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File: 143 KB, 800x590, Hate-and-Pity-at-Ginchy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11819956 No.11819956 [Reply] [Original]

does hate arise from pity? If so when?
do they run along the same axis?

reccs appreciated

>> No.11820195

Everything Flows, the parable of the abused dog. I will withhold my reading so as not to spoil it.

>> No.11820211

Can't help you here, friendo; I don't read.

>> No.11821129

Read a fucking book, WILL YA?

>> No.11821238

Hate arises from fear or disgust. Pity is formed through empathy.

>> No.11821263

Pity is a slave morality reaction to weakness. It’s a way the weak can glorify weakness and failure and resent strength and success. Taking part in a moral system where people give extra attention and empathy to failures works as a safeguard for the participant: he fears he himself can not be strong and will fail, and thus adds to a social bank account he will be able to draw from later on.

>> No.11821308
File: 104 KB, 518x996, FlexYourMuscles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche a shit.

>> No.11822411

Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiment touches on this. As I recall, his system separates pity and hate, both of which are evoked in response to the excess of a characteristic, based on the characteristic in question. For example, excessive self-love or greed would evoke a response of hatred, whereas excessive generosity at the expense of the generous person would evoke pity.

>> No.11822994

Anon's LARPing as an edgy nietzschean. What Nietzsche actually said about pity was it stems from curiosity and neediness:
If it weren't for curiosity man would never do anything for his fellow man. Curiosity creeps into the homes of the unfortunate and needy under the guise of duty of pity. There is probably a lot of curiosity in "motherly love" too.

>> No.11822999

Duty or* pity