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/lit/ - Literature

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11790111 No.11790111 [Reply] [Original]

This is probably off topic and will cost me a ban, but im willing to take a few days off to learn more about my fellow /litizens/. Im a Philosophy major, I can't say I really care for it that much though. Im no fan of analytic philosophy, so going in I didn't expect much, but the pedantic discussions that go on in class have me on the verge of change to something else, probably History or English.

Pic related is what I'd like to be studying, but instead we study Russell and his acolytes.

>> No.11790122

please m8 i am an ascended scholar of wiki articles

>> No.11790130

English Literature, naturally. And I regret it, naturally. College education can be achieved with a strong worth ethic and an interest in the subject at your local library or, hell, even at your own computer nowadays. I guess college is more for the experience than anything nowadays and everything else that the college provides is life’s own purple prose.

>> No.11790133

I too am a philosophy major. I don't really love it but I think it's mostly because I hate class discussion. Besides, I wish that the philosophy major was something more encompassing than specialized. Shouldn't the philosophy major know a little bit about everything?

>> No.11790165
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>> No.11790171
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>> No.11790180
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>> No.11790185

Philosophy major here as well; I concur, but I'm surprised how little freedom you two seem to have within your philosophy department. I'm also not a fan of the heavily analytic bent of my department, but at the very least I can pick and choose courses and combine them with self-study in a way that more closely approximates what I actually want out of my education. I'm also a minor in English.

>> No.11790187

Laser engineering

>> No.11790197
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I majored in French lit and film studies.

I regret the film major, just because all the other students were aspiring tv writer's room drones and didn't give a shit about actually studying movies as an art form.

The French major was great though, really insightful professors in small classes who were passionate about what they taught and I learned a lot

Can't say about philosophy though, desu I only read stories

>> No.11790199

English too. I enjoy it, and I have learned a lot that I wouldn't have otherwise gotten just by reading the books. But most of that has come though getting to know a handful of professors and other students, not through the formal coursework.

>> No.11790201
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Marine biology

>> No.11790203

Eletrical engineering.

>> No.11790221

Engeneering in systems of information. I'm thinking of studying economics or maths after that, but I'll probably change my mind by that time. I don't really understand why people go to college to major in english or philosophy when you can easily learn those things in your spare time for pleasure. Not that you can't do that with maths or economics, but when it comes to science it's seems better to have formal education. Besides, sciences seem more tedious and harder to understand on your own.

>> No.11790235

Computer Systems now, possibly Physics in the future. The idea of becoming yet another pawn in a system that I don't see as necessarily good and finding fulfillment in the optimization of some niche software primarily to make someone else rich is beginning to wear down on me. I'm still an undergrad but I feel this irritating current in the engineering students around me that they subscribe wholeheartedly into the the developing tech trends and it makes me want to get as far away from them as possible. The depiction of my field that I have received is that you're essentially just a janitor picking up after some company's messes, like you're some kind of autonomous drone manipulated into a loop you find satisfying so others can make a buck off your vapid life. That vision has really come to repulse me. I suppose it is better than being a cashier, though.

>> No.11790237

Criminology, planning to go into law, just like every other person taking criminology

>> No.11790248

English undergrad.
Now I'm starting a Masters in Library and Information Science so I might be able to pay off my $60k student debt one day. Didn't really put much thought into it, or undergrad.

>> No.11790257
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I'm on my last year of Computing Science. I like it but not enough to program on my free time which is something which employers pretty much expect of you nowadays.

>> No.11790288

Mathematics. Nothing else interest me.

>> No.11790353

I'm a drop out who chose to go the self study route over the academia route which felt intellectually oppressive and felt more like a one size fits all approaching cattle herding. Currently reading the world as will and representation after having read his On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason and the first chapter of his on vision and color and I understand exactly your pain. I too was drawn to his philosophy but was limited and forced to be inundated with topics and philosophers I found completely uninteresting. When you do get around to schopenhauer, you will love him

>> No.11790357

gender studies

>> No.11790371

English and Theater. Pretty great desu.

>> No.11790398
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Civil engineering

>> No.11790399

What did you read in preparation for Schopenhauer, anon? If Kant alone is sufficient for a first go-around, I'd like to dive in.

>> No.11790400

Agriculture, but I dropped out

>> No.11790403

Someone fucking kill me.
I beg you.

>> No.11790407

Philosophy is the only useful degree

>> No.11790415
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>> No.11790422


>> No.11790426

Only scrolled this far, I expect this to be the only practical profession listed ITT.

>> No.11790431

English with a minor in piano performance

>> No.11790434


>> No.11790441

Not big enough of a Jew huh?

>> No.11790442

Sounds comfy. What does a minor in that prepare you for? seems like one of those things that someone would only take seriously with a full on BM/BFA/whatever in it.

>> No.11790445

>not diving into the richness of the philosophical canon?
Do you not like philosophy anon?

>> No.11790454

College is a fucking scam, but it's necessary anon. Aerospace here, and I can tell you there is absolutely no way to survive without college in any field remotely related. It's not about knowing the material or even being smart - it's about making connections with influential people, it's about demonstrating a work ethic and time management, it's about getting a degree from an accredited institution, and it's about doing research or club activities that give you work experience.

>> No.11790458

That too. One of the reasons why I will never achieve anything meaningful in the field.But it ain't absolutely worst problem there is.

>> No.11790466

Wrong post tagged.

>> No.11790472

I am majoring in taking it up the ass with a minor in giving sloppy blowjobs to big hard cocks

>> No.11790479

safety engineering

I can't complain, but wish I didn't live in a third world shithole though

>> No.11790482


>> No.11790489

just another school of hard knobs grad

>> No.11790498
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Double major in English lit and Philosophy, I'm at a small rural Australian university so that's a rare combo. Probably going to do post-grad.

>> No.11790500

please anon I come to /lit/ to get away from such perversions

>> No.11790501

Math and CS here. Wish I had switched CS out for physics

>> No.11790514

why is I love NY so popular, "I love a city I can't afford to live in"

>> No.11790528

I did begin with plato several years ago and have only began with schopenhauer recently, though I had been waiting to read him in full for years. Kant is definintely required to fully appreaciate schopenhauer, as his entire philosophy is predicated upon him. But schopenhauer is one of the most clear and concise philosophers I've ever had the pleasure to read. The complete inverse from hegel which I had read just prior(who schopenhauer detests) Even though schopenhauer explicitly states one needs to be fully read on kant, he does re frame kant in a clearer light then kant himself. Though he recommends reading both fourfold and on vision and color(First chapter) prior to reading the world as will. I obtained my copies from university libraries that my friends attend.

I began my philosophical journey with the canon and strayed from it at my leisure. I began with plato etc. I make sure to have read spinoza and hume prior to kant, and kant prior to schopenhauer etc. I attempted to make the most of the little I have.

>> No.11790541
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>tfw you're going to graduate late and have to learn how to trick all these kids born in 1999 who think differently than everybody you've had to trick before

>> No.11790566


t.pro capitalism

>> No.11790568

I glanced into Schopenhauer a few hours ago, damn he's so comfy, but I'm not ready yet

>> No.11790572

Sociology (and social policy)

>> No.11790585

math and physics
barely have anytime left to read anymore

>> No.11790595

Can't you sum up Schopenhauer in 10 minutes without losing any of it? What's with the "I'm not ready yet"/"I've been preparing to study this for years" mentality around him? Lol

>> No.11790598

oh, and the uppanishads is also a recommend! its a short religious text and is fantastic. many philophers such as heidaggar and schopenhaur speak about how mind blowing the text is.

>> No.11790602

What hope do humanities have if the STEM boys are equally as well read in the classics simply in their own free time?

>> No.11790608

You are merely allowing your intellect to ripen which will make it only that much more sweet! He is one of the more clearly written philosophers I've ever read, yet remains one of the most profound.

>> No.11790631

Thanks for the info, anon. The philosophy section at my university's library is quite huge so this sounds like a wonderful opportunity to finally give his works a try.
>the uppanishads
Would a background in Buddhism help much? I tried the Gita but I felt really lost without a companion.

>> No.11790635

humanities has always been the field of the less intellectually gifted and it will always remain that way

>> No.11790639

Economics + English

>> No.11790646

I wanna work for the government, specifically the Department of State, idk what I should major in

I mean I'm gonna kill myself by the time I'm 30 most likely, but until then I'm not sure

>> No.11790650

street cred, prestige, feeling important, having stuff to post on Instagram so you can feel good about yourself
vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas

>> No.11790659

is that the beginning of Ecclesiastes. That book is so based, i always imagine it as a series of blogposts he is making

>> No.11790665
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go to undergrad for cheap and major in something related to the field you want to go in then go to Georgetown for masters in international affairs

>> No.11790672

i like this guy

>> No.11790678
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That's what I am planning on doing.
How is the work load?

>> No.11790679

yeah, its so damn good, my nigga Qoheleth tAlks real shit

>> No.11790698

Foreign service or domestic?

>> No.11790701

the #1 thing you're going to want to make sure is you can indicate to them is you're not an annoying asshole. If you have a masters in international affairs but you sound half as pretentious as anyone on this board nobody's going to want you even serving their coffee. That's my biggest advice, because I like you, and I have a government job myself. I want you to know that much.

>> No.11790704

atmospheric science PhD program

>> No.11790713

this. every limp-dick faggot-lipped scrawny-ass dipshits with Starbucks and flannels and patchy beards thinks they’re the most righteous person on earth just because they have a masters degree and sign up for Council on Foreign Relations’ email newsletter. nobody wants them around.

>> No.11790753

It is perfectly suited to be read without any prior knowledge of Hinduism. It is often recommend as the place to start! Buddhism isn't required, but will definitely aid in your appreciation. It is a mind blowing read, and quite simple.

>> No.11790756


>> No.11790758


Do a dissertation on Schopenhauer if you want to study Schopenhauer

>> No.11790773

Where do I begin with Shop?

>> No.11790785

read kant so old arthur can tell you where kant was wrong

>> No.11790807

>Butthurt cradle robber detected

>> No.11790855

Chemistry Msc
Physics Msc
Currently PhD

>> No.11790864

Is dropping out /lit/

>> No.11790925

Yes, much more so than a normalfag major by far

>> No.11790932

>tfw too bored by International Affairs to actually make money in the humanities
How do you cope, bros?

>> No.11790966

Same anon, loving it.

>> No.11790999

Can you expand more on this?

>> No.11791019

>when you can easily learn those things in your spare time for pleasure.
yea maybe if you want a hobbyist's understanding of either. Your comment just shows how little you know about either.

>> No.11791051

I could probably go to grad school for philosophy, but I'm not sure that I really want to. The job prospects really seem awful.

>> No.11791053


>> No.11791217

Philosophy and English lit, was NEET for 5 years though so I've already read a bunch of the shit (not that it's entirely useless, had some very lucid lectures on Heidegger and other subjects), so a lot of it is boring and I'm too old to make any friends

>> No.11791244

Yeah I'm still not sure whether I made the right choice with physics. I love it and all I just have no idea what I'm going to do after school //;

>> No.11791254
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Would he have liked Elfen Lied ?

>> No.11791311

Dual majors of Marketing and Literature studies.
Marketing is somewhat interesting and has good employment prospects where I am, but I'm currently working in something completely unrelated. The Lit component of my degree is what I really enjoyed though. I made some good friends and was genuinely interested in the content to the point where it often didn't feel like study, rather learning I would have done with my own time for pleasure.

>> No.11791427

Right, because listening to a professor spoonfeed you knowledge is better than just understanding it by yourself. And not just that, but also having to endure pieces of work you don't really care about.

>> No.11791521

I don't know what school you go to, but I sure as hell don't have a professor spoonfeed me knowledge lol. Maybe that's what you think education is considering you've been stuck in stem hell

>> No.11791546
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English w/ concentration in writing and composition. I’m also doing a Spanish minor too.

The plan after that is to shoot for an English writing and comp M.A. w/ a concentration in post-secondary pedology.

From there I want to go through OCS and spend a few years in the military

>> No.11791562

Finance is easy lol. And it's not that bad, just get a job at a BB for two years after college, make bank, then leave to PE or something not soul sucking.

>> No.11791576
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>yfw you wish to gain a philosophy degree and be involved with academic shenanigans, despite the fact that you can barely speak around everyone without looking down in anxious shame
fuckin a

>> No.11791588

I used to have that problem. Whatever it is thats holding you back, you need to fix it asap.

>> No.11791600
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yfw the interesting degrees also have the lowest prospects of employment and you are forced to find an unsatisfying compromise between professional pragmatism and the pursuit of a genuine passion.

>> No.11791642

neither of you will ever do anything not soul sucking because you don't have any education in anything worthwhile. You have nothing to offer the world other than stealing people's money through margins. You aren't even fit to make money through crpyto currency like smart people do b/c you need a cs degree to get consulting work and make bank
>tfw you fucked up more than stemfags

>> No.11791692

good shit

>> No.11791700

I'm eletrical engineering too. Focusing on avionics

>> No.11791711

Entering 3rd year of philosophy major, so far classes have been introductory impersonal blandness + elective classes. I've taken 4 major specific classes because there's so many common edu. courses to take, and my respect for academic philosophy is plummeting rapidly. I've gotten so much more passion and interest from Zarathustra, Schelling and Plato, will it ever get considerably harder? I complained to my dept. chair about it and he was like "lol well maybe you should switch to bio and like observe animals and stuff". I'm almost convinced he's just got abysmal faith in his department, or maybe I'm looking in the wrong places for the kind of questions I would've wrongly believed I ever cared for.

>> No.11791730

Are you American? I feel the same way desu, I think , analytic philosophy seems to be dry and disconnected. It's philosophy's attempt to try to and be Math/Science.

>> No.11791736

doesn't sound like a scam to me. sounds like you're paying for the opportunity to meet and work with other smart people. try doing that outside the academy, you get /lit/ meetups. Sad!

>> No.11791743

Yeah, it's a small school as well. Most are doing nursing or business

>> No.11791751

>time management
I got through chemE by procrastinating until the last possible moment, then staying up until 8 in the morning. Fuck that pussy shit. Don't need it in real life either.

>> No.11791820

I just switched my major to CS from IT this semester and I feel the same way as you. Do employers really expect you to program in your free time? Perhaps I should switch again. I've little idea of what to do. I'm really too old to still be in undergrad.

>> No.11791847
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History w/ Western Civ. concentration. Surprised that I'm the only one. Been learning Koine so I can do something with the Byzantines in post-grad.

>> No.11791859

Is Computer Engineering fun?

>> No.11791911

Mechanical engineering

It's alright if you have the interest. Eniugh interest to slodge through the workload too

>> No.11791946

The classic "freedom on someone elses grounds or a prisoner on my own"

>> No.11791963

easy there you communist shill. the finance guys aren't the evil ones, its the marketers and government guys that fuck everyone over. also, finance is the language of business, so there's countless things you can do with it too.

enjoy your unemployment.

t. an entrepreneur doing something cooler than you could ever dream of

>> No.11791972

How old are you

>> No.11791988

don't insult me. I specifically dress in a way to avoid associating myself with non-(STEM)academic plebs like you

>> No.11792004
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Me too. Currently writing my thesis on fascism in 1930s rural Australia. One of my professors has been suggesting I specialise in fascism for my career, which I'm very happy to do.

>> No.11792017

Not sure yet

>> No.11792018

keep drinking your onions and leeching off the taxpayer's money

>> No.11792136

OP here. What are the prospects like in the field? As a philosophy major my prospects are bleak, how is it in history? Im a history minor right now, so it would be very easy to double major switch majors on the fly.

>> No.11792143

i have a music degree from the royal college in London

>> No.11792154

>What are the prospects like in the field?
Honestly no idea. Though my professors have told me that the reason they've been sticking their necks out for me is because its pretty much impossible to get into the field without connections. So with help and a good reputation among the staff can go a long way I think

>> No.11792233

>International relations/affairs
It's a new area in which they try to compile economy, geography, history, geopolitics, philosophy, sociology, political science and as a bonus marketing into one big pile of shit named above. I live in Brazil, so there are no jobs for this kind of shenanigans here.

But fuck it anyways, I'm going to yurop to study culinary arts and I'll do what I like, I've tried to be a serious men for my family, but my country is shit. Still I don't regret studying all that though.

>> No.11792255


Wouldn’t change it either, AMA

>> No.11792272


>> No.11792274

computer information systems
hate it

>> No.11792280

is sociology a good major ?

>> No.11792292

Maybe don't drop it entirely, but add a second, useful major. Tbh I'd say the same if you switched to English lit. Law, business, any of the STEMs are good for getting a job, and philosophy and writing skills are good for getting out of those jobs and into something more creative and interesting. But at least they'll pay your bills for a bit. Nonfiction authors benefit from experience in a field.

>> No.11792303

Because I like writing and I’m glad I am studying literature. I want to publish good fiction and this has brought me closer to my goal.

>> No.11792313

Philosophy. Wish I could do STEM but it's all capped and I couldn't make it in. I might double major in literature and phil tho.

>> No.11792319

I was Phil major too but my department had a focus on the Greeks. It was great always talking about Socrates.

>> No.11792324

True Patrician

>> No.11792329

sergey get back to work

>> No.11792330

Read Faust

>> No.11792366

Dropped out like a bitch because I loathed myself after two years in econ. I should go back to a lit major or phil major but what's the fucking point
At this point I just want money to buy a house and live moderately while I read and lift

>> No.11792373

I was studying politics, philosophy and economics but I dropped my semester a few weeks ago

>> No.11792379
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>> No.11792404
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Going through film school at the moment and I do identify a lot with you.
Êtes-vous français? Avez-vous étudié à La Femis, par hasard? Je pense à obtenir ma nationalité européenne afin que je puisse peut-être essayer d'y entrer là-bas.

>> No.11792415

History, phd candidate
I thought the strict moderation at askhistorians as unnecessary at best, and absurd at worst

I stopped posting at /his/ after seeing the zoomers dunning kurger effect for too many times

>> No.11792436

good luck, based anon.

>> No.11792449

Thanks, man. Good luck to you too, kind anon.

>> No.11792620
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I majored in mathematics inspired by a book written by Georg Henrik von Wright, but I betrayed him. My journey to the mystical realm of logic turned out to be a study of space and structure. On the other hand, topos theory connects those worlds, and, a bit surprisingly, Hintikka refers to toposes in a book of his.

>> No.11792652

If you study philo or English in college then you've to study things that you already know or things that you are not interested in or dont ever need. Plus you pay for that educaysson. Philo or English won't get you a job outside of teaching it in uni

>> No.11792669


>> No.11792711

Sounds very interesting, jealous myself, nice man.

>> No.11792719

Try whitehead

>> No.11792724

I have read a lot of Whitehead's stuff, but not the Albert North variant's. At the moment, I'm preparing some applications for PhD programs and grants, so I'll check his stuff out later this Autumn.

>> No.11792729

Same experience here, went into undergrad (english + phil like you) later after NEETing it up and it's been mostly a waste of time. I've already read all these texts and feel i already reached undegrad level before i even started. What a waste of time.

>> No.11792738

medicine -> psychiatry

have a lot of catching up to do with social sciences

>> No.11792765

Clean your rooms

>> No.11793456

Propoganda and psychology.

>> No.11793528
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Japanese Language and Literature. This is my last year (of 5) and I barely can speak the language (I'm n3-n2). I'm also hating Japanese classics and, besides, i'm not even a nissei/sansei, just a brazilian autist who don't know what to do with his life.

I'm tired, /lit/.

>> No.11793552

Double major, joint honours math and comp sci with a minor in philosophy. Won't say which uni since you woulb be able to identify me. Top 30 in North america though. Enjoying it a lot actually.

>> No.11793690

From my short few visits to /his/ I found the people there generally as obnoxious as STEMfags, but not quite the STEMlords on 4chan as more so the ones you meet in real life. It's like they use their knowledge to lord over you despite most of it just being details of random wars they like because they're secret chuunis and they consume it like a respectable form of genre fiction. I think that group of people is among the least self-aware on 4chan, really. Not all /his/fags, mind, but if you've been there you know what I'm talking about. History itself is cool though.

>> No.11793718

You are a Brazillian weeaboo, right?

>> No.11793735


No tbqh, I don't even watch animes nor read mangas. I like writing, only. That's my shit.

>> No.11793757

Why? Physics is no jobs, cs is jobs. Im also maths and cs

>> No.11793817

I don't quite understand the College system you guys have in the US. Where I'm from you go to school until 19 pretty much, and then you apply for uni at which majors and minors don't really exist. For example; if you wanted to become a doctor here, you'd start studying medicine at university at 19 - how'd you do it in the US?

>> No.11793834

From what I understand, most people study something related like biology or a pre-medical concentration, and then use that to go to medical school.

>> No.11793844

As a fellow countryman, I wish to you good luck, boi.

>> No.11793851

I tried studying that for a bit. It was interesting but it didn't suit my future goals. I don't wanna be a government drone, I was probably gonna end up working for a non-profit anyway, and I can do that with just about any major, even the shitty ones.

>> No.11793859

Double in English and Arabic, now I work a dead end job at a dying bookstore franchise

>How's your life going?

>> No.11793877

Arabic seems like something you could do some cool shit with.

>> No.11793879


Thanks a lot for this, It's silly but means a lot to me. Very thanks.

>> No.11793881

You'd think so... thus far no application I've sent out to any job involving Arabic has even bothered to respond

>> No.11793891

What country do you live in? Perhaps you could look into some form of government position or work as a translator. Considering current events, demand for people who know Arabic is probably fairly high.

>> No.11793899

The majority of people graduate high school at age 18 and go straight into a 4-year degree at a university composed of many colleges which you'll take a decent sample of courses from due to general education requirements for all undergrad degrees, but will take almost exclusively courses in your area of study from the second half onward to graduation. For a career in law or medicine, the standard route is a 4-year degree in something like Philosophy or one of many Science fields respectively, and then you'd take the MCAT which is a notoriously difficult exam that is more or less the official judgement for what you've learned so far, which is a critical factor when applying for med school, which is another four-or-so years followed by two of guided practice and potentially more for specialization, and then you officially begin. Doctors make absurd money but those initial 8-12 years of education are so prohibitively expensive that it's why you'll hear tales of med students who are a very bright bunch living on scraps and struggling a lot - it's the hardest educational institution here by a good bit AFAIK, and if it's not a legitimate calling for you you're gonna get filtered out at some point. Law is less rigorous but employment is much worse there right now.

>> No.11793912

I have applied to every government agency within the U.S. that I can think of, the applications take forever cause there is all kinds of security bullshit, and then they never respond,

>> No.11793934
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Mechanical engineering, starting at 85k next year

>They fell for the liberal arts meme

>> No.11793944

Classics (Greek/Latin language intensive) & Philosophy major here. One cannot start with the greeks if one is unable to read the actual greek.

ya'll have to seek out the profs/courses that don't deal in hypothetical masturbatory exercises in "how many ways can we think about this one thing!" and instead look for those courses that take the subject material seriously, engage with it in a consistent and progressively more comprehensive manner, and at the same time let yourself go along for the ride when the prof leads the material to conclusions that you may very well be predisposed against. I just recently dropped a course at uni b/c the teacher (who'd taught a number of years at an American Ivy league) was just teaching the course as an exercise for their current bookwriting process, which meant that the students were subject to the prof's ever-shifting mental exercises about how to think of the subject of the course. It was fucking annoying beyond all belief and struck me as incredibly unphilosophical, or as one of you anons had said, phil's attempt to try to be Math/Science.

>> No.11793945

Right, I see. Aspiring doctors here choose a natural science-focused program at 16 for those last 3 years of school (technically not mandatory either, but they might as well be, and probably will be in the future). At 19 (often later) they can head into medicine at university with either high grades across the board, or a very good sweSAT score. Med school here is basically a 5,5 year Master's degree that incorporates a lot of clinical work in the later half; after getting the degree they then have what one might call an internship (decent pay, obviously) for about 18 - 20 months after which they get their license. Then it's off to get specialised which is about 5 years or so of work, as it would be in most places. Strictly speaking, you're not a proper specialist until about 12 years after you start your education, but you only spend a few years in a strictly academic environment, and can probably start working extra in hospitals before you even get your degree, with the average medical intern earning somewhere around 3300$ a month, atleast last I checked. That obviously rises considerably when they get the license, and then again as they work on their specialisation, and even more after they're done. I guess our med students are better off in a way because of tax-funded education and study grants/loans being quite advantageous

>> No.11793946

>he still doesn't realize what it means for Trump to have frozen pay for federal workers

>> No.11793950

What do you think it means?

>> No.11793957

Money don’t mean nothin

>> No.11793994

MechEnganon better find employment with a military subcontractor

>> No.11794036

Double checked, and apparently they intend to remove the internship, as it's been unreliable and put a lot of aspiring doctors' licenses on hold, replacing it with another term at university (6 years in total) and an added "introductory year" that is handled by the National Board of Health and Welfare directly, rather than the individual hospitals.

>> No.11794216
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I'm the MechEng and 85k is my starting salary with the government / military

Never will ever work more than 8 hours in a day in my life, will never worry about being fired

t. Starbucks barista

>> No.11794280

you'd better pray we never collapse ala-Soviet Union from bloated military spending in spite of literally everything else in our country

>> No.11794288


>> No.11794378

Do you know the only part of the government that survived the fall of the Soviet Union? That's right - military and those that supported them. Do a quick google for me on what Putin's role in the USSR was. They're still in charge.

Not that that will ever happen anyways. We're way too rich for that to happen; we're not starving communists

>> No.11794395
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Based and red pilled

>> No.11794398

>Pic related is what I'd like to be studying, but instead we study Russell and his acolytes.

This must suck, but if you've had studied Schopenhauer beforehand you'd know better than to study academic "philosophy"

>> No.11794429

I wish I could do this. Right now now I am majoring in CS and might go for a business or ITT degree.

>> No.11794434
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Doctor. Thinking about doing research on genetics also

>> No.11794452


>> No.11794453

What's the best humanities major out of philosophy, history and literature?

>> No.11794654

Environmental Sciences student here, more interested in the genetics/evolution side of things though. Surprised there are so few natural sciences anons in here, considering how low quality most threads in /sci/ usually are.

>> No.11794776

Damn, you sound like the Brazilian version of me. Im also on my 4th year of a 5 year program studying Japanese and Literature. The language really is a bitch. Personally Im pretty comfortable with speaking, but reading is hard. Im probably around lower N2.

>> No.11794874

how far along are you? I'm same age and about halfway done, feels bad but honestly I don't care. When I'm 35 I'll LOL@MYSELF for feeling like this. It's only going to matter before your first job/postdoc, after that the blemish is as good as gone.

>> No.11794915

>too old
Don't fall for the american meme that you need to dive straight into higher studies after high school or whatever. University is not and should not be seen as a fucking vocational school; it's a place of learning and research for adults. A few years here and there don't matter at all. As long as you're in your 20s you'll probably have an easy time fitting into the student life too.

>> No.11794961


Would have went Classical Studies if i didn't care about making money but i needed student loans to afford college

>> No.11795009

Huh, my mom's in the foreign service and also has clinical depression.
She doubled in Spanish and Economics btw, but that was in the 80s/90s so maybe that's not the best route these days.

I wish you luck, anon.

>> No.11795526

oh no, I was perfectly aware that the change from SU to Russia as we now know it is only in name, and Russia's modern day foreign policy betrays this fact that it still has to deign itself the regional powerhouse of central Asia/eastern Europe. You have a point that the military will likely outlive any government collapse - but that leaves me wondering who you think is exactly too rich, and how poverty isn't as prevalent (though yes, admittedly not as dire) in the U.S. as it was in the Soviet Union.
One only has to look at the current American opioid crisis to acknowledge how pathetically futile the SU's attempts were to enforce alcohol's prohibition in the 80's to stave off rampant alcoholism; and a comparison between the two crises should betray another reason as to why the comparison between starving communists and impoverished white working class (read: real & historically crucial Americans) isn't too far off.

>> No.11795597

i don't know what kind of ''local library'' you have where you can find large collections with in dept information about every field of study, but my local library's catalogue of the subject i'm studying in uni (economics) absolutely pales in comparison with what they have in our universities library (which is only available to the students there)

as for finding stuff on the internet, good luck finding pdfs of obscure works containing specialized information

>> No.11795640

Wildlife Science
>it's an identify 10 different carp that have been in storage for 15 years lab
simply ebic

>> No.11795708

Im in medicine, looking to do psychiatry and write on the side

>> No.11795816


>> No.11795829

Who /dropout/ here?
Uni is a capitalist scam

>> No.11795906

I was about to drop out and join the navy during the freshman because of how gay the whole thing was desu. Glad I didn't though.

>> No.11795910

I'm about to begin my MPhil in History, and aim to enter academia. How are funding and post-doc prospects? I'd heard they are bleak.

>> No.11795927

1. Law.
2. Philosophy.
3. Theology (I need to finish philosophy first, tho).

Getting two masters after finishing my first two majors:

1. Political Sciences.
2. Classics.

And then I'll join one or two Ph. D. programs.

P.D: Universities are not worth a fucking shit.

>> No.11795968

I barely ever even went, I was going slowly insane at the time, and rarely made it in to class. I stopped going altogether around February when i lost contact with the girl id been 'dating' and just couldnt think of a reason to actually make the trip.

I did very well in highschool without trying very hard so it is too bad, because I probably could have succeeded, but being insane sort of prevents that from happening.

>> No.11795992


>> No.11796069

It's fine, just make sure you manage your time effectively and realistically. Give yourself time to do nothing aswell my best essays were written when I did all my reading and planning then did nothing for a week before writing. Also talk to your lecturers about the interplay between the two majors.

>> No.11796340

University is a debt trap

>> No.11796348

that sucks, retard. The best mathematicians have all been far from being so narrow in their interest. Its kind of sad in a hopelessly autistic way if ur serious... Dont loose sight of the forest, kiddo

>> No.11796365

What sort of job are you expecting? Youbetter know how to program if you dont plan on doing post doc

>> No.11796438

>all these humanities itt

Thank you. You are making sure I don't have to worry about ever not finding a job.

>> No.11796495
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Computer Engineering

>> No.11796539
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Information Technology because I'm too retarded for CS

>> No.11796543

biology and political science

>> No.11796578
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not enjoying it but not hating it, just an insipid, harrowing feeling of wasting my youth in something i like.

also i get lots of free time to write, so i guess this is fine

>> No.11796638

Since I just switched majors I probably have another 3 years before I finish a bachelor's degree and I'll be 26 or 27 by then.
I understand what you're saying. I guess I just feel like I can't actually see myself as a responsible, independent adult until I've finish a degree because my family has always put a lot of value into it.

Thanks for the replies, bros.

>> No.11796662

I took a 300 level literature class during my freshman year at a prestigious college, that several students complained was "more like a graduate level class". There was no problem keeping up without any prior knowledge, and while there were some interesting academic theories mentioned,those can be picked up by casually flipping through a book of literary criticism, or you know, downloading a podcast or two.

The same can be done with mathematics sure (science requiring a laboratory), but its a lot harder to keep focused through the monotonous parts. Besides, you can always skim an influential (yet uninteresting) novel, an uninteresting yet influential formula has to be carefully worked through, usually multiple times, in order to fully understand it.

Also, I'd say that reading mathematics texts in an academic context has made me a much more careful reader than any literature focused course I've taken.

>> No.11796666

I'm in the same boat, and empathize strongly with the family pressure (it's annoying because it's stupid). Just keep trucking along m8, I'm sure by the time we're in our senior level classes, the age variances will be much greater.

>> No.11796983

Thanks, anon. Nice digits. Younger siblings and cousins graduating and making more money before me plus not knowing what I really want to do to make a living are also things that weigh on me. Sometimes I just want to throw it all away and enlist in the military or go to a trade school or something. Sorry for blogging. I'll try to persevere.

>> No.11796987

I law studied law and accounting. I don't recommend law as a career.

>> No.11796998

Is it true you laugh at patients' penises?

>> No.11797024

> but that leaves me wondering who you think is exactly too rich, and how poverty isn't as prevalent (though yes, admittedly not as dire) in the U.S. as it was in the Soviet Union.

Everyone in America is rich compared to the the majority of the world. Especially when compared to China and Russia, our only real opponents. Surviving on $0.95 a day in China puts you over the poverty line lmao.

Our economy is perfectly fine right now. It's excellent, even. If you can't get a job as an American citizen you have only yourself to blame. America collapsing within the next century is a silly leftist fantasy.

> One only has to look at the current American opioid crisis
The comparison is not that great because opiods are far more addictive than alcohol. Additionally, the American lower class is encouraged to do drugs by popular media.

The poor in America are kept happy on a diet of sweets and pleeeeenty of distractions, from social media to reality TV. In the SU it was a diet of breadcrumbs and communist propaganda. Our poor die of obesity and heart disease. Their poor starved to death.

>> No.11797032
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Wildlife and Conservation

>> No.11797044

i graduated 3 years ago. I learned python, R, and SQL and I used them all pretty much daily as a data analyst

>> No.11797051
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t. Lachlan

>> No.11797052

you do a lot of diving?

>> No.11797070

I'm a rural Australian too, what universities would you recommend for your courses lad? I cannot stand Melbourne style city universities

>> No.11797074

no it's dumbed down critical theory

>> No.11797083

>Melbourne style
What the fuck are you on about? Those have never been unique to Melbourne. Every city has them.

>> No.11797093

Nice dude. I was gonna go for R but its kind of a weird gig. Is its use diminishing in favor of python these days or what?

>> No.11797098

Hmm which uni, i too live in methstralia

>> No.11797104

Just know that I'm in the same exact boat and have often considered the same exact things anon. American life is so strangely competitive and there's no respectable way to opt out that I've yet found. Best to just persevere, as you say.

>> No.11797108

>willingly wanting to work for the cathedral

>> No.11797111

if you have ever been to Melbourne you should be fully aware what I mean by Melbourne style

>> No.11797114

Nothing to say except that I also have the same thoughts every day. Sometimes I wish I had chosen to pursue an English degree, but it would have probably ruined my love for reading.

>> No.11797115

New England?

>> No.11797123

I'm from Melbourne and now live in Perth.

>> No.11797134 [DELETED] 

i would say they fill separate niches. Python is a "real" programming language, so better for modular development in a production environment. R is great for quick and dirty statistical analysis, and seems to be the first tool of choice for academic statisticians so its packages are always on the cutting edge

>> No.11797145

i would say they fill separate niches. Python is a "real" programming language, so better for modular development in a production environment. R is great for quick and dirty statistical analysis, and seems to be the first tool of choice for academic statisticians so its packages are always on the cutting edge

>> No.11797172

Biology. I unironically Love the field

>> No.11797179

Yeah, damn.
As you say, I also wish sometimes that I didn't choose something "practical" and instead studied a subject I enjoy like some of the other anons in here such as history or literature, but could I look back after having finished and think of it as a worthwhile time and money investment? Would it lead to a career which I wouldn't dread? I'm so lost, man. I envy the people that know exactly what they want to pursue and achieve within their lifetime.

>> No.11797213

I think it's impossible for anyone to know if a certain degree will lead to an enjoyable career in your adulthood or be "worthwhile" in the long run, but fuck, I envy the people who at least enjoy their coursework. I'm always both too overwhelmed by my workload and too paranoid that I'm going down the wrong path to actually enjoy my time in university, however long it may last. I'm too constrained by my own worries to fearlessly devote my full effort to anything, and I'm ashamed for it.

I feel lost as well. I don't know what to value about myself or my life. I hope that in the future I can look back on this period of my life and laugh at how silly I was to worry so much about everything.

>> No.11797234

everything sucks lmao. Unless you already have enough capital to get shit rolling, that is.

My current plan is to finish school and look for an ok "career" that it opened up for me. If that doesn't work, I can always go balls deep as a contractor of some sort so I can at least set my own schedule, if it works.

>> No.11797239

This. Once I finish my gender studies degree I plan to make my millions as a genius day trader

>> No.11797243

I would love to work for Jane Street, its a secret ambition of mine. No harm in trying, I guess.

>> No.11797274
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Studying something like history or literature is dumb as fuck. You can learn everything they can learn by reading books. Just go to the library. What a waste of 4 years and tens of thousands of dollars.

How many prolific writers had to be taught how to write by a curmudgeonly professor? Zero. You've either got it or you don't, and if you don't then you can work on yourself to get it. But you don't need to pay money to do that.

The dream is to make a lot of money with a career that's pretty good (STEM, business) and then follow passions (history, reading, writing, making art, making music) on your own time. Don't listen to a word from stupid majors, 90% of them are going to be F U C K E D when they graduate and the 10% that succeed would have succeeded wherever they went.

>> No.11797288

What uni dude

>> No.11797300

Are you me? I can't seem to commit myself 100% to anything either.
At least you have a plan and an idea of how to execute it.

>> No.11797321

I know that what you say is true, anon. I'm just hoping I can muster the conviction to dive into my STEM degree, get a nice job, and use the rest of my time to enjoy consuming and producing nice stories and maybe start a family.

>> No.11797363

Deakin and University of Tasmania

>> No.11797389

Damn that's cool. I'm in Texas

We have some cool birds here.

>> No.11797429

I like your vultures. The wildlife in Tas is beautiful

>> No.11797463
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No, American. I just finished undergrad this spring. If I do decide to go to film school it won't be for a few years at least. Top picks would definitely be Columbia or La Fémis though. I don't have to get French citizenship to study there do I? Just an extended visa or something, right?

>> No.11797465

im a philosophy major in what is considered as a "public ivy" here in the US. the department and the students seem to think that doing philosophy means being an apologist for the current state of affairs, whether explicitly or implicitly. sad to see such petty politics be considered as philosophy

>> No.11797475

>public ivy
the absolute state

>> No.11797477

Same, I graduated back in May after writing a paper on impressment in the British navy. Trying to join the military now.

>> No.11797487

I'm pretty sure that's College of William and Mary's shtick.

>> No.11797491

thats why i placed it in quotation marks you illiterate mongoloid. this place fucking sucks

>> No.11797507
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My meaning was, "the absolute state OF YOU", my butthurt friend. Enjoy your public philosophical education

>> No.11797520

lmao shit i just noticed that. this place is making me dumber by the minute. anyways, i hope you never run into a shitty place like the one im in, my anon friend

>> No.11797543
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Are the devils really dying n stuff?

>> No.11797561

Yep. Shit's fucked and it's used and advertised as an academic attraction. I think they'll be alright for a while.

>> No.11797586

Yeah all our Bats and frogs have got fungus growing on them, we're using up more water than we'll be able to sustain soon, but at least we've got a shitton of deer (but chronic wasting disease is a problem but predators are scary).

>> No.11797604

And with Michigican, UNC Chapel Hill, UCLA, UVA. Hell my alma mater is trying their damnedest to get to that level.

>> No.11797657

Don't even try anon. Speaking as someone who started college in their early twenties.

I made the mistake of trying to make friends and sleep with woman, you know, went around making eye contact with people and flirting with girls and so on. Instantly got pegged as a sexual predator and ostracized. Looking back, I really wish I'd just avoided people, apparently that's the cool thing to do in college, act allusive and mysterious. These are edgy too-smart-for-u teenagers after all.

Currently a drop out, lying on my resume while I job hunt. Working on an application to AUB next year to minor in Geology- pick up Arabic and Persian as well- I figure it will take me places. Eventually I'd like to be a spy but I'd take being a well paid field geologist too.

>> No.11797694

>Tasmanians actually exist

I'm genuinely shocked

>> No.11798483

Yeh boi

>> No.11798508

UNE armidale

>> No.11798535

Never went and I dont have a genuine interest in any field tbqh. Stems gay humanities are very gay. I want a boulder oe somthing to just fall on my head and kill me instantly

>> No.11798539

Energy systems engineering.
Probably the most versatile STEM degree, a little bit of everything from electronics to thermodynamics.

>> No.11798661

> life is the pursuit of money

>> No.11798741
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Compsci and philosophy

>> No.11798792

I have a free four year degree from working for the military Jew. How the fuck do I find out what I want to study? I'm 23.

>> No.11798836

what are you interested in?

What are you trying to get out of college?

>> No.11799335

Most of the science-fiction sounding topics that idiot normies dismiss as "conspiracy theories" because Bill Nye didn't talk about it are actually true.

>> No.11799519

tfw dont't like what I'm studying but don't know what else to do and I only see a life of misery ahead of me.

>> No.11799670
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Molecular Biology
>tfw my department is full of fascists

>> No.11799673

Are you a fascist yourself?

>> No.11799892

Why's that?

>> No.11799909

Dunno why. IIRC chemistry is one of the only fields where the far right has a stronger presence than the far left.

Also 'race realism' has a far more firmer molecular basis than redditors would have you believe.

>> No.11800631
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>getting to know the professors.

>> No.11800718


>> No.11801554

>I think it's impossible for anyone to know if a certain degree will lead to an enjoyable career in your adulthood or be "worthwhile" in the long run,
this t.b.h it feels so arbitrary. pure suicide fuel

>> No.11801774

Geography with a specialization in GIS (basically means I studied mapmaking). I've always loved maps and now have an entry level job in city planning so yeah I'm happy with my degree. Work is pretty boring desu but I decide on street names and addresses for new subdivisions which impresses girls so it's meh

>> No.11802144

compsci got me interested in philosophy

>> No.11802236

Why the fuck would you major in philosophy op

>> No.11802245


>> No.11802256

>How many prolific writers had to be taught how to write by a curmudgeonly professor? Zero.
Oof... How can you condense so many incorrect statements into one post?

>> No.11802278

Didn't most of the authors that /lit/ idolises study tertiary writing and/or literature

>> No.11802299


>> No.11802324
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David Foster Wallace
Wallace attended Amherst College, his father's alma mater, where he majored in English and philosophy, and graduated summa cum laude in 1985.

Thomas Pynchon
He reportedly attended lectures given by Vladimir Nabokov, who then taught literature at Cornell. Pynchon received his BA in June 1959.

James Joyce
Joyce enrolled at the recently established University College Dublin (UCD) in 1898, studying English, French and Italian.

I can keep going.

>> No.11802332
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>cum laude
more like cum lord

>> No.11802337

DFW is shit
Pynchon is a meme
Joyce is actually good
now name the countless great authors which never studied language at a university, college or academy

>> No.11802344


>> No.11802373

Cause I thought it would be cool, but then I realized analytic philosophy is at it's core pedantry about words.

>> No.11802387

>doing something you're passionate about means someone will pay you to do it

>> No.11802397

>every day is the same mundane shit
>you will only become rich in your 60s or 70s and have to work for the rest of your life
>will die the day you make your first million
Glad I'm not a materialistic teen like you are

>> No.11802429

>I mean I'm gonna kill myself by the time I'm 30 most likely

>> No.11802435


>> No.11802446
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>thinks finance people are parasites
>thinks smart people invest in crypto
>is likely an English major
>thinks he's not a parasite

>> No.11802456

He was referring to the people involved in projects dealing with cryptocurrencies and DLT, the people who are working their asses off to bring about the Fourth Industrial Revolution, not nigger-tier "investors."

>> No.11802488

History and International Relations

>> No.11802647

>kill myself by 30

Entomology/Ecology/English major. Last year of uni, gonna try do an MFA after and sacrifice everything in my life to be a poet. Wish me luck.

>> No.11802749

Animal and Poultry science and Creative Writing, the James Harriet combo

>> No.11802756

Religion w Japanese minor
i guess i'll go to law school? maybe JET? fuck

>> No.11802760

Electrical Engineering

>> No.11803241
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In TAFE doing general IT bullshit
going to transfer into CompSci 2nd year in 2020 (hopefully, if i dont fuck up my advanced diploma:get enough credits)
>being pressured into finding a job and moving out while fulltime student
>have to deal with feelings of incompetence seeing as how i was a bright student (what everyone said) but flunked last year of highschool and ended up fucked, while the rest of my friends are studying medicine and law
>always tired and hard to feel like im awake
>havent read a book since i finished kafka (over 4months ago)

i didnt ask for this. thanks for reading my blog

>> No.11803307

Study Psychology. It's the most interesting thing you can study where you actually have good job opportunities once you're done.

>> No.11803694

Oceanography major.

Went in searching for adventures, got them, but eventually just settled in, forgetting my original purpose, just going day by day, without some Moby Dick esque odyssey.

I am working with microfossils, which are cool in their own way, but corals, marine mammals, and sea creatures of the ancient seas sound way more interesting to study.

I really don't know what I should do for graduate school, whatever my thesis will be, probably will determine if I stay aboard out there in the ocean, study rocks hidden inside the continent, or live in the tropics or explore higher latitudes.

I am just daydreaming by the way, will probably die without doing scuba diving cause a huge fear of drowning dozens of meters deep.

>> No.11803722

No, I hate fascism, but I can see in myself to potential to fall for it (I consider Horst Wessel a genuinely beautiful song, for example), so I see myself as having a unique perspective in understand why people are drawn to it. I intend to carry on the tradition of Roger Griffin.

>> No.11803752

As opposed to continental phil, which is just pedantry with words.

>> No.11803755
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>i hate fascism
give it time

>> No.11803808

English degree in a country with a very low level of english literacy. I realised too late that it doesn't have that much use. But the experience wasn't worthless by any means. Now thinking what do/study next.

>> No.11803930
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>self-indulgent ideology that inevitably leads to violence and then shits itself

yeah so much to love

>> No.11803944

That's every ideology, anon. But only one is honest to itself.

>> No.11803988
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Did Compsci and I'm getting a masters in Info Systems Management w/ a concentration in data Analytics. I've had job offers and internships at top tech companies but I don't enjoy the work of software engineering. HELP

>> No.11804012

>Only why guy doing library and information science
I would have thought that we would have been more here on /lit/.

>> No.11804297

How are you enjoying criminology? The field of study always fascinated me but I never had the grades

>> No.11804300


>> No.11804348

If it makes you feel better I know a guy who does that too.

>> No.11804620

Tier study

>> No.11804639

finance. already working a comfy job in the middle of my master's studies

>> No.11804755

Economics, and Spanish because my university wouldn't let me minor in it. So now I shitpost about Spanish language authors and shit on Austrian shills. Econ was alright, but it's a lot of math, and a lot of the math isn't even useful, it's just to signal that you like math enough to do econ. It was probably exacerbated by the fact that I'm in the Midwest. Still, it's good for reading through threads like this because I know which jobs are likely to disappear in 10 years and which aren't.

Ahh, the dumb man's econ.At least you didn't do marketing. How's the frat?

>> No.11804816

If not even this, your opportunities with be severely hindered, life will be more arduous which will affect your mental capacity and happiness which will in turn affect your families happiness
>college not essential but keeps the momentum flowing

>> No.11805137

Mechanical engineering, mastering in biomech. So tech you'd see in a hospital, like xray machines, prosthetics...that kind of thing

I've decided to try to make a film in my free time, here to look for bits on how to write scripts