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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 785 KB, 1541x1175, Hyperlivesphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11802287 No.11802287 [Reply] [Original]

It's finally here. Which is the superior literary shitpost?

>> No.11802314

fuck off tao

>> No.11802452

Hypersphere is sincere at the very least

>> No.11802471

I'm not Tao. Are you? I have some questions for Tao.

>> No.11802478

It's obviously Megan this time.

>> No.11802480
File: 232 KB, 723x1193, 1410477368464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piss off you copycat poser

>> No.11802524
File: 323 KB, 808x1078, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but if she sees this thread she should post pits.

>> No.11802561
File: 1.33 MB, 615x886, kinokinokinokinoREDPILL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11802574

I have that too but it's not what I expected.

>> No.11802864

What did you expect and what did you get?

>> No.11802892

i have the dril book, the leh0n book, the brendlewhat book, the bap book, all 3 totalitarianism in a tundras, hypersphere, pictures of dfw, the /lit/ milk and honey parody, the reddit book, cyclonopedia and fanged noumena and the chapo book. also im actually 3 years old.

>> No.11802912

>no Dreamscape

you failed

>> No.11802919


>> No.11803062

Somebody post the milk and honey parody

>> No.11803074
File: 34 KB, 658x580, 1483613144631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is about all I could find.

>> No.11803077

I'm disappointed.

>> No.11803081
File: 57 KB, 640x640, 1483612128479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was as well.

>> No.11803089

3 year old go on chapo

>> No.11803092

I cannot read this poems without an indian accent and imagining the writer having trouble to speak in english, if she is not trying to imitate that (though there's nothing that indicates that), then her rhythm is pure garbage

>> No.11803396

Hypersphere > Tundra

>> No.11804080
File: 35 KB, 333x500, 51WldPauE-L._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Blocks your path*

>> No.11804099
File: 3.85 MB, 2448x3264, The Spam Trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like little baby.

>> No.11804115

Is there any type of person more insufferable than the insincere NYC alt hipster author? I swear to god on the day of the rope these vermin will earn their place on the scaffold somewhere between queers and apostates.

>> No.11804142

Hey since this is the dedicated meme book thread, does anyone remember that ebin meme book we used to pretend existed but really didn't. I can’t recall for the life of me.

>> No.11804153

I remember what you're talking about but also forgot the title.

>> No.11804691

You should commission a few readings on fiverr by some jungle indians to share with us.

Those titles are so bad that I am forever prejudiced against reading any of those books (with the exceptions of "Hypersphere" and "Selected Tweets", which have 4/5 titles).

>> No.11804738

Read L’anomie

>> No.11804812

for what purpose

>> No.11805243

I thought it was going to be funnier.
I didn't know the milk and honey parody actually came about. I remember people talking about the idea but I haven't been on much lately.

>> No.11805276

it has a good title

>> No.11805305

Collaborative writing is lame.

>> No.11805650

Wanted to read this because her stuff is interesting to read in short form, don't know if I can do 500 pages of the stuff

>> No.11805721


>> No.11806194

Very profound

>> No.11806306

Where can I get Pictures of DFW as PDF and/or physically?

>> No.11806324
File: 98 KB, 985x900, TURD4 toilet people of the damned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as she keeps it in the loo.

>> No.11806861
File: 701 KB, 1224x1632, shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The book is on Lulu. Not sure where to get the PDFs for these.

>> No.11806945

I kinda get what she is trying to do rhythmically (not that his makes me like her poetry)but, compering her execution of her poems against the poems themselves, I think the poems lack commas (assuming she is trying to replicate the poem in her execution or her execution in the poem of course)

>> No.11807365

Selected Tweets is technically a /lit/ collaborative project in the loosest definition

>> No.11808554

>Perhaps we are all immigrants
>Trading one place for another
>Like moving from the suburbs to the filthy city

lmao neoliberalism in a nutshell. still, it's a mediocrity that's malignant by the unfortunate circumstance of its popularity, more a case of right time right medium. Boyle's is the aggressive manifestation of a fundamental shit-spewing rupture in the American psyche, and it's not even interesting anymore. NYC blows everything that came out of NYC sucks everything about NYC and even the way it sucks is so dated, the way NYC is shit on every level, culturally, economically, infrastructurally, spiritually, is a discussion that terminates sometime 2008-2015. there is no way to make it interesting again, not even increasingly detailed descriptions of ordinary transactions, not even retarded 80s movie references. modern life within that period in or around NYC experienced by a slightly autistic financially uninhibited drug addict doesn't matter, and it doesn't need to be preserved.

>> No.11808590

>modern life within that period in or around NYC experienced by a slightly autistic financially uninhibited drug addict doesn't matter, and it doesn't need to be preserved.
I agree with this part, but the notion that nothing interesting can ever come out of a cultural wasteland is wrong. The odds are against it but it's not impossible.

>> No.11808632

that's not my notion at all. ("a cultural wasteland" has little meaning to me, but that's besides the point.) the opposite, cultural exhaustion is the vital subject. but NYC, the people writing out of that period, their writing, is not good, and not vital. not vital not for being exhausted; no vital expression of exhaustion, or vitality for that matter. 80s movie fist pump freeze frame reference: does not "shimmer" between exhaustion and vitality, is shit.

>> No.11808635

I'm starting to get the impression that you might be one of these slightly autistic drug addicts yourself.

>> No.11808655

No drugs, full autism

>> No.11808658

More autistic was going to be my second guess.

>> No.11808717

Yes, and "more autistic" describes the entirety of cultural and social development for about ten years. Which is to my point; the scene I'm describing is a subdivision, concerned with some halfway stop towards the most resonant point. That's why Tao Lin (more and self-consciously autistic) was the only interesting writer within the genre, Darcie Wilder (helplessly/generationally autistic) is the apparent step forward for the style and Sam Pink, at an extreme of autism and its intersections with the general conditions of modern life (work, money/poverty, box living, inner city life (not Brooklyn Heights)) is the best of them. The halfways have been left behind, the extremes stand out, in literature as with everything else now.

>> No.11808748

The scene you're talking about is/was virtually nonexistent from start to finish. Tao Lin and a few of his various hangers on were described as "alt lit" by the small portion of the press who even talked about them but there was no genuine "movement", just a very loose circle of well-to-do or pseudo-well-to-do drug-addled narcissists who played at being artists/authors, usually for extremely brief periods of time.

I wouldn't even associate Sam Pink with Tao Lin and the rest because he seems to predate and have nothing in particular to do with them.

>> No.11808816

pretty good collection you got there anon.

>> No.11808843

we're using scene to refer to different things (my fault, I should have used a different word). the scene I'm describing, and the one you're talking about, is a subdivision, more highly specified: small group of people, limited timespan, place, even a few venues. that is exactly the scene I'm saying is played out, but moreso, the style, the trappings, which have been replicated and internalized widely to the point that yes, it can be called a movement. that scene was absolutely existent. but rather, it's a permutation of a larger movement that Sam Pink is part of. that larger movement has progressed and left behind the scene.

>> No.11808890

It's even less of a "movement" in the sense of being distinct or unique enough to warrant that title if you look at it that way. There are specific common 21st century elements the content, but it's arguably just a repetition of a kind of failed artist enclave pattern which recurs throught history.