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11802812 No.11802812 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/ is feminist-post-structurallist-atheist-humanist-secularist-Leftist-socialist-post-modernist-neo-Marxism destroying society or is it something more simple?

>> No.11802822
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does it even need to be said at this point?

>> No.11802830

>is it something more simple?
the only way to be edgy in the modern university is to be an insincere neocon contrarian

>> No.11802834

Me? I'm a Gnostic techno luddite turpidtudinist myself.

>> No.11802837

Nah, it's the anarcho-trans-feminist-neo-marxist-anti-modernist-pinko-commie-hippy-treehugging-libtard-fags.

>> No.11802840

I don't really understand how you can assert that the jews are behind communism while simultaneously claiming they have total control over the capitalist system
If they've already completely owned everything as the top stratum of society, they'd be the last ones with any motivation to tear it down and make a classless one where everybody's equal
It makes no sense and I've never heard a /pol/ack express the reasoning without resorting to "they're just pure evil I dunno"

>> No.11802847

It's called cultural bolshevism, check it out it's dope

>> No.11802849

It’s not (((them))). It’s capitalism.

The push for mass immigration, cultural degeneracy and the deconstruction of the straight white male is orchestrated by the capitalist elite as much as it is pushed for by (((them))).

Capitalists profit from an ethnically mixed society of labour drones who have no shared culture or purpose, because out of the chaos they can build a culture of alienated consumerism.

Also, by flooding a nation with shit tons of shitskin “workers”, big businesses can pay less in wages: with so many people competing for so few jobs, people have no choice but to work for peanuts.

The push for feminism is also backed by corporations because it ruins strong family values and gets 50% of the population (women) out there slaving away with men (again, lowering wages) and buying shit (women are rampant consumers).

The ultra rich buy politicians and push countries towards policies that benefit THEM, not the people at large. They decide the mainstream media narratives. They decide what shows up in advertisements. They “donate” money to the think-tanks that decide on the public school curricula, thus indoctrinating a nation’s youth into their destructive globalist ideology from the word go.

When a company or media outlet “pushes” some degenerate, “progressive” hyper-liberal agenda, they are doing it because they think it is financially PROFITABLE. A multicultural mixed-race feminist world is one they can easily control and squeeze the most profit from.

>> No.11802852

Don't deflect faggot
Bolshevism is radical revolutionary communism, that's not an answer and you know it

>> No.11802858
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As long as we're on the subject I don't understand how the jews are supposedly inferior to the """""pure white aryan masterrace"""""" and yet they've taken control of every powerful institution and organization in the world and outsmarted /pol/ at every turn.

>> No.11802859

hey me too! i unironically call myself a techno-gnostic all the time. cheers to you, my fellow fedora

>> No.11802861

wall street jews funded the bolshevik revolution
the soviet government was 85% jewish
the post-marx jewish elite didn't actually believe in a classless society or that it was even possible (it's not); they used that rhetoric to stir up the working class to take down european monarchs.
communism and capitalism are 2 sides of the same coin. it's a false dichotomy. history cannot be summarized as a struggle between economic ideologies; it's about who was using them for what purposes.

>> No.11802863

Also, if the Jews completely control western society, why are they also supposedly undermining that society through mass immigration etc? Am I supposed to believe that the Jews think Islamic Europe will treat them better than Christian Europe?

>> No.11802866

yes, the eternal anglo is part of the problem as well. english liberal mercantilism and jewry have always gone hand in hand.

>> No.11802870

So is capitalism inherently morally and culturally corrosive?
In my own investigations on the subject I've come to the conclusion that while capitalism does tend to corrode societal values for the sake of profit alongside the environment, working class living standards and anything else that gets in the way of profit.

However there also can be within the capitalist framework pockets or enclosures of authenticity. These enclaves of local culture and ways of life operate in retrograde of the general capitalist tendency toward technological change in the pursuit of the exhaustion of all possible markets.

We have people who choose to keep old craft practices alive, hobbyists and small businesspeople who bake bread a traditional way, forge swords for medieval weapons enthusiasts, run small time coffee shops and so on.

Capitalism allows for this freedom, which even the most powerful monopolies, segmented as they typically are in a limited range of markets, can't directly interfere with.

You don't get that chance for freedom in socialist arrangements.

>> No.11802873

the goal isn't islamization, it's the mixing of the races together into a rootless, creedless, confused, low iq society where everyone is just smart enough to work but too dumb to really be able to question or confront the system in a meaningful way.
read about the kalergi plan and really look into jewish diversity initiatives in general.

>> No.11802878
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This is the shit /pol/ is so very close to, but just not quite able to grasp
You can tell they're starting to see the cracks, but they get stuck in the sense of politics being a spectator sport and focus too hard on owning le libtards ebin style and fail to see that they're still getting fleeced

But the US doesn't have monarchs to depose. If they run everything, fucking things up at this point doesn't fucking help them, do you get it? There's nobody reasonably keeping a handle on billionaires in America, they have free reign to do whatever the fuck they want and they know it.
The truth is what the other anon was getting at: large capitalist interests support a watered-down identity politics with a thin veneer of revolutionary spirit that, when you really look at it, doesn't change anything more significant than the labels outside bathrooms. They get people to fly into such a fucking rage over meaningless horseshit like that that /pol/, the only outsiders detached enough to maybe look and say hey something's wrong here, made themselves into larping nazi faggots worshipping a billionaire too senile to tie his own shoes, and they became a joke with no credibility. Any radical political movement now can be labelled nazis or absorbed into the retarded idpol tumblr nonsense of antifa and related organizations.
Why? Not because of communism. Communism is a brand now, radicalism is a demographic. If they commodify those ideologies and sell you weaker, ineffective versions of them, you will feel like you're changing the world, and the same capitalists will take your money at the end of the day with all of your thanks for helping you send it to them.

>> No.11802879

Claude is that you?
You certainly have a lot of free time lately!

>> No.11802886

Your idea of freedom here is essentially reducible to a merchant/consumer’s freedom to choose which commodities he can sell/purchase in order to exist in “authentic”, marginal communities. This paltry simulacra of freedom is the product of capitalist ideological infiltration and control: you are free under capitalism because any subculture you’d like to enter has already been delimited and commodified (or will be soon after it is founded).

>> No.11802897

the only thing that threatens to fuck them up is nationalists closing down borders. they want open borders because they want low-iq laborers who will drink soda and go see every comic book movie and leach benefits from the system that are paid for by middle class taxes.
this is why they abandoned communism. EVERY country that adopted communism eventually because nationalist, which was a totally unforeseen consequence. no one who isn't a drooling magapede is actually blaming "communism" anymore. i'm an anticapitalist, too.

>> No.11802903

Why would the rich and powerful care about their nations? They don't even really belong to them, they're wholly international. Now add 'Jew' to that, and you can see that they have no reason whatsoever.

>> No.11802909

Then you and I agree on more than we disagree on. I want to get my party rid of idpol faggots, and you want to get yours rid of ancap "haha helicopter ride" faggots.

>> No.11802916

Meh. That doesn't move me at all. It sounds like a too clever academic argument. Not at all invested in live experience.

Economic activity will invariably consume a large portion of people's lives. It is an important mainstay of culture and determines the pace and setting of society. This shouldn't come as a shock to you, this is a straight up Marxist tenet.

>> No.11802920

But you think people wouldn’t be able to craft swords as hobbyists or masters under socialism, why?

>> No.11802929

I guess my point is that if global capitalism has a tendency to destroy or exploitatively commodify authentic cultures (along with the environment, worker’s rights, etc, as you mentioned), yet DESPITE THIS a FEW, SMALL pockets of “authentic culture” can emerge, what is it about socialism that you think would wipe out even the possibility of these pockets of culture?

>> No.11802934

there are americanists and ancaps that hate communism because they think the "free market" is a wonderful, moral, godlike force, but for people like me "socialism" or "communism" implies an idea set that seeks a leveling and total elimination of identity in a way that is disrespectful of nature - "cultural marxism".
i am a nationalist first; economics come second.

>> No.11802943

Well, it depends what you mean by socialism. It's a loaded word, just as I suppose capitalism is too.

True socialism is democratic and distributed. It's more like a open source software paradigm than a streamlined command and control hierarchy. Trotsky called the latter, of which the Soviet Union comprised, "deformed worker's states" in which the revolution was co-opted by bureaucracy.

The distributed form of socialism has yet to be properly implemented. So one by rights can't draw inferences about its potential impact on human freedom and choice. All we know is the other kind of degenerated socialism sucks bad.

Refer to my above comment, since I think it addresses yours as well.

>> No.11802948

>Stalin purges jews
>Hurry durr like commies literally jooz n shieet

>> No.11802956

The Jewish roots of communism are not in doubt, also you fail to understand the major shift in Jewish thought in the post Stalin Era. Many of the biggest neoconservatives used to be socialist and communist sympathizers. This all evaporated after Stalin kicked their shit in and gulaged a ton of people. Jewish power then shifted to supporting zionism. Which it continues to do to this day. Ask yourself this, why are there more then 20 holocaust museums in the United States, when there is only one museum for the victims of communism? (which had a far greater impact on world events). To deny any disproportional Jewish power in the west is the height of ignorance.

>> No.11802965

Ya but Derridumb was Jew!

>checkmate philosemites

>> No.11802997

Initially communism was a Jewish invention, but it did not stay that way. See jews are actually smarter then the goyim, but they will never be able to rule directly because he lacks the numbers and capacity for violance. They think they will be in charge because they are better, when in actuality it is the person who carries the biggest stick. Stalin did indeed purge them, and that is why most of them (at least in the United States) stopped supporting it. The jews no longer deny their involvement. I don't see why you should either.


>> No.11803020

i'm just a precarious worker idk
seems bourgeois

>> No.11803022

Idpol is here to stay, stoking tribal affiliations for votes is a proud American tradition. You want the end of Idpol? Make everyone in your country have the same identity. America is going to become more divided along racial lines as both parties continue to flood the country with the human refuse of the world. There is no ideology anymore, only ethnic spoils. America worked before because we had the balls to forcibly integrate our immigrants, children were beaten for not speaking English in public school, ethnic neighborhoods were destroyed. Now we have Spanish language classes, is this a recipe for a united and strong people? Or one for a bunch of competing ethnic interest groups all trying to reach just a little bit further into each other's pockets.

>> No.11803023

It's self help books

>> No.11803059

That's part of it but its mainly democracy

>> No.11803079

>/pol/ is one person
/pol/ has loads of actual anti-capitalist national socialists and the whole reddit-tier libtard btfo is only pushed by kikes and their servants i.e. Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson. One of the highest priorities of the alt-right is closing borders and destroying capitalism. Just because they are anti-marxist does not mean they are pro-capitalist. Also the reason (((they))) fund candidates in the USA is to advance their international jewry. For example to fund zionism.

>> No.11803084

neoliberalism is destroying society.

>> No.11803121

You guys wouldn't be so bad if you would just extend a hand of friendship to straight males, no matter the ethnicity, and turn them into allies against (((them))).
No one wants to be a slave under the eternal Hebrew. REEing about brown people is exactly the kind of self-imposed divide and conquer shit that they love to see.
I'm middle-eastern and I don't like the way things are going either. I'd love to help but I'm already being called the enemy by those people that should be my ideological allies.

>> No.11803128

>not true socialism
Unironically a man of culture. You are more of socialist than you know

>> No.11803134

>Nietszchean clinician expertly diagnoses the cultural malaise haunting today
>effortlessly crafts his own value system, dispensing it in a handy itemized guide for the masses available at all good bookstores
>makes extra bank on patreon from adoring fans whose lives he touched for the better by having it recrafted in the master's own sublime image
>/lit/ lastmen spend months if not years on end sperging about the minutiae of definitions to eachother

>> No.11803138

What do you mean “you guys”? Just because I’m anti-capitalist? I’m literally a cultural traditionalist.

>> No.11803141

that man's name? joel osteen

>> No.11803154

"You guys" as in people who strategize against the Jews.
>cultural traditionalist
Then surely you would tolerate non-whites if they demonstrate that they could properly integrate into your culture.

>> No.11803177

Traditional cultures were racist as fuck. The point of my original post tho was that the degeneration of the west can be seen almost entirely as a natural consequence of global capitalism, without appealing to the Jews

>> No.11803197

Then why the talk about "shitskins"? They're apparently only a symptom of a greater problem, but not a problem in and of themselves.
Traditional cultures were somewhat tribalistic, but before modernity were mostly concerned with the culture of an individual, rather than his ethnic makeup.

>> No.11803210

In this thread we pretend Catholicism doesn’t exist

>> No.11803223

Dude I’m a race realist who thinks multi-ethnic societies are doomed to eternal strife because of people’s inherent ethnic tribalism. I am also anti-capitalist.

I think multi-ethnic, multicultural ideologies are pushed by the global capitalist elite because they know that the proles will never collectivize and make any kind of legitimate socialism manifest if they are all of differing ethnicities. Heterogeneity bulldozes social trust and cohesion. This is why the US will never be socialist: white people will never vote for socialized healthcare and education simply because it would mean that black people would get it too.

Multi-ethnic societies ARE a symptom and logical goal of global capitalism, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t also bad in themselves for the average person.

>> No.11803226
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Oh yeah the de Chardinists will save us pending that based reactionary antipope i hear so much about

>> No.11803235

Too bad you’re absolutely wrong. The US Fed state is absolutely involved and provides a guiding hand with supposedly private business. You need to ignore massive subsidies, from agriculture to oil, for your argument to work. Not to mention that Medicare is wildely popular. Americans also support socialized healthcare look it the fuck up.

Also, Anti-multi culturalism is actually tolerated well by capitalists because it keeps the working People from Uniting. The fact that capitalists are ONLY IN THE LAST FEW DECADES putting up a front on diversity is because brown people have buying power in the US now.

>> No.11803242

Society isn't being destroyed

>> No.11803251

Dude youre living in the past the global bourg is 100 all in on diversity now, the natbourg holdouts have fuck all say and have to suck up to zion for some meagre temporary concessions, which tend to result in a deeply unpopular clusterfuck cf drumpf

>> No.11803257

>race realist
Except places like the US have been multi-ethnic for a long time. The US peaked as a multi-ethnic nation. Stop pretending that "white" is an ethnicity. It's an arbitrary umbrella term for many ethnicities.

>> No.11803264

Put a sock in it you flimsy windbag, no one gives a solitary hoot about your epic deconstructions

>> No.11803271

Global bourgeoise “says” they are all in on multiculturalism but actually are not. You need to be able to look between rhetoric and where the money goes. You seem to forget Israel is almost an ethni state, and that the US politicians Andy CEOs are almost all one race. Global wealth continues to be held by ethnic groups who dominate other ethnic Groups. And guess what it’s not
fucking Jews. Again. Look it the Fuck up.

>> No.11803272

desu even in the 16th century european writers would call some ethnicities 'white' and others 'black' and what about it is arbitrary? portuguese explorers considered the japanese a 'white' race and I bet you can guess why

>> No.11803273

>The US peaked as a multi-ethnic nation
When did the US "peak"
What did multi-ethnicity have to do with it

>> No.11803274

That’s right when colonialism Really took off dumb ass.

>> No.11803282

>Ethiopians say that their gods are snub–nosed and black
Thracians that they are pale and red-haired.

-Xenophanes, 1st millennium BC

>> No.11803292

Subsidies to huge corporations only prove that the government is little more than the puppet of those corporations. Moreover, even if I generalized too far by saying the states would never vote in socialized healthcare, I nevertheless still maintain that no profound, foundational anti-capitalist movement will ever see anything resembling majority support in multi-ethnic nations because the different ethnicities will be too busy advocating for their tribe’s access to more of the pie relative to the other ethnic tribes (instead of relative to the actual economic elite).

Anti-multiculturalism is tolerated, perhaps even promoted, as a means to keep people divided—sure. But it only works in the global capitalists’ favour because they know that it is not actually achievable given their present grip on power. If they actually thought there were a risk of their globalized multiethnic vision being compromised, they wouldn’t fan the ethnostate flames, because to do so would be unprofitable.

The house always wins in this rigged scenario. The capitalists get to keep pumping western countries with cheap brown labour, and as a safeguard, in the nigh impossible circumstance that all these disparate ethnicities in these western countries considered collectivizing against the capitalists, they continuously stoke the NATURAL tribalism of these various groups, so they keep at one another’s throats instead of at the throats of the actual problem class: the capitalists themselves.

Also, I get that you’re a brown dude and it sucks talking with someone like me, ranting about ethnostates and what not. But man, fucking Somalians by and large will never be smoothly integrateable into the kind of society I want to live in. Race is a real thing. Some races will get along with others better than others. But acting like race is irrelevant is either naive or born out of self-justification and defence.

>> No.11803308

>epic deconstructions
It's called calling you out on your shit

>what about it is arbitrary
1. Made to justify slavery
2. No agreed upon definition
3. Destroys actual national identities (English, Russian, Lebanese) to create something stale and reactionary

>what did multi-ethnicity have to do with it
Not much, because ethnicity is irrelevant.

>> No.11803314

Bruh the real economic power is in finance. Answer me why are all the western right wing nationalist parties zionist if WASP's still got this on lock?

>> No.11803325

>What is slavery and then segregation?
You can deny that “white” is a race all you want, but humans of European stock (who generally share certain genotypical and phenotypic all similarities, like white skin, along with a host of other intellectual and behavioural traits) are as similar to subsaharan Africans as greyhounds are to pugs. And if greyhounds took 3000 years to build a civilization for greyhounds, a civilization that reflected the temperaments, abilities and make-up of greyhounds in large as well as subtle ways, you can bet by objective measures pugs as a group would NEVER be able to fully integrate into that civilization

>> No.11803332

We seem to agree except on the rather obvious fact that race was invented to justify capitalist exploitation.

>> No.11803335

you can say the reasons why a race is 'white' or 'black' or whatever can be arbitrarily used to justify slavery, but if you're going to pretend that which races get considered what is arbitrary you're just not being honest with yourself.
that makes it arbitrary?
How is that true, and if it is, how does that make it arbitrary? at the very least you could argue multi-ethnic colonial countries like USA or Australia developed new national identities because of the idea of white people. as for "destroys actual national identities", I don't know if there is a real example of that.

>> No.11803343

>also I get that you're a brown dude
I think you think you're replying to me, the self-proclaimed middle-eastern guy. I'm willing to wager that my skin is fairer than yours.
>somalians will never be integrated into the kind of society that I want to live in
Because you're a petty faggot who doesn't like dark people based on pleb-tier tribalism and are now trying to pass it off as some fundamental truth about the universe.
>some races will get along with others better than others
Almost always due to cultural similarities, not from how close they are on a genetic cluster map.

>> No.11803345

>Not much, because ethnicity is irrelevant.
Then why make this big pronouncement about America "peaking" as a "multi-ethnic" nation you absolute fucking moron?

>> No.11803346

Why do you think the marxist academic party line is worth bringing up like we're not already aware of it? You're boring and incredibly predictable, justifying your makework diploma as if it granted you preternatural insights.

>> No.11803353

I’m white.

Those corporations wouldn’t exist without those subsidies. That’s socialism.

And we seem to agree that capitalism is inherently untenable because of contradictions that arise when you throw race and ethnic divisions in. MY POINT is that you ignore the obvious fact that race was invented to justify global commerce in the first place. African slaves undergirded the expansion of the world economy, and in order for that to be tolerable they had to be dehumanized. Race only appears as a concept precisely when it’s convenient. Now we are dealing with the ramifications of mistakes made long ago, when Europeans genocided whole continents. The problem isn’t the multi
Cultural society. Rome was extremely multicultural, so was peak China.

>> No.11803355

>IQ, inborn in-group preferences, criminality, tribal conflicts throughout the ages, ethnic segregation throughout the ages, obvious physical differences, obvious behavioural differences, and so on

>> No.11803359

There have been plenty of egalitarian societies too as soon as you take off your fucking nationalist blinders and remember
That societies existed before Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

>> No.11803362

The fact that people are different
And groups of
People are marginally
Different justifies nothing.

>> No.11803370

not him but
the closest thing you ever had to an egalitarian society were tiny subsistence villages where not enough wealth is accumulated to create large disparities, which have existed before and after columbus in many ethnicities (though not with more than 1 mixed together). if you're talking about RACIAL egalitarianism I'm afraid that's never existed lol
maybe if you zoom out of a genetic map so far that you can see many species and humans look like one clump, like looking at a binary star that appears as one with the naked eye. the differences are meaningful in many cases, though.

>> No.11803374

Holy shit that reading comprehension.
Because it didn't prevent it, because it isn't a factor.
Jesus Christ.

>that makes it arbitrary
Yes it does. No one agrees on the criteria you need to be white. How is any way to categorize valid when everyone has their own definition of it?
Caucasian is a valid racial category based in science, white is not.
I live in Australia and I can tell you, there is no national identity here aside from the remnants of once being a British colony. The national identity of the US is based on ideas that aren't restricted to race.

>> No.11803379

Rome and China were never even remotely close to multiethnic or multicultural by contemporary standards. And just because theories of race as a concept coincided with colonial expansion (and, I will concede, were almost certainly constructed in ways that justified white superiority and the enslavement of Africans) doesn’t mean that race itself doesn’t exist. It may mean that there are/were ideological sediments that infected something like an “ideal, pure racial science”, but it doesn’t follow from that that the concept of race is wholly ideological from the ground up.

The same markers that are used to classify different species and subspecies of other biological life should be applicable to humans. The same evolutionary explanations for why certain animals are the way they are should be applicable to humans. Why wouldn’t they be?

Proto-Africans and Proto-Europeans spent tens of thousands of years in radically different environments, almost entirely isolated from one another. Do you actually think things like that make no real difference, or do you simply think the difference they do make is worth ignoring because ethics supersedes objectivity?

>> No.11803381

The philosophical problem you’re needling is that as soon as you do have an egalitarian society that “works” you’d immediately define it as one ethnicity. But again, we couldn’t talk about how massively successful native
Americans were at flourishing without nation hood but you need to ignore tje massive amounts of agricultural and anthropological evidence.

I do not mean to erase cultural differences, but I assert that cultural differences are not the problem
When it comes to global capitalism. Egalitarian society is the solution.

>> No.11803387

If "multi-ethnicity" wasn't a factor in America's success, then booting all non-whites back to africa or wherever the fuck is not going to hurt its chances of "peaking" again.

>I live in Australia and I can tell you, there is no national identity here aside from the remnants of once being a British colony
Australians are transplanted Europeans. Everyone else is just visiting.

>> No.11803390

>>The same evolutionary explanations for why certain animals are the way they are should be applicable to humans. Why wouldn’t they be?

Because we aren’t mere lapdogs of evolution amymore. We can make choices to eat with silverware instead of like dogs. You are too cynical. You should Be proud to be human.

>> No.11803391


>> No.11803393
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>> No.11803399

>tens of thousands of years in radically different environments, almost entirely isolated from one another. Do you actually think things like that make no real difference, or do you simply think the difference they do make is worth ignoring because ethics supersedes objectivity?
Not that guy but yes, it is a blink of an eye in terms of evolution.

>> No.11803403

>But again, we couldn’t talk about how massively successful native
Americans were at flourishing without nation hood but you need to ignore tje massive amounts of agricultural and anthropological evidence.

Yeah I'm sure they would have been colonizing Mars right now if we hadn't interfered with their development.

>> No.11803405

you still don't demonstrate how that makes it arbitrary though. it's like saying 'funny' is arbitrary because people can't agree on it.
arabs are caucasian yet not seen as white. the people who first contacted the japanese considered them white and people still them with the 'honorary aryans' meme. why?
>The philosophical problem you’re needling is that as soon as you do have an egalitarian society that “works” you’d immediately define it as one ethnicity.
? I wouldn't and I'm not sure why you say so
>But again, we couldn’t talk about how massively successful native
Americans were at flourishing without nation hood but you need to ignore tje massive amounts of agricultural and anthropological evidence.
when did nationhood come into this? nomadic great plains natives were relatively egalitarian compared to us, but still had their chieftains. the more agricultural they are, the less egalitarian they get. just look at the aztecs

>> No.11803417

Rome was as multiethnic as they could logistically be. Berbers, Jews, Celts, and Greeks were all being absorbed effectively into the Roman milleu, where they then worked to advance Greco-Roman thought.
Genetic differences are real.
"Whiteness" is unironically a social construct (yeah I know I used the meme word). Caucasian is slightly better in terms of objectivity but still arbitrary as hell.

>everyone else is just visiting
Edgy as fuck, my man. I don't know where the fuck you live, but where I am, Southern Europeans are closer knit with Middle-Easterners than they are with Anglo-Saxons.

Because they had to justify the Japanese being an ally to Germany and Italy. They're obviously not considered white now. The genetic differences between Japanese and Europeans are miles larger than the differences between Arabs and Europeans.
Arabs were even once considered white (technically they still are in the US)

>> No.11803419

if that period of time is long enough to develop differences in physiology, morphology, disease immunity, and climate/weather acclimation, evolving differences all over the body, what makes behavioral traits governed by the brain magically immune to such selection?

>> No.11803420

Ethnic Group A (EGA) has average IQ of 100.

EGA builds a society in which success is MORE OR LESS equally distributed according to IQ. EGAs with an IQ of less than 85 generally live in poverty—they simply aren’t mentally equipped to succeed in the complex EGA society, which was built for the average EGA, whose IQ is 100.

EGB has an average IQ of 80.

EGB enters EGAs society on mass. The average EGB fares worse than many of the lowest IQ EGAs. EGBs by and large simply cannot thrive in a society built for those with an average IQ of 100.

Wouldn’t EGBs be happier in a society consonant with their natural capacities? And even if they wouldn’t, would the EGAs and EGBs living in the same society ever really get along, given the EGBs could always point angrily at the inequality of outcome between the two groups?

>> No.11803421

Native American agricultural science was miles ahead of Europe and that’s indisputable. The moon landing wouldn’t be possible without rubber.

>> No.11803431

Chieftain =\= nation

You point out trivial differences and
THen suggest we should structure society on them. Fucking immunities for Christ sake can you not get along with someone who gets diseases you don’t? You got to do better than that. ANd behavior????? Like come on dude my best friend likes metal and I like country we make it work somehow lol

>> No.11803435

Meant to differentiate this post with the guy arguing “hur dur sometimes people are
DIfferent and mommy didn’t prepare me
that so we need to deport everyone”

>> No.11803438

You're a funny guy.

>> No.11803445

all the foods the entire world now depends on, all first developed in ancient America. It wasn’t an accident dipshit. You could google this.

>> No.11803449

You people are so eager to whip out the IQ meme like it isn't a pseudoscience.
Why do African immigrants outperform African-Americans (and sometimes even white Americans) in terms of educational attainment?

>> No.11803450

>you should be proud to be human
That’s sloganeering justifying calculated ignorance.
Not a blink of an eye. It was a substantial enough length of time to leave us with distinct enough phenotypes that people can successfully guess your continental heritage simply by looking at you (BLACK-Africa, WHITE-Europe, YELLOW-Asia). To say race is a social construct is about as legitimate as saying the colour red is a social construct. Yes, the concept of red likely wouldn’t exist without humans. Yes, red exists on a colour spectrum that eventually leads into the colour blue. But that doesn’t mean red and blue are only different because our ideology made them that way. Or if it does mean that, then our ideology seems, however imperfectly, to reflect the true nature of reality.
Mauritania being a part of the Roman Empire doesn’t mean shit. African races and European races will always divide and Balkanize. You can hold them together through might, but races are naturally tribal.

>> No.11803452
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it's pathetic that you're afraid to be honest with yourself. let me do the work for you since you refuse to use your brain.
>Because they had to justify the Japanese being an ally to Germany and Italy. They're obviously not considered white now.
but people still call them 'honory aryans' as a joke. westerners and japs increasingly consume each other's media almost interchangeably. why di the first europeans who contacted them say they were like europeans rather than the chinese? ask yourself that.
>The genetic differences between Japanese and Europeans are miles larger than the differences between Arabs and Europeans.
very true, but you know environment and culture can select for traits, traits can form a culture, which can reinforce the selection. which ethnicity evolved in an environment more similar to westerners, the japanese or arabs? which race's behavior marks them as the odd one out of the three? pic very related
>Arabs were even once considered white (technically they still are in the US)
officially, legally they can be considered white, but people don't consider them white, for intuitive reasons based on observation. you know that and you're being disingenuous.
I didn't say that having a chieftain implied nationhood, you retard lmao
>Fucking immunities for Christ sake can you not get along with someone who gets diseases you don’t?
I didn't say differences in disease immunity was an argument against multiethnic societies, I said evolution of differences in disease immunity would naturally occur with evolution of other differentiated traits as well. you're honestly too much of a brainlet for this conversation lol

>> No.11803460

Read some Zizek you fucking psued

>> No.11803463

Because African Americans are the descendants of people who were incidentally enslaved, and were selectively bred by slave owners for traits like strength, endurance and obedience, not intelligence (which is crucial in a knowledge economy). African immigrants perform comparatively well because they are on the top end of the distribution of traits that correlate with success (IQ being one of these). That’s why they managed to get out of their African shitholes and over to the US: because they could think, work hard, plan ahead, and were industrious, unlike the half-billion brothas and sistas they left behind on that god forsaken rock.

How is IQ a meme, tho?

>> No.11803467
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It's amazing how humans are the one species to successfully resist evolution. I guess it's because God made us to be unique from all the other animals.

>> No.11803471

The main point you keep missing is that none of what you’re arguing neccesiates political ethnic divisions. You are obsessed with trivia.

>> No.11803476

If you don’t think of yourself as anything More than an animal I cant help you.

>> No.11803479

Amazing how even /lit/ got overrun by /pol/redditors.

>> No.11803482

This is a much more interesting conversation than what would take place on /pol/

>> No.11803484

The fact
That we even have to tolerate biological determinism is
Mind numbing. Not to mention euro-centrism.

>> No.11803488

> it's pathetic
>use your brain
how about we stick to arguing and leave the ad hominems aside for now?
>as a joke
yeah, as a joke. people also say that Turks are the master race as a joke.
>they increasingly consume each other's media
white America is also bananas for black culture, weebs are not evidence. japan even had a whole thing about removing themselves from the west as much as they could.
>why did the first Europeans who contacted them say they were like Europeans rather than the Chinese?
what a fuckin vague-ass statement that could be interpreted to mean literally anything. the Japanese also called the Dutch red-haired barbarians. also id like a source on that.
>which race's behavior marks them as the odd one out of the three
between the westerner the (Christian) Arab and the Japanese, obviously the Japanese. see how culture is more important than race?
>they can be considered white
legally they are white. stop using soft language to remove the potency from my argument.
>intuitive reasons based on observation
what observations? before Wahhabism, the middle-east was really fuckin westernized.
>youre bring disingenuous
how about you argue like a man instead of just claiming that I don't believe in what I'm saying.

>> No.11803492

>Rome was as multiethnic as they could logistically be. Berbers, Jews, Celts, and Greeks were all being absorbed effectively into the Roman milleu, where they then worked to advance Greco-Roman thought.
Rome was an authoritarian dictatorship lmao. "They make a desert and call it peace." I mean, I'm sure a modern dictator could put an end to ethnic strife by the simple expedient of massacring anyone who dared caused trouble, but that's not really what you want, right? Right?

>> No.11803493

Well I don't know if his diagnosis was 100% correct.
You are right that people are arguing over the words he uses to describe the ill that he is trying to combat. And you are also right that he is remarkably successfull in doing so. He also has a hand for using capitalism to further grow his reach and impact.
People get cought up in their thinking and don't realize that peterson's impact goes well beyond anything that can be thought. His work mobilizes peoplr to at least pay attention to or even develope their other windows of knowing to support their thinking

>> No.11803495

that's a pretty obvious one...it's like indian immigrants but on a much less extreme scale. avg IQ of indians migrating to the US and Canada is higher than Indian avg IQ significantly and even slightly higher than US white avg IQ, because india has had many generations of a racial caste system and most immigrants are from the upper castes. it's nowhere near that extreme in africa but usually the smarter ones are the ones that migrate.
I actually haven't directly argued for political ethnic divisions in this thread, my first post was>>11803272 but I do believe behavior differences between different peoples justify political ethnic divisions in many cases, yes.
we are animals, though

>> No.11803497

/lit/ is almost entirely Eurocentric tho. Moreover, why is biological determinism so implausible? We buy into it with respect to the mental illness model. We buy into it regarding most heritable traits. And even if you think it is implausible, it shouldn’t be abolished as a topic of debate simply for that reason.

The reason people don’t want to talk about it is not that it’s pseudoscience, it’s that it’s obviously a legitimate thing, but when legitimately explored can be used to justify some pretty unethical shit

>> No.11803508

Reminder that leftism proposes total rule by a "politburo" that at best would be composed entirely of redditors.

>> No.11803520

The point is that multiple powerful ethnicities working
Together doesn’t not
Preclude success.

Biological determinism isn’t useful when organizing society because organizing =ethics. It’s really simple.

>> No.11803522

Maybe if the left hadn't decided to make white people into some sort of proscribed enemy we wouldn't be so hardhearted. If you push someone long enough, eventually someone is going to push back.

>> No.11803527

Yes but at what price?

>> No.11803533

Shouldn’t the model we use to govern society be based on a thorough understanding of human beings though? Even though you may not believe in it, what if, as a thought experiment, races actually were different enough to justify politically separating them?

>> No.11803543

Because, if you say that we ought to decide policy by biological differences, it won't stop where you want it to. You're not just gonna get to be a white guy chilling with other white guys.

>> No.11803554

>if we politically discriminate between different ethnic groups an endless slippery slope will take us back to nazis larping as aryans genociding untermensch poles
no way that would happen in the US. most people don't even know that there are more germans than anglos in the US nowadays cause they don't even know the difference.
>yeah, as a joke. people also say that Turks are the master race as a joke.
the joke is that they're not, though. but nice dodge
>white America is also bananas for black culture, weebs are not evidence.
they are super influential on western pop music though, and jazz, hip-hop, etc. are heavily influenced by western musical forms. most whites listen to white pop influenced by black blues/rock roots rather than to the roots, and the contemporary black artists are just as influenced by the white pop.
>japan even had a whole thing about removing themselves from the west as much as they could.
I mean yeah, that stuff will always exist in any case.
>what a fuckin vague-ass statement that could be interpreted to mean literally anything
what a fuckin vague-ass statement that could be interpreted to mean literally anything
>pretending a westerner is more similar to an arab christian than a jap.
k lol
>legally they are white. stop using soft language to remove the potency from my argument.
they are only 'legally' white because they are caucasoids lol.
>what observations? before Wahhabism, the middle-east was really fuckin westernized.
westernized in the same sense that china is really fuckin westernized

>> No.11803597

>no way that would happen in the US
keep telling yourself that
>the joke is that they're not
and the phrase "honorary Aryan" is totally legit though. aryan just becomes a synonym for "things I like".
>nice dodge
How about: if you believe I'm pulling a fast one, come at me and accuse me like a man, instead of hiding behind passive-aggressive remarks like this one.
>pretending a westerner is more similar to an Arab Christian than a jap
this is how I know you've never encountered any of these people. I live in Sydney, where Lebanese, Greeks, Egyptians, Italians, Scots, and Irish are mixing like nobody's business. Way more than they mix with Asians.
>k lol
I don't even understand this. Are you trying to make me seethe or something? Are you allergic to honest discourse?
>they are only 'legally' white because they are Caucasoids
they are legally white because there's no significant genetic difference between Europe and West Asia.
>westernized in the same sense that China is really fuckin westernized

>> No.11803605

This faggot is literally 1 or 2 tier below "da joos did it". I suspect once he's done practicing and teaching, he'll go full alt right.

>> No.11803702

The thing is that no one really wants it to go as far as it’s gone in argument. I’m a Canadian, and here’s where I’m at.

I say that I don’t want my country flooded with immigrants from places with cultures totally incompatible with mine. I want my government to work on the problems with my quality of life and employment opportunities before it gets bogged down with half a million new comers a year. I want to be able to afford a house, and I want to be able to have kids of my own and raise a family without going broke because of it. I therefore don’t want my government spending my tax money enticing immigrants to come here, setting them up with housing, and helping them get jobs that I myself cannot get (despite being equally qualified). I don’t want to have to compete with them for jobs. I don’t want them increasing the lines in an already inefficient healthcare system. And I don’t want my tax money going towards helping them raise their kids when I cannot afford to have kids myself. Perhaps least significantly, but significantly nevertheless, I don’t like that packs of drug dealing Somalians roam the streets in front of the bars in my hometown, gangbeating white kids who look at them wrong. I’ve seen it happen a bunch. They don’t like us; we don’t like them—why keep letting more of them in?

It doesn’t improve my quality of life to have more immigrants flood in. And although it’s not a very cosmopolitan perspective, is it really unfair to want my government to act in my best interest? I’m not gaining more political power, more cultural clout, more employment opportunities and better social services by having 500000 people are year come here. Why would I want it then?

I also believe that multi-ethnic societies will tribalize. There’s a reason black overwhelmingly vote democrat and not republican. There’s a reason non-whites don’t vote PC in Canada but whites do. This is tribalization at work: particular ethnic groups see their group’s interests as best represented by certain political parties. Even if the non-whites like the Liberal party because it is aimed at equality, whereas the conservative party is somehow tacitly aimed at white supremacy, why would I, as a white dude, vote for the party that was going to take away my power? Similarly, when whites become a minority, why would a black dude vote for any other party than the one that would give him more power, even if it meant taking away some of mine?

The response is always: blah blah, country of immigrants, colonialism, Indian doctors, no such thing as Canadian values—now tell me the REAL reason you don’t want 500,000 non-white people entering your country. It’s because you’re an irrational racist isn’t it?!

But it doesn’t seem irrational to me to want my country to move in a direction that is in my best interest—again, even if it’s nkt the cosmopolitan, egalitarian thing to do.

>> No.11803724

More to the point, people only whip out the scientific racist eugenicist shit when nothing else works. I say I don’t want 500,000 Somalians to settle in my hometown. You ask why. I say we are culturally incompatible. You say bullshit, Canada is multi cultural—what’s the actual reason?!

What is there left for someone to say but that they don’t want to have to live around a bunch of Somalians.

You say, justify not wanting to live with a bunch of Somalians, and don’t guve me that bullshit about culture.

Then I start bringing up IQ and crime and hypersociality.

You say it’s all a social construct and the result of white supremacy.

Then I start talking about evolution, phenotypes and genotypes, etc.

But I don’t want to have to justify in painstaking detail why I don’t want 500,000 Somalians settling my my town! I don’t want to have to be a racist! Yet the system is set up right now that things like that are just going to be the new norm (because it profits global capitalists) and I either have to go along with it or come out as an evil racist. This shit is unprecedented in history, and it’s bad for my quality of life, yet I’m the bad guy for questioning it, and wanting my government to act in my best interests.

>> No.11803798

Please, someone, anyone—is this really indefensible “/pol/tard” psychopathy? What is so terribly unreasonable about holding this position?

>> No.11803800

That's a funny way to say "greed."

>> No.11803812
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the bayesian techoshamanists will win, jp is fighting a pointless battle

>> No.11803819

fucking BASED

>> No.11803821

Different ethnicities have been mixing all the time and they haven't lost their identity.

>> No.11803822

We have to ask: Superior or inferior in which regard? From the point of view of historical NS, jews, coming to power, will reshape society in such a way that it becomes a grotesque caricature of civilization. They are "inferior" in the sense that they are, according to Mr Hitler, a "ferment of decomposition".

>> No.11803825

They have nothing. I agree but also want aid and shit to help them in their countries as much as humanly possible -
where immigration hurts the home country as well - and would prefer the left were reconfigured toward that goal but noooo that's asking them to lift a finger outside their own comfort zone isn't it?

>> No.11803886
File: 122 KB, 1024x543, 1534650931781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you? Do you think your country is actually YOURS?
No. You don't belong anywhere. You don't have a homeland. You're just a citizen of the world, a cosmopolitan modern man. Like everyone else, including the immigrants you despise, you just want better conditions of life. You just happened to be born in this country, but it's just luck.
Why are you so selfish? Why would you want the country only for you? Why don't you want to compete with immigrants?

You are at the end of history. The liberal values of your country soon will be global. Humanity will become a global mass of a single homogenous mixed race, all particularity will vanish from the face of Earth, in submission to global neoliberalism. Nature, that is essentially a stockpile of resources for human use, will be consumed at an ever increasing rate. We will develop more and more technology, human constructions will become gigantic, cyclopic.

Then eventually it will happen. The resources will cease to be available. Humanity will go extinct. The planet will go on, fluctuating in space, until the sun explodes. It will be the end of this great adventure.

Why are you resisting, reactionary?

>> No.11803942

This is the Eucharistic voice of the contemporary communist movement. the Word made Flesh. Peterson is a communist.

>> No.11803960

Is/Ought my nigga

>> No.11803963

Its the fucking nignogs

>> No.11803969

How do leftists even address the massive over representation of Jews, they just don't seem to ever care about over representation unless it happens to be whites being over represented.

>> No.11804015

You are intellectually lazy. How does the is/ought problem apply in a non-trivial sense? What ethicist or political theorist didn’t devise their theories based on some explicit or implicit theory of human nature? And even if you can name some, do you really think an ethics based on a theory of human nature is necessarily guilty of a category mistake?

>> No.11804020

>You can tell they're starting to see the cracks, but they get stuck in the sense of politics being a spectator sport and focus too hard on owning le libtards ebin style and fail to see that they're still getting fleeced
a leftist revolution would own le libtards a lot more than their pathetic reactionary bullshit desu

>> No.11804056

>You are intellectually lazy.
I am not the one asking loaded question after loaded question. Describing the world as it is, however truthful or not, does not imply that we ought to do anything. If anything we defy human nature constantly, hell the very existence of this conversation defies how human interacts with each other. Even in nature we can find many examples to support or oppose what we ought to do. Saying we ought to do anything is based on certain ethics or morals beforehand, with reality informing the decision. People who indulge in is/ought like you are intellectually dishonest in either finding what is to support your pre-existing oughts, or pretending you had none to begin with

>> No.11804076

Come on, play with me and answer at least some of the questions I posed. They aren’t rhetorical.

Also: how then do you think ethical and political systems should be devised without using an implicit theory of human nature?

>> No.11804131

I'm the guy you're replying to and, to be honest, we are mostly in agreement. I'm a middle-eastern guy living in Australia and I'm for restricting immigration to only the best of those who want to come. I don't want to restrict immigration by ethnicity though, although I prefer folk like Christians/Sikhs/Buddhists as they integrate easier than people like Muslims.
I suppose, ideally, people would drop their previous allegiances upon immigration. I've always identified as white or Australian and voting in accordance with my race seems utterly foreign to me and, I think, many other children of immigrants. I'm an Australian and another Australian of Vietnamese heritage is more my brother than someone who shares my heritage but lives in France or something, although a Christian is more my brother than either or those people.

I don't want to settle Somalis in your country. I don't want them in my country either (not in large numbers). I think a trickle of immigration from all corners of the world is fine though, in small enough numbers that they assimilate instead or forming their own micro-nations within ours.

>> No.11804214

you have to go back

>> No.11804236

man shut the fuck up you retard

>> No.11804250
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>Please, someone, anyone—is this really indefensible “/pol/tard” psychopathy?
No it is not.
>What is so terribly unreasonable about holding this position?
Nothing about that is terrible and don't ever let anyone brainwash you into thinking that the wish to preserve what is yours and what you love is evil. You are just a normal guy who wants to preserve his culture, identity and way of life.

The problem is that technological progress (espescially the material forces of the industrial revolution) has set humanity on an irreversible and accelerating course which will destroy all particularity (different geno- and phenotypes, languages, cultures, belief systems) of humanity and probably even current the environment and wildlife of the planet itself.
Both Capitalism (which is a product of this technological progress) and "the idea of Communism" (which is a critique of capitalism and also its inevitable successor according to marxist dogma) are forces of internationalism.
Thus "wanting to preserve culture, phenotype, language and identity by REJECTING OR EVEN FIGHTING AGAINST INTERNATIONALISM" is a cardinal sin in the eyes of both capitalists (muh open borders, muh free trade, muh profit) and communists (muh classless, borderless and stateless world).
In their eyes you reject the inevitable course of history (capitalists: whig history, communists: global communist society as the final stage of the dialectical-historical develeopment of humanity) See >>11803886

Oswald Mosley was right when he said: *Everything's against us. Governments, money, press, television - all the new forces are used against us." All the great forces, all the material powers of the world, you say, are against you.*
And unlike him I don't see a way to reverse or stop this process. That's the blackpill I present you.

>> No.11804271

>you have to go back
I'll stay, thank you.

>> No.11804325

>push countries towards policies that benefit THEM, not the people at large
Many millions are being lifted out of poverty due to free international trade, but fuck them, I need to buy my third iPad and protect the white race.
I hate pol-infested people like you.

>> No.11804385

can't wait to see the death of the west tbqh

>> No.11805033

The former is really the simpler case. The problem of modernity is probably better situated with the Enlightenment, or, if you're Nietzsche, you trace the problems of the Enlightenment back to Christianity.

The problem of modernity could be summed up under the word "nihilism", related to the following:

1) the mathematico-emprical focus of physics bringing all values into question.

2) the above is exacerbated by the self-conscious move of the Enlightenment philosophers to secularized society, ostensibly to avoid religious wars and protect philosophy and science from religious politics.

3) the emphasis on new forms of republicanism, democracy, and liberalism, which fundamentally undercut social hierarchies, ostensibly to prevent the rise of tyrants and to "enlighten" the world via Enlightenment philosophy and science.

4) the ground of science and philosophy having been determined to be for the relief of man's estate and the conquering of nature/chance (cf. Descartes, Bacon, Machiavelli), resulting in the ascendance of technology.

The Enlightenment philosophers arguably didn't see how the combination of these factors could implode. People not given an equal political share in a liberal democratic republic (women, miorities) come to be skeptical or hostile toward the form, and push for a stronger government to give them their share, or they want the whole thing demolished and replaced with an authoritarianism that supports them. Science doesn't invest itself in matters of values, and it's relationship to technology gets scary when it can make atom bombs and death factories but can't tell us whether or not to use them. Small tighter knit communities the world over, bound by similar languages, customs, religions, are destabilized with nothing to replace them but wealth and careers. The unexplainable discontent that people feel makes them long for potential tyrants promising a return or restoration.

Some readings to look into:

Pomo's source in the Enlightenment is covered in Stanley Rosen's Hermeneutics as Politics.

The politics of Enlightenment philosophy and science are covered in Richard Kennington's On Modern Origins, and Leo Strauss's Thoughts on Machiavelli.

More specific elements of the problem of modernity are dealt with in a series of book reviews on the blog Samzdat:


>> No.11805077

Decay is the natural state of being, so society is being destroyed simply by entropy.

Also the jews.

>> No.11805235

Whoever is supposed to destroy society is sure doing a crappy job at it when we live in the best era of human existence. The kids who might have to deal with more extreme climate change are fucked though, but who didn't contribute to that?

>> No.11805244

His mask of sanity is beginning to slip

>> No.11805311

It’s a meme, but the destruction of the nuclear family is unironically why the west is doomed. It’s really as simple as that. And yes, Marxist theory (and all of its offshoots such as feminism, deconstuctionism, etc) are the main culprits for the destruction of the family

>> No.11805391

But aren't the biases that initiate our morals another type of 'is'? They aren't universal and ephemeral, they're real and specific to the biological makeup of collectives and individuals.

>> No.11805648

The more basic cause is the political philosophy of the early moderns. An emphasis on individualism and its attendant liberty to pursue what the individual thinks will make it happy, and democracy and republicanism, with their protections of said liberty in order to avoid grosser tyrannies, seem to be the more basic cause. Hell, more basic even is Christianity's focus on individualism salvation. The biological family is worthless in the gospels if it impedes salvation.

>> No.11805722

>"Start with the Greeks"
Yeah, /lit/ isn't euro-centric at all~ This is totally a new thing~
Hell, even /lit/'s way into non-euro cultures is through Rene Guenon.

Shit, if even the Canadians are going /pol/...

One does not just walk into Jewish privilege.

>> No.11805752

does Peterson regret studying Jung, and now that he can't get his lost time back he decided to simply go with it until he dies

>> No.11805844
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>our genetics influences our morality

A theory of how society ought to function.

>> No.11805973


>> No.11805985

This is crap. You can care about individual rights and not make society and culture a gay orgy
Its the cultural marxist crap and the jews

>> No.11806031

only white colonialists managed to completely wipe out several cultures. Chinks are trying their best now but the genocide kings have always been white.

>> No.11806126

Nice b8, but "nuh uh" and "but muh cultural marxists" aren't causal accounts of the the dissolution of a relatively modern form of the family unit, nor does the equation "nuclear family" -> "some other form of family" because of "cultural marxism" say what the negative consequences are.

Try harder.

>> No.11806141

I mean, hell, the causes of Marxism are Enlightenment philosophy and Christianity, since Marxism presupposes the victory of Modern over Ancient political philosophy, and buys into the secularization of Christian values. It's entire indignation over economic injustices is Christian at its core.

>> No.11806153

>or is it something more simple?
It's a lot of simple things. People waste their time and don't bother doing what is necessary, and build punishment machines to control those who do intend to do so.

>> No.11806169

Enjoy your ruined planet, global monocture of rampant consumerism, and continuous irresponsible and unsustainable population growth in the third world.

>but at least global capitalism means that African families who already have 11 children can afford to feed two more! Down with “poverty”!

>> No.11806172

Denying jewish power in 20-21th centuries is like denying Habsburg power in 16th.

>As long as we're on the subject I don't understand how the jews are supposedly inferior to the """""pure white aryan masterrace""""" and yet they've taken control of every powerful institution and organization in the world and outsmarted /pol/ at every turn.
Here's to you.
Opposing the jew is like opposing vampires if they were real.

>> No.11806397

society isn't being destroyed. This is the best it has ever been

>> No.11806402

Capital is sentient

>> No.11806417

It's not that hard to understand. They don't have ideological aims of their own, they're just good at climbing the totem pole, and opposed to pre-existing structures

>> No.11806424

there is no unified power period. The richest people in the world barely know how to keep their companies afloat and would fail to do that if they didn't have monopolies on products with huge barriers to entry for competition. The extremely wealthy only know how to write checks they don't even know who to write them to. culture is the sum total of individual goals and if you don't like it change yourself.

>> No.11806441

Is it the soviets or the fascists that you see as being so good to the environment?

>> No.11806453

no everyone else must change so that they can more effectively larp as a nazi/commie/beaver cleaver.

>> No.11806524

The novelty pandemic.

>> No.11806604

Really? I thought it wasn't real communism

>> No.11806740

What is required is the construction of an economic and cultural ideology predicated on sustainability and the maximization of innovation and human flourishing grounded in a deep understanding of human nature.

Throwing ideological buzzwords around helps nobody. Clearly global capitalism is destroying the planet and bankrupting humanity’s spirit and authentic cultural formations, all while consolidating power in the hands of a small technocratic and capitalist elite. Why fatalistically bootlick for this failing system by shutting down the possibility of the construction of any alternative?

>> No.11806772
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, a talking meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan "Netflix TV shows are on the same level of complexity as great literature" Peterson

>> No.11806852

Haha you are an idiot and dont know shit about rome

>> No.11806936

haha hey guys don't mind me just posting a jordan peterson image on /lit/ whoops looks like I got 300+ replies again heh oops swear I didn't mean too lol

>> No.11807235
File: 44 KB, 835x262, wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11807341
File: 58 KB, 700x500, h1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it litterally took 52 other nations to take down 2 small central European nations that not even 10 years earlier we were in massive shambles.

>> No.11807430

>When it litterally took 52 other nations
>I picked a fight with literally everyone in the restaurant, 1v1 me I'd beat you ever time
So they were retarded, you're saying. Interesting criteria for "superiority" lol

>> No.11807480

Chinks are made up of many different ethnicities, they have been slammed together and made largely homogeneous.
Same with American whites, real dumb comment.

>> No.11807539
File: 51 KB, 1023x731, drstrangelove02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'm sorry, I meant they*, ofcourse.

>> No.11807705

Make a counter argument you dim bulb

>> No.11807761

Okay, this is epic

>> No.11808254

no you are wrong

>> No.11809167

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