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File: 108 KB, 1200x1200, dorkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11820159 No.11820159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11820237

Tell me more, qt.

>> No.11820249

When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.

>> No.11820256

you're gonna let this thing teach you about discipline anon?

>> No.11820306

More like stop raping, dirty dumb goyim

>> No.11820335
File: 230 KB, 1222x870, StopDesiring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop desiring pre-menopausal women.

>> No.11820378
File: 46 KB, 850x400, quote-not-every-woman-is-a-prostitute-but-prostitution-is-the-natural-apotheosis-of-the-feminine-georges-bataille-134-47-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11820395

>tfw unironic anti-comedy

>> No.11820404

Can I achieve this natty?

>> No.11820406

This but unironically

>> No.11820415
File: 14 KB, 250x219, 1480571045759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't watched porn in 3 weeks, faggot. Whenever I see an image or a video supposed to arouse me now I'm literally able to suppress my desire to masturbate. I have overcome my animal brain and finally become a human.

>> No.11820416

Does she know?

>> No.11820440

>ever having watched porn
I've never gone out of my way to watch 3d porn, not even when I was a horny teen. And I rarely ever masturbated to explicit 2d porn, and now I do not ever masturbate to depictions of sex acts.

>> No.11820468

based and redpilled

>> No.11820483

Why is he so mad ?

>> No.11820486
File: 151 KB, 644x937, Matt Fradd Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matt Fradd - I Talk About Porn For a Living



>> No.11820492


Women are so contemptible even the frenchfucks cannot abstain from saying so.

>> No.11820545

Start marathoning Kant for true celibate-gains

>> No.11820556

I'm almost 2 weeks in and yesterday I failed and watched porn, Afterwards I felt like I had lost 20 IQ points.

>> No.11820560

Other than Kant and Kierkegaard what’s some volcelcore?

>> No.11820568

Angela Dworkin was terrible PR for the feminist movement and probably killed off a lot of it for about two or three decades. Younger generation having forgotten about her is part of the reason feminism has grown over the past decade.

That being said, she was not wrong.

>> No.11820570

Just keep trying. It gets easier.

>> No.11820573

*Andrea, fucked up on that one

>> No.11820581

porn literally does not matter, imagine being this delicate

>> No.11820584

Why do you even get off on the idea of watching some potentially underaged heroin addict getting raped on camera? You've disconnected what you see on the screen from what's the reality of the porn industry. Make yourself aware of what you're watching is abuse and you won't even want to watch porn anymore.

Honestly, porn is damaging for the consumer as well, but that's not the main reason to stay away. It does far worse things to the people involved.

>> No.11820589

CIA pushed it hard as fuck.

>> No.11820593


>> No.11820600
File: 24 KB, 525x559, 1508067350239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you care about the people involved?

>> No.11820604

Real talk

How does one search for and find porn in which the woman is not being forced or exploited directly or indirectly, but is merely putting her sexual creativity into a visual medium?

>> No.11820605

how is it abuse, they are getting a bunch of money to do almost nothing

>> No.11820616
File: 84 KB, 680x405, os8hs0H8jO1qg50c1o1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Feminism" these days is completely poisoned by corporate interests. It's only grown because corporations found a way to use it as marketing.

>> No.11820618

Anti-globalisation movement they really started to inject this divisive shit, and it destroyed it.
Same with Occupy.
And that's just following the line from the beginning. It was always a CIA trap.

>> No.11820619

Because of respect for my fellow man (or woman).
It's painful and humiliating. Sex work is psychologically harmful, and the vast majority of women involved say they would do something else if they had a choice.

Would you actually equate "being paid" with "not being abused"? because that does not hold up.

>> No.11820624

Anarcha-feminism is the only good kind of feminism t b h

>> No.11820625

Try imagining if you found out your mother was a whore and you'll see why. It may or may not be abuse on the part of the film makers but its definately a deep form of spiritual self harm on the part of the girls that the producers are facilitating

>> No.11820628

I've been on nofap for 3 weeks and it's the best I've ever felt. My motivation to read is a lot greater and I feel like I am in a clearer state of mind. I've even been actively starting conversation with women unlike when I watched porn.

>> No.11820629

Yes, this is also true.

>> No.11820631

its painful and humiliating to do a lot of manual labor as well. porn is pretty lucrative for how much effort it takes

its not abuse because they agree to do it, and the women doing porn would absolutely not work as garbagewomen or something

>> No.11820632

Unironically Schopenhauer. Also Kant is shit

>> No.11820633

Just look for amateur solo female porn

>> No.11820642

But that shit doesn't really turn me on. There could also be a pimp/porn company/perverted boyfriend involved

>> No.11820657

Homemade I imagine

>> No.11820662


I agree for porn that is professionally produced. I can't get off to this kind of thing tho. Amateur is the only way.

>> No.11820669

There's certain places like Girls Out West that have all female production crews and directors. That way its women exploiting women and there's nothing to feel bad about

>> No.11820679

If a thot wants to get "abused" by the porn industry, she should go right ahead. Why would you care about people that don't care enough about themselves to take care of themselves? It's not like they can't quit. If they are in because of sex trafficking, why should I care, it's not my problem

>> No.11820694

>its painful and humiliating to do a lot of manual labor as well. porn is pretty lucrative for how much effort it takes
That's not argument for porn, it's an argument for improving working condition across the board.

I'll still argue that this is fundamentally different though. Sexuality is deeply tied to our inner emotional lives and alienating it by commodifying and selling it like sex workers do removes any sense of secuirty and control they are supposed to have over and leaves them traumatized. Wokring 60 hours a week in McDonald's is also dehumanizing and stressfull, but nowhere near as bad.

>its not abuse because they agree to do it, and the women doing porn would absolutely not work as garbagewomen or something
You'd agree that if I'm handing over my wallet at gunpoint is not me choosing to give a robberer my money since I technically had a choice between doing that and death, right? So obviously what the alternatives that have presented when making a choice are relevant as to whether a choice can be considered consensual or not. How many women are doing sex work when they have all the ability in the world to live a safe and secure life - financially and in every other sense - compared to how many are doing it to stave off homelessness and/or enabling their drug addiction?

>> No.11820706

Because women are stupid and easily manipulated due to their inferior brains. Why is this even a discussion.

>> No.11820714

Do you apply the same reasoning to people self-harming by drug abusing or inflicting direct onto themselves? Should they be allowed to continue because "they want to" or should they receive help?

>If they are in because of sex trafficking, why should I care, it's not my problem
Wtf kind of reasoning is that?

>> No.11820726

I guess you and I have different ideas for what constitutes abuse, a lot shit in life sucks, but if you enter into it willingly then it's not abuse.

>> No.11820729

>That being said, she was not wrong.
t. 200 pound lesbian

>> No.11820732

Yeah, and my definition is correct.

>> No.11820743

Nope, 89kg str8 white male.

>> No.11820757

your definition is based on an ideal world that doesn't exist. If someone wants to sell their body they may do so, animals engage in prostitution all the time in some species

marriage itself is often a form of prostitution, the woman does not find her husband attractive but mates with him anyway for resources. she may try to secure a pregnancy from a more attractive man in secrecy. sex is a tool as well as an emotional thing

women in the porn industry are not being raped, being raped is sex against your will

>> No.11820766

This kind of shrill moralizing is what drives me away from the left. You're more Christian than the Christians and you don't even realize it.

>> No.11820772

This is nothing to do with the Left. Any decent person Left or Right knows porn is cancer for the mind and soul

>> No.11820799

Why do you hate yourself so much?

>> No.11820806

Have you any idea how much money sex workers earn? A lot of them are doing it consensually.

>> No.11820807

Right-wing extremists and left-wing extremists both despise porn. They just hate it for different reasons. The right argue it encourages hedonism and the left argue it dehumanizes women. They aren't wrong.

>> No.11820814

The problem is not that prostitution is bad but that wealth doesn't distibute itself in an egalitarian manner.

>> No.11820820

But Frenchies love prostitutes, they love their cliche romances. I don't know much about Bataille but I'm inclined to believe that statement was on the side of being a compliment, and if not, the dude was hardly a true Frenchman.

>> No.11820847

>Do you apply the same reasoning to people self-harming by drug abusing or inflicting direct onto themselves? Should they be allowed to continue because "they want to" or should they receive help?
Yeah. It's their life; they can waste it however the hell they want. I don't want to be a big brother watching over everyone; killing yourself is a right that no one should take away from you.

>> No.11820875

>mfw radfems are now considered reactionary because they aren't masocho-hedonists who think being a woman is based on whether or not you get fuzzy brain tickles when you put on a dress
Feel sorry for them desu

>> No.11820880

Sounds like Cope for being a weak man refusing to try help people

>> No.11820910

The most famous pornstars usually aren't being forced into it. It's only with weirder smaller productions like Girls do Porn, Japanese porn (many women who are in dept to the Yakuza), weird eastern European porn, etc. Like the performers in Brazzers for example aren't being literally forced. Usually the women who reach the very top get there because of their enthusiasm and professionalism. There's many milfs in the world but only one Lisa Ann. Whether that enthusiasm comes from mental instability is another story.

Of course if you think about it anyone working any job is being exploited by the person profiting from their labor, but whatever. There's no moral consumption under capitalism.

>> No.11820920

You can view it as such. But I prefer to focus on living my own life over lording over other people's, telling them that "I know best" and that they should heed my words and live as I see fit.
I'll try to get involved with other people if they are close to me, say, my children, my friends or my parents.
As a child I kept telling my parents to quit smoking, but now I just let them do what they want because they are functioning adults and have the right to conduct their lives as they see fit.
Trying to demoralize my perspective on individual freedom to fuck up seems kind of wily to me.

>> No.11820943

You sound like my christian Mom. Mom if this is is you get off the internet.
I'm right wing and I tend to take a pragmatic approach. Prostitution has always existed and banning it won't make it magically disappear.