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/lit/ - Literature

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11834963 No.11834963 [Reply] [Original]

I need your help writing a letter, guys.

I'm a high school substitute teacher. Last year I subbed for an English teacher who is widely renowned as a good teacher, but also the biggest cunt in the school district. Shes rude to her students and to other staff with no regard for manners.

To top it all off, her desks are absolutely filthy. A -single- stack of papers 8 inches high typically covers her entire desk in an overflowing disorganized pile. Because of this, I had to move some of the papers to the side so I'd have the space to write and leave her sub notes. I find out the next day that she was absolutely seething over it and she told all of her students and many teachers about her menopausal breakdown.

I'm subbing for her today, and she left this.(pic related) I heard she likes to write complicated and facetious emails to the rest of the staff. Help me write this cunt a superb apology letter in a similar style.

Ive written "Without ambiguity is it ostensible that this correspondence appear lilliputianly excusatory." so far.

Any ideas for what comes next?

>> No.11834971
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Timestamp proof

>> No.11834976

Just move them again if you need space to write. Moving papers isn't a crime, and if she gets mad 'you never touched them'

>> No.11834980

Eh, Fuck it. This is just for fun, I'll move her papers.

I was thinking of writing a few lines about her "geniusly complex organization system" but I'm not sure how it could be better worded.

>> No.11834984

You should write your words as if they were pronounced in a southern accent. "Gurl, ah am AWfully sorruh foh the Pruhliminareh rearrangin' ah hayd ta take care of. Will you kahndly accept the sincerest apawlagies of your humble servant?"

>> No.11834997

No, she may be a cunt but shes apparently a superb English teacher. This shit gotta be lit like I'm writing a subtle letter to putin calling him a faggot and him not quite being able to prove it.

>> No.11835005

Just move the papers again lol

>> No.11835031

just film yourself rotating that single bit of paper with the notice on a few degrees and if she starts acting like a cunt release the footage, showing once and for all what a petty bitch she is.

>> No.11835043

Oh everyone knows shes a bitch. The letter is just for fun.

Am I in /lit/?

>> No.11835088

>"Without ambiguity is it ostensible that this correspondence appear lilliputianly excusatory."
you're trying too hard. like a 10th grader who discovered the saurus

>> No.11835110

It has like two double negatives though. Doesnt that make it difficult to decipher?

"This letter must look like it looks to have a small apology.

>> No.11835119

Also, what would you write instead?

>> No.11835199

nothing because i don't give a fuck about dre

>> No.11835217

No need to be as petty as this sad old woman, OP.

>> No.11835245

Oh I get it now. This board is for -pretending- to like reading and writing while you give /b/ level advice about books. I didnt know there were so many NPCs here.

>> No.11835259

I do not want to be rude, but she wants IT.

And not precisely a "letter"

>> No.11835283

How immature would you say a woman needs to be in order to use bitchiness and acting like a cunt as a way to demonstrate sexual interest?

>> No.11835302

This, the teacher is a mega cuntasaurus. Her dickable days were over 10 years before I was born.

>> No.11835337

head on over to /r/theredpill and ask the kind gentlemen there for some advice

>> No.11835394

Write her an apology, make her feel bad. Throw in something about your sick kids and how you're trying your best.

>> No.11835407

Did anyone even read the whole thing in OPs post?

>> No.11835425

Give her the J. Peterson book about cleaning your room

>> No.11835432

Organize all her shit and when she blows her shit say you didn’t notice that note in the mountain of opera on her desk

>> No.11835914
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I ended up finishing it and printing, in an envelope sitting on her keyboard. Thoughts?

>> No.11835926
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>> No.11835943

I can't believe someone like you is left in charge of our youth

>> No.11835981

Just leave her shit alone. WTF

Don't you have better things to do with your life than playing menopausal Machiavellian power games with sad spinster neurotics?

>> No.11836018

If a teacher is going to miss class, it is absolutely their responsibility to make sure the person watching the class has all of the tools they need to do their job.

If you had to temporarily do someone else's job and you got yelled at because you did what you needed to, would you be okay with that treatment? No. So stop being brainlets and enjoy some literary snarkiness.

>> No.11836025


>> No.11836054

lol imagine if one of the students goes on this board and sees your post

>> No.11836100

Yet neither one of you will contribute. What even is this board, dude? I thought this was the board all the writers hang out. Turns out its just /b/ for books.

>> No.11836116

The fuck do you want? You said you already printed out your autistic letter. How about get off 4chan and actually teach your class

>> No.11836141

yea man just because you're writing a letter doesn't mean anyone here will want to help you
imho youre doing some really unnecessary sperg shit

>> No.11836144

I'm not here to teach. I'm here to babysit.

I'm just mad because I forgot 4chan is 99% lazy incel shitposters who won't provide anything to a thread unless it's blacked or politically charged.

>> No.11836151

>when you forget you're retarded

>> No.11836161

I’ll write you a letter to her in a moment just need my first coffee. Give me more details about this bitch and the vibe you wanna convey with the letter

>> No.11836172

Yeah but I didnt ask for your opinion on what I was doing. I asked for a room to spitball opaque facetious writing methods. You cunts are on /lit/ focusing on the social aspect of the issue when you dont even know the political dynamic of the staff here. People do this shit all the time here. It's an English teacher joke.

I provides a good topic for all you Mary sues to show off your anowflake writing skills, but nobody will step up. I'd say that indicates youre all a bunch of literal whos larping as people with any talent in reading or writing.

>> No.11836183

She's old, on the larger side, thinks shes the second coming of Charles dickens, mad that all she has to absorb her "vast literary knowledge" is little shitnig kids who dint care. If you check >>11835914 you'll see what I was going for.

>> No.11836184

Substitute teaching is a job for single mothers. I hope they find out you browse pornographic websites during class and fire you

>> No.11836187

I'm a phoneposting faggot, dont mind the typos.

>> No.11836192

This is pretty not good anon

>> No.11836193

I meamt housewives not single mothers, whoops!

>> No.11836195

I hope for your sake this is an elaborate bait. I can just imagine you sweating and hyperventilating as you wait for a response, only for it to go completely ignored. Just move her shit you enormous fag

>> No.11836196

Great to do college work while making sure teenagers don't fuck each other. You ever been to college, ignorant fuck?

>> No.11836203

Do you want to charm her (she is in on the joke) or subtly piss her off (she is the butt of the joke)?

>> No.11836205

Look at all this broposting.

>> No.11836218

Both. Its a play off of a lot of these big elaborate emails she sends to the rest of faculty where she insults people in a complicated enough way that the math teachers just scratch their heads. Sort of like a "here, taste it yourself" kind of way.

>> No.11836220

Ahh, I remember bullying scrawny autistic subs like you in high school.
Thanks for the memories OP

>> No.11836233

I'm pretty fat desu, 240 at 5'11".

>> No.11836239

>he likes to think of himself as a fellow memeber of the faculty
You know they mock you behind your back right?

>> No.11836243

Any cute girls there?

>> No.11836263

Yeah, probably. I was friends with a lot of these teachers before subbing. Only betas really care about that shit anyways.

A lot.

>> No.11836266

This lol. Also the one you wrote is cringigly bad. And not just because I and others don’t understand your subtlety and literary brilliance. Real talk it’s clunkily executed. It doesn’t read like something written by some genius literati standing above the antlike plebeian masses scurrying on the ground below. Nor does it read like a charming but knowing jab at her for her regular pretentiousness. It just reads, as someone mentioned, like a try hard paper written by the self-diagnosed “smart” grade ten kid who just found a thesaurus.

Burn that letter and try again.

>> No.11836282
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Write her a love letter.

>> No.11836285

Then maybe I'm not a good enough writer for this. Are you up to the task of helping? Or is it just negative opinion #28 because you disagree with the context?

>> No.11836291

Could you post a screenshot of one of her emails? It’s really hard to gauge how to give her a taste of her own medicine when all we know about her medicine is from vague, generalizing third hand descriptions

>> No.11836296

I am up to helping.
All these are me lol. I’m trying to get a good handle on how to approach it

>> No.11836312

Post a better pic with the full text of the note she left you

>> No.11836328


I don't personally get any of the emails. My GF teaches theatre here and they sometimes work on Shakespeare stuff together for the kids, she's the one who told me about the emails. The letter thing was even partly her idea.

Also this wasnt meant as me trying to write some sort of grandmaster above the plebian masses thing, it was meant as a letter designed to made her feel like an ass with a bunch of big words in a complicated sequence disguising what is said so I don't get in trouble. If this was anything more than a joke I would have just wrote "Fuck you" on her desk in sharpie and been done with it.

>> No.11836331

>bunch of big words in a complicated sequence disguising what is said so I don't get in trouble.
I can't believe you are left in charge of our youth

>> No.11836347
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>> No.11836354

Let's imagine that she is as terrible as you describe, why would you write a letter to someone who already views you with disdain? Forgive me if I'm wrong but this act of desperation appears to be reminiscent of that one child in junior high who made fun of someone constantly and everyone hated - you being the child in this instance. Everyone already hates this woman, so you say, so why not bring this 'diabolical' scheme (in reality the letter you sent was simply awful in its execution) to the other faculty members?

A substitute mocking a good teacher could be a on one of those terrible jokes comedians say on the graveyard shift. Focus on you're elf. If you spent half as much time focusing on you than her and others, who knows, you may be a famous writer (although I doubt it from the writing you provided)

>> No.11836356

>our youth

You dont have youth. You're 16. You are the youth.

>> No.11836365

Please read
Before shitposting.

>> No.11836367

Have you ever met her in person?

I’ll get to work on writing you something in a minute here hold tight

Also: lol. Aside from the fact that she put the command in large text and could have articulated it as a request, nothing about this seems patently unreasonable. I’ll write you something nonetheless

>> No.11836378

The smartest thing you could do is to learn from this person buf you won't because you want the faculty to like you, how's it feel to be still stuck in your teenage years?

>> No.11836392

It's not unreasonable by itself. The shitstorm she blew last year because of this is.

I'd really love to play the "how can I better myself" game with you, but I honestly dont give a shit. Class is over in 30 minutes and ive really suddenly stopped caring about everyones little 2 cents on shit I do when I'm bored. It was an attempt at a writing exercise on a board that should only be attracting people who like that sort of thing, not your soapbox political commentary hour.

Dont care, dont need help, forget it. Let it die.


>> No.11836410

Here is your reply:

Before I made thy acquaintance, I must divulge that I was completely aghasted by the rumors, and from a woman no less, how awful! Yet upon reading the note that was graciously left to provide me with an insight into the student expectations, your learning style, and how I may learn from these to provide the best teaching experience, I realised the lack of information on these 3 subjects and I must admit I was disappointed. Nevertheless, I must thank you for leaving me in this position because it provided me with a fantastic learning opportunity. I noticed there were some documents on your desk strewn haphazardly, and to repay your generosity, I have attempted to provide a little structure here too.
I hope you're feeling fantastic on your return and well rested.

You say this because 1. It belittles her
2.you point out what she could have done, giving you moral high ground
3. Don't move anything but give the impression you did

>> No.11836418

HAVE YOU MET HER IN PERSON?! Tell me about her physical characteristics

>> No.11836470

This entire thread has to be elaborate b8. Any response by OP will confirm

>> No.11836498
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>caring so much about a petty bitch's opinion that you even consider writing a response letter instead of just ignoring her
>caring so much you turn to outside help to assist you in writing your epic diss track
>being so retarded you put "4chan" and "help" in the same sentence
>being a high school substitute teacher

>> No.11836563

I’m nearly done I think you’ll like it

>> No.11836597
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You meant to say mountain of paper but mountain of opera sounds nice.

Pic unrelated. I enjoyed it but its basically a pulpy romance novel, with a little historical context, pro-communist and anti-fascist

>> No.11836609

What a fuckin crybaby

>> No.11836749
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>> No.11836770
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>> No.11836778
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>> No.11836787
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>> No.11836796
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>> No.11836803
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Some spelling errors probably, there’s no spell check in this machine. Also wide berth not burth lol

>> No.11836820

this letter just makes you sound like a sarcastic asshole

>> No.11836828

Tides of time*

>> No.11836845

“I myself am.”*
“this we all know too well.”*

>> No.11836881

I think that was his point

>> No.11836905

Washed away by the tides of time*

Better than swallowed up

>> No.11836942

right, then he gets btfod by central office for sexual harassment and a dozen other things

do you faggots even know anything about office politics?

>> No.11836951

Wtf was sexual about that letter you mong. It’s sarcastic but nevertheless filled with explicit effusive praise

>> No.11836978

the calling her a goddess part is reason enough these days.

>> No.11837087

nobody even read the OP post, this thread is full of 17 year olds.

>> No.11837165

kek. some pretty good lines in here

>> No.11837200

he should just say he has a black wife therefore making him untouchable. "Dear teacher bitch, my sick kids and BLACK WIFE do not approve of ......." From then on out he has a free pass to write whatever

>> No.11838302

What happened with this OP

>> No.11839643

>I asked for a room to spitball opaque facetious writing methods
Not your personal army you fucking newfaggot. Go back to /b/.

>> No.11839648


>> No.11840067

Basted and redbilled
he adhered to it perfectly; write your own if your so assblasted.

>> No.11840632

never seen so many brainlets in one thread

>> No.11840667

If you're gonna try writing like a pretentious dickhead, at least study the form. There is a subtle art to top-tier world salad, and your writing falls flat imo. I would expect an english teacher to have plenty of experience with word-spam and vocab-flexing, but you disapoint me.
Your work is the literary equivalent of using google translate to write spanish poetry. You have to discover and embrace the nuances of your medium to write something truly accomplished. The dickhead style opens tons of doors for variation in structure and pacing, and you just barrelled onwards without even acknowledging them.
0/10, try again.

>> No.11840703

"hard-hearted hardness"
If this is intentional, lol