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File: 28 KB, 347x499, blackpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11804868 No.11804868 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for more books that make me feel miserable about the state of our world.

My list:
* Jacques Ellul - The Technological Society
* Ride the Tiger + Revolt against the modern world - Julius Evola
* Industrial Society and its Future - Ted Kaczynski
* Road to Serfdom - Hayek
* Origin/Foundation of Inequality among Mankind - Rousseau
* Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Henry Ford

(Last one is obviously a joke.)

>> No.11804869

the bible

>> No.11804922

my biary besu

>> No.11805227

That Brit Douglas Murray

>> No.11805483
File: 12 KB, 322x500, ComingInsurrection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding pic related to your list would make perfect sense. Interesting stuff, nice read.

>> No.11805505

The Turner Diaries

>> No.11805508


You're dumb if you take that book seriously though. It's just leftists whining.

t. I know more about this book than you do.

>> No.11805535

capitalist realism

>> No.11805540

The True and Only Heaven: Progress and its Critics - Lasch
On Power - Jouvenal
Leviathan and its Enemies - Francis
Political Parties - Robert Michels
The Managerial Revolution - Burnham

>> No.11805567

Still interesting stuff and nice read.
OP : you could even add the several hoaxes and pastiches of The Coming Insurrection that have been around.
>t. you don't

>> No.11805587

>you could even add the several hoaxes and pastiches of The Coming Insurrection that have been around.
tell me more please

>> No.11805758

>The True and Only Heaven: Progress and its Critics - Lasch

How is it? I've read other Lasch and people say this is his best and where he seems to be the least reliant on Freud, and it's also his longest.

>> No.11805796

Nihil Unbound - Ray Brassier

>> No.11805919

nigga that whole list is a joke, not because of its constituents but taken as a whole I’m LMAOing at ur life right now

>> No.11806014

Did Kleist really kill himself because of the Critiques implications?

Trakl and Cioran btw

>> No.11807172

Amazing. A shame that he's most famous for Culture of Narcissism when Progress and its Critics is without a doubt his magnum opus

>> No.11807180

Thanks for letting me know this.

>> No.11807191

>making fun of kazcynski but not ellul
it's probably been 6 years since you last opened a book so why are you still on this board

>> No.11808214


>> No.11808364

Kleist killed himself for no such lofty readings. The people who read that implication from his suicide note ought be hanged. Some of his final journals well show he felt that his work and self position on Kant had removed his undermining of the sciences albeit too late.

>> No.11808383

Persuasion and Rhetoric

>> No.11809052

Capitalist Realism: Is there no alternative?

Also RIP Mark Fisher (1968-2017)

>> No.11809164

>it's also his longest

It doesn't feel long when you read it desu, each chapter is easily digestible on its own and its a great read, crack it i
nto it homeboy nigga boy

>> No.11809179

apart from hayek and rousseau your whole list is a joke


apart from burnham and jouvenal, jokess

cioran isn't blackpilled

>> No.11809186
File: 53 KB, 600x600, 1537343204478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11809441

Who Rules The World by Noam Chomsky is pretty blackpilled, also Teddy's new book Anti tech revolution is far more depressing than his first. The manifesto actually made me really happy when I was done

>> No.11810359


>> No.11810389

Toward the Creative Nothing - Novatore

>> No.11811365

Someone post the guy roasting him via tweet?

>> No.11812291

The Decline of the West - Oswald Spengler
The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times - Rene Guenon
The Society of the Spectacle - Guy Doebord

>> No.11812601

you should probably come to grips with the fact that your infatuation with the blackpill and its corresponding works is a fraudulent one you fucking aesthete cunt. nobody thinks you're cool. it requires an obtuse amount of autism to understand how uncool you are and that's why you're going to continue reading guenon and sorel thinking you're based when in reality you're just jerking yourself off in a padded cell. don't spawn

>> No.11813445


I'm collecting screencaps of the vampires' castle shitting on a depressed, suicidal man