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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 135 KB, 1080x809, shelfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11819121 No.11819121 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/'s shelf look like?

>> No.11819170

y u got pics of japanese dudes on ya shelf bro?

>> No.11819205

why are all women so autistic

>> No.11819206
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>> No.11819207


>> No.11819238

>No Harry Potter
Huh, I'm surprised

>> No.11819247

someone post that neoplatonist shelf.

>> No.11819255

Mine looks like a lot of continental philosophers, stoics, dostoyevsky, The Prince by Machiavelli, 1 college something dictionary, and short stories I bought for uni english classes. At work atm, can't take a pic.

>> No.11819281
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Like this

>> No.11819286

Glad someone is reading a lot of what they like

>> No.11819315

Hey it's always nice to see someone caring for their bookshelf, cool thread OP!

>> No.11819344
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>> No.11819352

Island was the first lit rec I read. Good times.

>> No.11819375

Hopefully this'll be right side up, even older pic iirc

>> No.11819385
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Fuck; phoneposting

>> No.11819398
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>mortar and pestle
>"Alchemy and Mysticism"

>> No.11819401

I have three bookshelves, one in my living room (which is the largest and emptiest looking one of three), and two in my bedroom (both of which have only two rows).
The one in my living room has, on the first row, the Quran, the Bible, and St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa contra Gentiles placed opposite to The Portable Atheist (an anthology of atheist writings selected by Christopher Hitchens, bought by my 14 year old self).
On the second row, I have 2 Steinbeck novels, Vanity Fair, 3 Henry James novels, The Catcher in the Rye, 1984, Brave New World, Mein Kampf, Brás Cubas, The Golden Bough, the first two volumes of The Masks of God (I never got the last two volumes).
On the third row, I have The Odyssey, Tennyson's Legends of King Arthur, 2 art books. Poe's complete works, Norwegian Wood, Anne Frank's Diary, and Slaughterhouse-Five.
Inside of my bedroom, in the shelf where I keep my books, I've got, on the first row, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Beowulf, The Tale of Genji, El Poema del Mío Cid, The Canterbury Tales, The Divine Comedy (in Spanish), Shakespeare's Complete Works, and Gravity's Rainbow.
On the uppermost of the two shelves, I've got Sophocles' Tragedies, The Phenomenology of Spirit, two books on the history of Greek and Roman literature (which I had to buy for college), the Upanishads, Borges' El Aleph, a compilation of Latin American short stories selected by Borges and Bioy-Casares, and Atlas Shrugged (the only one of these books which I've never actually finished).
The second shelf in my room has some manga in English and Japanese, alphabetically organized by title.
I used to have a lot more books (like Dickens' complete works, Tolstoy's complete novels and short stories, an illustrated, hardcover copy of The Divine Comedy, the Iliad, Oscar Wilde's complete works, Herodotus' Histories, Plutarch's Lives, Livy's Ab urbe condita, Don Quixote in both English and Spanish, Plato's dialogues, and several of Nietzsche's works), but I've have to donate them to local libraries while moving to different houses across countries, and I haven't always been able to rescue the best ones.

>> No.11819402
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>> No.11819403

I see what you did there.

>> No.11819415
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Nothing out of the ordinary for a /lit/ patrician.

>> No.11819416

I've used to (chronologically) to:
>grind up morning glory seeds
>mix together sulfur, saltpeter etc. to make ad hoc coarse gunpowder
>break apart adderall for snorting

>> No.11819454

what editions are the ones on the lower shelf?

>> No.11819551
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Imagine wasting your time reading such shit. That's tens of thousands of pages with nothing interesting to say.

>> No.11819574

Most books are kind of boring, but then again, so are most films and TV series. Travelling anywhere is usually somewhat boring. Doing anything, even going to a party, can be boring for some.
Life is boring for the most part. Therefore, why should anyone seek to spend their time being entertained instead of learning something (be it historical facts, scientific facts, philosophical ideas, or new ways of expressing yourself)?

>> No.11819584

As if shelf threads aren't bad enough, you have to use bait in your OP. What the hell is w rong with /lit/

>> No.11819656
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>> No.11819659
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>> No.11819719

Is that Steinbeck in the upper middle?

>> No.11819735

literally nothing wrong with shelf threads except for faggots like OP and you

>> No.11819769
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Is it sideways

>> No.11819781
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>> No.11819859
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>> No.11819865
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>> No.11819881
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>> No.11819900
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>> No.11819905
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>> No.11819909

wow stevie really churns them out doesn't he

>> No.11819915
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>> No.11819921
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>> No.11819929
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guess which book is worth the most

>> No.11819932
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>> No.11819935

A wizard indeed.

>> No.11819937
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>> No.11819941
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>> No.11819944

>junkie puts bookcases in front of a window

>> No.11819946
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>> No.11819948

>lets fetishise books and reduce /lit/ to a beaniebaby collectors subreddit

>> No.11819955

I actually like those comfy threads. It's like window shopping for new and interesting books, if the anons in question show a good taste (rare) or shitpost retards with the opposite. Stop fagging.

>> No.11819958
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landlord wont provide curtains, we have several other windows

>> No.11819962
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>> No.11819977
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>> No.11819982
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>> No.11819992
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>> No.11819997
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>> No.11820002

You put a bookcase in front of a window instead of just buying a drape?

>> No.11820007
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non fiction: travel, sf&f reference, memoirs, cookbooks

>> No.11820012

>buying things the landlord should but wont
why don't I buy a roof too

>> No.11820037
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non fiction: politics & history pt1

>> No.11820041
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non fiction: politics & history pt2

>> No.11820055


Also, aren't Lavey's writings the most embarrassing thing ever? I felt dissappointed in myself after reading them for actually having expectations

>> No.11820087

>Amos Tutuola

Based well-read anon.

>> No.11820116

But why?

>> No.11820126
File: 1.39 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20180921_111747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a year since I've been here, photos may sideways or Aussie 1/4

>> No.11820142
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Hard to tell where one photo ends and another begins.

What does your reading spot look like? Just a normal chair? How many hours a day do you spend reading? What did you study in college?

>> No.11820149

Oh God I remember this inane thread.

>> No.11820150
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>> No.11820163
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>> No.11820173

Where in the world do you live that landlords buy curtains lol?

>> No.11820181
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Good to see you fucks again.

>> No.11820189

What's with the bookstore-like display of having certain covers facing out?

>> No.11820219

wrong, but those schuyler canterbury bibles are pretty expensive

>Also, aren't Lavey's writings the most embarrassing thing ever?

From a literary standpoint it isn't that captivating, perhaps even adolescent at times. From a philosophical standpoint there are many things I find agreeable/reasonable. I didn't expect much other than that, to be frank.

Like I wouldn't expect the Anarchists Cookbook to be the gold standard of instructional documentation either.

>> No.11820248

i tend to read in bed, or on a comfy chair in my kitchen i can't be bothered to photograph
i read anywhere from no hours a week to four hours a night

>> No.11820445
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What a fucking pleb. These books haven't even been opened.

>> No.11820479

You're correct about them not being read. I usually do most my "reading" via audiobook while I drive (I'm a truck driver). The books I own are (generally) books I have on audiobook that I considered essential to own the physical copy, of which I try to stick to hardcover collectors editions and the like.

>> No.11820537

also I would like to add that buying crusty second hand books that are crawling with mites from a hipster book store doesn't make you a literary connoisseur.

I baby even the books I physically read . They are well-kept and you wouldn't be able to tell they've been read at all. I don't buy used if I can avoid it, no matter the cost.

>> No.11820572


>> No.11820588
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My room is tiny and this is one of two shelves in my closets. Most of my books are in drawers in my nightstand. I made this shelf myself. The amount of comics/manga on this shelf isn't representative of my book collection as a whole, this shelf is just where I keep all of them.

>> No.11820680
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I'm a pleb just getting into reading PLEASE bully me.

>> No.11820704
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I'm also apparently a dirty phone poster who thought that screenshotting the image would make it not post sideways. Bully me for that too

>> No.11820709
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>> No.11820713
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>> No.11820719

Throw out the jewish thief called Einstein out of your bookcase and read about how he actually only recycled what his colleges have been on about far earlier and only got huge post war because of his burning zionism and those in media making him into the icon he is today. He wasn't a genius, he was a lying and stealing cunt.

>> No.11820721

How jewish do you have to be to own two copies of catch 22?

>> No.11820775

Wow didn't expect to get bullied by /pol/. You have to be pretty dense to not think that Einstein was a revolutionary scientist. He figured out gravitational waves many decades before we could observe them
I have two copies of books because my mother and I will read something together occasionally. That's why I also have two copies of C&P and The Art Of War. It's a real nice way of bonding with people maybe if you tried it you wouldn't be so bitter about Jews all the time.

>> No.11820796

Patrician tier.

>> No.11820802

Notice how I used a lower case J for jewish. It is meant to demean you, and even though I know you won't admit it, I think it worked. In the off chance that you're not jewish, may God have mercy on your soul because it is already too late for you, goy.

>> No.11820822

Yeah man you really demeaned me. I'm of Norwegian descent and am therefore not Jewish (I'm using a capital J because Jew is a proper noun).

>> No.11820830

There is a whole wiki article for plebbit newcomers like you about einsteins plagiarism.

From the hourses mouth:

In his 1907 paper, Einstein spelled out his views on plagiarism:

"It appears to me that it is the nature of the business that what follows has already been partly solved by other authors.
Despite that fact, since the issues of concern are here addressed from a new point of view, I am entitled to leave out a thoroughly pedantic survey of the literature..."

With this statement, Einstein declared that plagiarism, suitably packaged, is an acceptable research tool.

>> No.11820832

Jokes on you, I've only read like 3 of em. But thanks.

>> No.11820839

meme pseud only pushed by (((media))) for their own profit

>> No.11820892
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>physical books
>having money

>> No.11820900

What book would you like to have?

>> No.11820968

They cost like $2 on abebooks.com I don't know what you're complaining about, especially if you live in the US.

>> No.11820978

Nice Dumbo Ganesha. I'm liking the sneaky Hobbit at the top too.

>> No.11821005

So this is what /lit/ CathoLARPers read. Explains a lot.

>> No.11821013
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Basic bitch sociology, psycology, political sciences and economic books.

Also a lot of how to draw and paint books.

And lovecraft.

>> No.11821018
File: 101 KB, 750x750, IMG_20180920_011926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is /lit/erally infested with casuals that can't even start with the Greeks

>> No.11821023

You'd BETTER have read all those before buying any more. Don't be hoarder.

>> No.11821037

I don't know about that Bible translation, but good job otherwise

>> No.11821040
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>this whole thread

kek, imagine being so blue pilled. At least I have some serious authors on display!

>> No.11821047

I like the Everyman dustjackets desu, why did did you throw them away?

>> No.11821054

>expecting anyone to fall for that

>> No.11821072


That does not matter, newfriend. Just imagine somebody, sometime, somewhere took this picture. This person is our there. This person is alive. Are you?

>> No.11821081

>woah someone like took a picture dood that means they like exist and shit man

>> No.11821097

Yep! Got a bunch of books this summer and am reading through all of them before getting more.

>> No.11821099
File: 1.76 MB, 650x364, TheCultureIndustry.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll just leave this here. You're not better than this. Shame on you. Shame on all of us!

>> No.11821114

>fucking consumerism man
>fuck le modern culture dude (posted from iphone)
>fucking white males and donald drumf ruin everything bro
>fucking halo man
*rolls les yeux*

>> No.11821133


You don't understand, cynical friend. You've been retarded in your mentality to stupid and adhere to an Education of Evil. You do not have the mind to envision Nature nor the One in his sublime ambiguity. Safe yourself whilst you can, it's already too late for me.

>> No.11821139

most US apartments have some basic level of blinds on all the windows. But that guy is still weird for putting a fucking library over it like some shut-in.

>> No.11821154

It was a gift for my confirmation. It is a version of the bible accepted by the USCCB, so that's good enough for me.

>> No.11821158

Im just weary of Bible translations that start with an N.

>> No.11821167


>> No.11821175

Didnt throw them away, theyre in a drawer. Dust jackets just annoy me. All they do is get in the way.

>> No.11821182

I take them off when reading, but on a shelf they are useful to you know, keep of the dust.

>> No.11821208

>replies with a post that lays bare his /r/thedonald thought world and preconceived notions

>> No.11821222

Be careful letting people know what school you went to, litbro

>> No.11821228

I just like the way it looks with it off too.

>> No.11821234
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Just realized this looks like shit. Hopefully this is better.

>> No.11821239

You're going to ruin the spines. Place them upright instead of the tryhard sideways thing

>> No.11821248
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>pushing your books all the way in

>> No.11821252

Looks pretty

>> No.11821258

Based and Redpilled
Good taste

>> No.11821271

I'm a dirty phone poster

>> No.11821307

that halo collection is based and redpilled

>> No.11821371

waste money on shit books so you can post a meme image to 4chan

>> No.11821377
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>> No.11821413
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I know the quality is horrible. Can take a better pic of a specific shelf if anyone wants to see it. That goes for my other shelve more than this one. (1/3)
Some really good stuff on there, but I'm not really into the mysticism.
Pretty stellar selection of fiction.
Nothing particularly interesting, but still a solid collection.

>> No.11821440
File: 1.77 MB, 1998x2862, nonficshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much genre fiction for my tastes. Since your nonfiction shelf has become a meme of sorts, I'll post mine in response.
Christ, you are an edgy one.
That Plato shelf is impressive. But all that Jung and Campbell is a little too much.


>> No.11821479

>democracy in chains
based and redpilled

>> No.11821491
File: 1.39 MB, 1806x2961, philshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those public domain translations probably won't get you very far if you really want to engage with those works, but they're fine for a casual reading.
Really good until you hit The Death of Cool.
This one looks really nice.

>> No.11821520

You have a problem with Death of Cool but not Righteous Indignation?

>> No.11821522

>weeb sword
>YA hardcovers
>store beer in daylight

are you lost, boy?

>> No.11821558

I didn't think anything of it. Goes to show just how little I think of Andrew Breitbart.

>> No.11821572

Mans a legend and death of cool was the funniest book I've ever read. Broaden your horizons, libcuck.

>> No.11821610

perish from this earth, dirty gibson boy
rick gang forever

>> No.11821633

>the government backing cartels is libertarianism
>left/right politics at all
what is this brainlet crap

>> No.11822582

Yikes, I would have even gifted you some but ffs, get a better taste, dude.

>> No.11822598

Sure, most frence apartements do as well, but that's because people usually upgrade after moving out from on of those and let the curtains and some other shit behind for free. But being too cheap for 5$ curtains and decreasing the value of the property because people outside will thing junkies live there would give you much trouble with the landlord.

>> No.11822608

That’s sick dude how many books by the stoics do you have? They were great and prolific writers

>> No.11822621
File: 2.33 MB, 4032x3024, B3864CD9-09C3-47E6-8014-EBF8376025FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s important to keep everything organized boys

>> No.11822624
File: 1.93 MB, 4032x3024, 33BF2FA9-0774-4A2B-8673-643FBAC7627F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are these posting sideways?

>> No.11822628
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Well this phone is evidently dogshit

>> No.11822630
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>> No.11822661
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Took this like 48 hours ago.

>> No.11822670


>> No.11822673

>citing Reason Magazine
>literally funded by Charles Koch
As a matter of fact most of the 'criticism' of the work came from people connected to the Koch network

>> No.11822676

In English?

>> No.11822679
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>> No.11822681

whats wrong with genre?
and what do you mean by meme?
also based Chomsky in your collection but you need a lot more politics and history works

>> No.11822710

i know is bait and all but you can imagine the face of the guy who owns all of this ?

>> No.11822721

A guy who is prolly mostly apolitical and just someone going with the mainstream of his peers, only bought be books because his frieds mentioned it. Which is a normal pleb.

On the right we have of >>11822679 we actually have someone who thinks he is politically literate and that being the main part of his personal worth in his eyes. Sadly his selection might be bigger but consists low tier fiction and popular pleb politics without any chance of questioning his narative only buying them as they suit it instead of reading to get a bigger glimpse of how the world reall is.

Both know nothing, but at least the "right winger" doesn't act so high self-regarding and actually posts what he enjoys to read, contrary to someone buying the greek classics as cheap paperbacks for show while actually only reading political genre half-truths to suit his worldview, not out of enjoyment but to "win" arguments in his head.

>> No.11822727

Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.11822803

have not read this book but the articles make it sound like libertarianism is responsible for market regulation by the government

>> No.11822863

Everybody needs to start somewhere but do you really enjoy reading those? (Or did you read them at all yet?)
Nobody is forcing you to stick to the canon.
In fact often the interesting stuff is non-canonic.

>> No.11822883

Tell me what do you like so I can call it terrible

>> No.11822902

>if you're "apolitical" and fall backwards into rightwing claptrap that's normal
>if you care you just think you're literate and do it to elevate your own personal worth
>low tier fiction
There is no fiction there
>popular pleb politics
McCoy and Blum are popular?
>without any chance of questioning his narrative only buying them as they suit it instead of reading to get a bigger glimpse of how the world reall is.
And yet you also say this:
>A guy who is prolly mostly apolitical and just someone going with the mainstream of his peers, only bought be books because his frieds mentioned it
Interesting huh
>but at least the "right winger" doesn't act so high self-regarding and actually posts what he enjoys to read
>if you agree with me you're okay
>while actually only reading political genre half-truths to suit his worldview
And whats the other half of the truth of the USA overthrowing governments and installing friendly dictators, invading defenceless countries, running drugs to fund black operations?

>> No.11822907

I suspect you haven't read anything at all, ever

>> No.11822931

low energy post

>> No.11822934

>There is no fiction there
The guy post all of his shelves in the thread. They're.mostly comprised of bad genre fiction.

>> No.11822939

third shelf was a real plot twist

>> No.11822944

>There is no fiction there

>McCoy and Blum are popular?
The Breitbart of the left.

>And yet you also say this (...)
The difference is that the first tries and fails while still thinking of himself as patrician while the other doesn't even give a fuck to not show his console collection. The former will try to force others to conform to his views because he thinks of himself as a better and rightious, the other can't be bothered to really go beyond r_donald civic cukery and will if at all ask to just be let alone. Two retards, just one is dangerous for those around him.

>if you agree with me you're okay
Actually I could tolerate the lefty prolly more if e would work on himself than some retarded magapede, despite being a religious fashist myself. At least the later knows that not being politically literate is flaw and tries (but fails).

>And whats the other half of the truth
Kikes. It's actually funny to see how we actually match in the things we rage against but it seems you see nameless cooperations and evil people, while I see the actual people on top, distributed quite artificially considering their IQ and percentage in the population.

For the most part of the struggle we would probably fight side to side. And that'S exactly why I find offense more in your shelf than that of the stupid magapede, because self-criticism is always the hardest one you should get.

>> No.11822949

am i crazy or does it seem like anytime you see a copy of godel escher bach there's also a copy of catch 22 somewhere in the shelf

>> No.11822962

he was talking about this: >>11822679
he was talking about this: >>11822679
>The Breitbart of the left.
You don't actually know who they or any of the other authors in that collection are do you and are just making things up now.
> that the first tries and fails while still thinking of himself as patrician while the other doesn't even give a fuck to not show his console collection.
Projecting your own disdain for left politics onto why someone would have the books. You insist it is an ego stroking endeavour and not true interest.
How else could someone hold views contrary to your own.
>The former will try to force others to conform to his views because he thinks of himself as a better and rightious
And you must insist that people hold such views not out of genuine interest but ulterior motives
>Actually I could tolerate the lefty prolly more if e would work on himself than some retarded magapede
What does that even mean?
>At least the later knows that not being politically literate is flaw and tries (but fails).
Tries to improve his political illiteracy by reading altright gurus telling him everything wrong is the fault of the big bad liberals and intellectuals and migrants?
hurr durr
>It's actually funny to see how we actually match in the things we rage against but it seems you see nameless cooperations and evil people, while I see the actual people on top, distributed quite artificially considering their IQ and percentage in the population.
Its not the American government doing its, outsiders, da j00s, subverting it from within
>because self-criticism is always the hardest one you should get.
Self criticism like realising your government works to protect elite interests and expand its power and does terrible things and isn't being forced into it by outside agents

>> No.11822973

Well, half of the shelves in this thread are taken directly from reddit.

>> No.11822981
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Question to all you people with open shelves:

How the fuck do you keep your books dust free without the occasional clean-up being such a chore, especially when you have

This is the sole reason I bought showcase-type bookshelves.

>> No.11822993

>especially when you have
*...a fuckton of books

>> No.11823004

>he was talking about this
>You don't actually know who they or any of the other authors in that collection are do you and are just making things up now.
It's the same guy. He spilled the beans last time as he showed his new bookcases (in front of a window) and got made fun off for living like a hobo.

>Projecting your own disdain for left politics onto why someone would have the books.
It's not the topics, it's the way those auhors write and distort reality with books which could be written down to a couple pages. It's the same shit as reptilian conspiracy books. Many pages, little information.

>What does that even mean?
Well, what does it say?

>Tries to improve his political illiteracy by reading altright gurus telling him everything wrong is the fault of the big bad liberals and intellectuals and migrants?
No magapede reads Trump or that roastie for political insights. They read it because it's cool to and show their cool Drumpf books to their menal midget based negro friends. Otherwise they would read Plato or at leas have a unread softcover edition of it in a good to see shelf.

>hurr durr
Ignorance is bliss.

>Its not the American government doing its, outsiders, da j00s, subverting it from within
Funny, because the american goverment is practically made out of israely double citizens in any relevant position. Just check the names for yourself. That's something one can't get spoonfeed.

>Self criticism like realising your government works to protect elite interests and expand its power and does terrible things and isn't being forced into it by outside agents
(((Elite Interests)))? Of course. But I'm not an american, I'm a Polak. And believe me, foreign interest is here just like there the main operator. But as I said, you will have to learn this for yourself.

>> No.11823014

On top of one of my dressers I have a line of books in between two bookends that are either important to me or I just couldn't find on the internet for free. In front of this line of books is a kindle with the rest of my books on it that I downloaded for free off the internet.

>> No.11823017

>actively cleaning instead of sitting trapped in a constant overintellectualizing catatonia

>> No.11823025

>It's the same guy. He spilled the beans last time
He's been posting his shelves for months on end.

>> No.11823050
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>> No.11823065

>having dedicated thematical shelves

I can't decide whether this is cool or sort of gay

>> No.11823069

Yes and he explicitly said that the right meme shelf was his and that be has build a better taste after another anon pointing out that the lefties book selection is barely better than that of the magapede. Stop being a casual.

>> No.11823080

Nice halo collection bruv, though you should be embarrassed you don't have the Halo 2 collector's metal case

>> No.11823114

>triggered libtard
what a rare spectacle hehehe

>> No.11823338
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Work in progress.

>> No.11823359
File: 201 KB, 1536x1152, pic related.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second from the top right corner overexposed are the classics: Homer, Aischylos, Sophokles, Euriphedes, Greek lyric, Roman satires, Livus, Herodot and Thukydides.

And behind another double stacked shelf there is a full hardcover vintage collection of Karl May.

>> No.11823366

Damn is that How to Bomb? I want a copy but I heard all the copies are really shit quality.

>> No.11823426

I would be almost jelly if it wasn't for the nazi language

What are those pretty volumes 1-24 on the bottom left anon?

>> No.11823462

>What are those pretty volumes 1-24 on the bottom left anon?
Wondering, too - isn't it something by "Rencontre" editions ?

>> No.11823472

haha you /lit/bros must have crazy parties

>> No.11823475

>Shel Silverstein
based and redpilled

>> No.11823478
File: 910 KB, 1728x2592, IMAG0795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ze beste Language of ze World!

Those are history books from the stoneage to the second world war, they very nice.

>> No.11823480
File: 786 KB, 2592x1728, IMAG0796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I'm not even a phoneposter but somehow despite rotating them they still rotate back on my desktop.

>> No.11823484

Nice. Print year?

>> No.11823492

Yes, the originally frence title was Connaisance de l'Histoire from the '70s. In german you can find them as "Weltgeschichte in Bildern. They were pretty cheap due to age. Only payed like 30€ with shipping.

>> No.11823496


>> No.11823498

NIce, but why do you have only new books and only in english?

>> No.11823550
File: 15 KB, 800x475, this is library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is just two boxes like this and a smaller one full of books.

>> No.11823559

He is like funk pop at this point, a brand that keeps releasing unremarkable shit that people enjoy for some reason that no one can explain.

>> No.11823580

Your diary (on top of Fight Club).

>> No.11823589

>What does /lit/'s shelf look like?

>> No.11823598

Nice Azu. I'm tempted to buy that one myself

>> No.11823898

Norms books the most patrician thing there

>> No.11823911

Same. I read books from library.

>> No.11823986

Question for Plato guy: which translator of Plato is best, and does he have a complete works collection?

>> No.11823989

dust rag every couple of weeks

>> No.11823995

i don't
i just let everything get fucking covered in dust because i'm lazy

>> No.11824241
File: 192 KB, 643x490, 1526958263854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a larper. I'm just not Catholic (yet). I'm attending RCIA classes and will this Easter though.

Not a diary, and no, not the most valuable

>> No.11824615

I hope you're visiting the tridentine mass. No use to go novus ordus if you're new to the faith.

>> No.11825000

What version of edda is that?

>> No.11825203

>PHYSICALLY UNABLE to post on an anonymous forum without slipping a social-sphere insult in at the end

>> No.11825221

I have a kindle

>> No.11825355

The John Cooper compilation is the best, but if you want individual dialogues, Google would probably serve you well

>> No.11825418

does it include plato's letters as well

>> No.11825422

>The Satanic Bible
>Mein Kampf
>Self-help books
>Muh Deus Vult Crusaders
>Manual for Men
>Ayn Rand
>Fight Club
>King James Bible

Cringy poltard american LARper incel.

>> No.11825435

>Cringy poltard american LARper incel.
I see your shitposts reguarly. Just fuck off /lit/.

>> No.11825436

Yep and good essays before each dialogue

>> No.11825439

sweet, will probably order it soon thanks

>> No.11825882

>Count of Monte Cristo in between the two Three Musketeers novels


>> No.11826210
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>> No.11826309
File: 1.86 MB, 2432x3286, IMG_20180922_205336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a least a hundred soft covers covered in dust under my bed.

>> No.11826314
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>> No.11826317


>> No.11826330

ah, the catte numbered seventh, a fine catte, my hearte is gladde

>> No.11826422
File: 111 KB, 745x996, TheShelfOfMyBooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11828018


>> No.11828113

What books should I buy to get /lit/ to compliment my shelf?

>> No.11828115

A little melancholic, my dear pussy?

I may's've well tried too

>> No.11828125


>> No.11828259

Old looking ones that nobody here has actually read

>> No.11828476
File: 326 KB, 3640x2044, 42363969_519593481779463_1805452273820631040_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 1 (YA shit+ 1 shelf literature)

>> No.11828479
File: 289 KB, 3640x2044, 42349716_555065438262396_1502676582899122176_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2 ( Close-up Literature shelf)

>> No.11828487
File: 543 KB, 3640x2044, 42311774_624264974635065_8550369537952841728_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 3 (Some more YA shit and comics)

>> No.11828507

Begone harlot

>> No.11828530

Commenc with the Chinese not Get it on with the Greeks, ok?
Praise Confucius.

>> No.11828533

How about you post your own ?

>> No.11828563
File: 48 KB, 492x449, 1484043411148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only appropiate response to obvious XX posters.

Either step up your game to not be an obvious woman or leave and never come back. Show bosom or begone applies here like everywhere else. This is a patrician board, only open to those of your kin which don't stand out like a soar thumb.

>> No.11828566

Backstory: Just turned 18, picked up reading again just 6 months ago. All that YA shit is from 5-6 years ago. And no i've got XY chromosones

>> No.11828584

Take 4.000 IU Vitamin D daily and start lifting. Maybe watching some Predator will help. Something is terribly wrong with your taste, be it literature or home furniture and decoration. Put those picture and other shit in the shelves away, together with all YA. You're a man now, not a kid larping as an elf. If you like fantasy, start with Homer, then go and pick books about wars of your country or other important political momentans or figures. Maybe Startship Troopers or Count of Monte Cristo if you really want something to put reaad inbetween more serious ones. Something to make you proud of your heritage. Keep your body as fit as your mind.

>> No.11828599

All the books i read since 17 are literature: Pinecone, Delillo, DFW, American classics (since I'm not an Amerimutt), Lord of The Rings, Kafka, Nabokov , Faulkner, Camus, ...

The other shelves are just for pure storage.

>> No.11828631

It's okay, you're still young. But why store things which you will neither want to give down you bloodline nor would want to have around while dating? Sell them and invest in proper books.

>> No.11828645

I do think about passing it on to my offspring, those books have their own task, you can't read literature if you haven't "trained" on lesser books. Reading in my youth (8-13 years old) really enabled me to dig in to literature.

>> No.11828649

But you surely know that there are enough classic for teens and kids so you don't need to give them silly YA? There are hundreds of actually historically relevant, educational and amusing books you should read as a kid and teen which you surely haven't if those are that of your choice.

>> No.11828656

Such as? You mean like Roald Dahl and such? Because i've read them (In Dutch ofcourse).

>> No.11828661

they look like german editions

>> No.11828707

Brothers Grimm
Jan Brett: Christmas Trolls
Clement Clarke Moore: Night Before Christmas
A. A. Milne: The Complete Tales and Poems of Winnie the Pooh
Hans Christian Anderson
Dominique Thibault: The Gingerbread Man
Goldilocks And The Three Bears
The Aesop for Children
Collodi: Pinocchio
Grahame: Wind in the Willows
Rudyard Kipling: Jungle Book
Ruskin: King of the Golden RIver
Caroll: Alice in Wonderland
Burnett: Little Lord, Secret Garden
Pyle: King Arthur, Men of Iron
Yonge: The Younge Duke
Macdonald: The Princess and the Goblin
Doyle: Lost World
Alcott: Old fashioned girl
Stevenson: Treasure Island
CC Lewis: Narnia
Jules Verne
Mark Twain
Karl May
Defoe: Robinson Crusoe

... and that's just the list for elementary age kids.

>> No.11828894

Well I read the Dutch 'variants' of this:
Kruistocht in Sprijkerbroek by Thea Beckman
De Brief voor de Koning by Tonke Dragt
and a lot of others ofcourse.

>> No.11828910

That is good, but still modern YA is nothing which will stand the test of time and there are FAR better books out there to encourage young readers.

>> No.11828926

ive got a feeling this is a girls shelf

>> No.11829842


>> No.11830106

>Neocon Reader

kys edgyone

>> No.11830115


great shit anon.

>> No.11830129

That's far from the edgiest stuff on that shelf. The black nationalist stuff (Soul on Ice, S.O.S.) and Mussolini's autobiography are way edgier that a couple of relatively moderate political books written by jews.

>> No.11830221

Where'd you get the buckets

>> No.11830261

why on earth did you think someone would be interested in reading this

>> No.11830378

>Glory of the Immortal Life
whats that

>> No.11830461

katana hanging of your fucking bookshelf lmao, I like it

>> No.11830557

how old are you anon?

>> No.11830614

are you okay

>> No.11830620


I'm at the point where my shelves are made with other books.

>> No.11830666

based doomer

>> No.11831440


>> No.11831587

24 I would try to invest in a nicer shelf, but I'm saving up to go back to school.

>> No.11831868
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Top shelf is a random assortment. Bottom shelf is a codependence nuke.

>> No.11831943

I know this is supposed to be shitposting but I unironically love this and think this is much cooler and more enjoyable and more genuinely passionate than the millionth boring dude who slaps Infinite Jest on his bookshelf

you know the kind. His name's something like James or Alex and corrects people's pronunciation mid-sentence and everyone kinda hates him but they pity him enough to be his friend even though they quietly wished he'd just go away