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11812401 No.11812401[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren’t you a conservative yet, anon?

>> No.11812415

Your philosophy boils down to anything conductive to breeding more <insert the traditionally dominant race> is good. Why would I want to be a subhuman?

>> No.11812429

What political train of thought do you ride, anon?

>> No.11812439
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>tfw no habsburg jaw

>> No.11812462
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What's wrong with breeding?

>> No.11812472

it's more like 'let us continuie to exist and stop ruining everything with your demented plans for utopia'

>> No.11812490 [DELETED] 

t. MAGAcel braindead American imbecile

>> No.11812491

What are we conserving? All i really want is a country that is 100% dedicated to the protection and benefit of its native citizens.

>> No.11812501

There is nothing inherently wrong with it. Bacteria, viruses, apes, dogs, dolphins etc. are all conservatives.

>> No.11812502 [DELETED] 

t. incel triggered trump worshipper anime masturbator fat sissy whiteoid

>> No.11812517

yeah imagine wanting your people to continue to exist, such maga nazism

>> No.11812520 [DELETED] 

100% of conservatives are cowards. this will always be true because it's a necessary consequence of the ideology of conservatism

>> No.11812525 [DELETED] 

Schizo poltard cultist

>> No.11812529

Dead end. Some conservatives are interesting in analysis of deeper societal decay and most just complain about individual actors being the problem.

>> No.11812546
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Because "conservative" is a misnomer in the modern world. Read Moldbug. After that I would suggest dosages from authors such as de Maistre and Carlyle. Reaction is the logical end point for anyone tending to the right of the spectrum.

>> No.11812552

Not old enough. When the time comes I'll be considered conservative even though not a single viewpoint of mine had changed.

>> No.11812553 [DELETED] 
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Is this worth a read?

>> No.11812559
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The weak will be culled

>> No.11812564

Animals know what's good for them. They don't have self-inflicted problems like we do. Have you ever heard of a dolphin having an existential crisis or getting addicted to coke?

>> No.11812567

Conservatism is the essence of the Cathedral. It’s simply not rational at all, at least in the fiscal, and/or social sense. Political appointments are for show and marking time, not indicating any shift in policy. Conservatism is the flip-side of liberal internationalism.

>> No.11812571
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>tfw we are living in the logical conclusion of the Enlightenment + French (and American) Revolution
why did de maistre have to redpill me like this

>> No.11812582
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i like this one

>> No.11812585

This, even if some of these conservatives do have good intentions ultimately their task is sisyphean.

>> No.11812586

Be a reactionary, not a Jew

>> No.11812592

Because I'm not paranoid or socially isolated enough to be convinced jews are trying to destroy "the West".

>> No.11812596

capital is sentient

>> No.11812606

100% this. Don't be conservative, be reactionary instead.

>> No.11812699

Has anyone read this book? How is it? I don't really want to read another 'le right wing thought is just slowing down social change' screed

>> No.11812747


>> No.11812759

Because I'm a Marxist

>> No.11812766
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>> No.11812767

If we all opposed change, we'd stagnate and die.
If we all opened our minds to every little thing, our brains would fall out.

The only sane position is centrism.

>> No.11812811

>le i dont understand heidegger man

Anglos are a scourge whatever p

>> No.11812822

Lads, where do I start with reactionary thought?

>> No.11812829

yep, that's going in yikes! collection

>> No.11812831

Liberty or Equality
Leftism: Revisited

>> No.11812836 [DELETED] 

>women won't sleep with me so i'm going to espouse a political philosophy that seeks to make them wholly subservient to men again


>> No.11812858

Is this bait? Is this American?

>> No.11812869

Because I don't need to be put into a home, mental hospital, and/or jail all the while crying about the nanny state because today wasn't fish taco day.

>> No.11812910
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Better question: In what ways would it be fair to consider you a conservative, anon?

>> No.11812920

>tfw poor, brown, into arts/humanities
you fuckers wouldn't even want me

>> No.11812971

There are no American conservatives mate. There's no one to have you.

>> No.11812983
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I don't see much in modernity that I would choose to conserve, especially since modern institutions are seemingly inherently weak to progression.

>> No.11812991
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What kind of thought is this?

>> No.11813015


>> No.11813017


>> No.11813019

>Read Moldbug
You can completely skip this portion. I don't even support reactionaries, but why go through a filter, especially one this shitty. Expose yourself to the ideas from the font, not what the bitch bringing you the water in a bucket thinks about it.

All that's left are the genetically successful. It's why everyone's such an asshole.

>> No.11813028

>de Maistre
Literally changed my entire perspective on life. His part on violence as a natural phenomenon and even necessary to remove bad blood or weeds from the garden changed my entire views of morality.

>> No.11813049

Where is this part from? Curious of the same about both revolutions.

>> No.11813056
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How many Trump supporters were caught jerking off into a ficus?

>> No.11813065

It reads like a condensed version of Kirk’s “The Conservative Mind” with a rhetorical bent towards persuading centrists/liberals to sympathize with their right-wing contemporaries.
It has a whole chapter dedicated to Hegel and Maistre, weighing their influence on modern conservative thought.

>> No.11813068
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>100% of liberals are cucks. this will always be true because it's a necessary consequence of the ideology of liberalism.
Also note the high degrees of liberalism, depression and self pity that infect leftists that you find more frequently on /lit/ then on /pol/.

Also, are military veterans cowards?
Why don't you check what political leanings soldiers marching into war tend to have, or are they cowards compared to you?

>> No.11813091

Because conservatism is illadapted to the massive changes the world is going through. It simply does not have an answer for issues like climate change, the inceasing inequalities between people, the immigration crisis etc. etc. Their idea is just to put their head in the sand and ignore or deny everything instead of working on the problems we're facing. It also doesn't help that the neo-rightists seem more interested in memes than actual reality

>> No.11813101
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Why aren't you apolitical yet, anon?

>> No.11813115

>It simply does not have an answer for issues like, the inceasing inequalities between people,
How is inequality a problem?
Poverty, sure, but how the fuck would you maintain a perfect equilibrium where everyone has the same amount of money?
>the immigration crisis
Build a wall deport them all.
>climate change
I'm willing to listen to your solution and incorporate it into my world view if its coherent.

>Their idea is just to put their head in the sand and ignore or deny everything instead of working on the problems we're facing.
Oh, like race and IQ?
Nah, I'll grant you that neoconservatives are pretty sleazy shills for big business but what are you really talking about?

> It also doesn't help that the neo-rightists seem more interested in memes than actual reality
Name an actual issue the right is neglecting. It sounds like you're bitter that your ideology is too convoluted to express concisely.

>> No.11813141
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>tfw nothing left to conserve

>> No.11813336

Because i'm a reactionary. If you don't react, then you're not really conserving anything. You're just slowing down its decay.

>> No.11813351

Conservatives worship kikes more than anyone else.
>women won't sleep with me so i'm going to espouse a political philosophy that flatters them in hope that they'll reward me with sexual favors in return

>> No.11813358

cause I'm dumb lol

>> No.11813651

>It simply does not have an answer for increasing inequalities between people, the immigration crisis

>> No.11813676

Because Conservatism has been losing continuously for the past few hundred years. It's the epitome of failure.

>> No.11813723

Imagine being so insecure and shallow your only way of having any sort of resemblance of a personality is through association with a political ideology, imagine then submitting to the primal urge to post about it on a russian trollfarm website just because you're craving a feel of community, en eternal outcast forever on roam in search of a place to feel at home.

>> No.11813936

There are different definitions but to me the foundation of conservatism is Burkian traditionalism. Traditionalism is an incoherent and retarded excuse for a meta-ethical theory.

>> No.11814083

Conservatism in theory is leftism in practice, perhaps taking one hundred years instead of ten to reach full communism.
You should be "radical" and certainly not conservative.

>> No.11814099

Not very conservative, desu

>> No.11814102

I don't smoke tobacco, that's why.

>> No.11814144

Honestly, I never get what we are supposed to be conserving.

If you mean conservative in the political sense of not changing things too fast, that's perfectly fine, but if you mean conservative in the sense that we should go back to an era that is long gone, I think you're mad. The world literally hasn't been better than it is now, even in the Third World.

>> No.11814180

Because my university professor told me not to. Also lol conservatism is for boomers.

>> No.11814188

because it's stupid. there are no good arguments for most of conservative stances, just wishful thinking

>> No.11814205

Freudian Sexual Life Drives

>> No.11814218

>there are no good arguments
If you are referring to right wing stances in general then I must observe the Cathedral has really done its work.

Establishment of the antiversity when bros?

>> No.11814226

>the world has never been better, we're constantly progressing!!1
This is your brain on enlightenment.

>> No.11814246
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Well it's true though.

>> No.11814250

>the material is the sole measure of man
Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11814295

It doesn't just show material. The amount of war deaths has as a rule decreased, there is more stability and people are living longer. What is your ideal situation, your perfect state of man if not prosperous and peaceful? Even the monarchs of old Europe would have preferred this outcome since it would have benefited them as much.

>> No.11814298

>wow look at all the niggers living to old age on $1.26 a day I love progress

>> No.11814299

Not even gonna give this bugman a (you). If you honestly believe that the reactionary monarchs of old would prefer modern society, you are severely deluded to the point past all argument.

>> No.11814301

Because Objectivism actually succeeds in philosophical defense of reason and capitalism.

>> No.11814312

>/pol/fugee level of argumentation

>> No.11814515

>baiting this hard

>> No.11814525

It's not bait at all fagtron. I know that you /pol/goloids don't think that your cushy middle class life is good enough, but must of us aren't braindead.

>> No.11814534


pfffff gay outdated shit take the fascistpill

>> No.11814547

>what is technology and capitalist wealth accumulation

Has nothing to with leftist progressivism, in fact that is exactly what is going to cause the decline of the west.

>> No.11814555

Explain how increased global consumption and extended lifespans make life more meaningful.

>> No.11814556

Because I'm not. There is almost nothing today that I consider worth conserving.

>> No.11814579
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Have an old-fashioned meme.

>> No.11814582

because I'm not a boomer

>> No.11814592
File: 127 KB, 907x1329, America never great.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The world literally hasn't been better
Subverted worldview if you live in the west. Understandable if you are in a shith-
>even in the Third World
The third world is the place that is better now than ever before.

>> No.11814613
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>back in the day life was better
>those damn jacobins ruined it!

>> No.11814625

/lit/eral retard level refutation

>> No.11814626

>implying any back-world or other-world exist
Stop being a pleb stuck on 18th century philosophy.

>> No.11814635
File: 19 KB, 442x556, Edmund_Burke_by_James_Northcote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jacobins are unironically wrong, and France should never have killed the king. That's the whole point of conservatism, right? That's literally where it starts, with Burke. The idea is that ideas of liberty and progress had progressed to a certain point, and there was a beautiful balance, but the Jacobins took it too far in the other direction and ruined everything.

Basically we all need to have constitutional monarchies. That's proper conservatism right there.

>> No.11814667
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I am conservative tho

>> No.11814676
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>Life is fine today you old fuck!

>> No.11814693

>constitutional monarchies

Its literally a parliamentary republic with a few traditions hanging on. Replace the monarch with a governor general or something such and bam same thing.

>> No.11814701

The point is that in Burke's ideal system the king wields real power, not fake power like the British monarchs today. It's just a power that's checked by the nobility and by Parliament. Totally different than a republic.

Burke would say that the nobility should always have power, REAL power, it should just have certain checks on it.

>> No.11814710

Does anyone here actually like Scruton? Can you explain why?

>> No.11814767

t. literal brainlet

>> No.11814768

This but unironically

>> No.11814792

I never said anything about life being more meaningful, I said it was progress.

You have to find the meaning yourself, I'm not going to do it for you, and neither is society, but be thankful that you aren't going to die until you're around 80 at least.

>> No.11814799

Because why would I want to be a slow liberal?

>> No.11814810

Reactionaries: really slow liberals.

>> No.11814839

What is the solutiom to climate change? When are you giving me my free electric car?

>> No.11814852
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Anyway, the appropriate thing to do is just abandon all political programs and become a Catholic, and set your political opinions in accordance with the teachings of the Church.

>> No.11814866

But I am. Edmund Burke is my man.

>> No.11814871

because Reactionaries are more interesting, Leftists are more intelligent and Anarchists are much more noble. Conservatism and liberalism are at bottom yellow-bellied, shrivel dicked, half-hearted limping attempts at either constructing castles on quicksand or reifying rotted out foundations with spit and duct tape

>> No.11814889

Reactionaries can’t govern. They can tear things down well enough, but they can’t build.

>> No.11814894
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>> No.11814901

Pray the Rosary.

>> No.11814938

t. seething Platonist

>> No.11814946

Majority of military are conservative, they arent cowards, you are a pussy, you'll never kill, face violence, or war.

>> No.11815019

>Reactionaries can’t govern
Except for the fact monarchy was the longest lasting and most stable form of government in the whole of European history.

>> No.11815023

what does this even mean

>> No.11815031
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this but don't be a catholicuck

>> No.11815122
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what's the conservative take on reddit?

>> No.11815232

Seems like a cool dude. saved.

>> No.11815604
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>> No.11816912

The modern world is, and i quote "Fucking fine"

>> No.11816972

the political center always moves retard, only someone who understands neither the political left or right would call themselves a centrist.

>> No.11816982

My private property is only that which the State leaves to me of its, cutting off others from it (depriving them, making it private); it is State property.

>> No.11817002

the strawiest of strawmen

>> No.11817013

centrism under a leftist regime is leftism

>> No.11817057
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>the music is too loud in the pub
>why is there a rude word written on the train
>things were better when i was a boy
>rolling stones? very rude too modern
Scrotum is literally the most milquetoast "back in my day" boomer fag. People like OP only respect him because he has an English accent lmao. Nothing he has said is unique and a dozen other people say it better. He's just a pommy whiner whose fanbase consists of kiddies who proudly jerk off to their "moderate" credentials as if anyone fucking cares. Or as if a mentally ill shitlib would differentiate between Roger Scrotum and Adolf Hitler. These pissing contests of "who can be the most pseudo-eloquent about how much I am disappointed by the fact people dont wear hats anymore" is a dying cottage industry of retard Conservatism Inc. talking heads. Thankfully Scrotum and his 5 followers are on the way out

>> No.11817058

centrist positions today are literally the once laughable ideals of marxist thinkers from centuries past

>> No.11817073
File: 139 KB, 786x442, centrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah at last i truly see

>> No.11817172

There hasn't been a single respectable conservative thinker/academic in over a hundred years. Not one.

>> No.11817183

he is completely right about architecture and how it affects people though. Even the left often concede that the abominations they built for the proles to live in are inhuman and depressing.

>> No.11817514

conservative donors have given ed whelan more than $320,000. that's the guy who is claiming someone he doesn't know is wrong about being raped by his friend and that it was a guy who looks like his friend, instead.

this is what the conservative movement is.

>> No.11817517

the left are better on theorizing and doing architecture. why is this site so dumb and bad? come back when you know what haptic sensation means or have read kent bloomer.

>> No.11817526
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based tobacco salesman

>> No.11817565
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I read his 'How to be a Conservative' and I found him to be very fair-minded, compassionate and responsible to his duties to himself and his community. On top of that he understood the arguments of his detractors and answered them well and without venom. He had clearly 'started with the greeks' when it came to philosophy and his awareness of the major currents of philosophy was solid.

Frankly, it felt like reading the written work of an adult. That might seem like damning with faint praise but it was a very pleasant change from the howling and bawling of the current media-sphere. '

'How to be a Conservative' may not be an advanced work - it was never meant to be - but it is a simply stated and solidly argued argument in favor of a variety of modern 'conservatism' and the reasoning behind it. This work will introduce a measure of understanding into the mind of centrists and leftists about what conservatism is and, more importantly, is not. Thank you for reading my book report.

>> No.11817609
File: 282 KB, 2048x1672, af62aa3b049fdbf0a4ab0b39c38e1d265432fdfcbc442bdecb9e99701ee0bafb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scruton, Hitchens and Dalrymple are the holy trinity of "as everyone with a brain realizes, things have turned to shit, and we don't really have a proposal how to make them not shit, but what we CAN do is write another book about how they are, in fact, shit". They're not usually wrong, but just not very constructive.

It's pretty funny to see the mental acrobatics they go through to identify problems that fall outside of the frame of grandpa's high church tory conservatism. Brownies committing violence at exorbitant rates? Well, ethno-nationalism is nasty, so I'll assume cannabis and video games are the issue here.

>> No.11817618

>great tradition


>> No.11818372

Based morality man

>> No.11819500

>/lit/ can no longer see the forest for the trees
>can't rebuke reasoning without committing fallacy / memeing
>can't even address said reasoning
What happened to this board?

>> No.11819532

>even in the Third World
Wrong, there's rampant crime way worse than pre-80s
Hell many parts of America were safer and more functional decades ago than they are today.

>> No.11819563

Not an argument. It is without doubt that centrist positions today are liberal ones. Even most major "conservative" parties are just liberal-lite.

>> No.11819565

This, nobody in his right mind wants to conserve the current status quo.

>> No.11819629

These types are also mostly focused on desperately trying to show people the errors of Whig History. If they go too far and actually propose a solution they run into the conditioning setup to stop people from actually disagreeing with what the system wants.

They're trying to ease them into it
>Why are all the buildings ugly?
>Why are people who go around had have sex with strangers still miserable?
>Why don't our elected officials care about us?
These are low-hanging fruit that a curmudgeonly old man can grouse about.

>What can we do to stop corporations from committing genocide in the name of profit?
>How do we deal with religion in Modernity?
>What's the best way for people to live?
These questions lead to an immediate shut-down of the average person's brain because any discussion of them requires saying words that trigger the RACIST reflex, leading to a complete mental shutdown lest the person in question be considered a Nazi for even thinking such a question.

>> No.11819646

>It is without doubt that centrist positions today are liberal ones.
If it's left wing, then it isn't centrist, dumbass.

>> No.11819668

That's radical breeding for you. Jewish nose exists for the same reason.

>> No.11819710
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Who /Nicolas Gomez Davila/ here?

>> No.11819727
File: 58 KB, 365x490, Fyodor+Dostoyevsky+f84c03d22a6725acd209b1e2d45052cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am, but you American convolution of words and political philosophy disgusts me

>> No.11819754

Most of the argument in this thread is pointless because the Americans don't know what liberalism is

>> No.11820004



>> No.11820032
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same desu

>> No.11820040

Please explain what liberalism is.

>> No.11820072

Because there is nothing they can do. Hitchens says as much himself. The tradition is on life support and trying to champion a return to it seems foolish and would simply be dismissed as reactionary (there's still a little bit of the old Trot in Peter that would be terrified of that).

>> No.11821376

Considerations on French revolution. He has a chapter on violence as a natural occurrence and even necessary.

>> No.11821382
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>> No.11821399
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Then what the fuck is "centrism" its an entirely relative term? Also literally nobody will take you seriously ever because Sam Harris and Joe Rogan are the closest thing you get to an intellectual position. Go read some LessWrong and rationalise why you jerk off to cuck porn dipshit lmao

>> No.11821422

>*Hits Miller Lite*
>Dude fuck taxes and anything that offends my interpretation of Christian values

>> No.11821499

What the fuck have taxes got to do with this?

>> No.11821512

Machiavelli is centrist. All good political scientists tend to be. Centrism is simply the viewpoint that there is no inherently good political system and that what makes a political system good or not is whether it is applicable in the current state of affairs and whether that application manages to fulfill the requirements of keeping the population in check, keeping the government in power, and keeping the system running on near-full steam. Everyone else, from liberals to conservatives, are pawns to the properly centrist political scientist, who are used merely to regulate control over certain aspects of the system — let them start regulating the entire system and the system will undoubtedly fail, because their views are too narrow for the complexity of the system we have developed over the centuries.

>> No.11821521

This. Conservatism is gay. Reactionary thought is the only mode that isn't outdated.

>> No.11821528

That sounds like a proper non-position in the political sense and is simply some meta-belief held by deluded psychopaths.

>> No.11821532

Ok that might sound impressive to you but all I'm hearing is "civil servant who actually doesn't care about shit beyond moving the levers of state in the least offensive way." Also Machiavelli got tortured and imprisoned by wingcucks so guess what you're so still totally at the mercy of outside forces irrespective of your delusions of control