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/lit/ - Literature

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11806738 No.11806738 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the most /lit/ career?

>> No.11806745


>> No.11806758

That would be the most literary career. The most lit career would be someone who pretends to read for a living. So English teacher in America, maybe.

>> No.11806765


>> No.11806766

smuf professor

>> No.11806775

Deep fryer operator at a dim sum restaurant in the only moderately-sleazy corner of Chinatown

>> No.11806798

Unemployed but still somehow able to live alone.

>> No.11806809

Living off your inheritance, then dying alone deeply depressed, your work then becomes known after your death

>> No.11806857

my parents pay for my apartment. This is not how you think though, it's because they don't want me to live with them, either of them, but they feel guilty because Im literally insane so they dont want me to be on the street. This is actually a bizarre form of torture because I am just isolated all the time. at least in jail you can talk to people. I didnt even have internet for a while and pretty much completely lost contact with reality

My father has said he is not going to pay anymore though and my mother probably doesnt have enough money so idk what is going to happen. I will probably just kill myself, it's been too much. Everybody ive known and loved is gone and even my family dont want me.

Basically the only reason i continue to live is this painting i am working on, and when i can drink and listen to pop music. There is nothing else left. When i think of the possibility of dying an immense relief washes over, that this doesnt have to keep happening, that it can stop and i can just blank out into an eternal night.

I cant believe any of this is even real, it's so fucking surreal

>> No.11806894

now THIS is the literary lifestyle

>> No.11806896

Temporary part time seasonal work in the Heartlands, paid in cash

>> No.11806913

Unfortunately its real for many of us anon, that it is.

>> No.11806922

>There is nothing else left. When i think of the possibility of dying an immense relief washes over
Man I know that all too well.

>> No.11806950

Don't you want to see what happens to the world ? I feel like no matter how depressed i'am i will never actually commit suicide simply because i'am interested to see how the world goes on. I want to know what happens with brexit, the refugees, russia, climate change, africa, the loss of virtue etc. Or are you simply disinterested in everything but your painting ?

>> No.11806951

Underappreciated, I chuckled.

>> No.11806979

Dean and professor for literature and philosophy.
>the husband of my former A-level biology teacher is literally the dean of the philosophical department at a major university in east germany, and when we had a small class reunion last sunday at her apartment I could take look at his private library, which included stuff like the complete works of practically every major german or french philosophers and even a book of voltaire from 1756.

>> No.11806982

i really really do not like myself. I try to not be this way, but the isolation makes it difficult. When i had friends and girlfriends I could at least hold onto that, but it's all gone now. Existing in general is tinged with this awful fucking thing, infused with this i cant even describe it, it's a nightmare, it doesnt feel real. My entire life feels like some fucking dream that is just passing by, with these occasional periods of immense beauty and light. BUt it's been dark, completely dark for 2 years now and that is just too long.

What's more I realized my philosophical and religious pusruists are futile. We know nothing. Everyhting we think is wish fulfillment mixed with basic observations, the intense multplicity of which is outside our ability to think about coherently at one moment.

What is left? Feeling good, beauty, etc. These vague but sure things. And I have none of these. THe closest i come is the music and painting, but even that has been almost bled of sensation. My body is degarding from alcohol, my face has lost its beauty, my mind is falling apart in 5 different ways, I have nothing to offer and there are no sources to give to me.

making this post even disgusts me, everything i do disgusts me, and the world is a confusing nightmare, strange and amorphous and ugly and getting worse all the time

>> No.11807149

Have you read Kierkegaard?

>> No.11807182

Ive read bits of him, I like him, he seems like he doesn't lie or obfuscate. Why do you mention him, because of the 'leap of faith'?

>> No.11807200

Medicine, of course, at least if you're not in some meme effeminate field (i.e pediatrics, dermatology, gynecology, familiar medicine).

>> No.11807220

I mention him because of the second paragraph of your post. As an atheist, Fear and Trembling completely changed my understanding of faith. Now faith is something that I strive toward every day.

>> No.11807249
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>ywn wake up slowly with the girl you love
>ywn see your son walk for the first time
>ywn know true success
>ywn feel at peace with how your life has gone lying on your deathbed

>> No.11807284

Do not go gentle into that good night anon. The dawn does not come until the night is its darkest. Please dont leave us, especially when you have gifts to give the world.

>> No.11807286

how do you feel about...paramedicine?

>> No.11807290

yeah honestly can you blame me for romantizicing mental illness when people make it sound so cool?

>> No.11807315

Unemployed writer who dies at age 37 in a lonely cold apartment, who is only successful posthumously.

>> No.11807324

They don't have time to read and are not actual doctors.

>> No.11807327


>> No.11807345

Stop being such a pussy and read the stoics. You care too much about things that do not really matter.

>> No.11807392

You care too much, you care too little.
Have you guys ever heard of moderation?

>> No.11807401

/lit/ careers (that actually still exist in the modern world)
- chaplain or priest or monk
- psychiatrist
- digital nomad
- archivist or historian
- locksmith
- whore
- artist (successful)
- night janitor
- academic librarian
- spook
- soldier (not officer)
- criminal
- watchmaker

and above all

- self-sufficient NEET

Dependent NEET is only acceptable if you're an aristocrat or from a wealthy, cultured, and artistically-inclined family. Then you should either live on your family's estate, a mental asylum, or receive an ample allowance that allows you to live comfortably on your own

formerly /lit/ careers that have been corrupted
- professor (babysitter)
- journalist (closeted whore)
- teacher (babysitter)
- medical doctor (non-psychiatrist)
- taxi driver
- researcher
- civil servant

non-/lit/ careers
- any form of middle management whatsoever
- any job related to marketing or sales whatsoever
- most trades
- engineer
- small business owner
- actor (closeted whore)
- artist (unsuccessful)
- most tech workers
- nursing
- activist
- retail
- precariat (warehouse work, dishwasher/server, Amazon slave, Uber driver)
- almost all manual work

>> No.11807405

Professional alcoholic

>> No.11807420

There are things you should care about and things you should not care about. Caring moderately about everything is not a wise move. And I assume that suggestion on your part does not amount to more than a platitude.

>> No.11807434

part time at Barnes & Noble

>> No.11807441

unemployed alcholic

>> No.11807447

Intelligence officer

>> No.11807487

>night janitor

>> No.11807575

You should really see a doctor and a consular. You might believe there's something intrinsically wrong with you but you're probably physically ill. I've been there.

>> No.11807581

Either industrial fisherman or piano player in some shitty nightclub in New Orleans

>> No.11807586


It's very obviously editor of a periodical of some kind.

>> No.11807592

lacking success is also lit

>> No.11807597

this except instead of world events it's more music to listen to and shit to read

>> No.11807608

where does mathematician go?

>> No.11807618

Psychiatry or neurosurgery
Or better yet, quitting after intern year to do whatever the fuck you want like write and still practice medicine with cash paying patients.

>> No.11807675

>When i think of the possibility of dying an immense relief washes over, that this doesnt have to keep happening, that it can stop and i can just blank out into an eternal night.
This is familiar. How do I avoid turning into this schmuck?

>> No.11807678

niche pornographer

>> No.11807687

This is is the least /lit/. This is you need to be guillotined tier.
Porn has ruined more minds than anything else. Its the opposite of literature. Instead of elevating the mind, it lowers it.

>> No.11807695

Student. I spent college doing all types of /lit/ things. Reading. Writing. Talking to girls. Doing cocaine and acid. Pacing around my room talking to myself. Getting terrible grades. Contemplating suicide, the army, being a hobo, or a combination of the 3.

>> No.11807701

Do you need a friend?

>> No.11807780

soldier in the Great War

>> No.11807788

Unskilled labour

>> No.11808439

Is winemaking /lit/? It seems like a pretty /lit/ form of manual labor.

>> No.11808529

English major student
White rapper
Moon observer
Atomic Age toolmaker
Multiple celebrity lookalike
Individual psychoanalyst
Paper towel car washer
Life story gatherer
Prebuilt lemonade stand salesman
Terraria let's player

>> No.11808532

I think the most lit career would be selling drugs and getting that bread famalam

>> No.11808545

Quite a few authors worked blue collar jobs. Most were represented in anarchist and LibSoc literature, so it's trash, but I wouldn't write them off like that.

>a psychiatrist on /lit/
Freudian hacks truly need to be purged.

>> No.11808574

Have you ever tried or considered trying medication, anon? I was in a not dissimilar position a few years ago. I hated myself, I was completely and utterly isolated, and I’d lost the ability to feel anything beyond the strange sense of depersonalizing anxiety that hummed constantly through my bones, along with occasional bursts of a darker anxiety that originated from the sack of spider eggs that grew behind my solar plexus and would occasionally tear, sending the baby spiders who escaped crawling about inside of me.

I could see now clear future for myself then, like how the shadows in the corners of rooms hide watchful malevolent figures when you catch them with the corner of your eye. But I took pills for a while and they enabled me to crawl back out through the hole in the drywall, as it were, finally out and into my lighted apartment once again!

Sorry English isn’t my language I don’t know if this will translate but don’t take the pills if you can help it because they put a part of you in a box and they lock the box forever.

Much love.

>> No.11808690
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Academic/writer or bust. Careers are inherently anti-literary. You can say writers worked a variety of jobs but that's before they 'made it'. Even someone like dfw who extols the idea of the modern career boring drone couldn't work a job for long because it was embarrassing/interfered with literary pursuits.

>> No.11808698

>Freudian hacks truly need to be purged.
t. someone who doesn't know what psychiatry is

>> No.11808707

Starbucks barista

>> No.11808721

If you're in the KC or st.jo area I'll bring some homies and come hang out with you if you want

>> No.11808725

you wanna correspond?...jesus man

>> No.11808746


>> No.11808750

English professor at a community college in western Kentucky

>> No.11808836


>> No.11808859

Wuuuuut the

>> No.11808966

Haha! So quirky!