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/lit/ - Literature

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11804586 No.11804586 [Reply] [Original]

>A disturbing exposé of how today’s Alt-Right men’s groups use ancient sources to promote a new brand of toxic masculinity online.

>A virulent strain of antifeminism is thriving online that treats women’s empowerment as a mortal threat to men and to the integrity of Western civilization. Its proponents cite ancient Greek and Latin texts to support their claims―arguing that they articulate a model of masculinity that sustained generations but is now under siege.

>Donna Zuckerberg dives deep into the virtual communities of the far right, where men lament their loss of power and privilege and strategize about how to reclaim them. She finds, mixed in with weightlifting tips and misogynistic vitriol, the words of the Stoics deployed to support an ideal vision of masculine life. On other sites, pickup artists quote Ovid’sArs Amatoriato justify ignoring women’s boundaries. By appropriating the Classics, these men lend a veneer of intellectual authority and ancient wisdom to their project of patriarchal white supremacy. In defense or retaliation, feminists have also taken up the Classics online, to counter the sanctioning of violence against women.

>> No.11804588

buy an ad already

>> No.11804633
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>toxic masculinity
>disturbing expose of Alt-Right

>Donna Zuckerberg

>> No.11804640

reminder to not reply to marketers

>> No.11804647

(Revere|Subvert) the works of the past.

Which is it c/lit/s?

>> No.11804657

I hope women enjoy the next century, it's going to be a rough one for them. They had a comfy deal for a while there, but this is what they want apparently; to be assimilated by capital.

>> No.11804659

Always a jew.

>> No.11804662

buy an ad OP

>> No.11804666

You read them, and revere the ones who deserve it

>> No.11805169

She is actually facebook's sister, not some other person with a (((name))).
Also if icrecall she got btfo by actual classical studies and middle age studies folks online.
Classical studies is being inundated with english majors who try to push their marxist shit on it without being properly informed as to the culture and transit of information in the time they are talking about. Making huge fools of themselves, it is actually a big issue in the area at the moment.

>> No.11805182

Why would anyone write a book about it? No one takes the aut-right bullshit seriously beyond underaged teens, who wouldn't read a fucking book in the first place. If she were interested in convincing this crowd, she should've done memes.

>> No.11805192
File: 69 KB, 750x750, Donna Zuckerberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon you're not a mean misogynist like those Alt-right guys right..?

>> No.11805199

Capital is fucking SENTIENT

>> No.11805200

Is the entire family made out of bots? Did Mark create clone technology already?

>> No.11805219


>> No.11805230

it's a vanity published blogpost that nobody has ever heard of outside of this board

>> No.11805246

Half true, she also built an entire online journal to publish likeminded propaganda shit about the Classical era. Anything a yuppy sister of a billionaire says shouldn't be taken too lightly though I don't see her as much

>> No.11805248

It really is a weird kind of personality that "infiltrates" forums just to have some topic that makes them morally superior to write a book about.

>> No.11805254

Isn't that called doing research?

>> No.11805257

We have a term for that and its letting /pol/ live in your head rent free

>> No.11805262

Its more likely she genuinely finds what they're saying provoking (and dare I say, arousing) and she can't get the ideas out of her said so her only response to write about them hoping they'll go away
You see it a lot with girls that come around these parts

>> No.11805277

The people who do are teens, she's a grown-ass woman who probably had the best education available and enough money to deal with the self-esteem issues that draw people to the ideas.

Boredom is way more plausible.

>> No.11805293

All the best education in the world can't make the truth disapear

>> No.11805297

Unlike normal research, this is clearly meant to be dogwhistling for the Left.

>> No.11805308

What's the point of dogwhistles when her title is perfectly open about the content? Some Trumptard isn't going to touch a book with "dead white men" in the title.

>> No.11805315

>No one takes the aut-right bullshit seriously beyond underaged teens
Keep hoping this is the case, because if it isn't your entire way of life will be at risk you degenerate

>> No.11805326

This. We got Trump elected. We got Hitler into power. You're next

>> No.11805328

When you write a book about misogynist boogeymen on moldy internet forums, you are clearly afraid of something and want to alert other political allies.

>> No.11805372

Misogyny is nothing new and it sounds like she writes about crap anyone who cares about the topic would realize right away. There is nothing to alert anyone, at least based on the info available. As some anon wrote, it's just vanity publishing of some stuff she picked up in the media and had a slightly deeper look at.

>> No.11805457

details please

>> No.11805474

Might actually read that because I get off on hearing what normies think about 4ch

>> No.11805491

Unfortunately she probably never went on 4chan but instead some entry level forums like reddit or "dedicated websites".
Shitholes which manage to have 20 IQ points lower than /pol/ and just regurgitate old easily refutable meme arguments that were long worked through here
The only normie writer I seen engage with 4chan head on is that Irish cunt and she came out as a sleeper agent redpilled

>> No.11805492

I do all of this except the pickup artist shit, because I'm not an incel

>> No.11805501

>Oh no society, every institution and capitialism is completely on my side but theres a few meanies on some retarded corners of the internet that arent this is a travesty.

>> No.11805546

They're not actually on her side, thats what makes it worse. The big suits are still fucking interns and laughing at the world getting turned to shit but she thinks because they pat her on her head that the real problem are the autism warriors

>> No.11805660

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/186133967