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File: 75 KB, 720x478, quran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11826784 No.11826784 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /lit/. I'm interested in buying a Koran, although I have virtually no idea which translations are good, which are better, which are crap, etc.

What does /lit/ recommend? I suppose I prefer translations closer to the native meaning, rather than an English interpretation of them.

>> No.11826801


Arthur Arberry for a good translation.

>> No.11826804
File: 2.38 MB, 2392x3968, 5D1608FA-D3BF-4B4C-8BE5-DA83E6D8C2BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy you sure know how to ask respectfully
There are many different sects, as each interpretation of the Quran differs, so choose witch one you want to learn about and pay attention to the differences

>> No.11826849

Islam does not deserve respect when it can't even respect other religions. Shitskins need to keep to themselves and not impose their garbage way of life onto others.

>> No.11826854


>> No.11826875
File: 95 KB, 824x579, C4736B1E-3C6E-4BFA-A72A-E41689F8E492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice hypocrisy there. Maybe if you wanted them to stop you’d advocate for ways to get off fossil fuels, as you keep bombing the shit out of them for your car.
I could be ranting about the amount of times Christianity was shoved down the throats of so many people forcefully with an almost comical irony of preaching peace at the point of a gun, but it would simply fall on deaf ears.
Anyway, now you know how to pick out a Quran, so try and read it like you would read anything else you would disagree with, open minded at the very least

>> No.11826890

The Quran's written in a very different way than your normal modern novel. It's not chronological and it seems like it goes all over the place. That's why choosing a good translation is essential for you to understand the book.

Personally, I'd recommend Abdel Haleem or Mustafa Khattab's translations as they're both relatively new and thus easier to read and understand.

>> No.11826895

>It's not chronological and it seems like it goes all over the place.
I felt like i was ltierally reading some guy's my diary desu just rambling at me about stuff

>> No.11826913
File: 105 KB, 685x417, nasr, ideal and realities pp 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl, it does seem like that but if you read some angelika neuwirth and other academics it's undeniable that it does have literary merit and coherence.

>> No.11826924

that description is pretty interesting. so it is my diary desu but as some religious art that is the perfect expression of language, of God's word? Or rather I guess they're saying that in the presence of God language itself falls apart, and this broken image of it that we see, that implies the presence of God, thereby making the text holy?

>> No.11826962

idk i interpret it in light of the i'jaz (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27jaz).). So God decided to speak to humans using in their own language and this speech left a mark on the Arab language which no one has been fully able to imitate or understand.

I didn't mention it in my original post, but in order to fully understand the Quran, you also need to read the Biography of the Prophet Muhammad. It's not like the Bible (or at least the NT) which is just the companions of Jesus writing about him or their experiences after he died, which is more biographical and sounds more like a story.

Instead Muslims believe the Quran to be the literal direct speech of God directed towards the Prophet Muhammad (and by extension all humanity) as events in his life unfolded. Therefore, to understand the meaning behind some verses it's a good idea to at least have some knowledge of the the Prophet Muhammad.

To add, Muslims also believe that the Quran is the direct word of God ONLY in Arabic. Any other language is simply an interpretation by the translator. therefore, they believe the artistic merits and the beauty and whatnot are meant to be understood in Arabic. So if you think it's garbo in any other language it doesn't really detract from the beauty of the book (in the Muslim's opinion) lol

>> No.11826974

This sounds slightly like a cope, but I am guinely interested anyway. I am probably not going to learn arabic though lol. It took me 3 years to learn the last language I learnt, and I did so because I just loved how it sounded. Arabic I am not so keen on. But I will revisit a translation of the Quran

Are you Muslim yourself, do you speak Arabic?

>> No.11826987

I have been inspired by the English translation of Arabic, but I do realize it’s not what God intended.

Still, the message is prophetic.

>> No.11826988


>Maybe if you wanted them to stop you’d advocate for ways to get off fossil fuels, as you keep bombing the shit out of them for your car.

Statistically, the US isn't even the most christian country in the world, mate. And the "bombing" isn't driven by religious motives. Stop acting like the US represents anything.

>I could be ranting about the amount of times Christianity was shoved down the throats of so many people forcefully

And I bet you would be historically inaccurate 90% of the time. You one of those people who stills thinks the inquisition was like a medieval gestapo or something?

>> No.11826997

The US is one of the most religious countries in the world.

The last five presidents or so have been absolute dicks to every country in the Middle East.

>> No.11827006

And I want to add on to my own post: I am glad the country is religious, the two points weren’t necessarily connected. Even though I am a Muslim I would rather live in a predominantly Christian country than an atheist shithole, like Europe

>> No.11827007

>every country
Not Israel and Saudi Arabia though

>> No.11827012

The message is Satanic. Its all lies, God is truth!

>> No.11827013


I wonder why.

Those two countries right there.... fuck nothing makes me more mad. Saudi Arabia bombs the fuck out of Yemen on a habitual basis like they’re nothing, and Israel is literally using real estate development and the market to oust Palestinians out of their land like some bastardized version of gentrification.

>> No.11827019

You’re insane. The Koran condemns and hates Satan

>> No.11827024

Well for the Sauds it's because dat oil, and for Israel it's because of the Jewish connection and the 'democratic ally', as well as the Christian obsession with the place. Plus there is a little system of kickbacks going on in the war industry

>> No.11827031

Yeah because death still runs the fucking machine. It’s sick. There’s oil in Israel too though, so they’re happy to have that chosen land again.

Trust me, God chose the Jews at one point for his people, as the Koran says. But seeing how Usurious they are, this new religion is going to start with this:

The Jews are no longer the chosen people

>> No.11827034
File: 135 KB, 568x758, sdaf;ldsakflkjdsaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't blame you desu, it's a bit of a strange idea that an artistic work can be objectively good since we view art as being subjective

however, as the story goes, when the Prophet Muhammad began preaching he had very little political power and pretty much no military power. He had only his words to revolt against society. At that time, the Arabs were apparently master poets who literally revered poetry as being a fundamental pillar of their society. the fact that the Prophet Muhammad was able to recite words which no other man could imitate or one-up shows the perfection of the Quran.

>> No.11827039

Interesting theory... In his book Cyclonopedia, Reza Negarestani claims that the Middle East is a sentient entity whose shit is oil.

>> No.11827045
File: 28 KB, 302x227, quran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how they viewed the Quran/ijaz

>> No.11827052

Is everyone on this board fucking mentally ill?

>> No.11827081

The Jews are a strange group, and it's hard to get a read on them because they themselves are so fanatic about 'antisemitism' that they don't really admit the bad things they do, but then you have the depiction of them in Mein Kampf or something which is just way overblown. Either way Nietzsche was right that they are the most fateful race or whatever the word he used there was.

As for the chosen people, I have no idea m8. The only chosen people imo are martyrs, but this is probably just the left over ambience of Christianity biasing me

>> No.11827082

Well I'd rather Europe stay atheist than become Muslim cesspool, the mass migration has really ruined parts of Europe. I hope the elected leaders of those countries that allowed this infestation get beheaded.

>> No.11827089

Do you not understand The Holy Bible? The Jews were the chosen ones. But they are sinful now, with much of humanity the same way

>> No.11827091

i dont understand anything to be perfectly honest

>> No.11827098

When they crucified the son of god they cursed themselves to future tragedies.

>> No.11827103

I typically look on Jews as I would a bag of tools. The human form is, then, to both elevated and demeaned. A quasi-divine status is inevitable still, so let us accompany it by an attitude of material utilitarianism. A subordinate man or woman, subject to will and divorced from all else, is no different than a tool such as a hammer, or a raw material, we exist to be used, disassembled for useful components, reassembled, forged, remade or unmade. Jews and Satanic Muslims alike. The very concept of humanity must be violently denied and dispensed with. A human being is nothing more than a useful object, a collection of parts or bits, some of which are themselves useful objects. We are relegated to a market function, to McNuggets, to circuitry in the greater scheme of the objective determined 'end' state drive. simultaneously beginning, running along side, but removed from, the human. We are already dead. We must dedicate our loathsome existence to total annihilation.

>> No.11827111

They killed a prophet. It would be like if the people killed Noah or something, that’s all Jesus was, a prophet.

Prophets come in all shapes and forms. Sometimes a prophet doesn’t have an ‘ability’ or ‘miracles’ but sometimes he does. Every so often they are necessary to push humanity on the right track

>> No.11827114

At this point in time I find Muslims to be bigger threat to the west than the subtle evil of corrupted Jews.

>> No.11827118

Terrible post. Muslims are not Satanic.

>> No.11827120 [DELETED] 

Agreed. This second-guessing about such an effective meme sounds even more like beta wincing than class snobbery.

Was GamerGate too low-brow as well? Perhaps it is jealous crabs pulling fellow right-wingers back down into the bucket.

The word cuckhold aptly describes the white conservative enabling of brazenly and unashamedly anti-white forces. Let’s see if they can Buckley-purge this meme.

The language is no more pornographic than that of Old Testament Prophets calling Israel a whore for lusting after foreign gods. As a Catholic, I find claims that such a term is anti-Christian to be particularly loathsome.

>> No.11827424

throw it on the fire when you've read it