.

>> No.11833552

If you want to induce suicide it's much better to start burning bridges irl so that you have nothing to live for any more.

It can backfire though when you realise that when you're unburdened life is pretty enjoyable.

>> No.11833770

Any one else find comfort in reading this book?

>> No.11834053

Resignation can be a relief.

>> No.11834290

my journal desu (unironically)

>> No.11834328

Kind of like that kid who went to Mexico and did a bunch of Coke and hookers and realized life's pretty nice?

>> No.11834341

I don't know which kid you're speaking off desu, please elaborate.

>> No.11834343

post it

>> No.11834418
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Also in my personal experience it was:

>no longer having to study and attend classes
>no longer having to work
>no longer having to pretend to have ambition or ideals
>no longer having to pretend to covet the same property as others
>no longer having to maintain relationships I don't care about (classmates, colleagues, extended family, old friends, romantic relationships, anyone for who interacting with is not a clear net benefit to me)
>no longer having to behave in a way that pleases society except for in my own interest (abiding by violently enforced laws etc)
>no longer having to follow dress codes and social conventions
>no longer having to pay lip service/virtue signal to the spooks of the day

Once you give up on seeking people's approval you realise what a tremendous effort all of it took and you feel light and free and unburdened. The things that weigh heaviest on most people (at least in prosperous places) are not the material realities of the world but the social fictions. Taking those less seriously and not treating them as a matter of life or death when they aren't is very liberating.

>> No.11834456

My latest entry:

>Now there is nothing more to be said. Nothing to be attributed to my name. I once said the point of my life is to minimize my suffering and maximize my joy, or find meaning. The meaning behind those aspirations was always intentionally vague, but whatever it was or was not is lost now as well. I embrace it. This sadness and pain are the only things I know to be true. It’s not so much a matter of choice, just a wearing down of my will to deny. I can’t deny anything anymore. I no longer have the strength to fight against this existence. Futile as it may have been I found pride in that Sisyphean attitude. Who wouldn’t admire such a being? But it’s precisely my inability to be admirable that made this whole thing so futile, and now I have to face that some things you just have to let go of.

>I have already lost more than I can bear in this life and I still stand to lose more. I look out into the night and it’s just empty. Whether I die naturally or intentionally, does it really matter? I don’t think it does. My life is just a stream of moments going down the drain. It’s time to let go of all I held on to for so long. Hope is just clinging to an illusion, and I’m so tired of repeating that old cycle of excitement followed by disillusionment. I will not cling to this life or this existence. Whatever deeper meaning others have seen in this thing throughout the incomprehensible amount of time and lives preceding mine, I simply cannot see. If one day I’ll wake up blessed by God and suddenly see beauty and meaning in life as if I’ve been blind this whole time, that’s great. However, there’s no reason for such a random miracle to happen unless there’s a higher entity watching over me, which I’ve never had indication to believe is true. I leave this here and I do not know if I will ever make another entry. It was nice to get my thoughts out onto the physical realm, but lately I’ve come to believe that these entries serve more to reinforce certain thought patterns that I’m sick and tired of than any other lofty goal. That’s what this all boils down to. Nothing intellectual or divine. I’m just tired of it all, so I don’t have the power to continue. I’ll do what I’m forced to, try not to get too emotional over it, and end things there. Once you stop caring about happiness and embrace suffering, this existence becomes a much clearer and simpler matter. Goodbye.

>> No.11835251
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Philosophical arguments against suicide:

1. It will not undo or transform your suffering.

2. For all you know simply performing the act won't even turn your light off.

3. Affect at the expense of reason is probably rewarded as such.

>> No.11835297

>no longer having to work
how the heck do you manage that

>> No.11835313

nice keep me posted sport

>> No.11835602

1st world

>> No.11835974

I came into a similar situation. Got arrested for shoplifting and as a result couldn't get any work. Left my life behind in the city cut ties with all of my so called friends and made my way back home to the country side. The surplus of free time got me into making money on the internet with e-commerce and I now live comfortably doing whatever I please.

>> No.11836290
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You sound kinda Taoist there buddy.

>> No.11836330

suicide is a spook, you probably just want money
not even memeing, the vast majority of people I've ever known who are outright or approaching suicidal are simply desperate for money
take out tons of credit card debt and spend it on whatever you want then just don't pay it back
when collections calls you up tell them a fucking sad story in like a gravely, fake bostonian accent about how you hit your car and you went to the hospital and now they've got you on these pills and you got bills to pay and your leg is broken and your car is totaled
then when they say 'okay so instead of the 300 dollars a month you owe us what can you pay?'
you straight up reply 'pffff, I dunno, maybe like... six dollars'
they'll fucking let you pay 6 dollars a month on 12 grand of credit card debt, it's fucking insane and you just pay 6 bucks a month on your multiple grand of debt
now I know you're thinking what about the interest? fuck that don't worry about it; after a few years they'll call you up and see if you can settle for half
whittle them down to like 35-40% by saying the exact same fucking story as before and you'll end up paying like 3 grand for 12 grand, congrats you just made nine fucking thousand doll hairs all yours

>> No.11836339
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Kind of, i just don't want to work.

>> No.11836362

based and redpilled

>> No.11836383

Sounds great. What kind of commerce if you don't mind elaborating?

I'll take that as a compliment.

>> No.11836512

>I'll take that as a compliment.
most of /lit/ would not take it that way

>> No.11836514

I'm currently a perveyor of streetwear goods from China which I market to my fellow westerners. I'm hoping to earn enough to design my own line. Who knew all those pointless years browsing /fa/ would actually pay off.

>> No.11836520

Hey Sam Hyde, how is your comedian career going?

>> No.11836521
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