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/lit/ - Literature

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11817125 No.11817125 [Reply] [Original]

write whats on your mind

>> No.11817129

That's pretty good anon

leave him alone pls

>> No.11817139

I understand Nietzsche unlike many other.
I am of the Influence like Kierkegaard, on how Christ exemplifies man through Faith.
I see through the strings of most modern philosophers and how they fail to incorporate the most important arguments that Theological ideology permits.

I have a Faith higher than my religion.

>> No.11817173

>tfw no qt irish writer gf

>> No.11817319

>wanting an Irish gf

Anglos age worse than dogs, brah

>> No.11817329


>> No.11817330

Ive lately have become paranoid about "high eyebrow" art, as art that can only be described as that, tends to be trash. In other words: art has to be entertaining or, if the "message" is THAT important: the artist should jump to non fiction (unless it's Ayn Rand, her fiction, though pulpy, was better).
Art can flirt with politics, but ,when an author knows the answer to whatever question the piece of art raises, even before working on it: It becomes propaganda and trash.
Bleeding Edge Slaps (first Pynchon novel I've read)
I think I should actually try to write but all I can tell for now are things that have happened to me, though I guess that's better than nothing.
Also I don't want to seek help for this "wet heavy blanket over my body" feeling, as it may be depression and if it is: I might've lived almost a third of my potential live with it and that sucks, but I just can't sit down and write music lately, let alone write stories. What fucks more with me, is that I haven't found work after finishing college (6 months ago), and this would mean asking for even more money; Making me feel as a leach and an attention whore
Into the Groove is a underrated song and that picture reminded me of it.
That's a nice picture

>> No.11817331

>being together with someone for THAT long
Why would anyone do this?

>> No.11817373
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>dating an irish girl
>thinking she won't be catholic
>dating for the sake of dating, marriage not being the end goal

>> No.11817396

>catholic in the year of our lord 2018
ask me how i know you are american

>> No.11817467

Water, fire, air, and dirt. Fucking magnets, how do they work?

>> No.11817470

i want to cum

>> No.11817477
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>> No.11817481

Been waiting for right opportunity to talk to this chick in my class. That chance isn't going to come, I'll have to cold approach her. Have been telling myself I'll talk to her next time we have class, last two classes I didn't, I saw her after class but couldn't think of a way to talk to her. I only have this class twice a week, i find all my time spent outside of class psyching myself up to tall to her but I never do and I hate myself for it. Been using this to fuel my workouts at least. Been out of jiu jitsu for the week due to a ankle injury from all those triangles. No matter how disappointing this semester is at least I'll have bjj to forget myself in

>> No.11817648

Nothing's cuter than an Irish accent anon


>> No.11817660

I'm starting to feel somewhat bothered by all these doomer memes. Not because they're bad, they're actually pretty good -- but because they're eerily accurate and relatable. TOO relatable. I know I'm not the only one feeling that way too, which is worse because it makes me realize I fit the typical 4chan archetype. How did I get to this point?

>> No.11817665

I find it scary that artificial intelligence, even in its current state, is higher than what any human could ever reach. When humans go the way of the horse; when humans become obsolete, what even is the point of self-improvement? If machines can do better than even the greatest of us, why do we care about anything other than our own immediate survival? When we're all living in a utopia, what's the point of living?

>> No.11817689

Wittgenstein - 0
Stirner - 2
Marx - 1
Engels - 2
Heidegger - 3
Hegel - 1(?)
Kant - 1
Descartes - 1
Sartre - 18
Foucault -16
Deleuze - 7
Hume - 2
Chomsky - 3
Habermas - 3

>> No.11817730
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>How did I get to this point?

More importantly anon, are you going to do anything to fix it?

>> No.11817768

im in compulsory intensive outpatient therapy for bipolar one disorder and i dont want to get on medications because theyll make me fat thanks

>> No.11817833

Generally only anti-psychotics lead to weight gain. Has anyone recommended Lamotrigine to you yet? Wellbutrin is also pretty weight-neutral for most people. These are two of the most common meds for bipolar. The statistics for bipolar are bad enough but for unmedicated bipolar they're absolutely dire. I hope you remain open to taking them one day.

>> No.11817891

>How did I get to this point?
Generally by being a moaning pessimist and doing absolutely nothing.
Perhaps you should try something else?

>> No.11818048

I want to cheer somebody up but I don't know how without sounding condescending.

>> No.11818057

I’m not sure if retarded or will fully ignorant. As so many posts I see on this board, freely displaying their disgust for fiction, I actually have to take a moment to comprehend the idiocy within the words. If you cannot comprehend the foremost reason of fiction, then it is beyond you. Non-fiction is often laid out of you in such a way that any person with half a brain could follow it (of course there may be some exceptions, especially for the brainlets on this board); the additional reading, the references, and every other part of a non-fiction book is laid out, barer that your mother giving birth to you. Fiction, by design, hides information in plain sight and gives you the choice to delve within or simply pass along. Both have their advantages and conversely disadvantages but to claim that one is superior to the other is nonsensical and truly moronic.

>> No.11818144

Shit accent 2bh.

Scottish and Australian are easily the best.

>> No.11818191

Neil deGrasse Tyson changed his mind

>> No.11818193

I am a loser.

>> No.11818196

No you're not.

>> No.11818222

I love this board. I wouldn't know a tenth the things I know or have a hundredth the passions and curiosities I have if it weren't for this stupid place. This board is an amazing content aggregator, at the very least, and on top of that everybody is always trying their best to learn and to avoid being naive and pedestrian. The board has great camaraderie and atmosphere and some really funny motherfuckers on it. There's more earnest intellectual experimentation going on in poseur shitposts than a thousand graduate level classrooms.

This board almost singlehandedly (along with a few friends) saved me from becoming a braindead academic zombie. I wish I could convey to some of the crazy smart people that I've seen posting here, who didn't get the opportunity to try out academia for themselves because of circumstance in a busted society, just how bad academia really is. The intelligentsia is completely dead, and some of the people I've seen here are the intellectual vanguard in a much truer sense. I wish so badly I could convey to some of the posters I've seen on this board just how much smarter and more energetic and more interesting they are than supposedly top tier scholars at leading institutions. And I mean graduate students and even professors, not undergraduates.

I wish I could bottle that perspective and give it to everybody here, the perspective I only have by accident because I've seen all of it from the inside, because I tumbled onto this trajectory, and may soon leave it anyway. I especially wish I could package this knowledge and give it to all the undergraduate and aspiring undergraduates here, so they could see how badly they are being ripped off by the system, which is barely teaching them anything, and how close they are to far superior self-directed education at any moment. Academia is not only useless, it's actively destructive because it tricks bright people into thinking they're on the only track that exists for bright people, while really wasting their time.

I seriously love this place. Thank God for this board. I am a thousand times more well-rounded than I would have been without it. I wouldn't be sane without this fucking board. I'm excited to post on what must be one of the only places left on earth that has open discourse between genuine enthusiasts. The institutions have choked everything else to death by turning it into a one-size-fits-all factory.

>> No.11818224

I have none of the talent or inspiration needed to write or create anything of artistic merit, but I'm physically and emotionally disgusted at the thought of living a nomal life. Should I just drop out of uni? Should I just kill myself? A very large part of me wants nothing more than to spend the rest of my life locked in a padded cell.

>> No.11818233

Is this pasta?

>> No.11818242

No, I'm just having a minor existential crisis and reflecting on what actually matters to me in my life.

So far I've settled on "the three people I've ever met who actually take life seriously, and /lit/ because everyone there is weird."

>> No.11818268

legit can't tell if you're trolling or not.

>> No.11818272

I love you too, anon.

>> No.11818293

>Disowns you over math problems while making you clean the house
Irish mammy best mammy

>> No.11818341

literally /lit/b/

>> No.11818415

You're right, but it feels kind of weird to unironically see someone praise /lit/ like this while the general sentiment is so self-depricating.

Good post.

>> No.11818449

I've been unusually content and happy for the past two days. I've been eating a lot of shredded chicken with shredded cheese for the past two days, which is the only thing that I've been doing differently. I can only assume that the chicken and cheese is what's causing me to feel this way, so I'm going to continue eating this way until it wears off.

>> No.11818455

When will we start slaughtering wh*te people

>> No.11818884

>donald trump turned a bunch of anarchists into marxist-leninists

>> No.11818944
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No two things may ever be equal, else they'd be one and not two.

>> No.11819087

imagine a skeleton behind the window

>> No.11819166
File: 250 KB, 477x359, 9A04E5AA-E9A9-4175-BE79-358EF87A9F82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve decided that instead of trying to write my novel, currently I will write short stories because I haven’t the time to write a novel. Maybe I’ll try poetry too, but from what poems I’ve written I don’t think it’ll be good anytime soon

>> No.11819452

I didn't claim one was superior to another, I just think there are writers that compromise their stories in the name of their ideas, almost as if the story is fat and just a vehicle to preach their ideas. Therefore I think some authors can benefit from writing their ideas as an essay.
When I post that comment, I was talking more from the author's POV, to us who read, it shouldn't matter if its fiction or non fiction, it should only matter what the book left us with in the end.

>> No.11819521
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Subway is just a hibachi grill but with sandwiches

>> No.11819567

I'm a sick fuck I like my dick sick fuck I'm a dick fuck sick I'm a I like a sick I'm a like sick fuck

>> No.11819582

next major thing is going to be a world civil war, like 1848 revolutions or arab spring x1000

>> No.11819585

desu is no longer word-filtered

>> No.11819588

the techno-commercialists will win, enlightenment will die with a bang

>> No.11819615

what do you guys think about clothing in general, do you use it as a form of expression of your personality or you just use it as uniforms depending on the occasion? sorry for shitty English

>> No.11819672

gf recently left me, she was kind of a bitch sometimes but I loved her
the deeper I get into my literature studies the more I see the man behind the curtain. Most """""intellectuals""""" are total brainlets and a phd in liberal arts means takes little more than a time commitment. I'm increasingly grateful for the few academics with genuine brilliance and insight, and who I can sit and learn something from. I also highly value my small circle of smart friends, although I miss my musical friends
last year I set up comfy viewing parties with a couple buddies where we would pull up periscope streams from the portland riots or similar and watch protesters get tear gassed or kekistan fags get beat up from 3 different camera angles. I wanna do that again but everyone's afraid to go out in public after charlotteville
these threads are some of the best on the board I think because people don't tie their egos into their posts. They just release words into the ether. If you post here, know that I read your post, and I liked it, it was pretty good

>> No.11819706

I like to watch re-runs from 90s and late 80s. There are some videos that are just hours and hours of old cartoons and commercials, and somehow I prefer it than trying to find something to watch on Netflix. I don't want to become a nostalgiafag, but I am not interested about watching something just o have something to talk to other people.

>> No.11820044
File: 78 KB, 536x640, caligula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

多多多多先生走進辦公室,找到了簡短的案子。 參孫的簡短案例。 它充滿了sarden。 多多多多先生是一個嚴峻的惡魔,只是在房間裡開始出汗。 他打開了一個簡短的案子,希望找到一些sarden,但這只是Samson本人。
Dodododo先生嚇了一跳開關刀片。 “就是這樣!”多多多多先生喊道,“如果你不給我一些答案,我就要搞定你了!”
“什麼答案? 我對你沒有任何答案......你他媽的!“參孫說,躲在他的簡短案件中,因為害怕而顫抖。 Dodododo先生是一位技藝精湛的鬥士和鬥牛士,他在Samson身上掙扎,他的刀刃讓他想念了幾厘米。 不是英寸,厘米,因為他媽的英制測量,公制更好。 參孫從他的公文包裡跳出來,脫掉了衣服,跑到了夜晚。

>> No.11820158
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I spent a whole day with some people of about my age for the first time in at least 2 years.
All they did was smoke, joke around and talk about women.
It was pleasant but I understood for the first time how far I am from their life.
I could have been the same, a silly laid back person, having little adventures, not a thought in the world, but it's fine.
One reaps what he sows.

>> No.11820186
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>tfw unironically feel like I wasn't made for these times

Academia a fucking mess, The fields I'm interested in (maths and physics) have advanced to the point where it's nigh impossible to have a major individual impact, the environment is fucked, technocapitalism is ruining everything, the written word is a dying medium, and there doesn't seem to be much hope for the future. I don't like this world.

books for this feel?

>> No.11820207

My gf and I were on the way of converting our monogamous relationship into a polyamorous one, but that didn't work out.

I feel very sad about that. I don't know whether polyamory is for me. I never really tried it out, but I am very disappointed that it didn't go far enough.

I have to figure this out and ask my gf if she wants to give it another try someday soon.

>> No.11820263

My brain feels like it's been injected with a hypodermic needle filled with elephant tranquilizer. I need stimulants to feel like a normal human being. I'm no junkie but my brain just "gets" drugs. I can pop pills and snort coke and function at an optimum. A few drinks corrects my chemistry. A hit of weed aligns and regulates my brain waves. A tab of LSD refreshes my conscious screen saver.

I enjoy drugs but I never take them. Sobriety is a design flaw.

>> No.11820538

Is this a poem?

>> No.11820559

>I don't like this world
Me neither desu. I'll probably kill myself before I turn 30

>> No.11820575

I sincerely don't believe that most people here enjoy reading.

>> No.11820579

You believe right

>> No.11820583

>Academia is not only useless, it's actively destructive because it tricks bright people into thinking they're on the only track that exists for bright people, while really wasting their time.
>Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools

>> No.11820587

Beginning to realize how quickly people forget things on a global/historical scale. It's kind of frightening. Perhaps its just how everything naturally returns to the status quo.

>> No.11820601

>america gets involved in a disastrous protracted war on flimsy if not completely false evidence
>15 years later people want to do the same thing but with with saudi arabia or iran or even fucking russia
humanity doesn't deserve to exist

>> No.11820607


Imagine yourself, peering in with as much as dread as you are peering out with.

>> No.11820615

*syria not saudi arabia

>> No.11820645
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>lol starting a family and having a legacy is for suckers.
>When will we start slaughtering wh*te people
>My gf and I were on the way of converting our monogamous relationship into a polyamorous one, but that didn't work out.
>I feel very sad about that. I don't know whether polyamory is for me. I never really tried it out, but I am very disappointed that it didn't go far enough.
>I have to figure this out and ask my gf if she wants to give it another try someday soon.
>Me neither desu. I'll probably kill myself before I turn 30

Most of /lit/ is shitlibs.
Shitty people will tend toward liberal politics and otherwise normal people indoctrinated in liberalism will tend toward being shitty people so the high density of "waaaa, i wanna kill myself" and drug posting here shouldn't surprise me so much.

>> No.11820649

I actually hate and vehemently criticize liberalism

>> No.11820650

Cry me a river, people have been going to war for over 5000 years.Are any of them really justified?

>> No.11820659

There's a difference between the State starting an unjustified war and the people clamoring for one while still actively being fucked over from the last one

>> No.11820668


>> No.11820717
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>humanity doesn't deserve to exist
NPCs don't expect to be lied to or indoctrinated by the state to be more amenable to lies.

Humanity evolved in small tribes where there was no MSM. There was just hunting and gathering and breeding to hunt and gather.

I quite like humanity. These middle eastern wars are the result of Jewish subversion, and its the Jews who I think don't deserve to exist.

>inb4 joos don't control media.
There own news outlets admit this.
>Times Of Israel.
>Jews DO control the media.

inb4 i don't care dumb Christian conservashit. The joos aren't hurting your ability to raise a family and mind your own business.
>'Dirty Jews' and the Christian Right
Brilliant actors like Larry David and Sarah Silverman are challenging America's powerful religious, family-friendly culture and asserting their Jewishness by glorifying obscenity.

>Inb4 offtopic, goto /pol/
You brought up the middle east.
All I did was add facts to your equation.

>> No.11820748
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>no u

>> No.11820767
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>the people clamoring for one while still actively being fucked over from the last one
Who's really clamoring for war besides the pundit class?

>> No.11820787

the libs are ready to nuke russia because muh drumpf election hacking and the maga crowd are itching to invade iran because they said mean things to daddy

>> No.11820860

>the libs are ready to nuke russia because muh drumpf election hacking and the maga crowd are itching to invade iran because they said mean things to daddy
I'm aware of the shitlib pundits and maga pundits saying these things, but how much traction does this have with normies?

Have you met anyone who wants war with Russia. I haven't found people on either side who want it.

>> No.11820997

Where do you find that

>> No.11821021

You are aware that it is possible to watch stranger things or game of thrones or orange is the new black or how to get away with murder or the walking dead or the handmaidens tail or madmen without talking to people about it.

>> No.11821024

yeah but why would you ever watch any of those. maybe mad men, but even then

>> No.11821064

Trump is single most pivotal figure in american politics since Nixon. The guy is not gonna quit twitter once he stops being president. Whenever one of his successors does something he disagrees with he'll tweet how that would've never happened on his watch or how he once handled a similar situation much better when he was in office. The guy will keep exerting this sort of acerbic influence until the day he dies, and each of his hot takes we'll get 90k likes. Retirement might even get him to loosen up and disclose confidential information or embarrassing anecdotes. His funeral alone will be a controversy like no other. Trump will constantly be in the background of every single debate we have for the next twenty or thirty years.

>> No.11821091
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I'm planning out a post-apocalyptic post-cyberpunk novel with main emphasis being a new social cast system based on intellectual capabilities and moral grounds of said system. It also has genetic engineering (how that ties in with casts is a secret), child prostitution, megastructures, etc.

>> No.11821096

I don’t feel interested in those shows so the only reason I would watch it is to have casual talk with people.

>> No.11821102

I'm thinking about finding good Harry Potter fanfiction. Due it's fans' limited intellectual capabilities, the quality of fiction is far from passable. And with my refined tastes (female Draco from the beginning) it's even harder to find something decent.

>> No.11821107

I am writing a sci fi YA novel in English, and is not my first language. Wish me luck.

>> No.11821302

ohh female Draco sounds quite hot. What would her name be? She should be a sexy eastern european. Maybe you should write your own.

>> No.11821309

How was Iraq disastrous? Seemed to work pretty well.

>> No.11821345

There was this nice one which focused on Malfoy family itself and how its heir, named Lyra Malfoy, has to deal with constant discrimination because of her supposedly evil parents. It's interesting since it shows Slytherin students in a more positive humane light and Lyra's relationship with Harry is more complex due to her good nature and his prejudice against her. It has nice ideas but it really reeks of that teenage girl smug wishful thinking and has unnecessary canon alterations. Another good fic is in Russian and is really close style-wise to Russian translation of the original novels (which is really superior to Rowling' original shit editing) but it deals with Draco genderbending mid-story and emphasizes characters' gastronomical preferences too much. Guess the author was hungry. I suppose I'll have to write my own after all, but I'll never enjoy writing it as much as reading it.

>> No.11821403

ffs genderbending sounds atrocious.

You should write. Give back to the community. I like the name Lyra.

>> No.11821415

Have you read methods of rationality? Yudkowsky has started writing porn now and he said he was considering rewriting it with a genderbent angle

>> No.11821443

I did and I didn't enjoy it that much, although it's better than the majority of works out there. What? Porn? I really want to read his take on sex. Which of his works are porn? Intercorrupted girl didn't have any sex I think. As for genderbent angle, I would enjoy a hetero dynamic with a dash of genuine hatred and rivalry between Harry and femDraco, wouldn't like it as much if Harry was also female.

>> No.11821454


>> No.11821531

Orangutans listening to "Yes, she thought, laying down her brush in extreme fatigue, I have had my vision."

Anyone else relate?

>> No.11821617

Good luck anon!

>> No.11821854

Its all too much. I will finish my last papers and then i'll just off myself.

>> No.11821884

Share it here. Your papers.

>> No.11821939

Every single conversation with an atheist.


>> No.11821954

It would be easier if people stick to beliefs like helping the ones in need, being humble, accepting the outcast, and so. Instead of people obsessed in proving their god is more important because he turned water into wine and was able to revive. To hell with offering the other cheek if the man who said that wasn't able to multiply the bread.

>> No.11821960

>Seemed to work pretty well.
>country is a failed state now
This is your brain on mutt propaganda.

>> No.11821964

Why should people be humble and help the needy?

>> No.11822033

>that whole video
I love this guy even more. He's like a centrist. Tells his fans to stfu when their sheep mentality bumps into his individualistic discretion.

>> No.11822037

Just recently diagnosed with bipolar. Been living through my first manic episode. Quite a lonely and scary feeling. When I've been feeling fucked in the past, I usually reassure myself by telling me it'll get better - that I'm young, and an idiot, and that I'm 10 years I'll look back on this stage of my life and be able to laugh. The prospect of having to deal with this throughout the rest of my life (even if periodically) really scares me though. I feel quite lonely because my friends and family try but they don't quite understand - I think they think it's just an erratic happiness, but it's a really isolating feeling. I've also been bugging the hell out of them, and so a few of my closest friends have kindve backed off a bit - which I understand, because I'm sure it's quite exhausting dealing with me, and I know they need their own time to reset, recharge, deal with their own shitty problems etc.

But still, feels bad man.

On an anti psychotic, which definitely helps - but I still have my bad days. Any books for this feel?

>> No.11822059

I wish I was in a fellowship of fiction writers, just like Tolkien and Lewis. Brazil is full of brainlets. Abduct me, aliens.

>> No.11822064

Nick Land and Bolsonaro, what a whack encounter of ideas.

>> No.11822067

Helps purge the cynicism from this world.

>> No.11822093

Stop fucking with the Land threads

>> No.11822153

Believing in free will means believing in uncaused causes.

>> No.11822157


>> No.11822169

Got a little headache but i'll be aight bless up

>> No.11822202

What would you suggest an aspiring under graduate would do instead of joining this braindead intelligentsia?

>> No.11822217

>tfw I'm chad enough to get with 8's but I'm torn between trying to marry a beautiful woman and a woman who's well-read that I find intellectually stimulating (don't even try to pretend for one second that any girl has both!)

>> No.11822218

I'm very talented at everything I do. People compliment me all the time.

How to take a compliment and not sound arrogant?

>> No.11822288

>a woman who's well-read that I find intellectually stimulating
These aren't the qualities you should look for in a wife. An intellectually "stimulating" woman is not necessarily a capable mother who is able to raise good and moral children.

You should keep your intellectual pursuits between you and your male friends, you will be better off for it.

>> No.11822302

Our world is built upon conflict and that includes conflicts of ideas. Also called cognitive dissonance, it is a building block of any society.In the modern western world the key ideological conflict is that the world should be both free and equal.True freedom naturally breeds inequality because those who are more clever and capable will be able to do more and obtain more with said freedom for themselves and their offspring. True equality naturally necessitates a lack of freedom, if everyone is to be equal you must stop some people from getting ahead. You must enforce a standard and keep everyone at that same level. These two conflicting ideals push each other towards a golden mean.

>> No.11822315

Obviously you should marry a woman who is an intellectual peer to you, anon. Otherwise you're just marrying a body. Not to mention that all 8hood is a terribly temporar thing

>> No.11822579

You have to be kidding. Either that or you're a dumb neocon.

>> No.11822586

>"Aww thanks".
Seems there's one thing you're utterly incompetent at anon

>> No.11822652

All summer I did really well going to the gym, I was gaining muscle and looking and feeling good
Then the semester started and I've been to the gym like 3 times in the past month. Hardly eating, feel like shit

>> No.11822682

I tried to spend some time with people my own age the other day, spend the night with silly drinking games and reading up from an app telling us what to do.
I didn't care for it.

>> No.11822687

There's always some obscenity in the very act of existing. Proclaim yourself upon this earth implies always exert damage to the others. The wage-earner aiming for a better job, the voracious competition at the academy, the mother protecting their sons, the kids fighting for attention, the chaotic geopolitics. All of them are examples of the same impulse to exist at any cost. The self is a big burden: suffer and inflict suffering. Perhaps this is the message of the original sin, we are all guilty of exist. Living itself is the source of the sin.

>> No.11822913

Is the use of image boards (including /lit/) ultimately a pure act of hedonism? Sometimes I read good posts here and sometimes I engage in conversations and sometimes good content arises. However none of that really touches me as a human being and once I close the tab all of this seems unimportant and forgettable (which is why I keep coming back because it seems important as long as I'm browsing so I strive to recover this feeling again and again). Thus I came to the conclusion image boards is to us what nonsensical chatting is to most people in the 3D world, a practice of communication to waste time. Reading a book even if it's shit always gives me more stuff to contemplate whereas the shortsighted nature of threads and posts reduce my attention span and basicly have negative effects on my cognitive functions. Now the
3D world has richer dimensions of perception due to its fleshly and bodily nature.
Give me one reason to kee coming back here except hedonism. Oh and probably my hedonistic motives will win anyways and I'll be here for more years to come.

>> No.11822954

When that point comes, we'll realize that it would be better to live as cavemen than be ruled and eternally enslaved by machines. Mankind will wage war against the machines, both sides wiping eachother out, cleansing the eart of their infection. Then evolution will cook up some other dominant species that will rule for a few thousand years or whatever, then fuck themselves over, rinse and repeat etc.

>> No.11822974

>intellectually "stimulating" woman is not necessarily a capable mother who is able to raise good and moral childr
Language development and emotional development are 0-6y. Good and moral children come after that in 6-12y age range. That's why when Jesuits say give us the child and we'll produce the man, they mean a 6y/o not an infant.

>> No.11822978

I wish I had more people to share my writing with

>> No.11822990

Yeah a lot of people suck, American plebs are way more insufferable than plebs from other countries, too, I've found - but there'll be some people your own age that you get along with too you just have to find them

>> No.11823005


Woah what are the chances of two of stories in one thread - I don't know if you're still checking for (yous) but the thing with pills that cause weight gain is that they don't really, they just increase your appetite. If you can avoid overeating, or if you're willing to go to the gym, then the same rules apply as always.

I'm a skinny fuck who is actively trying to gain weight so the increased appetite is actually a benefit to me

>> No.11823033

This really sounds like me. I'm too much of a loser to consistently get access to drugs, but every time I use drugs or have a few drinks, I feel normal. I feel happy and I don't even have to be doing anything. I could just be walking down a sidewalk at 3 am and have a blast, just being appreciative of being alive. I get energy and inspiration to do things I want to do, maybe something creative like make music.

Worst part is, I think that that is the real me. When i was younger, i would get in trouble at school literally every day. Every day either in the principle's office or stuck at in school suspension by myself. My parents were so frustrated with me because nothing worked, no matter how much they yelled at me, threatened me with punishment, no matter how many times they whipped me, dragged me down the hallway beating my ass while i was screaming, it didnt matter. I'd go to school the very next day and get in trouble again. What did i get in trouble for? Talking. Just fucking talking. I remember being so happy in school because I got to talk to people and i loved making friends and just interacting with people. I just wanted friends, man. Then about the time i got to 5th grade i matured to the point where i realized the constant stress of me was taking a toll on my parents. My mother had a minor heart attack sometime around then. I'm fairly certain it was my fault. I made a conscious decision to be as quiet as possible when i was at school. I didnt want to get in trouble again, and 5th grade ended up not being as bad.

Then middle school. Absolute hell. Bullied everyday, never physically though, just namecalling and making fun of me and some sexual humiliation. My parents always told me never start a fight ever no matter what anyone says to you, and words can never hurt you. Nowadays i think back on that and if i could, I'd go back and fight all of those kids. Sure, i was a slightly chubby, kinda short weak nerdy kid with glasses, but at least putting up a fight would have been better than just having to sit there every single day and take it. Nobody came to my rescue, like how in movies there will be that one kid who befriends the loser and helps him out. That never happened. I just got better at rolling with the punches and pretending like i didnt care. Had to sit in class and daydream about killing those kids. Cringey, edgy shit like breaking a window and slitting their throats with the broken glass and at home I'd lay in bed at night with headphones on listening to music for hours until i passed out, crying due to frustration about not being able to do anything and just hatred, and asking god to just kill me in my sleep. By the time middle school was over i hated school. I hated everything about it, and even though my parents managed to get me into a good high school, it was too late. I had lost every bit of passion that was in me. I know it hurt my mother to see me as a shell of what i used to be. (Cont.)

>> No.11823042

I did well enough in high school to get into a good public university but it was just dragging on. I didnt get any enjoyment from learning anymore. And even though i finally found a friend group, those thoughts of wanting to just pass on would never leave me. I could have the perfect day, everything going great, and still feel like it was all pointless and leading nowhere. I'm getting kind of tired now, so I'll probably end this rant here. I know it sounds incredibly cringey and whiney, trust me I know. But sometimes you just have to acknowledge how you feel, right? And since i have nobody to trust these thoughts with in real life, all i can do is put them on an anonymous image board and wait until the thread dies.

>> No.11823058

Have you considered making it it more plot-driven than focused on characters?

A pal and I were discussing a similar plot the other day and it felt like we could keep going and going on the workings of the setting and the plot itself would drift away, become secondary.

>> No.11823070


Nickelodeon vs Disney Channel

Correct on Nickelodeon, Disney sold

Holding MTV under Viacom, MTV

>> No.11823378
File: 58 KB, 500x500, Box_Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reread the Halo trilogy this weekend and I regret nothing. Most fun I've had in a while.

>> No.11823583

I want to get into writing. I believe I have this innate ability to write, but I need to develop it further. Whenever I decide to pursue this task, I instantly get flooded with doubt, I tell myself that I'm too stupid and ignorant to ever produce anything of quality and therefore I shouldn't waste my time with it.

I'm in my early 20s, I haven't been an avid reader for long, I still have hunders of books to read. I have no formal training. I'm very patient and if I ever decided to write, I wouldn't mind spending 5-10 years on something in pursuit of quality. Problem is, I couldn't tell you what makes a book great to begin with. How could I objectively asses my own creation unless I knew the difference between good and bad? Is this just a simply problem of ignorance? I need to read more.

>> No.11823646
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I have only read first strike, fun read but to be honest warhammer books are more interesting and enjoyable

>> No.11823771
File: 493 KB, 1200x1200, plume-valley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm laying here on my couch feeling the aftermaths of last night's high, the remnants of the arizona iced tea evaporating on the table beside me, listening to windows96 play out over my macbook speakers. this morning feels calm. i'm confident and ready to take a journey somewhere new.

>> No.11823965

What is even a loser if not perspective?
Fuck you

>> No.11824170

irish aren't anglos

anglos = UK australia USA new zealand

>> No.11824341

Polyamory is for no one, anon.

>> No.11824407

Just started lifting 2 weeks ago. I'm going to be a skinny dyel forever if I don't start eating more.

>> No.11824447

Just saw my oneitis walking with another man. At least it think it was her, as she had a very similar profile and hairstyle. I hope it wasn't. She's a very sweet qt with blue eyes that I met at church. I'm probably going to graduate from uni alone, meet up with friends a few times after graduation, and then spend decades alone, furthering a meaningless career in an effort to earn more money to spend on hedonistic material pursuits.

>> No.11824528

>At least it think it was her, as she had a very similar profile and hairstyle.
It probably wasn't her, I've legit seen four+ girls that I swore looked exactly like my oneitis until I had a more thorough look. If anything this had made me realize she was quiet a generic person that I projected a lot of things onto desu. Zizek was right, you only ever love a fantasy.

>> No.11824541

>only ever love a fantasy

>> No.11824728

my parents are arguing again, I think their marriage is done for this time
I should be an adult and face this with maturity, but at the same time it is like a part of my life is falling apart, it hurts so much to hear them fighting
guess I'll let things happen as they happen and play with any cards I am given and at least make it all the smoothier possible

>> No.11825050

sorry. that's tough no matter what age you are.

>> No.11825432

Sounds good, keep us updated

>> No.11825437

Please elaborate on that

>> No.11825584

I give up. I never become proficient at anything. I no longer have any hobbies. All the joy has been sucked out of me. I don't have a gun and I can't tie a knot.

>> No.11825598

Charge up an electrical device and hack into the wiring.

>> No.11825606

I'm too tired to do anything very interested tomorrow but if I don't do *something* I'll be bored and listless by noon

>> No.11825611

That's nothing, my parents screaming at each other is their normal means of communication. Except they're financially dependent on one another and too lazy to actually divorce and make changes to their lives so they've resigned themselves to their fate. And I'm caught in the middle of their juvenile bullshit.

>> No.11825619
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I miss the flexible hours of my old part time jobs, even though at the time they felt like dead end prospects.

I think I have head cold. It's just potent enough to make me not want to leave my apartment, but leaves me with just enough energy to feel like I'm wasting the day away.

I've been consulting my dad on white collar and gang crime for a book I'm writing (he works in law enforcement), but I'm worried what he'll think of the sexual content that I plan on including.

>> No.11825621

I remember listening to my parents fight my entire childhood. My mom can say some vicious things when she's angry. To this day I've never fully forgiven her for the things she said to my father.

But it can't be helped. That's in the past now, and hardship has brought my family together despite the clawings and bites.

>> No.11825633

Verne's Paris in the 20th century

>> No.11825660

I want to dig into a good book or write for a long stretch. But I'm hungover and my brain seems like it has been encased in gallons of sticky tar. Each thought that comes out of it is dim, crudely shaped, a meager and threadbare thing that crumbles to dust on contact.

I could sleep more and cut back on my excesses to get some clarity to return to my addled disastrous mind, but at this point in time they serve a psyco-hygienic role as necessary as bathing.

>> No.11825675

nice try anglo but the leafs are yours too

>> No.11825679
File: 64 KB, 636x247, schop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

essays and aphorisms by schops

that's what i thought and life is pretty bearable now that i don't have unrealistic demands from it. hunker down anon.

>> No.11825690

No, Irish aren't anglos. Only english are. Hence the name anglo.

>> No.11825707

Stupid fucking cunt. No wonder Drumpf is president.

>> No.11825713

leafs are canadians friend

>> No.11825778

If you really want to explain, I can, but my reasoning is pretty basic. I am a KHV, but I am certain that humans are most satisfied in monogamous long-term relationships. You can't expect to love more than one person successfully. The only reason for this would be lust. People have run out of new things to try and problems to solve, so now they experiment with relationships. It's not sustainable, like putting a cat on a vegan diet or raising a child with two fathers. Just because it kind of seems to work on a surface level doesn't mean it is best for anyone's well being

>> No.11825784

Yeah ok that reasoning IS pretty basic

>> No.11825794

If it isn't sufficient, then why don't you explain your reasoning? Give it another try and see how human bonding and emotions work

>> No.11825809
File: 90 KB, 900x1042, 1537163639519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate myself for unable to figure out myself. It feels like all my knowledge fades away once i'm try to get to the root. I wish i'd be narcissistic or dumb enough to actually live my life but now i'm stuck in mental limbo where i'm too self-aware. I'm drowning in the lake of doubts and fear is trying to drag me down like somesort of gnarly seaweed. I wish i'd be someone else than myself but i cannot. It's complete agony and i have no idea what to do except to look for external help to understand myself.

>> No.11825820

What does it mean if someone always looks off into the distance when they're talking to you? It always makes me feel like shit, but I have a hard time articulating why.

>> No.11825829

I am in a monogamous long-term relationship, and I have been in two others before. I am not happy. The few days in which it looked like this polyamorous thing might work out, I was vey happy, if also stressed out. It felt like standing on the edge of something new and exciting.

Now that the third person ended it, and my gf wanted to end it independently anyway I feel like shit. I am legitimately back down in a depression that hasn't been that bad since at least a year.

>> No.11825842

it means they have autism and are avoiding eye contact

>> No.11826137

My parents used to fight all the time a few years ago and still do once in a blue moon. It doesn't help when my mother can't handle her alcohol either. Despite all this though they're still together which I think is a wonderful thing. Too many people nowadays readily file for divorce for things which can be eventually solved; ultimately bringing much ruin upon their children. Often they are not even much happier themselves afterwards. It is truly a shame that the saying "till death do us part" is not taken as literally anymore by most people.

>> No.11826159

>Too many people nowadays readily file for divorce
you can thank the absolute cucking of divorce laws in the 60s which practically removed blame from the equation for this. People can now divorce on a whim and even benefit from it (particularly women who tend to win the children in the majority of cases, regardless of circumstances).

>> No.11826161

If envy can be channeled as a driving force for action, it makes no sense to take pride or relish in your own accomplishments, but to envy them; to make a bitter rival of the version of yourself that accomplished something meaningful.

>> No.11826184
File: 56 KB, 480x432, josef-kremer-gaius-marius-sitting-among-the-ruins-of-carthage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will be back on Monday. I will smile when she walks past me even if my smile appears autistic. I have good reason to believe she at least has a passing attraction to me.

>> No.11826185

>achievement for achievement's sake
chill out a bit anon, be willing to stop and appreciate the beautiful and the sublime

>> No.11826209

context? is it always the same person who does this, or does everyone do this when talking to you?
stop pretending to be monogamous if you don't plan on having children with a person and are basically just each others' oxytocin dispensers. also 'polyamory' and all of these other alternative lifestyle terms are fake psy-ops. saying "i want to be polyamorous" is just as dumb and gay as saying "i want to start a neo-percussive indie dubcore band".

>> No.11826231

just get it out and aggressively wank at her. its the only way to make an unambiguous statement of intent. the worst that could happen is her saying no.

>> No.11826245

Not for its own sake. I find meaning in the struggle of pursuing high achievement, because it is through struggle that I learn about my own nature and thereby catch glimpses of the transcendent.
This has never stopped me from appreciating something beautiful. In fact I think it has had the opposite effect.

>> No.11826617

He's an acquaintance from my high school that I came across by chance today. I never calmly looked into people's eyes until this year, so while I can't remember what he used to do, I know it's unusual. By that I mean, even if I'm with a complete normalfag, when we look each other in the eye there's a real and very natural connection formed despite our differences. Even if someone is shy, there's still a connection because they're just anxious to reveal too much of themselves. But when this happened today, it was like he was totally out of the conversation as soon as it began, and waiting for me to finish my sentence so he could leave. I suppose this shouldn't bother me too much, but I have fears about my own social ability, and coming across these people who are more or less 'separate' signals that perhaps others get that vibe from me as well.

What I like about maturing though is that increasingly often, I can say, "No, there's no reason to doubt myself here, what I have seen is real." When that sense of self is fully matured, I probably won't fret over meetings like the above again, but as someone fresh out of NEEThood it's hard to be certain just yet.

>> No.11826647

What's actually dumb and gay is calling things you don't like psy-ops

>> No.11826664

I'm suddenly realising that my internal monologue is nothing but a negative force in my life. I reckon I would be much more productive without it. The amount I just spend in my head not doing anything, thinking the most banal and pointless things, is damaging. I'm constantly self criticising, talking myself out of things, running through conversations I'll never have. Should I meditate? Should I drop acid? Is there a way to just silence myself and get on with things?

>> No.11826714

Read Hamlet.
But nah, CBT can help with that sort of thing if you're genuinely looking to change. You've got to dispense with cynicism though and try to approach it with an open-mind, otherwise you wont benefit.

>> No.11826766

I'm familiar with this phenomenon having had a therapist point it out to me on several occasions in my own behavior.

He stridently recommends against it. Essentially a person's self is a circuit, a feedback system where the inputs you place inside reverberate with everything else that has been put inside. If you are putting in trash, well then it's garbage in, garbage out.

You will turn your soul into a trash can. You'll have the self-esteem of Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street. Stop that.

>> No.11826975

I've never liked poetry but I just read The Angel and Auguries of Innocence by William Blake and wanted to ask if any of you could recommend me a book by him or people with similar writing. I found this, though https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Poetry-Prose-William-Blake/dp/0385152132
Should I buy it?

>> No.11826985

I'm sorry if I'm being autistic here, but I loved these verses

"To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour."

I know it might be pleb tier and that I'm asking for a spoon feed, but god damnit please help me find something similar.

>> No.11827042
File: 25 KB, 500x270, 14462c3372cdfe2de988b71049eb85f0--donald-sutherland-national-lampoons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Animal House /lit/?

>> No.11827261
File: 132 KB, 946x444, home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think about how alone we are on a cosmic scale
>feel scared
Why do i always so this? we have 7 billion people yet i always shit my pants when i think we are the only intelligent life in the universe, and become even more terrified at the thought of someone far more advanced watching us. can't we just have some live on the moon yet so that we can at least survive nuclear holocaust?

>> No.11827294
File: 396 KB, 1100x2127, 1533686601169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aha but we are not truly alone my friend

>> No.11827317

literally any of the english romanticists

>> No.11827328
File: 96 KB, 640x786, 12345667078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah well he's been on a dial tone for like 12 year so i don't think he'll return my calls anytime soon

>> No.11827415

Should I get that book, or is there a better editorial?

>> No.11827448

want to fuck multiple people and not conform to society's standards for your biological sex? cool, whatever.
want me to not make fun of you for attempting to conform to a manufactured prescribed identity like "polyamorous"? no fucking shot, pal.

>> No.11827534

I meant publisher*, my bad.

>> No.11828010

I just wanna give all of the sad anons a hug

>> No.11828033

It might be that your story isn't that interesting to him. There can be many reasons why that is, but usually people do that because it's a way of humouring you by letting you tell the story they aren't interested in at that moment. When making eyecontact you have to give a lot more emotional effort even though you're not the one telling the story: if you're over emotive about the subject then your conversation partner might find it hard to emulate your emotional involvement in the story. Try to find common ground, though it might be staring into the distance in silence near each other. You can also point out humourously that they're not fully attentive and you're open to changing the topic by inserting SUDDENLY A BEAR into your story at random.

>> No.11828060

I've never worked a day in my life and I'm fucking ashamed of myself.

>> No.11828068

Get a job. They pretty great if you don't need the money and just want to feel useful. Get something manual and repetitive.

>> No.11828071

try your best to retain this ignominious title you've brought upon yourself
they are enjoyed invariably by depraved or stupid, and these people are nearly always slavish and particularly uncreative when left to their own devices.

>> No.11828074

I've been to 8 interviews to various malls/shops this month but I get bounced back after my 2nd interview (HR interview). I'd fucking love to work and not leech off of my parents.

>> No.11828077

The feelings start to run. One week at a time. Crashing overhead. Uncontained. Yearning for you. My soul dripping away at the drink I cannot have but want so badly to unleash. My love my only drink. The smell of her hair against my face. The scent from the back of neck in the early hours of the morning. The smell of my sweatshirt with tears rolling down moments after departure. Her taste upon my lips stops all the shaking. My love my only drink. No more pain. No more games. Just smooth sailing from here on out. The wind circling and the air skating I say it again. Goodbye my love. My love my only drink.

Feedback would be nice.

>> No.11828089

But most jobs a no-skill neet can get *are* useless anon.

>> No.11828093

I don't give a shit if it allows me to be independent of my parents and Government Gibs.

>> No.11828104

Look into cleaning companies. If you have your own car or can borrow one, night cleaning jobs are based.
>they are enjoyed invariably by depraved or stupid, and these people are nearly always slavish and particularly uncreative
So you don't know anyone rich or in the arts? Go to opening nights and get free wine; people will assume you're a student and be kind about your callowness.

>> No.11828108

>Cleaning making food and building shit are unimportant
>I mean compared to data input humans need none of those right?

>> No.11828111

I come from poor background, don't have a driving license. I guess I could look for bus cleaning shit.

>> No.11828119

Maybe, but usually those jobs are staffed by desperate immigrants
>making food and building shit
Require skills. Unless you mean flipping burgers at a fast food chain, which is not only useless but actively harmful

>> No.11828120

Most hotel work is early morning to afternoon if you want social hours, but if you can take night hours do because the pay is better. You'll find it easier to get night work being a guy too if you apply to hotels so tell them you're open to being a porter or anything else too.

>> No.11828129

They require certificates/security background for porter type of stuff here. Same for cleaning that is not like, bus cleaning (which are mostly done by migrants from North Africa).

>> No.11828131

>What is a prep chef
>What is apprenticeship
You're just telling me you live in a middle class wasteland of useless work for little equity.

>> No.11828134

I clearly wasn't referring to apprenticeships you brainlet

>> No.11828135

You need to trade school background in cooking in my country to get apprenticeship/prep chef/restaurant cooker jobs.

>> No.11828140

Most places here will get you certified to work for them and pay for the course which is like a day learning not to fuck with the scaffolding etc. Check if anywhere does that and if not, save to pay to get yourself certified. Most places where those jobs are certified you can get more money just for having a cert from your last job.

>> No.11828144

>When I say building I leave out all the parts like carpentry plumbing electricians and everything that needs an apprenticeship
What the fuck are you building?

>> No.11828149

>you brainlet

He's trying to help you get a job, be nice.

>> No.11828151

See if there's alternative qualifications. There's bound to be a foreign qualification acceptance system or trade school for hire if it's a requirement.

>> No.11828153
File: 140 KB, 1400x757, thief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember last year in December I started working as a welder.
I had been in a bad place mentally/emotionally before I started, not horrible, but stagnant in a state of meh
I'd have to wake up at 5am, and go to a cold workshop. Touch cold metal, feel the cold hard concrete beneath my feet. Do monotonous and repetitive work all day. It was so draining physically, which in turn would drain me emotionally and mentally. I was a zombie afterwards. I'd drive home and have no memory of it. I'd be exhausted throughout the rest of the day but wouldn't sleep because then the next day would come faster.
When I'd get home, I'd close the door and stand there for a minute, thinking about how badly I just wanted a hug, a warm caring hug. I thought about it all day and night, I'd be at work and think about how badly I want a hug when I get home. I didn't want an easier job, or to be less tired, a hug is what I wanted.

Never got it during my tenure there though. Still haven't.

>> No.11828156

Try a grocery store. My first job was at one and I learned a lot

>> No.11828157

>Most places here will get you certified to work for them and pay for the course
No such thing in here. There are open jobs with no requirements like filling shelves, but I fail the 2nd interview with HR when I have to go on about why I don't have work experience (which the job position doesn't say they require).

Biggest mistake of my life was not going to trade school decade ago. Yes, I've been NEET for a decade and it makes me want to kms.

>> No.11828160

Thanks m8, I don't think it's worth even replying to that.
>Should I meditate? Should I drop acid?
I used acid about a month ago and no, if you don't know what you're doing (I didn't), it doesn't quiet your inner monologue. Instead, your consciousness starts to arrange in loops of two to five thoughts which repeat in a cycle over and over again. Every small decision such as shifting your body that way or shifting it another way feels like having to decide to switch to one side of a galactic conflict that has been raging for eons, and which you don't understand in the slightest.
Meditate, take walks through nature, and try progressive muscle relaxation. There are a few guides on the latter on youtube.
Thanks anon

>> No.11828165

Yeah grocery stores are the ones I've applied to. I would take part time job stuffing shelves at shit pay, but fuckers always obviously have better qualified candidate since I don't have job XP.

>> No.11828172

No one in the arts who is not a raving drug addicted golem for the Tech or Entertainment industry is creative, i have no desire to interact with Imagineers or Hollywood writers. If you were insinuating there is talent in music, painting or poetry you’re a tasteless nigger and you should kill yourself. Rich people are the kind of creative which is an evolved form of a chimp withholding fruit to fuck more females, confusing a rival successfully with a convincing bluff. They do not create the methods involved in their success, the substrate of the machinery of all their “accomplishments” is a grand chain of other less gregarious and socially competent but far more interesting and potent sad beta sacks. What would i get out of free wine, your asshole fag? Mayb your wife or gf’s, you cucked neotenized cum sipping corporate deviant

>> No.11828173

Stop telling them you're NEET. Start pitching to them that you don't want to be NEET and give them the impression you are going to show up to work early you are so excited about not being NEET anymore. My impression of you is that you'd not fill shelves but laze around like you have at home. It's not time for regret and giving up, convince them you want to stack shelves as badly as a broke single mother with medical bills.

>> No.11828178

>Allow me to imagine what life outside humdrum suburbia is like
I can hear your cheap froofroo scarf through the screen.

>> No.11828181

It's not like I'm intentionally kneecapping myself in the 2nd interview, the HR guy just asks about the gap and I have to explain that I broke my femur in half and it took years to recover and they just email and say "We have proceeded with another candidate :-D"

>> No.11828185

>I have to explain that I broke my femur in half and it took years to recover
damn man I feel this, i had the same injury in highschool and it took forever before I could move normally again

>> No.11828186

We value intellectual progress over emotional comfort. As long as speakers are polite, we blame listeners who get upset, not speakers who upset them.
We are genuinely non-partisan. The Democratic and Republican parties both seem like absurd churches to us. Even if one is markedly worse, we’ll never join either because both are “often wrong and never in doubt.”
The daily scandals that excite mainstream culture seem insipid and arbitrary to us. What matters are statistics, not emotions – and arguments, not stories.
One bet is worth a thousand pages of punditry. At least.
Giving in to Social Desirability Bias is a grave sin.
Corollary: Don’t dodge questions.
Hyperbole is the worst thing in the universe. Most problems and effects are marginal. If you’re really certain that X, you should happily bet at 1000:1 odds.
Appealing to your identity is a reason to discount what you say, not a reason to pay extra attention.
An argument doesn’t have to “prove” anything to be worthwhile; it only needs to change your probabilities.
We’ll strategically appease mainstream thinkers, but that doesn’t mean they’re right.

>> No.11828189
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Should I buy this, or is there a better book of his writings?

>> No.11828190

I broke my leg and it's been driving me crazy being so inactive and I'd really like to do something that lets me work off that extra energy. Stop telling them you're a cripple and start telling them things that make it seem like you'd do it for free.

>> No.11828191

I think they get bit jumpy about insurance and pre-existing conditions even though I've tried to tell them that I don't need any special things to work and I can walk and shieeet.

>> No.11828196

I have stressed that I am not a cripple and I do not need special care/attention/help to work at all! It's just that I can't dodge that one question.

>> No.11828202


I sympathise with you my man, where are you from? Australia? Because this resonates with my experience. It's surprisingly hard to get even a shit job in a big city, and it seems like 90% of people simply don't get that.

It's really not a case of not stooping low enough, the job market is really that flooded that actually the lower you stoop, the more competition. It just becomes a numbers game at that point, there's literally nothing separating you from the 100 other applicants, so you can apply to hundreds of jobs and not even get a reply. I was unemployed for 6 months, I've got a good CV, applied to literally every ad I could, went into stores and handed in resumes (got chewed out a fair few times for doing so), applied to well over 100 jobs in that time - finally got one through a semi-friend (I actually don't like him at all, hadn't spoken to him in years) who didn't even know I was looking for a job but recommended me to his boss. Funny how the world works. Obviously I got insanely lucky, but it's hard out there.

That said, the work sucks but if you're really desperate you could try a call center, they take literally anyone. It's not a fun job though.

>> No.11828204

Make something up. "I was volunteering in rural Kenya".

>> No.11828207

I'll probably do that, or something like "taking care of my grandmother after grandfather died".

>> No.11828212

>That said, the work sucks but if you're really desperate you could try a call center, they take literally anyone. It's not a fun job though.
Better than nothing, thanks. That's actually one I haven't applied to yet.

>> No.11828215

enjoy your variegated aids lifestyle, low fertility, vapid dishonest dealings with intimate companions and collragues and being a walking meme from the mckinsey&co sociopath cult and Rockefeller educational system

>> No.11828216

You can twist it though. The stuff you're bringing up is warning signs because all they hear is
>Special care
And not hearing things like
You're stressing things that are going to remain in their head as problems. It's like a kid saying "dad I didn't scratch your car", even if there's no scratches on the car the kid should know he's in trouble before you go look at the car. Because the chances are they did scratch the car.
Stop saying I promise I'm not defective, and start saying I came back as superman.

>> No.11828220

kek, thanks, I'll do just that.

>> No.11828222

That sounds nothing like sour grapes. I was serious about getting you free wine but apparently you don't know whether you want wine or vinegar.

>> No.11828241

Should I read War and Peace or Anna Karenina first?

>> No.11828243

yeah and depending where you are, the pay is decent - it can be a good thing to do for just a few months then get out of

>> No.11828247

AI is nowhere near human intellect. All AI can do is do fast recollection of outcomes. They are not, and cannot be sentient. They are just glorified overly expensive encyclopedias.

>> No.11828248

Anything to get job XP. Thanks for the tips and help.

>> No.11828281

Keep in mind hes 71. I doubt he'll be an active voice after his presidency. He seems like the type of guy to just wash his hands of the job and retire to his resorts.

>> No.11828295

Just wanna hold you tightly, let you nestle into me, bury your face in my chest, let your tears run, or do whatever you need to until you feel okay

>> No.11828306

Ok now I feel a bit uncomfortable

>> No.11828405

Day three of not masturbating. The past two days went very well, I didn't think about sex at all and had a generally OK time. Last night though I had several erotic dreams and now it's on my mind. Worried its going to get worse desu.

Is this whole approach a meme? It may be better to just do it every few days if abstaining for long periods just leaves my randy and distracted all the fucking time.

>> No.11828440

Stop being a fucking sperg and jack off retard

>> No.11828483


>> No.11828488

> Now revised, if includes up-to-date work on variants, chronology of poems and critical commentary by Harold Bloom

irrelevant meme edition, just go to Wikisource and read the poems for free?

>> No.11828494

I think I'm starting to have a cold. It's getting chilly over here. Almost finished working on a song. It's different from what I usually make but I like it. About to start reading a book I bought at my local market for like 25 cents.

No fap is in fact a meme but working on self discipline is good for you.

>> No.11828506
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we're profoundly boring

>> No.11828514
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>reading a book

Yeah okay which one? You're not SCARED to share it with us, are you anon?

>> No.11828518

It's autistic of me to do this but I'd really prefer buying the book.

>critical commentary by Harold Bloom

How the fuck did I miss this?

Anyway, what about https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0140422153/ref=dbs_a_w_dp_0140422153 ? It looks like the best option.

>> No.11828524

Your heart seems pretty seat on it. It sounds like you've already convinced yourself enough, so why ask our approval?

Just buy it!

>> No.11828529
File: 48 KB, 750x436, miłość.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's Coffee Table Book of Coffee Tables by Kramer
Actually its pic rel

>> No.11828549

Milosc means 'love', right? How romantic.

Get better soon if you have a cold!

>> No.11828559

Started thinking about that book I said I'd write a year ago. All this time I have had the ideas bouncing around in my head but I'm just too lazy to put it down on paper.
Also every time I feel like doing it I just jinx it by saying I'm gonna kill myself anyway so it doesn't matter.

>> No.11828573

Yes, it does. Thanks, dude.

>> No.11828579

>I'm starting to feel somewhat bothered by all these doomer memes. Not because they're bad
They are bad.

>> No.11828582

I want to jerk off, just to release the seed while high as fuck and have momentary pleasure beyond anything.
But then again I don't want to do it as well, even managed to stop my wet dreem this morning.

>> No.11828615
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Am I to lose my mind? for that Israeli girl I feel devoted too and yet she does not want me back.
I should commit to sublimation, I am not good with people or romance and yet It's the thing I want. I do nothing all day except write, eat junk go swimming occasionally and youtube... either way My sanity is draining. I notice I talk to my self more often than not and I just want to calm down on it but yet, it makes me feel better too think that I am with you.
I am alone... but not lonely, not too lonely I try not to take my family for granted but I am stuck in this place where I put myself into and all I can do is wait and I despise on miss action. witing help. I wish I enjoyed reading as much as writing which kind of brings me to think that I am a bit of a narcissist, I read my own work and yet no one else. Is its lack of patience or just intolerance to people? Either way, I would appreciate someone to tell me how to work on this. But why would want to help me, stranger, why are you here. what brings you to this thread where you feel solitude and piece?
pic unrelated or whatever, use it for your own interpretation

>> No.11828622

How do you decide what edition of a book to get?

>> No.11828659

>I'm worried what he'll think of the sexual content that I plan on including.
As long as it has meaning and adds to the story instead of just being fapbait I'm sure it will be fine.

>> No.11828675

What manga is this?

>> No.11828683

do it anon. you know you wanna

battle angel alita

>> No.11828721

Was I ever willing but not able to kill myself?
Yes, many times.

>> No.11829214

No such thing as willing but not able.

>> No.11830089
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But I heard you love pie! *splat*

>> No.11830096

It doesn't seem like there's much left of me

>> No.11830172

Unironically motivating, does Shcopenhauer discuss how to build a fireproof room is do you have to figure that out yourself?

>> No.11830524
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Read Rilke's Letters to a Young Poet.

>> No.11830558

Go on...

>> No.11830573

Ugh my fucking stomach fucking hurts. I want to fucking remove my stomach. Do you need a stomach? It fucking hurts man, it hurts! It hurts like just got shot by a Nazi bullet storming the beaches of Normandy hurts. It hurts like I just swallowed a bottle full of razors. It hurts like the devil himself fucked me in the ass and left his seed to spawn the anti-christ inside my guts.

Oh wait, it just went away, I'm fine now xD

>> No.11830615

I wish people would tell me if they liked me or not. I know it's pointless to seek validation from others. But when I get over the anxiety of messaging someone and just do it. The conversation never lasts as long as I want. I always say the first thing and always the last thing. I'd rather someone tell me I'm annoying trash than just ignore me, It would hurt a lot less.

>> No.11830665

Today i've been wondering "where are the loli sex slaves?"
I checked my basement and all i saw were skeletons. i saw bags of cocaine next to the door and realised i've been fucking age old child corpses. The next day i went to the loli slave market. But there was no lolis avaidable, then i went home and resorted to hentai.

>> No.11830673
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heh. CBT

>> No.11831274

in broad strokes, there's a lot of wisdom in his essays

>> No.11831317
File: 999 KB, 500x700, aaa2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mtv unplugged
ex gfs
middle school times
jet propulsion laboratory

>> No.11831323

cry harder you fucking faggot

>> No.11831378
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find your own happiness
you are the only one capable of doing it
don't be afraid of being alone in the process
because there are others, who have to build their world from scratch, like you

>> No.11831413

I've begun doing calculus in a very ineffective way this semester by taking on each problem at a snail's pace, not for the sake of being meticulous but because doing otherwise seems like a huge burden on my energy levels. It is like my mind is running on low-power mode, and if something can't be effectively picked up from glancing back and forth at formulas then I will certainly have to correct it later once I submit my answer. It's almost like an autismk thing because I scroll very slowly over each letter, erasing if something comes out awkwardly and narrowing my focus down to the current word rather than keeping it on larger sections of the problem. I'm sure this will bite back hard later on if I keep it up, but it is surprisingly hard to kick. Still, I can't waste another five hours on a weekend doing 9 integrals. It's downright silly.

>> No.11831607

Tracy Morgan said i eat pussy til i burp. I think Tracy was really onto something but at the same time he is named Tracy.How can he claim he eats so much pussy when he is named after the fat girl that hangs out with the hot thot of the class. Isn't Tracy a white women's name and is Tracy not a rasist name to give to a black man? Tracy as in trace as in the suspect vanished without a trace. But his name was given by black people so it can't be racist? But isn't saying a black man can't be a criminal because that's a stereotype racist? Can't a black man just be a criminal, me assuming he is not a criminal is actually racist