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/lit/ - Literature

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11806148 No.11806148[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your results, and then recommend a book that explains your political beliefs. https://www.politicalcompass.org

>> No.11806165
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>> No.11806168

'should' is for plebs
there is the way things are, and the way they are likely to progress. you are not God, it doesn't matter what you think 'should' happen, you are a meme

>> No.11806174

What are you talking about?

>> No.11806192
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Man's Fate by André Malraux

>> No.11806196

"When you are troubled, it’s better not to think about it, but to keep busy with more cheerful things."
What does this have to do with political orientation?

>> No.11806296
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New Right Versus Old Right by Greg Johnson might have some economic as well as social content, but I'm really not all that interested in reading about economics. My basic idea of economics is that the best economy is the one that serves the ethnically defined nation the best without creating unnecessary reliance on foreign products - and that parasitism, speculation, and uselessly vast inequality of wealth shouldn't be tolerated, inequality of wealth is a good thing when it is not extreme though.

>> No.11806323
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La liberté dans un monde fragile - José Ardillo

(Freedom in a fragile world)

>> No.11806330


>> No.11806336


Extreme views are usually simplistic - just saying


Probably a more religious and nationalist version of me

>> No.11806350

figures bucha leftist cunts on this board

>> No.11806377
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>> No.11806388

ain't nothing simple about it. That test is really flawed and american-centered.

>> No.11806454
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I've become more authoritarian lately. Maybe fascism isn't the worst thing in the world, at least socially.

>> No.11806469

Oh shit, another hoppean

>> No.11806475
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D&G's stuff

>> No.11806498

Sadly this

>> No.11806527
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Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville

>> No.11806539

Yes, the test is imperfect. You, by the power of your immense intellect, are the first people to point this out.

>> No.11806547

If you answer positively, it means you're a basedboy and leftist

>> No.11806562
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Have no clue as for a book suggestion

>> No.11806567

T. Macron

>> No.11806648
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gandhi or chomsky? i did answer some racist questions in a more positive manner though

>> No.11806669
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(I really could have sworn I'm more economically right wing than this chart suggests)

Read Moldbug!

>> No.11806709
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On Liberty by John Stuart Mill + Meditations (Marcus Aurelius) + Anna Karenina

>> No.11806724
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The wrong (incompetent) authority should always be overthrown, the "right" authority will withstand every criticism, and some people are just worth more than others (not entirely, but overwhelmingly through nurture).

>> No.11806735
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you dont have a book because you are a illiterate sheep following a mob.

You haven't come to your political position because of what you have read yourself. You have come to your political position because of what you have been told

>> No.11806746

>Political Compass
Could you possibly recommend a worse politics alignment?

>> No.11806756

I find it interesting that you didn't share your own political beliefs

>> No.11806810
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I find it interesting that you disagree with my claim about you.

Case closed. You are a sheep

>> No.11807246

>a illiterate

>> No.11807303


>> No.11807330

In your opinion, is there a "right" authority that exists in the world today?

>> No.11807334
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Forgot to post pic

>> No.11807344
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The New testament + Down and out in Paris & London.

Don't be a dick.

>> No.11807364
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At the (0, 0) mark.

>> No.11807372

Worth is relative to whos society you keep

>> No.11807377

this test is dumb. it ALWAYS puts me in the green bottom left quadrant even though I'm not

>> No.11807380

Are there any greens who aren't late teens/early 20's?

>> No.11807408

This but middle purple

>> No.11807431
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Moving more and more right lately

>> No.11807454

Where are you then?

>> No.11807460

maybe you are though

>> No.11807463

I'm mid 20's

>> No.11807464
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Not really sure how to interpret these results. I've been moving more toward the center because my political thinking is rifted by a schism, as I try to merge and reconcile left wing and right wing beliefs that are at odds.

On the one hand I believe immigration should be intensely regulated alongside borders, but that women can have abortions and drug use should be legalized and regulated. Or that government should have more power to curtail business monopolies but that corporate tax rates should be kept low.

>> No.11807472

Is this the most NPC political position?

>> No.11807476

You should read Antitrust by Dominick Armentano. It's only like 70 pages or so and it's on Libgen. I think you're really confused on monopolies.

>> No.11807482

So this retarded meme has infiltrated /lit/ too?

>> No.11807504

>So this retarded meme has infiltrated /lit/ too?
Very NPC reply.

>> No.11807512

but I'm, like, a racist who hates women

>> No.11807518

Sounds like a male feminist white ally to me.

>> No.11807541

No, it is the most enlightened. Centrists and center left is the truth. Smartest people tend to correlate along that axis. Only tards are far left or far right.

>> No.11807549

Why didn't you include my one?

>> No.11807555
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>> No.11807661
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I believe there is no "right" authority possible, but to not strive for a better form because of this is retarded imho
I agree, which is why I explicitly mentioned nurture as the overwhelmingly dominant determining factor.
>le intelligent people are center
I'll now proceed with a strawman image.

>> No.11807667

no i'm the opposite

>> No.11807685

I'm not the anon whom you were responding to. I'm OP. Why is the other anon a mindless drone? Or do you not have a reason?

>> No.11807696
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Probably pretty accurate. I'm not the based centrist meme, I'm more of an authoritarian that isn't Jewish one way or another. I'd probably wilfully hand over my guns and my rights in exchange for a homogenous Catholic monarchy.

There's really no perfect book for my political beliefs, but E Michael Jones is probably a great author to express my views. Barren Metal, Libido Dominandi, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, Ethnos needs Logos.

>> No.11807724
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The Fourth Political Theory by Alexander Dugin

>> No.11807727
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I'm center right, i don't need books because i have a high IQ.

>> No.11807739

Forgot to mention it would have to be in a small country. Would never work on the size of America. I live in North Dakota and that's about the size of a kingdom I think would be adequate.

>> No.11807746

I have the same score as you but slightly more left and more upward. I identify as an integralist though.

>> No.11807763

Should have asked people to post their religions with their posts. Damn.

>> No.11807767
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I guess I'm your typical fox news boomer

>> No.11807806
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rothbard's books have probably been the most influential although my views aren't perfectly in line with anyone really

>> No.11807842

Lmfao wtf are you on about dumb progressive deterministic history retard

>> No.11807847
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Worth noting I identify as right-wing/conservative, just many questions are framed in a way that sort of forces a more left-wing response from me (also the lack of neutral/no opinion answer).

For book, I'll say "Revolt Against the Modern World", since I am a traditionalist. I disagree with him on quite a few points, but agree with him mostly.

>> No.11807948

I've seen integralism name-dropped alongside fascism but I don't know anything about it or if it's a form of fascism. From skimming the wikipedia article, it basically seems like Brazilian civic nationalist fascism with an emphasis on religion and anti-materialism. National Socialism is probably the closest ideology to my beliefs that people have some understanding of, though my minor disagreements with historical national socialism most correspond to Johnson's "North American New Right" label, and national socialism is a political dead end - which is why "New Right Versus Old Right" was my choice.

>> No.11808120

Portugal was a better example of an integralist state. It's a decentralized NatSoc but more economically left

>> No.11808159
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I used to be a radical left libertarian bordering on anarchist , admiring people such as Georges Sorel, Rudolph Rocker, Bakunin, Bookchin, etc but became considereably more authoritarian and right wing with time.

Although not reflected by my compass, I believe in ethno nationalism (somewhat, the concept of ethnicity doesn't necessarily need to be completely biological). I believe in biological essentialism, eugenics, the maintenance of hierarchies (somewhat), the importance of traditional family structures and tradition, etc. Im also theistic.

Mainly my concern is that unrestrained capitalism exagerates parts of human nature that is overall negative, and my pessimistic views concerning environmentalism that is neo-malthusian in nature makes me sort of betray my left libertarian background.

>> No.11808162

Also for a book I would read Reflections on Violence by Sorel

>> No.11808193


>> No.11808204


>> No.11808212

>and my pessimistic views concerning environmentalism that is neo-malthusian in nature makes me sort of betray my left libertarian background.
>Not wanting to live in a cyberpunk dystopia
What are you gay?

>> No.11808257
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Call me a faggot, I guess.

>> No.11808261
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This is interesting. I have considered myself a national socialist for several years, though more recently I've become less interested in politics and more interested in being just a Christian. If you ask me what my opinion on a given issue is, I'm most likely going to refer you to some scripture or another.

>> No.11808267
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>> No.11808269

>Unironically natsoc
Fucking yikes

>> No.11808274

whats tthis. link.

why r u guys christian when jesus wasnt even white but sand nigger.

>> No.11808295

Be nice.

I can't speak for others, but for me God will always be more important than politics. I've found Christianity to be the only totally reliable worldview, and nothing can stand against the love of Jesus.

>> No.11808305
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>> No.11808308

It's funny, because that picture doesn't really describe me all that well.
>there's nothing wrong with Muslims who acknowledge that living outside of the Islamic world means living in a non-Islamic society that is not obligated to cater to their cultural preferences
>there's nothing wrong with being a gay or a transsexual and if more nationalists accepted them they would be less likely to fall prey to manipulative subversives who only seek to use them to further personal financial and political interests
>while the EU has many flaws, without it most European countries would not be doing as well economically because when their economies are not brought together they are not strong enough to compete with China and the US

>> No.11808313

t. nasty woman

>> No.11808330

The white man's burden; to genuflect and prostrate oneself before a sand nigger.

>> No.11808333
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Can't say much about books except to point out Aristotle and Marx, but I'd say I'm far left economically and on the right culturally.
Put differently, I don't support there being a huge gap in wealth between different social classes, and I don't like having a system where a person's power and influence is determined by how much money they have. Having a flexible aristocracy is a much better alternative.

>> No.11808336

>considered myself a national socialist
>interested in being a Christian
So you're so dumb you fall for every meme that crosses your path? All that's left is to embrace Marxism and go full circle again.

>> No.11808344

"National Socialism is evil" is the biggest meme in history.

>> No.11808540

I said nothing about evil. I said it's stupid and meme-worthy, with little else of value. But if you so desperately want to be a cuck to a bunch of dead Germans, be my guest.

>> No.11808613

only good post itt

>> No.11808639

Children are property. Yes/No ?

>> No.11808664 [DELETED] 
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I don't know what book.

>> No.11808674

If that's what you honestly think then you literally have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.11808681
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I'm slightly libertarian.

>> No.11808700
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This thread is off-topic.

Why can't you stay on your own fucking board?

>> No.11808703
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This test sucks, I'm way more Authoritarian

>> No.11808724

>there's nothing wrong with Muslims who acknowledge that living outside of the Islamic world means living in a non-Islamic society that is not obligated to cater to their cultural preferences
Which is dependent on how many of them there are in a given area, a oureot Muslim neighborhood becomes a town, becomes a county, then becomes the country.

>There is nothing wrong with homosexuality
Propogating diseases in the name of sexual pleasure for no real purpose beyond a spike of dopamine en masse is a problem for groups that want to maintain themselves
>Without the EU Europe would be doing worse because they could not compete with the US or China
It's not about competing with the US or China , it's about what Europe is centralizing itself into. What's the point of entering into a corrupt supernational entity for the purpose of it possibly being mildly better than another massive and centralized entity? You and your people are still being ruled over and used either way.

>> No.11808727
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image, and History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

>> No.11808751

Thanks for translating that; I really needed that, anon. Merci. (Thanks)

>> No.11808758

>"If you ask me what my opinions are, I'm most likely going to tell you that I have none of my own."


>> No.11808769
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I moved 1 inch left in about 5 years i think. I was definitely lower before though. huh

>> No.11808772

>implying Athiests that aren't just mindless psychopaths who literally have no morals are anything by horrible theists
Daily reminder that all morals come from religion.

>> No.11808783

>ecology with capitalism
Wew lad

>> No.11808798
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Seems about accurate.

Suspect the quiz is deeply biased in considering American pro-market economics to be the far right, instead of what actual far right economics is (social and economic hierarchies being protected) which is why the far right folks in this thread are often coming up as "centrists".

Favorite book is probably Plexus by Henry Miller

>> No.11808802

It must be nice to have opinions that manifest out of nowhere fully formed.

>> No.11808819
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Do I really share a board with that many statists?

>> No.11808823


>> No.11808860

this is traditionalist Catholic board that reveres the classical education

>> No.11809297
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my diary desu

>> No.11809346

How is this not accurate though. Your God is a sand nigger. Please enlighten me.

>> No.11809386

>Being proud of lacking self awareness.

>> No.11809400

Y I K E S !

This place is infested.

>> No.11809439
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>> No.11809496

i know this image is bs, but cmon
>centrism isnt something you can hold as a serious conviction

>> No.11809508

nope. don't agree with rothbard about children

>> No.11809551
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Friedman, Hayek and Mises

>> No.11809608
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>> No.11809620

I'm slightly right of center and balanced on the auth/lib scale. If you are a 'centralist' it's because you don't see a problem with the status quo. Imo the world is progressing positively at a good rate and big changes usually result in opposite of their intended affect. I consider new polices on their merit and try not to be reduce it to ideology/hatred of the other side. Ultimately though, I don't really care, I think it's hard to be passionate about centralism so it's not something politically interested people do (unless they're larping to be edgy). I only get into it around elections. It is a fallacious to think you have to 'pick a side', especially when they are all terrible (britbong).

>> No.11809632

Good alignment

>> No.11809677
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I don't think I could say any one book has led me to my political beliefs, in fact I don't think I've ever read a single book on political theory or philosophy.

>> No.11809720
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Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes.
I can't believe I'm a dirty fucking centrist. If there were more questions about jews I would have been pushed in the right direction. Could be worse though. I could be one of these retards.

>> No.11809737

Social Contract Theory is for brainlets.
Unsurprising that you found it convincing since people having opinions triggers you.

>> No.11809741

Thanks mate

>> No.11809752

I'm two squares left and one square up from you. I'm a neo-neo-nazi.

>> No.11809755

I can only speak for myself but the reason I would probably be considered (although im not a self proclaimed) centrist is because I can't get myself to fully agree with one direction that people go along with, thus making me want to view issues outside of context and ideology. This is something that works for myself but it also causes me to not fully align, which I think centralism is kinda about. I don't like the status quo and I talk about it with left and right people but I couldn't see myself joining them. I completely agree about it being a fallacy.

>> No.11809929
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Better test, even though they are all memetic.
Hoppe's Democracy.

>> No.11809942
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Disappointed by lack of questions concerning Jews and their fate.

Book: The Turner Diaries

>> No.11809944
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>People who care about things other than money, material goods, and fleeting pleasures of the flesh are retards

Ho ho ho!

>> No.11809946
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Just took 8-values, here are my results for that. I think it is much more accurate, as political compass projects me too much on the left.

>> No.11809949
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>bluefag is autistic enough to give everyone he doesn't like a (You)
Checks out

>> No.11809953

link for test?

>> No.11810078
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The strange thing is that I'm actually an ancap. I suspect that the test takes my personal opinions on parenting, homosexuality and so on and assumed I wish for a state to force everyone to live by them.

As for a book, read Frédéric Bastiat's "The Law".

>> No.11810081

Traditional monarchy is non-statist desu

>> No.11810400

How do you birth and raise children without violating the NAP?

>> No.11810416

nice dubs
but imo children aren't really full persons, capable of making the decisions that adults can about their lives and properties. i know that kind of goes against what rothbard and other libertarians think about children but that's the way i see it

>> No.11810452

Bad bait.

>> No.11810474
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The Machiavellians — James Burnham

>> No.11810599
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Marx, Debord, Foucault and Sartre have had the biggest impact on my worldview.

>> No.11810917
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Just like I thought

>> No.11811020

So how and when do you decide to give them full rights? Who enforces it?

>> No.11811063

in an ideal world we'd be able to figure out exactly when a child is capable of making important decisions. for example i know people who were ready to fuck at like 14 but i also know people who still aren't ready to fuck and they're like 18. so as far as laws go you kind of have to generalize for one age group. i think 18 is ok (and that includes alcohol) but honestly it could be lowered by a couple of years. again it's not a perfect system, and if you have any suggestions for legally figuring out when a child is ready to make important decisions i'd love to hear them

>> No.11811095


>> No.11811106
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>nation focused capitalist

>> No.11811121
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Thus Spoke Zarathustra, or Meditations by Aurelius.

>> No.11811123

Just seems to go counter the idea that you don't need some state authority enforcing and moderating rights in an ancap society if we still need to figure out when a child is ready to own itself and have full rights.

>> No.11811139

i'm not an ancap and i never said we don't need a state to enforce rights

>> No.11811280
File: 87 KB, 749x722, 0B679733-5121-4455-A751-1730D5D94074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel dirty

>> No.11811303

Because you are. Filthy libertarian.

>> No.11811310

I know I should hate gays and make baby killing illegal but I feel bad for future kids being raised by fags so why can’t they both die (1 from aids and the other from abortion)

>> No.11811320

That's touching. But why not kill the fag, and give the kid to a proper family after an illicit birth?

>> No.11811322
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/lit/ - Literature

>> No.11811340

Because adoption leads to faggotry

>> No.11811344

Yep, not said why i'm wrong though

>> No.11811346


>> No.11811385

Are you a live demonstration of that?

>> No.11811420

data miners must LEAVE

check out filteries if you haven't already