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11827919 No.11827919 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of seeing Campbell's monomyth everywhere.
What are some good or interesting narratives/story structures/monomyths that aren't done or influenced by Joseph Campbell?

>> No.11827939

freud's the future of an illusion or totem and taboo or moses and monotheism
mp carroll's "re-analyzing the star-husband tale"
marcel griaule's work on the dogon people's cosmology
deleuze and guattari's anti-oedipus (around p. 100 they get into the realm of cultural anthropology, which deals extensively with myth and ritual)

btw, you can't have myth without ritual, so any analysis that doesn't deal with both (including freud's own) is pretty much trash

victor turner's myriad ethnographic works

honestly, you should read ethnographies instead of looking for other campbell-type armchair academia

i have a bunch of other rec's if you're interested in what cultural anthropologists have to say about myth and ritual.

>> No.11827944

i guess if you want armchair trash like campbell but worse, you should read jung, who is a huge fucking dip shit and was wrong about everything

>> No.11827977

I've also heard Northrop Frye's name tossed around a bit. Is he worth reading?

>> No.11828008

>i have a bunch of other rec's
post them

>> No.11828938

Otto Rank
Myth of the Birth of the Hero

>> No.11829608

Georges Sorel
Reflections on Violence

>> No.11830199

I've already read Jung and the Tao te Ching, from which Jung derived his archetypes--I was asking for different literary and mythological frameworks because I was tired of seeing derivations from Campbell.

>> No.11830204
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bitch ass nigga

>> No.11831235

Good start. Anything more like this?

>> No.11831647

Campbell is actually quite strongly derivative from this. Many of Campbell's descriptions on African/Southeast Asian tribal rituals in the Masks of God are taken straight from Frazer.
If you read any works made by contemporary anthropologists or ethnologists, you might be able to notice the lack of emphasis (or even explicit rejection) on all-encompassing narratives which explain everything through the lens of the origin and development of mankind, and instead look to see anthropology as the study of every aspect of a culture as being tied to something else within this same system, instead of expecting it to reveal traces of something which lies outside.
If you wish to find any works by professionals on monomyths, you'll have to look back at the early 20th century, when anthropology was still in its infancy, and was still strongly influenced by philosophy and the colonialist view of European nations towards their subjects.

>> No.11831767

I see. So to simplify everything in the form of a monomyth would be to ignore the various differences between cultures and how those differences contribute to their mythologies.

I created this topic because I wanted to see different forms of story structure, but now I see that if I want to be influenced by myth, it's better to look up anthropological texts and go straight towards the original myths themselves.

>> No.11832885 [DELETED] 

yes on Sorel and Rank, skip Frazer

My fav. ethnography is Vincent Crapanzano's "Tuhami: Portrait of a Moroccan".

Robert Segal, "The Myth-Ritualist Theory of Religion"
Maya Deren, "The Divine Horseman Ritual"
Claude Lévi-Strauss, "Myth and Meaning"
— "The Structural Study of Myth"
— "The Sorcerer and His Magic"
Radcliffe-Brown, "Taboo"
Monica Wilson, "Nyakusa Ritual"
E. Durkheim, "Social as Sacred"
Sherry Ortner, "God's Bodies, God's Food"
Edmund Leach, "Virgin Birth"
— "Magical Hair"
— "Once a Knight is Quite Enough"
— "Genesis as Myth"
Melford Spiro, "Virgin Birth, Parthenogenesis and Physiological Paternity"
Clifford Geertz, "Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight"
Keith Basso, "Portraits of 'The Whiteman': Linguistic Play and Cultural Symbols Among the Western Apache"
E. Evans-Pritchard, "Witchcraft, Oracles, and Magic Among the Azande"
Victor Turner, "Revelation and Divination in Ndembu Ritual"
— "Ndembu Color Symbolism"
— "Symbols in Ndembu Ritual"
Richard Antoun, "The Past in the Present: 'Traditioning,' the Proof-Text, and the Covenant"
Maurice Bloch, "The Ritual of the Royal Bath in Merina"
Bruce Lincoln, "Ritual, Rebellion, Resistance"
Michael A. Mason, "I Bow My Head to the Ground"
Stanley Tambiah, "A Performative Approach to Ritual"
Malinowski, "Myth in Primitive Psychology"
Freud, "The Return of Totemism in Childhood"
Michael P. Carroll, "A New Look at Freud on Myth: Reanalyzing the Star-Husband Tale"
Bruno Bettelheim, "Freud and Man's Soul"
Jacob Arlow, "Ego Psychology and Study of Mythology"
Mircea Eliade, "Cosmogonic Myth"
Barber & Barber, "When they Severed Sky from Earth"
Salva Weil, "The Language and Ritual of Socialization: Birthday Parties in a Kindergarten"
Myra Bluebond-Langner, "The Private Worlds of Dying Children"
Lawrence & Jewett, "Myth of the American Superhero"
Karen Ho, "Liquidated: An Ethnography of Wall Street"
Nicholas Black Elk, "Black Elk Speaks"
Stanley Freed & Ruth Freed, "Taraka's Ghost"
Michelle Stephen, "A'aisa's Gift"

If you want to get really weird, try reading the DSM-V through the lenses/frameworks of some of the above authors.

Oh, you might also get a lot of mileage out of this link: https://www.afsnet.org/page/RecentBooks

>> No.11832891

Guenon's concept of the primordial tradition is pretty interesting. See "Lord of the World"

>> No.11833009
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yes on Sorel and Rank, skip Frazer

My fav. ethnography is Vincent Crapanzano's "Tuhami: Portrait of a Moroccan".

Robert Segal, "The Myth-Ritualist Theory of Religion"
Maya Deren, "The Divine Horseman Ritual"
Claude Lévi-Strauss, "Myth and Meaning"
— "The Structural Study of Myth"
— "The Sorcerer and His Magic"
Radcliffe-Brown, "Taboo"
Monica Wilson, "Nyakusa Ritual"
E. Durkheim, "Social as Sacred"
Sherry Ortner, "God's Bodies, God's Food"
Edmund Leach, "Virgin Birth"
— "Magical Hair"
— "Once a Knight is Quite Enough"
— "Genesis as Myth"
Melford Spiro, "Virgin Birth, Parthenogenesis and Physiological Paternity"
Clifford Geertz, "Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight"
Keith Basso, "Portraits of 'The Whiteman': Linguistic Play and Cultural Symbols Among the Western Apache"
E. Evans-Pritchard, "Witchcraft, Oracles, and Magic Among the Azande"
James Siegel, "The Truth of Sorcery"
Victor Turner, "Revelation and Divination in Ndembu Ritual"
— "Ndembu Color Symbolism"
— "Symbols in Ndembu Ritual"
Richard Antoun, "The Past in the Present: 'Traditioning,' the Proof-Text, and the Covenant"
Maurice Bloch, "The Ritual of the Royal Bath in Merina"
Bruce Lincoln, "Ritual, Rebellion, Resistance"
Michael A. Mason, "I Bow My Head to the Ground"
Stanley Tambiah, "A Performative Approach to Ritual"
Malinowski, "Myth in Primitive Psychology"
Freud, "The Return of Totemism in Childhood"
Michael P. Carroll, "A New Look at Freud on Myth: Reanalyzing the Star-Husband Tale"
Bruno Bettelheim, "Freud and Man's Soul"
Jacob Arlow, "Ego Psychology and Study of Mythology"
Mircea Eliade, "Cosmogonic Myth"
Barber & Barber, "When they Severed Sky from Earth"
Salva Weil, "The Language and Ritual of Socialization: Birthday Parties in a Kindergarten"
Myra Bluebond-Langner, "The Private Worlds of Dying Children"
Lawrence & Jewett, "Myth of the American Superhero"
Karen Ho, "Liquidated: An Ethnography of Wall Street"
Nicholas Black Elk, "Black Elk Speaks"
Stanley Freed & Ruth Freed, "Taraka's Ghost"
Michelle Stephen, "A'aisa's Gift"

Oh, you might also get a lot of mileage out of this link: https://www.afsnet.org/page/RecentBooks

lmao, i guess, if you're into that sort of vapid bullshitting

>> No.11833721

bumping shamelessly so the op will see a post i put like 30 minutes into making before thread gets buried

>> No.11833780


>> No.11834487

OP here. Got it, and saved. Thanks!

>> No.11835107

>Implying modern scholarship doesn’t still treat non-Western subjectivity as an inherently chaotic and provincial worldview contrasted with Western cosmopolitan universalism
>Implying ‘monomyth’ is a synonym for Spengler’s concept of the destiny of civilizations
I have no respect for you anthropology pseuds