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/lit/ - Literature

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11829407 No.11829407[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are you jealous of these intellectuals, /lit/?

>> No.11829422

I don't know who any of these people are, however I admire their dedication to all dressing like stand-up comedians.

>> No.11829427

why are they in need to pose off then?

>> No.11829428

where's peterson?

>> No.11829430
File: 315 KB, 2048x550, The Aspergers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name my band /lit/

>> No.11829435



>> No.11829437
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>wearing a blazer with jeans

>> No.11829438

I think the weinstein brothers have an interesting perspective. Dont know or dont care much for the rest.

>> No.11829441

Magic: The Roganing

>> No.11829443

I guess they had to throw some women in there to avoid being called misogynists.

>> No.11829444

This. And Eric probably gets to go to those cool Peter Thiel parties where Moldbug and Nick Land hang out.

>> No.11829446

the weight of lions

>> No.11829452

brag brag brag my darling

>> No.11829457

Hitler & die Luftwaffe

>> No.11829460

"my bush is bigger"

>> No.11829466

This is honestly one of the funnier posts this morning

>> No.11829844

Wtf is Joe Rogan doing there, also why no Peterson

>> No.11829873

Those Things Will Tear You to Pieces

>> No.11831141

Rogan is the man who makes it happen, he has the biggest podcast in the world and loves all of them.

>> No.11831637
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>> No.11831656

Weinstein is such a cringey, larping faggot for pushing this shit.

>> No.11831671
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>> No.11831835
File: 32 KB, 338x400, ishould go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing that makes me the angriest is that now JOE FUCKING ROGAN is now considered and INTELLECTUAL. It actually fucking hurts to see a meat head like Joe being put on the same pedestal as Soren Kierkegaard, Kant, Nietzsche, and Hegel, even by a small number of people.

>> No.11831845

Not jealous, rather—I would say—sexually intimidated.

>> No.11831922
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>> No.11831931
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I'm angry, excuse a typo or two

>> No.11831948

Yes, I want to have a crowd of mouthbreathers to give me money for saying mildly edgy shit while defending the status quo.

>> No.11831961

Poster for Counselor sequel

>> No.11831999

Yeah but have your heard what their Hollywood brother did?!?!?

>> No.11832001

Vessels are as important as the philosopher himself(implying the vessel will allow the true words of the philosopher to come out),so we should give joe rogan credit for that.Not for being a intellectual though.

>> No.11832010 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 1054x710, nick-land dugin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

missing actual intellectuals

>> No.11832025

No wonder other races think whites are all autistic

>> No.11832038

Genelet cope

>> No.11832088

I'm white

>> No.11832116

The Red Book Revival

>> No.11832136

Sam Harris standing in a bush of weed rambling about how he can totally pwn any theist in the entire history of the world by calling them a moral fundamentalist over and over and eventually they just get so pissed off they leave Is absolute kino

>> No.11832144

half of those people are jews

>> No.11832153

Sammy and the Pseuds

>> No.11832207

Giving us whites a bad name

>> No.11832225

i got the brain capacity of any five random of them together.

>> No.11832303

A mere cuckold then, don't you have some Netflix to watch?

>> No.11832322

fuck off it says im professional but still want to fuck my coworkers

>> No.11832478

Panic! At the Guardian

>> No.11832490

No it says "I'm a huge faggot who enjoys taking black cocks up my ass"

>> No.11832576

Land doesn't leave his stasis chamber in Xi's Shanghai home

>> No.11832582

Ctrl. Opposition

>> No.11832637

The entire intellectual dark web/alt-right group is so stupid and vapid. And I have a suspicion it's stupid and vapid on purpose. How come everybody pays attention to guys like Peterson and Ben Shapiro, and nobody pays attention to the Catholic integralist intellectuals and the people seriously arguing for monarchy and aristocracy? They seem a lot less buffoonish and stupid.

>> No.11833389
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fucking lmao

>> No.11833595

Hairless Chimps

>> No.11833608

The Joe Rogan Experience

>> No.11833634 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 677x642, 1532849415016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How come everybody pays attention to guys like Peterson and Ben Shapiro, and nobody pays attention to the Catholic integralist intellectuals
Because catholicism is no longer relevant?

This "intellectual dark web" BS is designed to keep people away from thinkers like Mike Enoch and Greg Johnson and Richard Spencer and others who are explicitly pro-white, have sound-tight arguments, and most importantly speak about jews.

That's who is competing for mindspace here: the jews running western information organs and pro-white thinkers exposing these jews. As a result jews are censoring those people, raising up kosher movements, and creating an intellectual barrier to keep more whites from becoming racially aware, asserting their interests, and exposing these jew rats promoting mass immigration and calling dissenters of multiculturalism racist.

That's why this fake "intellectual dark web" exists.

>> No.11833841

The Weinstein brothers are literally the only people in that picture with 3 digit IQs

>> No.11833864

ten points to you i guess...

>> No.11833976

Kikes & pseuds

>> No.11833984

The Aspergers

>> No.11833987

>jeans and suit jacket
don't do this

>> No.11833990

"Dark Web" is simply a euphemism for pedophilies surfing Tor.

>> No.11833993

>thinkers like Mike Enoch

>> No.11833994

Its crazy that seven out of eight of the people in that picture are jewish. The one goy being the jester who is only used to elevate the others.

Oh an the article was written by Bari Weiss.

Do people just pretend not to notice this shit?

>> No.11833996

You're sounding a little hateful and anti-semitic there, aren't you?

>> No.11834128

So credit for sitting there and hearing crazy shit burped at him by Dave Rubin?

>> No.11834138

It's insane how ass hurt these guys make everyone here. It's like Rupi Kaur + John Green x 100.

>> No.11834153

Maybe two of them anyone here even knows.

>> No.11834157 [DELETED] 

These are fake intellectual kikes being presented to us by other kikes currently serving as out overlords who are conveying a false consciousness to whites that's bad for whites and benefits only kikes.

Not only should whites be mad about this, they should want to run these kikes out of our fucking countries, which is an inevitable result with many precedents anyway, and is about to happen again due to behavior like this. These jews don't belong in the west and need to be removed from power, period.

>> No.11835598

Who are the others?

>> No.11835612

The Big Brain Boy Band

>> No.11835657

stfu with this paranoid bullshit

>> No.11835669

Centrist status quo jews attempt to rebrand themselves as cool and edgy like the alt right or dark enlightenment

>> No.11835700 [DELETED] 
File: 3.88 MB, 4500x4602, I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Centrist status quo jews attempt to rebrand themselves as...
*are branded by the jewish media as...

>> No.11835705

Notice how anglo "intellectuals" have no sense of fashion whatsoever?

>> No.11835707

someone post that bungie pic where it looks like they've all been hanged

>> No.11835718

Literally who? I can classify far to many as jewish considering their populational density and 94 average IQ.

>> No.11835722

The Oven Dodgers.

>> No.11835724

Tolkien dressed well

>> No.11835726


>> No.11835739

The Intellectual Dark Web are more popular and have a bigger audience.

>> No.11835752

Who are all these Jews?

>> No.11835897

Thank God none of these people will be remembered 50 years from now, I don't even know most of them now. The name still pisses me off though, not even the intellectual part but calling it dark web is so incredibly stupid.

>> No.11836368

These aren't intellectuals. They are the bourgeois' dream of the intellectual - i.e., professional pseuds.

>> No.11836379

Searching for Peterson

>> No.11836388

But what are you all doing? The rare time I see anyone contribute anything it gets shat on or deleted.

>> No.11836403

The Pull it ups.

>> No.11836415


I dare anyone to refute that image, I'll bet money on it.

>> No.11836448

Bushy-thighed Sam and the Ashkenazi Gang

>> No.11836558

Fuck off back to /pol/. There are many cultural and historical reasons that Jews are over represented in media, law and finance.

>> No.11837199

I only know Rogan and Harris.
How are these people related?

>> No.11837218

Sad but true. For all their hate of the left, that is the sort of shit people on the right look up to.
And another Dionysian who doesn't drink...

>> No.11837292

Who is the woman third in on the left in this image? The others I either know who they are or have at least seem them before, but with her I have no clue.

>> No.11837348

How far have we fallen that this is an unironi post? Can someone explain to me how 4chan became even more retarded by actually harboring a sizeable population that believes jews rule the world for questionable reasons? When did people forget basic logic?

>> No.11837354

Why dont you guys like Peterson? He just seems like a dude trying to help other people. How can you claim to be a good person while hating another?

>> No.11837372

>How far have we fallen
Where the fuck do you think you are? You knew what you were getting into when you came here.

>> No.11837376
File: 96 KB, 383x1024, 1486417163908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking retard. Hang your head in shame and change your life or continue to live a mistake that only would have bettered the world if it had it been aborted

>> No.11837383

4chan seems relatively tame and reserved nowadays, to me at least.

>> No.11837393

holy shit is Rogen a manlet?

>> No.11837402

i'm sure he's an okay person but he's got a habit of saying some real dumbfuck shit

>> No.11837405

Holy fuck... they're all so full of themselves. Wouldn't have expected Weinstein to pose like such a pretentious douche.
Intellectuals don't do this smug half-smile shit.

>> No.11837406

Yeah I don’t get this term being applied to those people..

>> No.11837416


>> No.11837469

they are all
>OMG dae SJW = bad? pls upvote thx <333

>> No.11837477

you beat me to it

>> No.11837771

>You're a fucking retard
>proceeds to compare an ethnic group that comprises nearly 20% of the US with one that comprosises just 2%

>> No.11838106


this is embarrassing

>> No.11838119

>Bruh i am just giving people the ability to speak to millions.Ez task.