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/lit/ - Literature

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11801136 No.11801136 [Reply] [Original]

What are some 'must read' books?

>> No.11801143



>> No.11801147
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>Han läser den översatta versionen
Kommer aldrig klara det

>> No.11801148

The one's you already read

>> No.11801150

my diary desu

>> No.11801167

Jeg kan ikke læse russisk

>> No.11801209
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>> No.11801237

this is the last place you should ask
better write down random titles on small pieces of paper and let your cat pick one

>> No.11801786

my diary desu

>> No.11801787

>had to sacrifice the feister

>> No.11801790
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too much leverage

>> No.11801878
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>> No.11801890
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>> No.11801897
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>> No.11802202
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>> No.11802416
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Läser boken på engelska och svenska, kommer jag klara det?

>> No.11802428

fake news

>> No.11802487

The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

Animal Farm

>> No.11802510

>/lit/ has refined its taste for the better and has gradually become more God-fearing
feels good.

>> No.11802549

12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson

Changed my life

>> No.11802824

In that case, just must have an exceptionally low IQ

>> No.11803536

bodados dada

>> No.11803571

>The Republic
>The Canterbury Tales
>Don Quixote
>Molière, Racine
>Robinson Crusoe
>Faust (Goethe)
>Your English Romantic poet of choice
>Eugene Onegin
>Madame Bovary
>War and Peace
>Pale Fire

This list is biased towards English language literature, but all of these books are must reads, except maybe Pale Fire, which hasn't had enough to time to become a real classic.

>> No.11803703

look, it's at least better than asking a random who could suggest genre fiction. sure, theres good genre fiction, but I think the classics suggested by lit are a safer bet than smeone who's read 3 books in their life and all of them were Hary Potter.

>> No.11803994

Isn't Faust German though?

>> No.11804094

Why does Star Wars have runways? Doesn't every ship have vertical take off and land?

>> No.11804097

Good list. I would replace Pale Fire with Beckett's trilogy.

>> No.11804129

2018 when

>> No.11804163

Lurk more

>> No.11804182

>2. the stranger
trite rubbish, literally the ultimate pleb detector

>> No.11804188

don't want

>> No.11804298

iliad and odyssey
metamorphoses and aeneid
divine comedy
don quijote
paradise lost
brothers K and anna karenina
robinson crusoe
moby dick
master and margarita