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/lit/ - Literature

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11809064 No.11809064 [Reply] [Original]

Any doomercore book recs?

>> No.11809069

The Holy Bible
Notes from the Underground
Journey to the End of the Night
Waiting for Godot / The Trilogy
Pale Fire
The Elementary Particles
The Pale King

>> No.11809070

Stop trying to force this meme

>> No.11809071

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

>> No.11809073

probably pseudointellectual crap aka the stuff always posted here anyway

>> No.11809077
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>this thread again
You're stunting your intellectual growth if you actively search for books that reflect your experiences as opposed to introduce you to new ones
your lack of interaction with people in your community has starved you of desire to explore a full life, instead you're looking for validation through cold and impersonal means like literature and film
I'm making this post for me desu

>> No.11809083

Mein Kampf.

>> No.11809084

My diary to be honest

>> No.11809097

You’re thinking of 23yo doomer, this is a different meme.

>> No.11809104

>not gloomer

>> No.11809106

my apologies

>> No.11809130
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>> No.11809136

I listen to MC Ride and genuinely think he's good

>> No.11809145

Perhaps by looking at others, you will be able to define the issue and first then realize a solution.

>> No.11809150

>all this projection

Nah there's such things as fucking trains of thought and going further down them. Sorry you're too afraid to go down the fucking rabbithole cuck

>> No.11809154


>> No.11810223
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Ishmael, Daniel Quinn.

The Burnout Society by Byung-Chul Han

The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker

Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update by Donella H. Meadows

Energy and Civilization :A History, Vaclav Smil

The Conspiracy against the Human Race (2010) by Thomas Ligotti

Endgame, volumes 1 and 2 by Derrick Jensen

Throw in some Slavoj Žižek, maybe some Chris Hedges to round it out.

>> No.11810238
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>maybe some Chris Hedges


>> No.11810246

>Qts, but no high IQts

Damn, this is me

Last gf became a heroin addict

>> No.11810254

Sounds about right
Less familiar with these titles but also sounds about right

>> No.11810273

What the fuck is this anyway
This guy is just a loser

>> No.11810287
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>What the fuck is this anyway
>This guy is just a loser

>> No.11810298

That's unfortunately similar to my best friend. The only book he's ever recommended to me was a certain translation of Tao Te Ching. I don't remember which.

>> No.11810312

As an addendum to this: I only say unfortunate because my best friend is rather unhappy. He's a good man who works hard and unfortunately lives in a society full of people who legitimately believe not kissing their ass is tantamount to hating them. If you want some life advice, the only thing I can tell you is to start telling people how you honestly feel so you can start searching for people who are not so deeply self-interested as to be unoffended by the idea that you aren't constantly thinking about them.

I hope things go better for you. I'm sure it's lonely.

>> No.11810364
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Suburban realists, especially Cheever and Richard Yates (pbuh). The more mundane and submerged the despair, the better. All of Larkin, naturally


Evelyn Waugh

>> No.11810460


Most of those are whack, resources are not only infinite, they're infinitely generated. Nihilism is basically womanhood - hysteria about nothing.

>> No.11810619

>QTs but no high IQTs

Maybe it is you womst be a dumbass

>> No.11810629


Cover your ugly self indulgence with humility and see the results for yourself

>> No.11810683
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>resources are not only infinite, they're infinitely generated.

>> No.11811219

>resources are not only infinite, they're infinitely generated
what *did* they mean by this?

>> No.11811267
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>thinking that post was about fear of self reflection

>> No.11811281
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There is a series of four essays, titled Adventures in Flatland, by a guy named Dave Cohen that are absolutely enlightening if you're willing to tackle the subject matter of human denial in the face of existential crisis.

It's probably the most heavy thing I've read this year. Highly recommend it if you want to understand why nothing will be done about climate change or any of the other garbage-fires that humanity is pouring gas on right now.


>> No.11811292

sounds pretty blackpilled, nice autumn material, thanks

>> No.11811293
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This is also a classic that should be read by anyone interested in the collapse of complex systems.


Short read, makes a compelling case.

>> No.11811298


>> No.11811304

The Conspiracy Against the Human Race
On the Heights of Despair
Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence
The Human Predicament: A Candid Guide to Life's Biggest Questions
Essays and Aphorisms
The Last Messiah

>> No.11811364

It's over, let it go.

>> No.11811404

None of these are useful if you've ever had sex

>> No.11811423

I've had a lot of sex and found all of them useful.

Now I'm volcel, of course.

>> No.11811462

These aren't doomer books, these are whiny faggot books.

>> No.11811515

>searching for people who are not so deeply self-interested as to be unoffended by the idea that you aren't constantly thinking about them.
this sentence makes me confused

>> No.11811547

Waiting for Godot is an excellent recommendation.

>> No.11811595

he's saying a lot of people are so egotistical they think someone being neutral to them = being negative toward them. to avoid these people, the poster is suggesting to speak one's mind directly

>> No.11811603
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These just keep getting more and more specific, next there's going to be "the 20 year old loomer" where it's just a bibliography of the OP

>> No.11811604

tfw too old for this

>> No.11811607


>> No.11811630

What's the antidote for doomercore?

>> No.11811644


>> No.11811800

>He's a gamer who works hard and unfortunately lives in a society

>> No.11811816

The grace of God.

>> No.11811834
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growing up

>> No.11811850


>> No.11811990


>> No.11812165

what books would you recommend then?

>> No.11812209

>careful not to get too drunk or will ruin normie friendships with redpills
This is me with all my college friends

>> No.11812312

not sure what the casual racism is about but ok

>> No.11812732

23 yo doomer is better

>> No.11812795

how does 1 year make such a difference you autistic faggots

>> No.11812797
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>> No.11812803

for better or worse /lit/ has been colonized by /pol/ for a long time by now, I don't know why you're surprised.

>> No.11812808
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Loomer already exists
You're description is rather accurate

>> No.11812823

dude what the fuck

>> No.11812833

jesus, I feel personally attacked more and more with each successive version of this meme

>> No.11812842

so everyone here is exactly like me? this is not good...

>> No.11812988
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Das capital.

>> No.11813010

Pls post

>> No.11813013
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Womp womp

>> No.11813039

if you run you might still be able to catch the joke

>> No.11813050


>> No.11813093
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>> No.11813104

My Struggle 4, and 5
Knausgaard was a doomer for sure

>> No.11813118

>lit remembering wojack was supposed to be an ironic slight on themselves

>> No.11813131

Then they're not real friends.

>> No.11813137

I'd buy a glass of Cyrodillic Brandy for whoever created this

>> No.11813143

fuck off cunt

>> No.11813152

Of course.

>> No.11814306
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Our Divine Mother is the only hope for the blackpilled doomer

>> No.11814415

Taqwa of Allah.

>> No.11815314

any books for this feel

>> No.11815338

I actually know someone like this.

>> No.11815362

no it hasn't

>> No.11815367

Eh yes it has. I happen to be a soldier of /pol/ myself

>> No.11815370

okay pol, sure :)

>> No.11815434

Oblomov is essential

>> No.11815444

bro i cant even talk to people
im beyond saving, last time i talked to someone i was getting tour guide from some dude of /out/ in japan and he ditched me at 1am with no directions

>> No.11815455

i hate reddit

>> No.11815494

17 year old gloomer

>> No.11815696

t. norman

>> No.11816505

twitter and gamerpilled

>> No.11816509

.357 magnum

>> No.11816536

12 rules to life an antidote to chaos

>> No.11816572

1 year can actually make a HUGE difference

>> No.11817004

higher test and/or diogenes

>> No.11817130

Getting a full filling job.

>> No.11817704


so ... a beta cuck?

>> No.11817816
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The Lusty Argonian Maid

>> No.11817854
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this, you all are a bunch of women

>> No.11817908
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this is a rust cohle board

>> No.11817928

>In order to comprehend the experience one is living in, he must, by imagination and by intellect, be lifted out of it. He must be given to see it whole; but since he can never wholly gaze upon his own life while he lives it, he gazes upon the life that, in a symbol, comprehends his own. Art presents such lives, such symbols. Memes especially, persisting as a mother of truth through countless generations and for many disparate cultures coming therefore with the approval not of a single people but all. Memes present, memes are such a symbol, shorn and unadorned, refined and true. And when one who gazes upon that meme suddenly, in dreadful recognition, cries out, “There I am! That is me!”, then the marvelous translation has occurred: He is lifted from his own self to see himself wholly.

>> No.11817942

You are literally a stupid faggot

>> No.11817960

Almost everything there describes me. Even the facial hair that won't fucking grow on either side of my chin.

>> No.11817990

Yeah man, fuck that human scum. That nigga should get his memery act together.

>> No.11818124

Have you not noticed how much more people use n*gger here? All the threads about race realism? The recent thread about V.S. Naipaul's death attracted mostly poo jokes too. This place has been lobomotized since 2016.

>> No.11818182

Stop it lad

>> No.11818186

Name one significant African writer or thinker.