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/lit/ - Literature

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11821634 No.11821634 [Reply] [Original]

The purpose of this thread is to promote the discussion of literature and to assist confused Anons.
What are you reading right now Anon? It is any good? What will you read next?

>> No.11821645

Nick Land. Yes. Probably not more Land since apparently threads about him and related and being deleted left and right on here.

>> No.11821647

>discipline and punish
I like the style. Next I will probably read some mathematical text.

>> No.11821655

That's a nice idea for a general, something the board needed.
I'm reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra right now, original German text. Read it for the first time around 6-7 years back, wanted to re-read it and go back into it with a new understanding.
Not sure what to read after, I've finished most of my backlog. Probably a lighthearted story instead of another philosophy text.

>> No.11821670
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That's a crazy idea for a general,something the board doesn't need. /lit/ exists so we do not have to read literature or help out any confused plebs!

>> No.11821706
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>> No.11821719

Hegel's Ladder

>> No.11821722

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
I am new to reading and picked it up at the library because I really enjoyed The Spy Who Came in From The Cold.
Tinker Tailor is good so far but pretty slow in comparison to In From The Cold. It's also longer and harder to keep track of, lots of characters and it's hard to decide who you need to remember and who can be forgotten

>> No.11821794

Latin by Jurgen Leonhardt; I just started it.

>> No.11821899

Almost done with Ovid's Metamorphoses. Been busy so I've been working through it slowly, but I really enjoyed it. I just bought a copy of 2666 so I will probably read that next.

>> No.11821907
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I'm reading Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist. I'm trying to become more well-read so I'm basically going through this chart +- a few selections. Then I'm probably going to move onto American Literature.
I'm liking it but the Victorian prose with the shit-ton of detail is throwing me off a bit. But I'm hoping it helps out my reading stamina.

>> No.11821938
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I have several books started but this is the one I'm focused on finishing, mainly because it's lighter than everything else and I feel like I can read it in a more leisurely manner.
A nice convergence of a nationalist voice I greatly admire and my weeby 4chan interests. His sense of humor really shows in this.

>> No.11821952

>I'm liking it but the Victorian prose with the shit-ton of detail is throwing me off a bit

I read Great Expectations and Oliver Twist consecutively and it was absolutely tiring. It doesn't bother me that he likes describing things in detail, but he's doing it too excessively to the point where I almost dropped it at one point. Overall however, I think his works are good as an introductory for literature.

>> No.11822002

Do any of you read more than one book at once? perhaps smaller less complicated books when you are out and about then big books when you have a lot of time.

>> No.11822032

I guess this is what happens when you get paid for every installment. But yeah hopefully all the drawn out stuff makes other prose easier to read. Or at least less tiring.

>> No.11822038

Wow really? That's so pathetic!

>> No.11822066

I’m reading Neuromancer and Gravity’s Rainbow right now. I read Neuromancer while at uni during downtime and GR at my dorm.

>> No.11822098

I'm about 100 or so pages into Inherent Vice and it's pretty groovy. This is my first Pynchon. His writing is humourous and it allows me to indulge in my long repressed dreams of being a carefree hippie. I guess my first "real" Pynchon will probably be The Crying of Lot 49 or V. I'm thinking of reading A Clockwork Orange after this.

>> No.11822112

Reading Pale Fire. It is now clear where Vonnegut got much of his meta-fictional writing style.

>> No.11822115

I'm reading The Pale King by david Foster Wallace. I'm relatively new to literature so i'm just trying to get through the book without too much of it going over my head. I love the chapters about Leonard and the boy who sweats

>> No.11822589

I'm a total pleb. Can i get some recommendations?

>> No.11823450

>easier reads
Call of the wild
In cold blood
The road
>harder reads
Gravity’s Rainbow
Animal Money
The sound and the fury

>> No.11824555

Reading The Galactic Pot-Healer.
I love sci-fi, best form of entertainment. Going to be starting the Greeks after this book.

>> No.11824564

that looks rad

>> No.11824889
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having fun with this atm. moving onto Dickens' ghost stories after. any other comfy ghost story recs?

>> No.11824923
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>> No.11824931

Borges. Some of his stories are really good, others are literal /r/writingprompts material though. Don't know why desu. Also planning on reading some Wittgenstein soon, I've never read any analytic philosophy so I don't know how that's going to go.

I'd also appreciate fiction recs since I'll finish Ficciones by the end of Monday. I'll greentext some random shit about my life for help
>graduting soon, don't know what to do
>happy the autumn is coming, love the leaves and the dormant plants and the crisp clean air and the fireplace smoke
>lonely, but not crushingly so. miss my friends from high school that I felt closer to than anyone I've met since
>find myself enjoying the outdoors more and more

Sleepy Hollow is comfy af

>> No.11825362
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Reading pic related and boy is it depressing. Makes me realise that despite my youth the time ahead of me isn't long and will fly past before I can realise I've wasted it all. Really enjoying it though.

Not sure what I'll read next, probably a short novella.

>> No.11825428

I'm reading Hobbit by Tolkien. I liked this book when i was child so now when i'm studying English I decided to start with this.

>> No.11825455
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I'm on the last ~20 pages of Soul Mountain.
It's definitely an interesting book. I'd say it gets a tad bit confusing in the middle, for some reason.
Other times it gets comfy. Then really depressing and weird.
During the early parts I liked the narrative with the "pronoun characters" more, but somewhere in the middle the quality shifts, and then Gao's autobiographical account of his travels alongside the Yangtze become more interesting suddenly.
I don't know how will it end, or if it will end at all, but I'd say this time the journey is more important than the destination, a theme repeated in the book multiple times.

>> No.11825459
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I am ashamed to admit that I didn’t start with the greeks so I have to google a lot of references. On the good side I’ve learned a lot of mythology.

>> No.11825476

I've read Sidharta today. Next going to be Ulysses

>> No.11825483

Reading Pale Fire. Just finished the poem. It's interesting, maybe should re-read it but I think I'll just follow along with the commentary
Unsure what I'll read next, either The Trial, Nicomachean Ethics, or some Stoic work

>> No.11825493
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Read it after enjoying the 2011 movie.
It is a little slow but I think I enjoy it more for that. I can see it would be hard to follow, perhaps watching the movie first aided me in that though

>> No.11826938

Ty anon

>> No.11826946
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>> No.11826948

Yw :)

>> No.11827238

I have this version of Dorian Gray. It’s fairly decent, and it was pretty cheap new from BAM. Not the most attractive cover but would recommend.

>> No.11827266

How does the German version compare to translated versions? Maybe it's stupid, but I'm reading Beyond Good and Evil right now, and its hard not to feel like I'm missing out by not reading exactly what N put down.

>> No.11827291
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Little bit into the commentary
So far, what I think I understand it as, is it that the narrator, Charles Kinbote believes the poet, John Shade, wrote much of his poem alluding to Kinbotes supposed homeland or kingdom Zembla due to Kinbote constantly supplying him with information about it
Although it doesn't seem clear if Shade actually did that or if Kinbote is just crazy and reading into it too much

I keep reading it while very tired so I keep having to reread passages and not sure if I've followed it very well so far

>> No.11827575
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Just finished Mein Kampf and currently reading this before it’s “out of date” (probably already is desu).

Then moving on to Evola, Spengler, Yockey, McDonald, Murray.

Wanna read Neuromancer eventually.

>> No.11827599

>beelzebubs tales to his grandson

This shit is crazy. I'm halfway through and I can't even believe how brilliant this shit is. You probably have to read it a couple times but Ouspensky's take on Gurdjieff is nowhere near what the man wrote about his own ideas

>> No.11827615

Currently reading The Recognitions, which is very enjoyable. Mostly reading it as a warm-up for JR. I'm also reading The Third Policeman.
I started Ficciones yesterday because the last time I read it was in high school. Really curious to see how it comes off so much later.
Stuff I wanna read soon: Virginia Woolf, Gerald Murnane, Dennis Cooper, Dickens.
Yeah, I usually have on big novel going for a while and then churn through shorter novels on the side.

>> No.11828317

I just finished it yesterday.

The ending will make you want to scream anon