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/lit/ - Literature

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11821966 No.11821966 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11821969

Nice pepe

>> No.11821973

split up your time, 4 hours of games, 4 hours of reading, 4 hours of porn. perfectly balanced life.

>> No.11821978

I can do 4 hours of porn and 4 hours od vidya games, but I can only do 30 minutes of reading. How do I fix this?

>> No.11821989

read more

>> No.11822008

By doing 3 and a half more hours of it

>> No.11822009

I'm only awake 10 hours a day

>> No.11822016

Go to bed Ian

>> No.11822017

>No working
>No cooking
>No eating
>No lazing around lacking motivation

>> No.11822496
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>mfw I play video games, watch porn, and read books of both the literary and genre fiction variety

>> No.11822505

I managed to quit vidya by unplugging my pc and hiding the cable before I blacked out. I cannot quit porn for the love of me though, please help, what the fuck. I don't even have time to read with school too.

End of blogpost.

>> No.11822567

This isn't how it works. Sudden changes usually end up with you going to old routines in a few days. Gotta build a habit so start slow, say by cutting your vidya time.

>> No.11822573

By reading things you actually enjoy

>> No.11822575

You don't need to quit things to do other things. I do all three.

>> No.11822581

Female poster detected

>> No.11822602

If you can't find purpose on reading then there is nothing you can do that will help you.

>> No.11822617

You can easily condense the 4/4 into just 4 hours of fapping while playing vidya.
If you can't get an erection just from the thought of reading I don't know what to tell you. From there just a quick fap when you find something good while reading should be more than enough if you're not a degenerate.

>> No.11822653

Watch a lot more of it. Double or triple the amount of videos you watch for a week or two. Masturbate even if you don't feel like it. Watch the most depraved and tragic vids on sites like facialabuse, assteenmouth, legalporno. See how you'll feel like.

>> No.11822656

Listen here you sick fuck.
What is porn but an aesthetic of something you want? Cut the aesthetic and start visualizing what could happen in reality.
What are video games but an aesthetic of something you want? Competition in reality, or some other form of happiness in the form of a story.
Cut them out. Let them be training weights, lifted off your heavy head, and release yourself back into the world. Unshackle from all this instant gratification, and remember where you started.

>> No.11822669

uhh anon no one quit amphetamines by going on massive meth binges

>> No.11822683

There's a greek word for this but, the concept of doing something hbitually one oughtn't to do.
How to quit all 3, is mine question. Pats pls

>> No.11822686

>What is porn but an aesthetic of something you want? Cut the aesthetic and start visualizing what could happen in reality.

>> No.11822691

How do you people actually play video games? They all seem so boring and cookie cutter.

>> No.11822694

The porn thing I guess I get but how are video games not reality? Their existence is no less significant then weights.

Why is it that pseudos always revert back to lifting weights like its some ultimate pass time? I mean its fun but relax.

>> No.11822702

i actually did this, and i've never been so afraid for everyone else

>> No.11822758

why choose? listen to audiobooks while playing games, provided the game is not dialogue heavy.

>> No.11822779

>Let them be training weights, lifted off your heavy head, and release yourself back into the world
I imagine I'm Goku training on King Kai's super gravity moon.

>> No.11822788

You can't do any more meth if you're dead

>> No.11823100
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>I'm quitting my job to only play video games, watch porn and read books

>> No.11823105

Learn to understand what the porn industry is actually like and you won't get off on it anymore.

>> No.11823107
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just became a wagie and I already wanna go back to the NEET life. I fucking hate working so fucking much

>> No.11823133

Realistically you need to (mostly) cut out general internet use if you want to become a more consistent reader

>> No.11823142

If you do this you'll only be able to talk to people about books. Don't do it.

>> No.11823145

This doesn't solve the problem of amateur porn

>> No.11823186

This. Didn't quit video games, just naturally lost interest.

>> No.11823192

I did that is nothing special you just read 1 extra book a week.

>> No.11823195

Its the same with "fun" action movies. They're fucking dull.

>> No.11823196

I only play with friends or some turn based game where I can watch YouTube on the side and relax.

>> No.11823199

Dopamine and motivation are limited. They go out the window the moment you ejaculate.

>> No.11823205

This only reinforces the habit and permently burns the images into your mind.

>> No.11823209

play tf2 somewhat regularly. don't care about the contemporary gaming scene at all.

>> No.11823216
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I guess it's dependent on your peers but it does become harder to find topics to talk about with people if you completely estrange yourself from pop culture.

>> No.11823232
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Yeah, boxing and martial arts are better.

>> No.11823234

Because of course, whole medium is more or less the same and homogenised, and it doesn't offer different things for different people. Not at all.

>> No.11823256

Ah, a wise centrist! Greetings good sir!

>> No.11823470

Remove or limit temptation (like how unplugging your PC makes gaming harder). Also, generally keep yourself busy, happy, healthy and focused on more meaningful and rewarding things than porn.

>> No.11823541

but the whole medium IS more or less the same, or at least for sure is limited to one, narrow bracket of intellectual/artistic merit, a very low one. there is little progress to make as there isn't any accessibility/difficulty curve to them.

>> No.11823591
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>gave up videogames and other pleb shit years ago to get /lit/
>actually stuck with it
>realize yesterday I'm more alone and the less happy then when I would just play videogames and watch anime with other like-minded people
>tfw can't go back to my old ways
Is this what plato ment when he talked about leaving the cave?

>> No.11823620

>Is this what plato ment when he talked about leaving the cave?
we can't know for certain, but sounds like it's pretty close.

>> No.11823808

the cave is other people

only as a hermit NEET you can begin to understand the true reality

>> No.11823823
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become a buddhist you dunce

>> No.11823828

Imagine not being able to be productive if you masturbate. You already live the half the life of mine. Jokes on you anon.

>> No.11823837

I like well written games because they're somewhat insightful or emotion-provoking, and it's easier to connect with the characters when you're directly involved in their story.

Obviously books have much more depth and are fleshed out more, but that's why they're two different mediums of entertainment.

>> No.11823853

It's pretty nice compared to most other industries. Should people stop using the Internet and read books because the majority of each industry is owned by a small cartel of disgusting companies that shit on their customers? Hell, vidya alone is much worse than porn for working naive kids out of their mind for pennies.

>> No.11823856

Another high quality thread on /lit/

>> No.11823858

>well written games
Which would that be? Even the oh so praised Witcher series is about GoT tier at best.

>> No.11823873

>4 hours of porn
Is this even possible

>> No.11823894

VNs of course, they can make me feel like shit for weeks

>> No.11823896

if you have been watching porn since you were a teen, you've wired your brain to be addicted. If you want to beat it, you really do have to go cold turkey for at least a month.

I was into porn because it's of course a quick fun fix when you're depressed. Eventually I moved into a new building and I couldn't afford wi-fi, so I had to rely on public, which blocks any NSFW sites. This really helped me ease off, and I started noticing my productivity gains and I guess I'll call it energy coming back. So try installing a porn blocking software. If you go through all the effort to bypass it just to jerk it again, you'll know you have a problem at that point.

>> No.11823953

Eh, there should be own category for them tbqh.

>> No.11823954

If anon is a retard who didn't download the stuff already and has to search for the right vid every time, and fap 3+ times a day ... sounds doable.

>> No.11823975

I've quit porn like 20 times but I'm on a 2 month streak now. Best streak was like 6 months. So we will see.

>> No.11823988
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"Above all, do not lie to yourself. A man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he does not discern any truth either in himself or anywhere around him, and thus falls into disrespect towards himself and others. Not respecting anyone, he ceases to love, and having no love, he gives himself up to passions and coarse pleasures, in order to occupy and amuse himself, and in his vices reaches complete bestiality, and it all comes from lying continually to others and to himself. A man who lies to himself is often the first to take offense. It sometimes feels very good to take offense, doesn't it? And surely he knows that no one has offended him, and that he himself has invented the offense and told lies just for the beauty of it, that he has exaggerated for the sake of effect, that he has picked on a word and made a mountain out of a pea--he knows all of that, and still he is the first to take offense, he likes feeling offended, it gives him great pleasure, and thus he reaches the point of real hostility"

>> No.11823990


>> No.11824039
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>> No.11824077

I wish I could play Vidya but all of them are shit nowadays.
No, it is not. I played games all the way into adulthood. They started becoming shit and marketed towards the average person around 2008.
The decrease in quality is too steep to be a coincidence.

>> No.11824083

Mainstream games are trash yea. You have to look for the obscure that targets autism

>> No.11824092

I do.
Problem is there is like one or two decent ones per year.
Lisa, OFF, etc

>> No.11824107

I gradually lost interest in vidya so now all I play are Metroidvanias and difficult platformers, including replaying Super Metroid every month

>> No.11824113

Yea that's the amount of games I play now 1 2 a year excluding something my friends pick up.

>> No.11824117

Don't you people work?

>> No.11824125

You have to be able to embrace your own lust without necessarily acting on it. Trying to reject it entirely will just fuck you up even further -- it really is best to just admit and accept your feelings.

>> No.11824147

>being a wageslave

>> No.11824205
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>12 books read this year
>but 600+ manga volumes

>> No.11824225

>posts Hindu art

>> No.11824238

Meanwhile /lit/ has over 5000 years of books worth reading. Even if it's only 1 or 2 decent ones per year thats is more than a few lifetimes of reading

>> No.11824255

Not sure what your point is desu

>> No.11824273

Point is
We need 5000 years of Vidya tradition.
Imagine if Plato designed something or Pynchon

>> No.11824277

where the fuck is chasteposter when you need him

>> No.11824284

Stop counting the days. You're acting like it's only a temporary thing.

>> No.11824293

don't pretend like /lit/ isn't the focal point for all your bad habits. I personally do not play video games or fondle the Johnson as they say but that doesn't mean I'm any better than you. imagine what our lives would be like if we could just leave this god forsaken hell hole. let it be so, friend. let it be so.

>> No.11824303

yes imagine if Plato created a children's toy

>> No.11824305

idk what you're getting at. my life has become infinitely better since I started coming here. Maybe a coincidence, but on the other hand maybe not.

>> No.11824329

I had pretty much given up videogames except for replays of old games every now and then but then my friends bought me a ps4 for my birthday and I've become an overwatch autist

>> No.11824333

I don't play vidyda, watch sports, and hardly watch tv shows or movies. Only shows I watch (I do count them as shows even if they're not on cable tv) are ReportoftheWeek, JRE, and StyxHexenHammer but spend more time reading as entertainment. Not that hard to do if you find interesting things to read. Start with something simple yet decent like Chabon's and Franzen's work then work your way up.

The only downside it's hard to make conversation and much friends when you don't share their interests.

>> No.11824357

This goal is not as lofty as you'd think. I never read in my teens, filled my nerves with video games, anime, music, whatever bullshit. I still suffer from the effects but not from the habit. I have abstained and do not desire video games, smoking or many other of my old virtues. It takes a lot of effort to be "free" and you find you have to give up on the idea of life being exactly the way you want it to be.

>> No.11824368

Find someone to watch kino with.

>> No.11824371
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>ReportoftheWeek, JRE, and StyxHexenHammer

>> No.11824378

Don't forget to lift

>> No.11824389

Better than the shit on cable television.

>> No.11824411

>better than tv

Styx: dude magic lmao

>> No.11824451

Masturbate once a day, with porn every other day. Tell yourself "For reading for x amount of time" or "For working my next shift I'll reward myself with a fap".
After the first week, increase the time to fapping every other day and porn every 3rd fap session. Keep going until you feel like you have a handle (kek) on thing.

>> No.11824468

Don't try to pretend this wouldn't be great and advance children's learning

>> No.11824475

Games stopped being fun when they became part-time jobs. If you can't pick up and play the game easily, or it literally requires an investment to "keep up" like 2 hours a day or 10 hours a week, some with actual monetary investments like required DLCs, then the game isn't worth playing; few games today are worth playing.

>> No.11824548

pornography is simply a means to appeal to your instincts, so you have to choose to be based in temporary pursuits or something more lasting. no one ever built a bridge by fapping into a river (outside of an absurd fantasy story).

>> No.11824579

Deus Ex, Metal Gear 1 and 2, Fallout 1, Psychonauts, the list goes on and on.

>> No.11824589

>Deus Ex, Metal Gear 1 and 2, Fallout 1
Are basically capeshit tier.

Psychonauts was pretty good though.

>> No.11824594

any for honor players? let's do some rounds.

>> No.11824640

i only play video games in the language i'm learning
it teaches words better than reading a book

>> No.11824681

People like you are why I never admit publicly that I play video games.

>> No.11824730

>I am so afraid of a negative reaction towards the things I enjoy, I prefer not to admit I enjoy them
If you aren't underage, that's quite pathetic.

>> No.11824742

Why, because you have shit taste and are afraid you'll be made fun of?
It's one thing to enjoy those games, but it's a whole other to say they're well written.

>> No.11824762

t. wears fursuits in public and fucks roadkill

>> No.11824787

Would be still more respectable than being a fag who is too embarrassed to be open about what they enjoy.

>> No.11824806

There are people who really think like this, folks. They are people who really honestly respect people who fuck road kill. Let that sink in. I'm not joking. They'll defend having sex with dead animals. And they really mean it.

>> No.11824820

Deus Ex is pretty literary. It has themes of anarchism, luddism, terrorism, government conspiracies, surveillance, transhumanism, etc.

>> No.11824837

Themes alone don't make a work literally if it approaches them like a kid who just learned about the stuff.

Huh, wasn't roadkill an euphemism for ugly people?

>> No.11824846

I don't play video games, sometimes watch porn, but the real devil is wasting my time on this website and the internet in general and managing my academics side by side with reading.. pretty hard

>> No.11824941

>like reading, listening to music, watching films and playing vidya
>eventually it feels like you're just endlessly consuming and giving nothing back and even if you were to try to produce something you're so unskilled / untalented that it would be shite anyway so theres no point

who else knows this

>> No.11824987

Work? You must mean studying the blade one hour a day.

>> No.11824992

>4 hours of porn

>> No.11824994

>Deus Ex approaches its themes like a kid who just learned about the stuff
You need to apply yourself

>> No.11824996

I know this feeling.

>> No.11825047

I've spent the last three years in a complete rut. Literally zero no new experiences or friends.

>> No.11825060

you keep going you fuck and you keep grinding till your bleeding every day

>> No.11825286

But then there’s no time to read

>> No.11825712
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best of luck op.

>> No.11825717

baste n redpulled

>> No.11825734

This is me except I'm worse. It's gay porn.

>> No.11825741

This is me except I'm worse. It's gay and hetero porn.

>> No.11825762

This is me except I'm worse. It's gay and hetero midget porn.

>> No.11825832

>gave up on video games a long time ago
>start LARPing as a Catholic here
>finally give up porn as well
>only real vice left is /lit/
>can't give up

>> No.11825865

/lit/ is only a vice if you treat it like one. You could easily just come here for the laughs.

>> No.11825868

>tfw playing video games feels like more of a chore than reading
Guess I've finally grown up then

>> No.11825869
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If I may ask - why is Catholic memeing such a thing on this board?

>> No.11826145

it's not a meme, /lit/ is a Christian board; catholics are eh and can be larpy (especially anglos) but we Orthodox are the true patricians of the board.

>> No.11826149

OP here, you guys with your posts have all given me the energy to do this. I haven't played vidya or jerked off in 24 hours and I did pushups last night.

We're all gunna make it some day

>> No.11826208

>no one ever built a bridge by fapping into a river (outside of an absurd fantasy story)
What a great idea, anon!

>> No.11826253

>Orthodoxy and Catholicism aren't nearly identical in practice
why do Orthodox posters always think they have some sort of superiority over Catholic posters in ritual while pretty much everything is shared besides teachings?
t. former Catholic who studied both before deconverting

>> No.11826271

what kind of guy watches gay porn

>> No.11826326

>Which would that be?
Alpha Centauri is probably the best written game of all time. Betrayal At Krondor is also very good, Mask of the Betrayer is decent.

>> No.11826357

please fuck off

>> No.11826367

This. I hope the same will happen with pornography also but this hope is probably vain.

>> No.11826393
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i hate memes, 4chan, television, hanging out with normies, video games, etc etc. i fear my only escape is military service. i plan on enlisting in the marine corps immediately following my graduation from college this coming may. hopefully i will find what i seek through mindless work and endless PTs.

>> No.11826410
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Do you ever wonder why so many service members kill themselves?

>> No.11826447

>four hours of porn

holy shit, daily?

>> No.11826478

Just read till you're bored and jerk off after. This isn't rocket science.

>> No.11826507

i assume because theyre retarded

>> No.11826523

made me think. Are most psychological problems the result of only the most fucked up people going into the military? I wonder if that's how so many people got "PTSD" from the gulf war despite not actually experiencing any enemy fire.

>> No.11826544

I bet PTSD is brain damage from explosions.

>> No.11826573

Human brains don't work like that. You don't need to experience something considered distressing by most to get PTSD.

>> No.11826598

i got ptsd from sailing in regattas, no shit. sometimes i wake up at night sweating thinking i'm in a race. Happens once a month at least

>> No.11826634

by that standard, high school spanish class gave me ptsd

>senior anon, you DID bring your project today, right?

>> No.11826636

Quit games but learn to just speedrun porn

>> No.11826675

tfw you realize the "technology is evil" boomers were right

>> No.11826704

Tons of people got ptsd from school actually.

>> No.11826718

i too follow pinetree ecofascism twitter

>> No.11826725

>cookie cutter

This is what killed vidya for me. Every game is basically just the same timing and pattern recognition test over and over again with a different coat of paint. I spent five years waiting to see Cyberpunk 2077, and when they finally released the gameplay demo all I could see was a bunch of shit that I've done a thousand times before in other games. Any time I try to play something now I just can't shake the "been there, done that" feeling.

Still looking forward to Sekiro and DMC5, though.

>> No.11826751

genuinely don't know what you're talking about

>> No.11827192 [DELETED] 

>tfw I've just naturally lost interest in vidya and porn some getting into reading
Feels pretty good

>> No.11827232

>tfw I've just naturally lost interest in vidya and porn since getting into reading
Feels pretty good

>> No.11827307
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>pretty much everything is shared
Imagining believing this. Go study your theology a bit more and then look at the absolute state of the Catholic church at the moment.

>> No.11827394
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The chaste poster and his wise words truely made me realize the errors of my ways. Ever since that thread like a month or so ago I haven't fapped at all or even thought about doing it.

Pic related was something in the thread that I saved. Maybe it'll help others.

>> No.11827400
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Also the decision making chart! This needs to spread and be a common image in self help threads.

>> No.11827409
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It's time to update your journal.

>> No.11827421

Playing older games that once I loved. I'm slowly replaying GTA IV.

>> No.11828472

That is not PTSD it's just a little bit of stress

>> No.11828493

Link to the thread?

>> No.11828547

>no fun allowed
Rationality, not rationalism.

>> No.11828557

what if i'm not a NEET and actually have to attend uni and study to get decent grades?

>> No.11828797
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Anyone else only play games with no story or one that is unimportant?
I just want to chill out for an hour, not read boxes of text or watch another 10 minute cutscene .

>> No.11828800
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Enjoy dying and killing for no reason

>> No.11828809

The reason this thread blew up so much is because you all could relate to OP because most people on /lit/ are porn and video game obsessed degenerates. You all disgust me!

>> No.11828818

it's actually 50-ish degenerates fueling the entire thread. not a huge part of a demographic that is vulnerable to porn addiction, loneliness, depression etc

>> No.11828823

Yep. If I want a good story then I read a book. I just want some fun no brains activity every now and then like csgo with friends.

>> No.11828868

Red Orchestra 2 is the pinnacle of shooting games

>> No.11829414

Yes but how? Do I block porn sites? There is no feasible way to do this.
Yes but I cant last 5 days ffs.
I do it for school work, usually after studying for a day I "rrward" myself but thats what i don't want. I should be rewarded by successfully completing whatever problem I was working on.
Yes I try but the urges at night are strong.
Sounds like a great way to massacre my reward system.
We all know what it's like, why do you think amateur videos are so popular these days.
For me it's the mcchicken

>> No.11829423

>not a bunch of normie welfare queens watching tv, playing vidya and hanging out

>> No.11829739

Adventure games are the closest thing we have to video games as art, bros.

>> No.11829776

>I do it for school work, usually after studying for a day I "rrward" myself but thats what i don't want. I should be rewarded by successfully completing whatever problem I was working on.
It's less about "rewarding" and more about training yourself to not fap as often. Once you have porn under control you don't have to restrict it to rewards.

>> No.11829814

earthbound is game literature
mother3 is just a literature game

>> No.11830103

yep. i remember the last games i played were metal gear solid 4 and fallout 3, which was in 2008, everything that came after 2008 was bullshit and i never felt the urge to play vidya again.

>> No.11830171

>less happy
that happiness was an illusion created by instant gratification and the uselessness of bettering yourself
change your definition of what is "happy"
you shouldn't be more contempt with yourself wasting time on media made by someone else paid by you
create something you can feel proud of
the smallest things give a sense of achievement, especially given your former lifestyle of imaginary gratification
start going to the gym (something i took up a few days ago, surprisingly easy and enjoyable), write poems or an analysis on a current topic you've been thinking about
not hard

>> No.11830182

I haven't played games seriously in a few years, but I'm definitely gonna get Red Dead 2
Probably gonna read Butchers Crossing with it

>> No.11831519

>work 10 hours
>sleep 8 hours
>1-2 hours commuting

>> No.11831613

I gotta come clean /lit/, I have an unhealthy obsession with diablo 2 and Titan quest

>> No.11831843

Sorry guys. Not doing so great. I'll make up for it in the future. I'll make a thread when my health improves.
For the mean time, all I can do is stress to eliminate sexual stimuli from your environment, even going so far as to block all thumbnails on this site. If you falter, never go back to videos, porn sites, which infect your subconscious, and are always designed to provoke novelty to keep you ensnared (ie, Coolidge Effect).

Here is a fresh study that shows ex meth addicts find sexual arousal much stronger than the urge from cues to various drugs.

>> No.11832227

How? I can only do like 8+ hrs of reading at a time.
When I was unemployed I read all of Harry Potter, all of hunger games, survivor by chuck palhanuik (bad), and sex drugs and coco puffs (worse) in 3 days.
And that was just to get the shit books out of my backlog.
Then I started trying to get through (for the third time) being and nothingness.
I actually avoid reading if I have else I need to be doing since I get so succed into it.

>> No.11832466
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>> No.11832519
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 59A38415-FCCE-44D5-B70E-C41D8AB36B14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent 8 hours today watching stupid YouTube videos about video games and msic shit
>don’t even play any games, just watch videos
Holy fuck I can’t understand how much time I waste on this shit
I just turned off my computer after watching an unironic hour of cooking and game videos

I’m reading 3 books at once and I haven’t touched a single one the whole weekend. And these are books I like.

What the fuck

>> No.11832555


>> No.11832557

t. Schopenhauer

>> No.11832592

>watch youtube vids on philosophy, ecenomics, math etc.
>have a shallow to moderate understanding of a lot of things.
>people think I'm a savant because I'm able to shit out random facts I've accumulated throughout the years.
Is this a good way to live?

>> No.11832615

I looked at my youtube watching stats this past week, I average about 2 hours and 45 minutes every day
I don't even fucking realize it. I would have figured maybe an hour a day, MAYBE

>> No.11832618

My chad schedule

>sleep 8 hours
>work 8 hours
>gym 1 hour
>flesh tasks (eating, washing) etc 1 hour
>shitposting/studying/masturbating 4 hours
>read 1 hour
>???? 1 hour

>> No.11832619

>people think I'm a savant because I'm able to shit out random facts I've accumulated throughout the years.
Me too, thank god I'm never asked to actually explain shit because then they'd see I'm full of shit. I usually say nothing though

>> No.11832671

I've gotten pretty good at faking it or know enough to satisfy a layman's discussion. But if an expert in the field interrogated me I'd be fucked.
reminds me of the time I had a twitter convo about Neuroimaging where I quickly found out I knew fuck all and the guy I was talking to was an actual researcher in the field so I just nodded along and wormed my way out before he could figure out I was a poser.

>> No.11832684


>> No.11832687

Yeah like reading will magically fix your miserable life.

>> No.11832805

Let me guess. You ejaculated some point before all this unfolded.
Cause and effect.