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/lit/ - Literature

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11829181 No.11829181 [Reply] [Original]

Just got a newfag kindle, and don't want to spend any more money for now.

>> No.11829219


>> No.11829398

Libgen.io, well really any form of libgen is good enough. Use Calibre to sideload it to your Kindle.

>> No.11829411

When I drag and drop mobi files to my phone, the kindle reader just tells me to remove the files. That doesn't happen on kindle hardware?

>> No.11829511

mobilism.org and libgen

calibre just works with my kindle

>> No.11829706

The links for Libgen on wikipedia of all places are generally up to date (top right).

You can get pretty much anything there. If you have a Kindle, you'll probably need to convert most of the files you find since they will be not in .mobi format. They are usually epub

You can convert the majority of these files very easily using the free program Calibre:

Some books will be better than others on a kindle. Novels are great, I've read The Second World War - Anthony Beevor in paper format, and it didn't really work on a kindle. It's a book with quite a few maps that I wanted to refer back to to know where the different fronts were etc... and it was simply not comfortable to use the kindle to refer back to the maps.

Apart for things like that, Kindles are the bees knees!

>> No.11829713

Do you know of any essential /lit/-core books that you can't get on libgen? Got an Amazon voucher with my kindle and wondering how to spend it strategically

>> No.11829716

>What is /lit/ favorite (and barely legal) site for downloading...
I wasn't expecting "ebooks" to appear at the end of this sentence.

>> No.11829761

Basically everything you could want

>> No.11829765

Honestly not, sorry. I've only just started coming to /lit/, I'm trying to expand my horizons.

For the most part I've been reading popular science, politics, history etc... and it's been a very rare occurrence that I've not been able to find anything to my taste. Sometimes I've been able to find things that aren't on Amazon.
So, I think for the classics you'll be able to find pretty much anything you want on libgen.

>> No.11829850

I don't suppose you know incidentally the best editions / ways to get hold of the Greek philosophers on libgen? Sorry for all the questions, just a bit confused by the options (Loeb etc)

>> No.11830486


Blocked by my provider.

>> No.11830525

My local libraries (where my parents live and also where I live) also have ebooks, magazines, audiobooks and such available for loan on things like RBDigital and Libby app (used to be OverDrive).

Go see if yours does that, too. Might be an alternative option for stuff you wanna read but not necessarily own.

>> No.11830563

The French edition of Deleuze's Différence et Répétition. All his other books and those cowritten with Guattari are there save this one.

>> No.11830760

And if you do want to keep them, it's simple to remove the DRM from Overdrive books.

>> No.11830962

myanonymouse is a great website and has pretty much everything. You have to do an interview with an admin before you can join though.

>> No.11830977
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Libgen is great and all but using bookz on IRC has a better hitrate. https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Bookz

>> No.11830985

b-ok.org as well

>> No.11831186


That site is an aggregator that basically pulls from libgen and makes ad money off the libgen archive, also is a little shady in regards to spyware, etc

>> No.11831447

is there a torrent of all the books on bloom's western canon?

>> No.11831527

soulseek is pretty good for .epubs

>> No.11831597

fuck calibre, go with

>> No.11831672

What's wrong with Calibre? I use it to manage all my legally aquired books too. Great metadata fetching good interface, easy to use, built in reader. The only issue I have is managing fires it hit or miss. I'm on a paperwhite so it's not an issue for me but if my gf wants a book it can be finnicky

>> No.11831709

right, it's a whole big "manager" thing, whatever that fuck that is. if you enjoy that, great.
I download books onto a folder called "Books", convert them with that website if necessary, and usb them onto the kindle. Simple. No management required.

>> No.11831800

I mean I do use it as a digital library but you can just use it to convert books and do nothing else. You can set it up so you plug in your kindle, it converts any new books into a format the kindle can read, then it automatically sends them over. To me that seems easier than downloading your books, reuploading them to a site, waiting for the site to convert them, redownloading them, then moving them onto your kindle.

>> No.11833059

that's fucking more work than simply dragging them into calibre and sending them to your device but hey what ever floats yuour boat

>> No.11833140

I occasionally use Libgen and archive.org, and they both suck.

Seriously I'm not trying to be autistic but downloading ebooks fucking sucks. The only time I did it was when I was underage. Yeah, I admit it's amazing if you're poor/NEET, but anyone with money should just buy books.

The selections are limited, the editions are old, and only fags use kindles. Buy a proper physical volume, go out in nature, and read through the fucking thing with the discipline of a man. I used to just download 20 books and spend 10 minutes reading a couple of pages because it was so annoying to read it on a screen. Fuck that shit.

>> No.11833141
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>> No.11833490

The fact I can convert and sync books offline is why I like it. I dislike relying on websites for stuff like conversions because it's a waste of bandwidth. Downloading a book, uploading it to the site then redownloading it is just wasteful. Skipping the middleman and just having a dedicated program for converting stuff that also has a bunch of other features I really like having is just more economical in my eyes.

>> No.11834176

use tor

>> No.11834190

english translation of "things hidden since the foundation of the world"

>> No.11834196

Stop giving this information out.
If he he doesn't already know, he probably isn't worthy to find out.

>> No.11834199

lmao just look at this sad fuck

>> No.11834227

>gatekeeping information
Seriously? What, do you think they'll get shutdown if too many people find out? This is internet piracy we're talking about, even if it does get shut down (unlikely) there'll be 12 mirrors up by the next day.

>> No.11834244

Probably doesn't matter.
All the real sekrit klubs are private anyway.

>> No.11835485
