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/lit/ - Literature

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11799936 No.11799936 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind,
coffee cat edition

>> No.11799954

>tfw no qt jewish gf

>> No.11799971

I've been thinking a lot about how there's no good place on the web to discuss literature, and more generally how it's so hard to have good online discussions at all. I think the fundamental issue is that it is basically impossible to remove people you don't like from your discussions. In real life if I'm talking to some people about Joyce and some guy comes up and starts yelling that Joyce was a dirty jew, we can tell him to fuck off and / or go somewhere he's not able to bother us. This isn't possible on social media sites though, you either have to take the 4chan approach of letting him stay and hoping people don't engage him back (which always fails), or the lebbit approach of censoring him through moderations or downvotes (which just builds echo chambers).

This isn't a complete explanation of course but I think it's the largest reason why online discourse is garbage.

The worst part is I don't think there's a solution to it, large discussion sites are just fundamentally incompatible with quality content. What would be needed is a way to create smaller groups of individuals, but I don't know how you would build something like that. Maybe an IP limit on threads? Anyone can read but only the first 6 or so unique IPs can reply.

>> No.11799983

Oh fuck. I hate myself, so theres that. I hate everything else, so that too. Not sure where to go from here. Reading a couple books right now that were recommended here (e.g. Stoner). Writing helps more than reading though

>> No.11800113

I feel like technological progress has stalled, at least compared to where we thought it would be today decades ago. Most of the advancements nowadays are being made within the same digital realm of internet/forms of media. Few of these advancements have concrete improvements on people's actual quality of life, and rarely in a universal way like the major inventions of the 20th century. Also, AI still seems far from being capable of reaching any kind of "Singularity" stage. Honestly at this point I don't even think we'll see the singularity in our lifetimes, if ever. Chalk up another reason I'm less excited for the future I guess.

>> No.11800135


>> No.11800148

Nothing. Im completely blank.
Its not good.
But hey, its not bad.

>> No.11800159

Chill bro

>> No.11800185

I wish I could find love and friendship just like in my japanese cartoons.

>> No.11800214

My gf told me all the oral sex she's had has been with condom.

She also has refused me oral sex even with condom several times saying she doesn't like the taste.

Even if she did hate the taste of latex she went ahead and blew those guys but not me which is making me feel disgusted at her and like a piece of shit too.

>> No.11800228

That sucks bro.

>> No.11800233

>tfw walking around outside half drunk in broad daylight

>> No.11800249

Yeah, I feel like one of those beta males from the redpill comics.

>> No.11800263
File: 211 KB, 1050x1139, Pieter_Bruegel_the_Elder_-_The_Triumph_of_Death_(detail)_-_WGA3394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I strive for chaos.
Anything is fine as long as it defeats the boredom.
I feel like life used to be more exiting and adventurous in the past, when modern society lacks struggle.
I don't have an enemy, something I strive for, nothing to defend, nothing to hate.
Condemned to mediocrity and leisure.

>> No.11800265

sheMs not attracted to you, leave her now. It will get worse and you will develop a complex. Oral sex is absolutely standard for healthy sex life with a woman. If she did it for other men and is denying you its because she doesn’t want to be an object of pleasure and means of satisfaction for you. And that is a huge component of living a woman, unfortunately. Do not tolerate it, don’t say anything, just break up with her and immediately fuck another woman who will put out and also give head. Don’t rationalize it, its because she doesn’t feel sexy when she’s with you and doesn’t see you as a sexual entity. Its the same as if a woman were to give head but not want to fuck. Leave now.

>> No.11800274

Life sucks, nyan. I ate a butterfly, nyan, such a horrid creature, nyanyan. Liking it for the wings is like liking a rat for its ethics, meow.

>> No.11800283

Does anyone else feel completely enticed by large skyline views of cities at night? Something about the possibility of stories that radiates from images like this really is interesting to me. I almost feel like I fall in love with the image or view.

>> No.11800287
File: 1.03 MB, 3360x4265, Dante_et_Virgile-William_Bouguereau-IMG_8283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been told that a faggot from college fell for me.
It's always me ffs, if I don't have a gf it's because I'm autistic and friendless not because I'm gay.
I don't even know if I should approach jim and tell to fuck off or just play dumb.
I want to die.

>> No.11800297

Play dumb. Be nice. An unreciprocated feeling is not love but obsession. If the guy likes you and you don't give any sign, then he would drift away or become a stalker.

>> No.11800298
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I've started cooking actual meals after a year of living off of bread, sausage, rice, and coffee. Feels good desu, I feel stronger physically and I think its improved my mental state too.

>> No.11800302

I don't want to act rashly on this since otherwise we've had plenty of sex, just not oral. But it's going to change my perception of her and our relationship.

>> No.11800326
File: 21 KB, 720x486, sanchez_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listening to Chalino Sanchez and drinking some Tito's Vodka on a windy evening.
Feeling good

>> No.11800332
File: 203 KB, 1280x994, b70d8c289da6be4065818234c71ca8e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this painting currently for me. It has something that is missing in my life. Maybe it's the adventure and exploration. The picture is telling me to get off my ass.

>> No.11800343

the thing in question is whether she acts like she really wants sex from you, or whether it's like she's 'giving' it to you in exchange for something. If it's the latter then just leave. Girls who really like you tend to let you do anything to them

>> No.11800362

Its a complete slap in the face. She should have never mentioned it if the only purpose of mentioning it was to be like "oh i've done it before but im not doing it for you". Thats bullshit man.

>> No.11800375

I never get past the first date.
They always ask "so, who do you hang out with".

Can't wait to move to another town and pull off an " Oh I don't know anyone yet".

>> No.11800379

Apparently, it doesn’t

>> No.11800386

What do you usually say?

>> No.11800397

she’s not attracted to you
yes. trust us anon she’s just buying time until she dumps you or cheats. No modern woman who fucks and has sucked cock multiple times won’t give head to a man she loves. Its because she doesn’t find you sexually appealing.

>> No.11800409

Jewish food sucks.

>> No.11800424
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top lel

>> No.11800431

I used to name drop some people I know but really haven't spoke in a long time.
There was this time a girl actually knew one of the people I called my friend and was "Oh really, then why weren't you at X's party ?"

Now I just say I don't go out much or don't have time.
Their disappointed look makes me cringe every time.

>> No.11800446

Despite world leaders best efforts to unify us, we are degrading more and more towards our roots of tribalism. Sad times

>> No.11800452

>Oh really, then why weren't you at X's party ?
Bitch I have a job to go to in the morning, "partying" is for children. The fuck kind of question is that

>> No.11800458

>Despite world leaders best efforts to unify us
Yeah? Which ones?

>> No.11800460
File: 148 KB, 803x1109, demons-armed-with-sticks-detail-from-the-isenheim-altarpiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a long stay on /sci/ cure my hate for math and science ?

Always had a hard time studying this subjects.

>> No.11800480

I don't think that's a great idea for any of the boards.

>> No.11800496
File: 32 KB, 653x490, 1537210967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her lads. I miss her every day and every night. The only time I'm not missing her is in that brief moment between waking up and remembering where my life is.

I miss her, but even more I miss the naive, innocent love I had for her. I'll never see her again, never feel that again, except in my dreams.

>> No.11800501

bitch are you retarded

>> No.11800504

I wonder why so many depressed/mentally unstable people are on 4chan? Myself among them

>> No.11800508

This is about Agatha isn’t it?

>> No.11800522

Name one good jewish food

>> No.11800552

because of that itself most probably, it's nice to flock around you own shit when there's an outtage elsewhere
same reason why misogynists come here too: not everyone here is a raging misogynist but you sure as hell will find a number greater than 0 of people that will automatically understand and defend your position publicly if *you* are

>> No.11800554


>> No.11800560

Was Napoleon the last good conqueror? Everyone after him is a laughing stock.

>> No.11800568

For me it is not, for some other anon perhaps

>> No.11800599

wtf, I thought we are all pretending

>> No.11800630

>people on other websites try to shame me into taking pills or exploit my suffering to make themselves feel good about themselves for "empathizing"
>people on 4chan commiserate, give amusing ironic advice, or at the very least have the courage to call me a mentally ill loser instead of sugar-coating things

>> No.11800633

>her name ends with berg

>> No.11800635


>> No.11800651

I listened to some american telling about how his parents broughr him to the psychiatrist and put him on adderal and what not at the age of 10 for as little as being distracted in class.
I'm happy my folks were just simple minded, down to earth people and though of the belt as the Panacea for all my ill manners.

>> No.11800670
File: 157 KB, 790x767, 1532543411311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finaly went to the doctor for my anxiety, after having to wait 3 weeks for my appointment
I go and she just tells me I should go to therapy. She asked how long I'd had these symptoms and I said over 6 months and she said 6 months is usually when they prescribe medication, but she did not.
So now I have to make an appointment with a therapist which will probably take another 3 weeks, if not more. And I'm stuck here, nothing changed, feeling anxious as fuck

>> No.11800684

just listen to peterson, I'm not even joking

>> No.11800698

To find really good discussion forums online you need to dig deep. You need to be on the linux mailing list or in some far removed fan forum for whatever it is you're discussing. A distinct site with its own database and sign up procedures.

Even then, you need to learn who haunts those decrepit corners of the interwebs. They may not be to your liking, bums and trolls; or they may be doctors, businessmen, crypto millionaires, envelop-pushing writers, and pioneering scientists.

The more autistic you are about your interest in a subject, the deeper you are willing to go into the bowels of the internet to find what you seek.

>> No.11800700

i said i was gonna finally start writing down all the ideas circling my brain... four years ago. ain't done shit yet.

>> No.11800707

There is something so beautiful about civilization that I can't currently put into worlds

>> No.11800727

I've tried to pet cats on the street but they always run away from me

>> No.11800857

you might have guessed it but w/e, it's from Claude Lorrain, Goethe loved him, he and Eckermann would have some discussions about harder topics and then go watch his paintings and feel "refreshed", but they couldn't watch them all at once, or in a short interval, because they wanted to enjoy them, later they opened up an art book to read about the painter, and something technical was written about him, Goethe commented "that is bullshit, there you see what you can learn from books"

*the last quote half made up, the "that is bullshit" part

>> No.11800865

>Deadest board on 4chan
>Wants an ip limit on threads

o i am laffin

>> No.11800952

I wasn't suggesting it for /lit/, or even 4chan.

>> No.11800982
File: 478 KB, 1024x1024, GOAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never create anything nearly as beautiful as this recording of arthur rubinstein playing the nocturnes
I weep

>> No.11801641

I saw this blogger guy who wrote about philosophy as an undergrad then quit college after he became disillusioned with philosophy given how tenuous he found its foundations to be. It's sorta the same for me too Tbh. Philosophy is disappointing, even childish occasionally. I came into it expecting rigorous inquiries and air-tight arguments, and while there's certainly a lot of that, a lot of it feels like badly substantiated pedantry at the same time. There's an arbitrary nature to it, and many arguments feel good, as opposed to actually being so. The whole field is odd. I wonder how anyone could fawn over Plato and Nietzsche and yet still chose to be a boring, run of the mill liberal. Yeah i know you can like a thinker without agreeing everything he says, but a line has to be drawn somewhere. How a devoted Nietzsche scholar can be a bleeding heart liberal is beyond me, yet this is what most Nietzsche scholars are.

>> No.11801753

can't expect someone to be a marxist if the philosopher he studied the most calls hegel illiterate

>> No.11801756

To be honest, I don't think anybody who considers themselves to be an intellectual would give Nietzsche any thought. He was like a belligerent child who, after finding a toy too difficult to play with, decides to instead burn the entire toy trunk out of malice and not so much anger.

>> No.11801775

Dear diary: day 4 of fish-stick fest. What started out as a mildly nostalgic Costco purchase has now turned into a screaming canal of agony and indescribable horror. Only death can release me from the fish gods wrath. These visions now haunt my daily life. I believe I am starting to grow webbed feet and a taste for heavy metals. I... i sh- no... nooooo... NOOOOOO-AGGHGAGAHG

>> No.11801793

whenever I listen to this song, I get the same feeling. There was a NEET anon over on /out/ who decided to just fly to the USA and hitchhike across, from New York to LA. I'm not a NEET, but I can't help but wish I was doing the same thing. I have an immense amount of respect for that anon.

>> No.11801816
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I have such a narcissistic personality that i have developed a messiah complex. It's good but also bad because now i just feel humble and arrogant at the same time.

>> No.11801839

Can't wait to graduate college next May and get the fuck out of Los Angeles. I was probably never meant to be a city fag in the first place but I'd take anywhere over this place.

Also interviewing for a job in Washington D.C, not with the government though. Are there any anons who live in the D.C. area? If so how is it?

>> No.11801855

I've mentioned this on /lit/ on two other occasions but I really want to find a coffee shop I can smoke in.
A proper coffee shop. Not some cigar lounge that happens to serve coffee.
I want to get up early and smoke in a nice coffee store.

Start naming some off in the US. They should exist.
If not, I'm willing to travel to some shithole just to be able to smoke and drink coffee. It's all I want to lead the /lit/ lifestyle. It's the ideal environment to write in.

>> No.11801861

DC is black and homeless. Rent rivals Manhattan prices.
How much will you be making?

>> No.11801870
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> buy coffee maker
>learn to make coffee
>smoke at home with coffee
Also what state in the US, france definitely let's you smoke and drink but to go halfway across the planet for a cig is dumb

>> No.11801879

I already do this when I write. I just like being served and sitting around some more lively environment.

>> No.11801896

Over the past decade they have been slowly restricting smoking in the towns within cities here in San Antonio tx. I used to smoke at Ihop or a local chain of diners, when that stopped I moved to a comfy pub, but then that one stopped having a smoking section too. Now it's all outside patios.

>> No.11801946

Damn, I knew it was heavily black (guess I'm losing one of the few perks of being in LA) but I just checked the statistics and it's even worse than I thought.

And I'm taking an entry level position, salary will most likely be $50,000. Do I have any chance of finding an apartment just to myself or will I probably be forced to live in a shared one? Really hoping to finally live in a single bedroom after 4 straight years of having to deal with roommates ... but I'm not getting my hopes up.

>> No.11801972
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why would anyone want to live alone?
I absolutely hate being alone in a apartment or a house. When my dad and mom are gone and im alone for a few days i feel like absolute shit. Its a weird feeling, one that cant be explained in words. i hate that feeling tho, i absolutely HATE it

>> No.11801981

I can walk around naked and scream a the top of my lungs when i'm home alone, what's not to love?

>> No.11801994

You're not ready.

>> No.11802017

At 50k. Forget it. One could earn a medical degree in the DC area while earning that much (after tax roughly to boot).

>> No.11802043

I'm trying to start a Twitter channel where I post literary quotations and book-related photographs. If you're interested in seeing these types of things please follow: https://twitter.com/DenebDestri

>> No.11802054

>take writing course for uni
>smart, cute girl sits directly across from me the whole semester
>she hand writes a full page review of my story, gushing about it and telling me she thinks I'm the best writer in the class
>think about at the very least thanking her for the review constantly, but always back out when I get to class
>dont say a word to her all semester
I'm scared shitless of talking to women.

>> No.11802061

oh shit this

>> No.11802080


>> No.11802130

Today I feel very tired and out of sorts.

Night before last I felt I lost my mind a bit because I was faced with the reality of apathy from someone whom I had felt was very close to me. It's an old mistake that shows how little I really am, but it still hurt to have it happen.

I was in a deep blue funk and this passed away and was replaced by an intoxicating sort of manic madness, I felt I could do anything, like my brain was on fire. I was with my friend in New York, city I hate, he even paid my tickets out there, was an angel man.

But then we left, I couldn't sleep on the plane, I felt I was so apathetic that the lady to the left of me was feeling some kind of subconscious interest...

Whenever I'm bored (like when I'm spending 5 days wandering a city I fundamentally dislike with nothing to do), I begin to fill the time with sexual fantasies just for the brief bursts of pleasure they give me. It doesn't help that the women there are so gorgeous. Eventually it was so painful for me to look at any of them without them returning my gaze and how hopeless it all was anyway that I made like a monk and tried not to look at another one even a single time. I looked into the rocks and the filth on the streets, onto the cobblestone and the palimpsest of concrete.

What misery there was in that! Then double misery when this my lady, this airy sylph, this piece of mist... well, she showed her true colors, and I'm not pathetic enough to not see her for what she is after that. I have that much self respect, anyway. That much impatience and anger in me.

Then after flying back, when I was in bed at home, some combination of misery inhibiting my immune system or something... I awoke harried in the middle of the night and kept feeling a spiritually oppressive presence trying to force itself onto me like an omeoba, like something was literally trying to demonically possess me. Needless to say it was an incredible strange experience. I also felt my friend was standing over me in the darkness, watching me, and that maybe he was the one doing the possessing.

I think it was a night terror caused by sleep apnea or some trouble breathing. I'd spent a while earlier that night petting a cat (which I'm allergic to) and my room is always so dusty, especially when I feel totally unloved and bereft of all good things in the world. When I feel like my hopes have been crushed & destroyed and that nothing will ever happen.

So today despite my many hours of sleep I feel fatigued and faded... I have been tyring to write 1000 words a day which was impossible when I was around my friend who angel that he is nevertheless hovers more like a gnat and I do not have the courage to ask him to give me a rest. So a five day gap in writing and today I try again and its all such mush. Just talking about myself.

>> No.11802153

Why? I find them easier to speak to than men. I'm a straight man too.
You probably jack off too much.

>> No.11802166

You're a colossal faggot wow >>>/soc/

>> No.11802173

It is at moments like these when I feel no shred of affection from them in any respect that my troubles with women come to the fore with the most force. My thoughts are so evil and primitive and ancient and mediocre that... well, they exhaust metaphor, metaphor has nothing to say to them. But maybe we could submit ravenous wolves, or the hungry ghosts of chinese folklore as a provisional likeness.

It's some old freudian stuff, I really have castration anxiety. I wish I could move forward. Clearly the new meta-sexual paradigm in sickness is the wish to be a woman, not the hatred of them. Like trans people and r9k sissy hypno threads and all that shit. But in reality it just rocks my soul and fucks me up to see so many women on the dating sites I have been spending so much time on lately... all of them have successful fun well paying jobs, they're always being photographed traveling the world and enjoying life.

Something just sickens me about seeing these women who are so beautiful also doing exactly everything that I could be doing, except even better. If I am not superior to them in any occupational respect... and certainly not in the respect of physical attractiveness.

What the fuck is my purpose? What is the point of my existence? They are all, even the worst of them, so sweet diligent, bubbly, always turning work in on time, internalizing classroom messages, they have no oedipal block and their ultimate goal is to listen to authority's every command and obey it with no hangup.

I hate having to compete with women and working alongside women. I know the whole world, the entirety of existence cries against this thought but I can't help having it.

I guess the truth is that I am right in my feelings, just wrong in their discrete expression; there has and will always be a horrible disconnect (in this fallen world) between men and women because both are so foreign and alien to one another. It will express itself in whatever way and produce a maximum of pain. That is why we have been given the wonder of romantic love, only something so wonderful could ever serve to salve over it all and make things nice and clean.

There are so many thoughts that have been flooding my mind around this. In David Graeber's book (loath as I am to trust a jew), he says that in primitive societies women are capable of doing all thethings men are when the men are out hunting. What is the purpose of men, then? What is my purpose? I hardly even feel human, let alone a man. Yet we could call these long winded complaints the essence of humanity.

I feel so deprived and distracted that I often imagine killers. I have thought about making a story, an art gallery, some work of art that gets in the mind of a killer. This world, this civilization steals everything from us.

Love and its horizon, that is, romantic love and the horizon of spirituality have both been utterly corrupted and destroyed. Corrupted because the sexes cannot so mcuh as speak to one another without

>> No.11802176

To what purpose?

>> No.11802177

i jack off all the time but have no problems talking to them, i agree that they are easier to talk to than men, you can kind of just exist and they ramble on and you interject things or tell them stories or make fun of them, it's a game with no real rules and nothing at stake, men seem to expect you to actually engage with their bullshit and get offended at the slightest shit, and often try to fucking give you alecture like you paid for their class or something. Men you see eye to eye with and dumb men are based to talk to, but the rest are annoying

>> No.11802179

Exert your will over the weak and viciously exert it over those who think you're weak.

>> No.11802188

terrific violence, without reaching into the soul and disturbing the contents, without hurting to the utmost. And the horizon, spirituality, has been corrupted and spoiled by psychedelic drugs.

The damage done here has never been sufficiently addressed. If the most beautiful theophanies can be recreated by a few chemicals... this is true nihilism, this is why such people, underneath the euphoria and ecstasy, conceal a roiling void of unending nothingness. We are all stardust, we are monkeys who evolved to think they were something more, nothing matters, everything is small, meaningless, etc.

In the world, there are two means of escape; one superior to the other. The first is the worldly secular means of escape—an escape into love, into the arms of your beloved. Happily ever after. It's the way every comedy ends... if you are a small character on the margins of existence, this is the best you can hope for under the sun. And what a best there is in that.

As I've said, a whole infinity of evil has spoiled and destroyed that beyond all repair. It is not worth hoping for.

Then the world of the spirit, meeting God, giving it all up and going to the end to catch a glimpse of his face. This is beyond the world, this was the ultimate, the true end, the capstone. Tragedy towers over comedy because it teaches us about this possibility, which is above the world.

But that has been stolen from us by psychedelic drugs.

Therefore the only way to escape would be to enact revenge on such a world...

That is the kind of thing I would have my killer say.

Frankly I believe in beautiful sunshine even in the middle of the night...

>> No.11802191

there's a natural momentum in phase space associated to the canonical symplectic form. The vertical derivative of a Lagrangian is also associated, up to isomorphisms, to momentum one-forms. What is the isomorphism that links the vertical derivative to the canonical momentum?

>> No.11802222

take it to /sci/, guy

>> No.11802257


>> No.11802307

that doesnt matter to me
yeah your probably right

>> No.11802310

I've met with a terrible fate

>> No.11802329

what's the problem mac

>> No.11802481

I am pretty sure I am going to get reverse Akutagawa'd at some point. Some crazy shit happened to me that made me realize I'm completely at the mercy of higher forces, and I'm not convinced those forces are nice.

>> No.11802493
File: 78 KB, 536x640, caligula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pickle和我實際上回到了很遠的地方,到目前為止很難忘記。到目前為止,我們現在將地球旋轉了兩次。非常好。到目前為止,我知道哪個首先出現雞肉或雞蛋,還有雞肉。不,這是雞蛋。不,這是該死的雞!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!它是你的雞蛋。你是一個公雞你婊子!!!!!!!!!!!多少次我不得不說這是他媽的EGG你傻傻瓜!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!那就是我要開始他媽的你媽媽更加努力我說完全束縛聖安德魯斯十字架和一切!!!!!這是我的工作,不是你的!

>> No.11802568

This. The doublespeak of normies has fucked up an entire generation. Combine this with rampant degeneracy and no one can speak the truth openly anymore.

>> No.11802848
File: 313 KB, 1584x2000, anne8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading Keats's "Eve of St. Agnes" in the bathtub
>notice a spider crawling on the wall next to me
>swat it with my book
>splash water all over it, probably ruining it
>get out, dry off, and masturbate (needless to say to pic related)

How's your evening?

>> No.11802900

I just bought a shit ton of books. I've been trying to not buy lots of books recently, because I inevitably have a backlog that I will need three lifetimes to get through.

But I've been less depressed than usual and so my imagination is more lively. There are brief times in life where a more youthful version of yourself flashes through the cracks with a blinding light and the whispers of memories.

It's like that buoyant state of mind in the middle of a cool night half asleep when suddenly a performance unfolds in your head starring millions of cherubs and birds holding garlands of flowers in their beaks. It's like when dreams leak a little of their fluff into the material world when the artist paints a scene or the poet imagines a world.

I miss this state of mind, and the only place I can reliably seem to find it is in literature.

>> No.11802904

I'm getting really fed up with /pol/. Don't get me wrong, I'm not fed up with politics, I watch 24/7 news channels almost every waking moment of my life. I am deeply aware of everything happening in the political field. I just think I've outgrown /pol/.

It's not a politics board, it's not a politically incorrect board. It's just a larping right-wing think tank filled with vile opinions that only sprout forth from anonymity. I have been on that board almost daily for 3+ years now, so I understand truely, what exists there.

Without getting into details about specific topics commonly discussed, most everything widely accepted on that board, is too far out of the mainstream that it could never take hold. So all of these teenagers that fall down the redpill rabbit hole, end up with such a abnormal world view that it could be agrued they are hurting themselves and their community by preaching what they believe is the path to their salvation.

/pol/ is not a good place. And I finally feel like I've matured enough in life to be able to notice that.

>> No.11802927

I've been studying right wing extremism for some time. That includes occasionally lurking at /pol/

It is the most echoey of echo chambers, where numerous alienated young men indoctrinate and propagandize each other with misinformation and misleadingly presented facts.

Many of these young men, they are inexperienced. Fledglings. Barely out of school. Yet they believe themselves informed about the world and its affairs to make assumptions about people they have never even encountered in real life. Inner city blacks they have no contact with from their suburban places of comfort, feminist women they don't interact with at college, Muslims they've never met, gays they've never spoken to.

The result of this ignorance is that they take what they see on these indoctrination sites at face value, falling for the internet meme hyperreality since they have no rounded experience of reality to substitute in its place.

These men need to get off the internet and see the world and open their minds..

>> No.11803635
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I day dream of living a monastic life, spending the day doing chores, reading, writing, and enjoying simple pleasures. I highly doubt I'll ever be able to do it, as I have so little self control I'll probably end up masturbating today (despite promising myself last night that I'd quit), eating a bunch of chocolate, drinking, etc. I'd probably get bored anyway. But it is nice to imagine finding peace in such a way, especially when I've felt so lost and unstable for the past several years

>> No.11803640
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>tfw ideas guy with no talent

>> No.11803689

You only just figured that out?

>> No.11803711

you might make something good if you tried and stopped being lazy

>> No.11803721

By unifying us, do you mean like when shepherds "unify" all the herd to control it better and tell them where to go? Because that's what the goverment only cares about. They don't give shit about you.

>> No.11803731

Trying to get out of your physical and psychological misery by attempting to be a successful writer is akin to blacks thinking what will get them out of the hood is rap.

>> No.11803735

I'm 21, a college dropout, a manager at a restaurant. I live in a two room condo overlooking the town square. I get consistent pussy from work.
My life was in the toilet for a bit, just eating, drinking, smoking, and working too much. I would take girls to the alamo drafthouse, but be too drunk to perform after the movie. I do things to counteract it, kale shakes, leg day, and popping SSRIs.
But all of that changed yesterday. I won a literary contest at a fairly prestigious literary review. I have a meeting with the Editor tomorrow. He said he has some people he wants me to meet, some agents and other contacts at the big houses. They know I'm not a poet, they know I'm a novelist. I have a draft of a minimalist Seinfeldian novel I'll eventually show them. I think it will all work out, hopefully. I'll no longer have to fuck Shikses, I think I'll land myself a nice Jewish girl out of all of this. It's like fucking your mom, as a jew, when you fuck the Jewish girls, but there is a brand of Goy-passing alpha Jewesses that are usually holed up at publishing firms and journalists.

>> No.11803736

What would you do instead anon?

>> No.11803743

Is this satire?

>> No.11803770

The world is transitioning into a new era which can only be experienced by those who have power. Eventually this experience will wear out the world, it will transform it into a sphere devoid of essence, rather than a complex structure, it will devolve into an image, a rare but shallow replica of what it originally was. Those who live in land won't be able to experience their own world, the mystery inherent of all things will fade out, curiosity, adventure, culture, and identity, everything goes down, turning into nothingness, just a mere image.

This image can be sold as an experience, which we can enjoy, but never by first hand.

It deeply saddens me, we might not be necessary.

>> No.11803780

Very true.
/pol/ is the worst place in western world.

>> No.11803787
File: 23 KB, 228x221, dissipate pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's on my mind? I feel like I will never achieve my life goals. I'll just being nothing forever.

>> No.11803791

It's not the same outside.

>> No.11803814

>transitioning into a new era which can only be experienced by those who have power.

I can't think of one civilisation that has existed where the powerless were able to experience anything close to that of the aristocracy. If anything new experiences (holidays, foreign foods, arts, literature, etc) are more accessible than ever.

>> No.11803831
File: 11 KB, 640x368, LastLifeUniverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ordered a book, which won't be here for another week. Now I need to find something to read to fill that time and I can't make up my mind.

>> No.11803832

easy choices hard life hard choices easy life

>> No.11803846

Even though I desire true human connection, I run away from every opportunity of it. When I am alone I am safe. Knowing that I have a place that people can't invade provides me sanity.

>> No.11803857

When you start living on your own, that feel goes away, but it takes some time.

>> No.11803871

If you think mental issues can fixed in an instant then you're in for a bit surprise. Therapy will make things a lot worse to begin with, you need to build awareness around an issue that you are avoiding before you can even begin to start 'fixing' it.

Also meds barely work, SSRIs (which is what the NHS will put you on) work for a small % of people and usually give off negative side affects like apathy which make it worse.

>> No.11803883
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I'm a "hikikomori" but I hate being alone. I am just alone all the time and afraid.

>> No.11803965
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No one wants to inhale your cancerous smoke tar-lungs. I already have to deal with cars and the acrid smell of curry emanating from the multitudes of Indians who live here (Nice people but gee-whiz! do they smell).

>> No.11804237

Most of the western world post-French Revolution is a joke, desu

>> No.11804281

i dont even know whats on my mind. im just floating through life passively reacting to things that happen, dont really think about it

>> No.11804292

I wish. It would be funny if it weren't true.

It's not in the western world so much as OF it. /pol/ is the excretion of resentment pent up in western culture from its inability to make sense of the rapid changes its undergoing.

It makes perfect predictable sense that you would see an aggravated conservative backlash to these changes. It's even on some level justified. But when you get the horny, hormonal, angsty juvenile anger and resentment of /pol/ you get vivid hate speech and devious trickery.

You don't have Trump™ brand brownshirts marching in the streets but you have angry man-children with internet connections. That's the comedy of the absurdity of these times.

>> No.11804302

Implying it wasn't beforehand. With the exception of the renaissance western history is just the big boss men telling everyone what to do and smacking their cronies into each other in the battlefield. And superstitious worship of icons and phantoms.

In the medieval ages French kings would literally send out goons to beat up and rob their own citizens so he could scrape together more money for another war by pawning off their goods.

>> No.11804305

Socialism with American Characteristics will save us

>> No.11804574

It's better to fail than to live uncertain of whether you could have made it. In order to reach your goals, be prepared to destroy yourself.

(Trying to motivate myself to apply for a PhD)

>> No.11804645
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> She doesn't feel the same way

>> No.11804693

First, the most intelligent people of all time were tobacco smokers. To claim you're "too intelligent for this shit" as your meme implies, shows you are ignorant of the acute pharmacological effects yeilded by this venerable plant, and are actually quite stupid.
Second, tobacco smoke is not carcinogenic.

You're whole argument is "ewww smoke is icky!". You're just a weak, loser who doesn't even realize perfumers rate tobacco as one of the best scents.

You're free to go to one of the thousands of non smoking cafes. You don't need to ruin the few that are left.

>> No.11804752

But why do you hate math anon? Most people guess its because of a past experience with a teacher. Just know that you are NOT stupid :) math is a hard subject, and people at higher levels truly forget algebra was tough! I really like khan academy if you want to start there. Also a ton of textbooks online. You can do it :)

>> No.11804758

I'm in the same situation and it's rough

>> No.11804778
File: 169 KB, 827x1300, 1537206562524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOW THE FUCK DO I KEEP WRITING MY BOOK, I'VE JUST BEEN REWRITING THE SAME COUPLE PAGES. My book is pretty good so far but sometimes I feel like I'm just a massive brainlet and I'll never write any real literature just genre fiction. How are you guys doing with your writing?

>> No.11804795

you continue writing even if its shit and fix it later

>> No.11804802

Seriously considering getting my ass crack waxed because I’m so sick and tired of wiping after a shit be a fucking chore. I try to eat vegetables but drink too much coffee and beer for it to matter

>> No.11804880

Thank you anon, you are kind.

>> No.11804905
File: 358 KB, 984x1210, Paradise_Lost_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just wasting my time.
I fall in the pit over and over .
I've been considering to read Peterson's book but the bias is too strong.
Goddamn, I feel helpless.

>> No.11804984

How do you feel? I'm sort of calm at the moment. I still don't believe in my chances of being accepted anywhere, but I don't feel fear anymore.

>> No.11805109

"The seeds of the future are contained in the past and present."

This truth should be tattooed on the flipside of my eyelids. I've only now learned how to appreciate it. Everything that will happen in the future must be rooted in a continuous function of past and present data. The present is a function that derives the next moment, like the Schrödinger wave functions collapses the probability wave form of a quantum of energy.

If we can't derive the future from the present reliably, we have no power and no control. What does anything stand for if we lack this basic capacity over our own fate?

But what's the best way to do that? What's the good life?

>> No.11805142

Go to therapy =)

>> No.11805146

I always get stuck un the middle of an arc in my stories. Currently, I am in this way in three of them. And I don't know how to sort out this.

>> No.11805158

Stop being a whiny little shit and actually try to find friends who measure to your idotic needs

>> No.11805237

>just like, make friends bro!
the npc meme is real

>> No.11805335

>Book I borrowed from the library has "keep going you're almost at the end! Look how far you've gotten!" written in a girly handwriting and some hearts drawn at the end of a chapter
Fucking plebs

>> No.11805364
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In case this isn’t bait, let me educate you cabron.

First of all, your claim that the “most intelligent people of all time smoked tobacco” is not only historically inaccurate, but it also holds no correlation to intelligence.

Second of all, tobacco is easily the deadliest herb in history. It has essentially no pros pertaining to its effects, and has caused addiction and cancer in many a person throughout history (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1079499/).). The only positive effect is that it creates jobs for people. Shitty jobs, but jobs nonetheless.

Thirdly, you call me ignorant and then say something so ignorant as “tobacco smoke isn’t carcinogenic” (https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/publications/healthy-living/carcinogens-tobacco-smoke.html).). I can only assume you are either a holder of an executive position at a tobacco company or a baby boomer that decided to revive himself from his heart-attack induced death, crawl out of the grave, and learn how to use one of those “commie-liberal-faggot” computers just so you could spout your arrogant bullshit to someone that actually knows what they’re talking about (compared to you, anyway).

Fourthly, it doesn’t matter that tobacco-infused perfumes are “high-rated”. The fact is that tobacco smoke is harmful to one’s health and offensive to the nose. Those are the real problems with tobacco (not to mention the jaundiced staining and cigarette-litter).

Fifth, I’m fine with an all-smoking café. Just don’t try to bring that his back in public spaces and places.

By the way, my previous post was meant to be somewhat humorous in its degradation of smokers. I honestly couldn’t care less if you smoke, just don’t make me.

>> No.11805387

My gf came out as asexual, whatever the fuck that means. We have not had sex yet but she says the pressure of sex makes her very anxious, and even kissing doesn't really do anything for her. Should I dump her?

>> No.11805402

I'm American and my parents used to beat the fuck out of me. Elementary school, constantly in trouble for goofing off in class, dad throws me down a flight of stairs. Middle school, C in algebra, dad literally kicks my ass so hard it hurts to sit down for a week. High school, D in chemistry, dad almost sends me to the hospital


a month before I went off to college I scheduled an appointment with my general practioner, got on vyvanze. Ended up graduating with a 3.8 in compsci after pulling straight Bs and Cs all through high school and receiving the requisite punishments

I think that if I had been on those pills in high school I would have done better and probably attended a better university. It's very easy to pretend psychological disorders don't exist and every behavioral problem is solvable through tough love, but having received nothing but tough love for 18 years, I think that's horseshit. I think people believe it just because it's easier than going through the trouble of understanding what the problem really is and emphasizing with the sufferer. I think they like individualize the problem and pretend its this person's personal failure and has no relation to larger society

>> No.11805404

Well she's asexual and you're presumably hetero, those aren't exactly compatible

>> No.11805448

What he said

>> No.11805482

>manager at a restaurant
I always savor the feeling of being immensely more successful than a jew. Their whole lives dedicated to money and still there are some p amazing failures. I imagine it's how a black person feels if they beat a white at physics, or how an asian feels when they have a bigger dick than some fag negro. Thanks anon

>> No.11805490

I'd start by reducing the amount of time I spend in my head. There is truth to the self-improvement memes. Meditate, exercise, daily. Don't project your autobiography on what you read and experience, instead, try making new thought material out of it.

>> No.11805493

Wrong. Jewish cuisine is amazing.

>> No.11805495

Starting amphetamines in college is way better than starting them in high school. The kids I knew who did that ended up hating them, probably because you're not smart enough to understand tolerance factors and their interplay with sleep at that age and end up frying your dopamine receptors.

>> No.11805525

It's fucking sad that people don't have the moral fiber to just study anymore.

>> No.11805542

I can naturally study 2 hrs a day. That doesn't fucking cut it when you're trying to be top of field. I need 10-14 hours a day for that which is inacessible without chemical assistance. Anyone can get by without them but theres a difference between getting by and maxxing out your potential. It's the academic equivalent of roids, a faustian bargain that is ultimately necessary if you truly want to reach your fullest self.

>> No.11805552

>t. bugman
go drink some basedlet you fucking loser, also shouldn't you be networking right now?

>> No.11805581

i have an IQ of 127, a bs in a moderately challenging stem field from a well-ranked university, and have had sex with five different women

statistically speaking, there is very little chance that you are smarter than me. To be exact, there is about a 96% chance you are less intelligent than I am, as I place in the top 4% of all IQ test takers. All the evidence points to the fact that I am likely more successful than you, not only intellectually but also socially, and almost certainly make more money than you do

In your next post, I will permit you to apologize to me (your intellectual superior, statistically speaking)

>> No.11805646

I had a thing with a girl who had a crush on me, and I ended up killing her interest in me, just when I started being interested in her. Now, I don't think this would be an issue normally, but the hurt factor is that I know exactly what I did wrong and it is making it hard to let go.

At first I was a bit too wary with her because of her crush, and I didn't open up to her, or discuss any of the issues that came up (mainly her veganism, which I should have brought up immediately on the first date, as I am not a vegan). I remember thinking that if it's not going to be serious then why bother bringing these things up? In retrospect this is complete horseshit, avoiding important topics is essentially disregarding her opinions as an individual human being. I suppose I was subconsciously afraid of losing any possibility with her too soon... But it is exactly this kind of behavior that excludes all possibilities for anything serious! If one is looking for a serious relationship (I am) then everything should be addressed as soon as possible.

This is related to my self-esteem issues as well. I have a lot of difficulties challenging people unless I very well-versed in whatever it is were talking / doing. It had been a really long time since I read up on veganism and diet and all that, and I remember feeling unsure whether my facts were correct, and hence didn't bother discussing it with her. Which again, is belittling her worth as an information source, I mean, who better to learn about veganism than a vegan? I could have always double-checked her claims and consider her arguments more in-depth afterwards. The same happened with a lot of other issues, I recall some political topics that came up and I reacted to in an off-hand manner. This most likely resulted in a very lukewarm image of me as a person, more than enough to end a woman's interest in a man.

It's not too bad though, we only saw each other for three weeks. I just can't get over it how easily I screwed up and essentially acted as a thinned-down version of myself. This is the last time I am ever going to act like this in an intimate relationship. Always take the other seriously as a human being, and then if doesn't work out at least you can say you were yourself.

>> No.11805652

>I had a thing with a girl who had a crush on me, and I ended up killing her

>> No.11805684

asexuality doesn't exist bro

>> No.11805687


Self-reflection is the truth.

>> No.11805718

I have an autistic classmate this semester and the little things he does constantly remind me of how bad I used to be.
>h-hi professor, this is a REALLY WEIRD question, but could I *insert not that weird request to audit class for a day
>tfw used to say shit like "this is so weird* all the time
>tfw realize that only autists use the word weird in that context

>> No.11805742

this has to be bait

>> No.11805761

I can't take phd pre-dissertation work anymore

I'm on the last stage, literally a month away from being ABD, and even aside from the anxiety that I'm going to fail this last milestone, I am still close to being burned out after all this shit. It's little wonder I know people in 5th or 6th year or even higher who are still treating it like undergraduate with no end in sight. The system habituates you to thinking that way. They'll probably be there until they're 40.

If I make it past this phase I am going to finish the dissertation in two years. I'm not going to become like them

>> No.11805768

>tfw 336 combined GRE
>tfw BS electrical E
>tfw PhD STEM student
I know this is bait, but it made me feel good mane. How wrong you were

>> No.11805776


She doesn't feel in general.

>> No.11805778

I'm not doing it for bugman points, and I fucking hate networking. I'm doing it because it's the one thing that gives me true joy in life. I want to master my field totally and shape it as I please.

>> No.11805910
File: 167 KB, 945x945, juliantotinotedesco_13628232_893437060767904_1614179732_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what to do.
do not stay the course, resentment will be imminent. I repeat resentment will be imminent.

>> No.11805930

>Despite world leaders best efforts to unify us.

Really? I have utter to contempt for them.

>> No.11805939

EEfags are the retards of non-retard engineering

>> No.11806032
File: 151 KB, 1080x1080, baranmong_37359323_200004567338502_5212530244963008512_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kept my head down and applied myself rigorously and here I am at the cusp of it.

My father told me, that I could have my dream ( a small family) if I applied myself.

Well here I am at 28.

Mother is divorced
Sister is divorced
Aunt is divorced

And I will be damned if I bring a child into a broken family.

I went out with this girl two weeks ago, I really thought she was gonna diffrent from the rest. I didn't want to see her again after our dinner.

Am not asking for a unicorn but just have some values and a heart, ya know?

I feel like an idiot. I wasted my youth youth and I will have nothing but some numbers on my bank account and an empty house to show for it.

I fear the humble beginnings of apathy are at hand.

>> No.11806041

this post has some nice s p a c i n g :)))

Also why do you feel controlled by your family? Just do what makes you happy.

>> No.11806175
File: 220 KB, 576x751, Whitby Cigarettes cartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First of all, your claim that the “most intelligent people of all time smoked tobacco” is not only historically inaccurate, but it also holds no correlation to intelligence.
Bach, Kant, Einstein, Mozart, Beethoven, Faulkner, the list goes on. You would be hard pressed to find a smoker who wasn't a genius.
Your meme implied that intelligent people do not smoke and this is simply untrue.

>Second of all, tobacco is easily the deadliest herb in history. It has essentially no pros pertaining to its effects, and has caused addiction and cancer in many a person throughout history (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1079499/).). The only positive effect is that it creates jobs for people. Shitty jobs, but jobs nonetheless.

Patently false. You cited a single article, an historical review of its medical uses, which even uses key phrase "has probably" in the preface.

The case against tobacco is entirely predicated on shoddily conducted non-randomized epidemiological studies, which are systemically, and fatally flawed, and in recent years, are of themselves contradicted by other epidemiological studies that did not have an inherent bias to "prove" it's harm as an a priori objective, i.e. the so called paradoxical studies coming out of Japan in the late 90s and early 2000s, which had 1/10th the instance of lung cancer.

Your claim that it confers no positive effects is also ludicrous. No one would have ever taken up smoking tobacco if it didn't yield some marginal benefit.

Tobacco smoke contains MAOIs, nicotine, Coenzyme Q10, and dozens of other compounds known to positively affect cognition memory wise, and state of mind as an antidepressant. Smoking upregulates telomerase, and doubles the key antioxidants catalase and gluthione, reduces IGF-1, raises youth hormones (DHEA, pregnenolone, testosterone…), upregulates KLOTHO expression, the list goes on and on. It's known to reduce parkinson's disease risk.

Here are studies involving the effects of nicotine and tobacco smoke on memory:

>Thirdly, you call me ignorant and then say something so ignorant as “tobacco smoke isn’t carcinogenic” (https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/publications/healthy-living/carcinogens-tobacco-smoke.html).).

It isn't. You cited a source that looks at constituents found within tobacco smoke, rather than tobacco smoke itself. These constituent, namely benzopyrenes, are found in much greater quantities in cooked meats, which are actually worse if ingested orally given the first pass effect. You can find trace amounts of carcinogens in just about anything.

If you use tobacco smoke, you will be very disappointed to discover that fails to demonstrate carcinogenicity.
All experimental studies involving tobacco smoke itself, on healthy animal subjects, fail demonstrate additional instances of of cancer above that of control.

>> No.11806190

I don't really feel fear but just nervousness. There's no good reason I should be accepted anywhere, but they do have to accept some people, so I don't know

>> No.11806208

I had similar feelings while reading Invisible Cities by Calvino. It overflows with city impressions and at the same time reflects the wayfarers mind and his adventures. Comfy and exotic.

>> No.11806219

I was just going through some photos I took in the last few years, after browsing through some facebook profiles that had vacation photos, parties and all that other shit. Compared to them, my collection is dire and can be explained with the Pink Floyd lyrics "Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town."
I feel slightly sad because of it, but at the same time I don't have much money to throw around anyway.

Today I bought some new piece of clothing and it felt like a big change in my life. Now this realization makes me want to cry, it's just a shirt god damn it.

>> No.11806226

damn son

>> No.11806246

Install a bidet. Or a bidet hose. Or one of those travel bidets.

>> No.11806258

wet toilet paper

>> No.11806273
File: 864 KB, 3600x2299, 1535784543337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you're making forward progress and that is what matters.

We all start from different points. There is a time to be hard on yourself but also a time to be lenient.

Write down things you want to change about yourself and then go about it systematically.
Buying a new shirt can be a huge difference anon, don't discredit yourself.

I believe in you anon, keep pushing forward. You will become the person you want to become.

>> No.11806311

3 years lmao

>> No.11806315

I actually had a pretty content day today. I met a new person at lunch, and did all the things I needed to. Although it seems like one of my friends are starting to dislike me for no good reason. I really don't understand why some people feel the need to put another human under them. It could be feelings of inferiority, or maybe some people just like to see others struggle. The only thing I can keep in mind is; that I have no power over outside effects. I only have the ability to control what is in me.

>> No.11806322

wtf, i love cigarettes now?

>> No.11806326

When is something too dark? I'm really into grimdark stuff, but I can't write anything outside of it. I can't even write comedic relief to offset the edge from my stories.

>> No.11806361

>Tfw in Europe kids do amphetamines at dance parties instead of school
Get real drugs, America.

>> No.11806368
File: 89 KB, 796x1060, 1537295415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write semi-autobiographical novel
>can't share it with my friends or family because I talk about them in it
what do I do?

>> No.11806378

hey sometimes it works. good to try other stuff too, but creative things can make you happy

good luck anon

This just keep pushing, be smart about it, set yourself up for success (keep your brain like a motor in top condition).

>> No.11806380

but anon every day is a dance party when you're on amphetamine, even when you're at school

>> No.11806382

I hate hate hate hate HATE my coworker. I hate my coworker so fucking much. I at least a little understand why Raskolnikov thought he was above the law, because this faggot’s turtle shiny bald head looks more and more like the perfect place for an axe. Monday morning, I get into work, tired and unhappy. I’m a disgusting morning person. I walk by him and in my peripheral see his eyes light up as he turns to me and in his lispy faggot voice “Hey SSSSSSSSEEEAAAAANNNNN!!!” and winks and gives that peace sign that little Japanese girls do. I don’t even have a moment to unpack my shit when he peeks his little head over our divider and asks me about my weekend (I have nothing interesting to say. I either binge drank with my friend again or stayed in to read and “”””””write””””””). I give him anywhere between a one and six worded answer. It would be so completely obvious to anyone else how curt I am being, but he’s too pathologically happy and naïve to take these less and less subtle hints that I simply do not want to talk to him. “What did you bring for lunch, Sean?” “A sandwich” “Wow, that’s so cool. What’s in it?” “Chicken” Does he think this constitutes genuine conversation?

He wakes up at 3am every morning, I’m not memeing. He does some sort of intensive workout and after I don’t even know what else, I keep forgetting what he says he does for five more hours until work starts because before he can talk any further I remind myself that he wakes up at three the fucking morning. He apparently goes to bed at 8pm. I’ve outright told him I don’t trust him because of this. He politely laughs it off. He thinks I’m half kidding because he does know his habits are strange, but I truly mean it every time I make fun of him. He tried to relate to me about football because he knows I’m a sports fan, but eventually admitted he only likes teams with “the hot quarterbacks, like Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers.” Last week he told a few of us he worked up the courage to go in for a kiss at the end of a tinder date with some guy. Everyone congratulated him like he just survived cancer.

He has to upload certain data/whatever to the web platform we use. Since he’s newer than I am, I check over his work to make sure it’s all in place. It’s actually pretty easy to make a careless mistake, and it’s never a big deal because it can be easily corrected. But it gives me fantastic pleasure when he fucks something up so that I explain to him his mistake and make him correct it. A part of me wants to go full /devilish/ and purposely change the shit he uploaded so I can tell him to redo it. I haven’t gotten there yet. What also gave me pleasure was when one of my girl coworkers was shitting all over short guys when he himself is no more than 5 feet. She must’ve forgotten he was right there. His poker face was kino.

>> No.11806386

Don't be scared. Just push through to the end, even if it's slapdash and shitty.

>> No.11806398

well if you're such a big sports fan maybe you could be his tight end for a night

>> No.11806404

He often comes into work wearing his a pink hat that says “Daddy” on it. It’s as if he flat out wants everyone to know he gets fucked in the ass every night.

I absolutely dread walking into work every day. It’s always something with him. He told me two weeks ago that he approached some hot guy at a grocery store and started hitting on him (“I didn’t see a ring!!!”) but chickened out about asking for his number because he wasn’t 100% sure he was gay. One nice thing is that he’s 29 and I’m 25 but I’m still above him enough that I can just tell him to do shit that he can hardly question or object to.

I’m watching him right now bob his head to his music. I want to buy an axe.

>> No.11806430

I want to talk to this girl in my class, but her friend makes things inconvenient. Why can't she ever be alone? Really getting on my nerves, buds.

>> No.11806437

note to myself: avoid deeper contact with coworkers, if I observe that I annoy them then slow down a bit, ask if they have bought some new items for the garden once in a while

>> No.11806455

i sometimes think my life is fucked up, because it is, but then i remember that this world exists and I feel deeply grateful that my insanity prevented me from ever going into it

whenever I work random jobs everybody just leaves me alone except a minority of people who try to befriend me or hit on me which I dont respond to very much. These are blue collar jobs so there is not much of the gay reality that infects offices. There was a gay dude at my last job i would catch watching me occasionally but he couldnt even maintain eye contact with me let alone actually talk.

Periodically i become so fucking repulsed by everything around me that I want to just beat the shit out of somebody, just take their idiocy and ugliness and render it into unthinking pulp.

But then I rememebr this is only projected self-hatred, and when you love yourself, you stop hating others.

>> No.11806461

Post excerpt

>> No.11806479

28 is the new 57, apparently

>> No.11806485

I find it hard to create an unique identity in the world of capitalism and consumerism. Am I me or am I just a fool falling for marketing schemes?

>> No.11806493

Man, where do you guys even find these girls at

>> No.11806674

Sometimes you watch the news and think what a shame that guys dead. Sometimes you watch it and think what a shame the guy who killed him is going to jail for so long.
But somtimes still, you watch the news and you see some retard kills some other retard and are happy retard 1 is dead and retard 2 is going to jail, knowing that's two pieces of scum off the street.

Reading your post is like the third scenario.

I dislike you.
I dislike homosexuals.

Neither of you have any redeeming qualities.

I'm straight and if I would fire your gloomy low energy ass. Improve yourself instead of drinking away your weekends like a loser. Be greatful and great the day instead of languishing. Get proper sleep. Drink some more coffee if you have to. Just stop being a loser.

>> No.11806690

Nigga chill

>> No.11806849

>Today I rubbed my senior lecturer's baldy shiny head and a duke's fuzzy buzzcut at the same time and told them we were one and the same but variants of textures within the materia available to us and it's all going to be okay before we had popsicles that are signs nature loves us to Antarctica and chemicals and back
If that's how you're experiencing amphetamines in school then you've got the good ones.

More likely you're getting the equivalent bump of your teacher giving you a small hard candy you forget about by day's end, which is enough to condition you to liking school vaguely like a five year old might without drugs or candy.

>> No.11807026
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>You would be hard pressed to find a smoker who wasn't a genius

Am I reading this right? Are you saying that the approximately 42% of people who smoked in the United States (https://www.prb.org/us-smoking-trends/)) in the 1950's, for example, were geniuses? Or did you phrase this incorrectly, and you meant that many geniuses smoked? The latter is basically wrong by any metric of genius. The former could be true but, again, is not related to smoking except for an extremely loose correlation.

>The case against tobacco is predicated on shoddy studies

This is what made me not even want to continue this argument, because I have other things to do and this is so devastatingly retarded that I it isn't really worth it to address, but fuck it I guess.

I honestly don't have the time to list every argument, so please read some of these, especially the scientific study reports. If you don't have access to the reports through your university or organization then use sci-hub:








And I will say, again, that the positives of smoking are not only outweighed by their cons, but can also be found in healthier substances and practices like coffee and regular exercise.

>If you use tobacco smoke... fails to demonstrate carcinogenicity

Again, here are some decent sources for you to take a look at:






And those are but a few.

Your first source I refuted by saying that the cons outweigh the pros in cigarette smoking.

The last source was more questioning whether rats and mice are suitable substitutes for humans ("Specifically, rats and mice may not be a good
model for lung malignancy"), but then concedes in the next sentence, "An analysis of a recently compiled database shows, however, that rats and mice do indeed exhibit lung neoplasia when test materials are presented by the inhalation route" (neoplasia is abnormal growth tissue that can be cancerous but also benign, by the way)(https://library.med.utah.edu/WebPath/NEOHTML/NEOPL102.html).).

>> No.11807037

i think blood is really cute.

>> No.11807047

I just got accepted into UC Berkeley and UCLA. Which one should I pick as a philosophy major/math minor

>> No.11807071

Don't pick any minor. They aren't valued by employers or graduate schools. They will only limit your class choices and drag down your GPA.
>b-but I want to learn it!
NOTHING and I mean nothing, is stopping you from sitting in on a class. If you want to do it officially, sign up to audit the course which is generally free if you are a full time student.
Only pseuds say they want to learn the material then do it the hard way rather than on their own initiative. They just want the street cred to validate it to the outside world.

>> No.11807136

Not him but smoking causes cancer started as a nazi meme. Hitler thought everyone should give up meat and cigarettes and pushed for science to prove they caused diseases. The Allied side recognised the value to morale of giving soldiers who were probably going to die anyway cigarettes, even those like Monty who refused to let any one other than Churchill smoke in his presence used hand them out by the bucket load to the troops. The Axis side obviously couldn't get permission to, and a lot of their losses are attributed to the poor morale Hitler's froofroo science bred. That's why the first papers you'll find about smoking causing cancer and lung problem which are the basis for further citations come from Germany first. Not because they were doing better science but because they were doing biased tested to give the Führer his desired outcome.
So yeah the people in the US who smoked in the 1950s because of their armed forces distribution of them since the 1940s were better than the control group of dead Nazis at evading bullets and nooses. If you think the dead Nazis had a better plan, you can try a noose instead of cigarettes and see which causes more respiratory problems and indicates a higher adaptability.

Also you'll probably want to stick away from citing lung cancer. People who have never smoked and get lung cancer are more likely to die than people who smoke and get other forms of cancer. Why? Well, would you spend treatment money on someone with lung cancer given that you believe it's caused by cigarettes? No, of course not, which is why lung cancer is more likely to kill you if you never smoked. Compared to the funding that people with breast or ball cancer get, regardless of their smoker status, lung cancer sufferers might as well try the noose and a pack of cigarettes at the same time because nobody's funding that. Bad PR, you see.

Likewise a lot of studies that don't find people who smoked in their cancer pool immediately caveat that the cancer patients probably lied about their never smoking. The increase in cancers which have previously been linked to smoking is getting more inexplicable by the year, though, and there's already a fringe in medicine who are positing that maybe cancer patients aren't lying secret smokers but giving us an accurate history which we should look at to explain these increases.

>> No.11807151

Sorry for the typos, phoneposting before bed

>> No.11807176
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>> No.11807233

Do any of you listen to Swans? I enjoy their lyrics and was wondering if there were books similar to what Gira writes you anons could recommend. Examples would be A Piece of the Sky, You Know Nothing, 1000 Years, Kirsten Supine, To Be Kind, The Other Side of the World, and (Her). Of course I like way more but these are my favorite. I know I'm asking for one big spoonfeed but I don't know where to look, please help.

>> No.11807256


>> No.11807263


>> No.11807335

indian food is better.

>> No.11807442

I do but I also think Gira's lyrics, like most pop music lyrics, are kind of immature and embarrassing when they're separated from the music they're written to accompany

They work in the context of the song, not as poetry

>> No.11807458


>> No.11807478

I thought so too :(

>> No.11807506

Man is not a cog in a machine so much as he is a single neuron in a planet-wide, decentralized brain

All of man's creative expression, from Monet to Jewish desert cults, boils down to him screaming out in agony as his private happiness is Darwinistically culled in favor of the emergent Hive consciousness. The pain of being sublimated (domesticated) towards something disinterested and higher is expressed and justified and often embraced in various ways, but it is always pain, and always profound

>> No.11807529

That's a neat contention. I've read about and even written a few papers on superorganisms such as ant colonies and putatively, human social systems.

An individual human's cognitive abilities vastly exceed an ant's, in that an ant will quite be without any function at all without its brood mates around relaying signals that bind them all into the collective.

Humans aren't quite that dependent. But we certainly do combine and mutually amplify our intelligence. Manhattan projects, cathedral construction, the conduct of organized warfare, these are tasks of incredible sophistication that no single human could control or understand to completion.

If each person has an individual will that is not comfortably assimilable into the collective, there will always be some conflict in society. And sometimes the individual will win, sometimes the opposite.

>> No.11807532

It's the only thing they can do right

>> No.11807666

my entire life is one big fucking cringe compilation

>> No.11807782

graduate schools dont value minors? thank you for the advice anon, it's very appreciated

>> No.11807833

>tfw no bookish Japanese gf to go on coffee dates with

>> No.11807846
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Reading books together with your gf is quite comfy

>> No.11807861
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>this longwinded answer actually has some merit to it

Maybe she's just not comfortable with her self yet in front of him, man. Try being more supportive of her instead of being a nagging beta incel.

>> No.11808099


>> No.11808263

I've been invited to go to an open mic tomorrow night and I'm actually nervous about potentially reading in it.

>> No.11808296
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Maybe I will talk to her tomorrow. Maybe.

>> No.11808312

But probably not

>> No.11808342
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Quitting my job in 2 weeks, probably going to take some time off and focus entirely on my art classes, unless I can find a job at my library or a vet, pretty scary, but also exciting.
There's a girl, she cute, I don't know if she's what I want in a GF, I'm having a good time just hanging though.
Just sold my old car, do I buy a switch with the money? nah, probably waiting for smash.
What's a good book about birds?
What's a good book that embodies summer with interesting characters?

>> No.11808350
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You better do it. What have you got to lose? Not a thing, you're just being a scaredy cat, get past the nerves.

>> No.11808899

Yeah his advice was spot on, minors don't mean anything to employers, even my academic adviser told me this, it's not worth the hassle unless you have a genuine interest or are looking to gain skills/knowledge you might not be able to attain yourself

>> No.11808971

I feel bad because yesterday I didn't pass again my Latin exam. This wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't a person this insecure, with so little personal achievements to be proud of

>> No.11808972

Poetry slam?

>> No.11809006


Meninas casai comigo
Que sou de boas feições
Tenho um metro de pixa
E arroba e meia, de colhões

Sorry that it is in portuguese, but it is what i came up with

>> No.11809068

da-me uma cerveja

that's all portuguese I know and will ever need

>> No.11809087

James Bond's birds of the Caribbean. The other James Bond is named after him. Much summer, many birds.

>> No.11809110
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I will happily let people tread and take advantage and abuse me because I am so desperate to feel useful.

>> No.11809117

Just find a good thread, really. Some threads go to shit, but quality posts usually get quality replies and you can Always choose to ignore someone even if the rest of the crowd doesn't. You could also get people from boards onto IRC, discord, Skype, mumble, whatever. I've seen plenty good threads with good discussions on here though.

>> No.11809122

Could be that she resented it back then and finally has the balls to say it now. Some people don't like oral, man. Ask her the reasons why she did back then and not now, you're not disgusting, your dick is probably suckable. She's not disgusting, she just sucked some dick and now she doesn't feel like it. She doesn't owe you shit.

>> No.11809419

I hope you are a cute girl

>> No.11809463

one day soon you will wake up and be a bitter old man of 23 years wishing you had talked to more cute girls in college

>> No.11809577
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I hate having ADD

>> No.11809690

After ten years of browsing this hellhole I think it's finally time to leave. I'm pretty sure that spending time on 4chan almost daily since I was 12 has left a deep mark in my life and it's time to grow into a decent human being once and for all. Also, this place has gone to shit.
This year I stopped being addicted to videogames, porn and now I'm severing my last thread to the loser I am, and I advice you all to do the same desu. 4chan is poison to the mind, and the only ones who don't realize it is because they're far too deep into the addiction or those who are too new to realize how cancerous this place is.

>> No.11809817

Chaste and breadpilled.

>> No.11809859

Carnal and slavepilled

>> No.11809881

i dont think it's really that bad. It's just chaotic

>> No.11809899
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Any place where you are regularly exposed to sexual stimuli is "that bad". Arousal induces a temporary hypofrontality that usually leads to sexual release, which ruins your motivation to do anything else the rest of the day.
It's not "that bad" if you ad block every single thumbnail on this website and stay here purely for the discussion. Otherwise, you will suffer the consequences.

>> No.11809948

The discussion here is also utter shit, the entirety of 4chan's social dynamics is full of people trying to judge and put each other down, which is a poisonous mindset to interact with. The moment you step into any board you start noticing this trend, /v/ and /vg/ has people calling each other casuals because they're not that good at whatever fucking videogame, /a/ and /mu/ calls people plebs because of their music taste or because they don't know some random obscure artist, and there's some equivalent of this in every board. The entirety of 4chan full of racist, mysogynistic, and generally hateful people who will find any excuse to make fun of others, be it calling them manlets, low-IQ shitter, roasties, incels or whatever it is. At first it's fun to see all this play out and you think it makes you cooler to tough it up, but this toxicity starts seeping out into your brain from all the exposure. Me and another friend who browsed 4chan when we were teenagers started delving into ever more obscure music artists and artistic shit, and started seeing other people as plebs, even when I thought it was just a funny meme, getting used to not showing vulnerability online due to all these weirdos being always in the look out for something to make fun of while at the same time you start this habit of putting yourself above all the other anons started being something I unconsciously did on real life, turning me into an unfeeling and unsincere piece of garbage. Only recently, when I became aware of how awful this retarded mindset is, I started breaking away from all this and trying to reform myself into a more caring and sincere person, and I'm finally starting to behave like a decent human being ought to.

>> No.11810168

I've been coming to the same conclusion as well. I'm browsing less and lesser over the years, I barely come on 4chan these days. 4chan without a doubt changed my life for the better for exposing me to so many things, but as time goes on, its value seems to diminish more and more until it's a plague that's grown into you. Instead of reading and writing good effort-posts and threads, it becomes a bad habit of mindlessly browsing and reading useless information with a good post/thread here and there. It's still a good website compared to the rest, but the cons outweight the few pros. Im definitely not quiting this place forever because there's no reason to put a stupid rule on myself and put myself down if i break it over a stupid site like this and it's still one of a kind, but I no longer have the attachments I had before.

>> No.11810325

>ublock doesn't stop the 4chan ads now
This is bullshit

>> No.11810522
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>> No.11810742

Lord Otiz of the Spurj Mountain range has commissioned the Engineering Order of Anvil to make his barony, Spurj Prime, mobile so he could raid the Southside Orks and produce food at the same time. Now, how does one make about 10,000m^2 of rock and soil mobile? Add legs, of course.

Now, the legs to move this giant would need to be strong to carry this upscaled golem. The fief has a rocky topsoil with a lighter density than the bottom of the fief, which is made out of stronger bedrock. This means that the legs of the golem must be attached to the bottom, rather than the side. It may limit mobility, but with the large commercial capability of a fief the least amount of risks must be taken. This bedrock lies about 4,000 meters down, making the total volume of the beast 40,000m^3. The average density of a shaft that would reach 4,000 meters down is about 200 kilograms per square meter, making the fief weigh about 8 million kilograms. We plan on making four legs to support the fief, so this would split the pressure four ways, or 2,000,000 kilograms per leg.

>> No.11810902

Use the picker tool on it and block the element.

>> No.11811233

Soundtrack to coffee cat:


>> No.11811273
File: 69 KB, 448x562, ascetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw abstaining from sex, masturbation, pornography, meat, dairy, sugar, oil, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and other drugs and not associating with lewd and degenerate people and even averting my eyes when coming across them
>tfw going to bed early and rising early
>tfw taking long walks daily at dawn
>tfw only consuming pre-20th century media (with the exception of /lit/ for a moment here or there)
>tfw spending hours a day in quiet solitude

Purest I've ever been lads. Chaste anon was right.

>> No.11811457

I know the feeling.
By the way, how do you resist the urge to give characters you like all the best things you can think of when writing?

>> No.11811503

I've been on 4chan since I was 12 and it fucked me up. I can't express my opinions and thoughts anywhere except anonymously. In real life when I interact with people I find myself repeating their own thoughts back to them, only worded differently. I rarely disagree with people if they know it's me. Online, I compulsively change handles and avoid stating strong opinion. I often feel anger and discontent but I don't know where to direct it to other than the vague bogeyman of 'society'. I spent too many of my formative years on /lit/ and /mu/ that I privately deride others for their pleb tastes, yet I am now old enough to know that I'm no patrician myself, and that looking down on others brings me nothing. And since I'm a coward, I can't say any of this to anyone, other than to the anonymous horde, in ephemeral 'write your thoughts' threads that will bear my words into archives where they will not be read, and this brings me a feeling of both comfort and resignation.

>> No.11811585

You probably just like phallic objects.

>> No.11811627

What keeps me coming back here is the bystander effect. It's hard to look away from a crash scene.

As much of a train wreck of a community 4chan is, you occasionally find hidden gems sprinkled in. /lit/ is comparatively not that bad, and one of the better boards. It's hard to get seriously offended by what kinds of books you like, so it has that benefit with all the shit-slinging that happens.

Of course it sucks to get made fun of when you accidentally write something goofy, but the feedback here can sometimes be positive. The same goes for other parts of 4chan, where if you post your tits or your dick you'll suddenly find yourself with a half dozen temporary fans.

But 4chan is a mind cancer. No doubt about it. Use sparingly.

>> No.11811666

Recently, I've been thinking about how we manage time--Specifically free time. When I get out of bed in the morning, I decide that I will do something productive with my free time, but ultimately end up shitposting online and doing nothing. This appears to be a viscous cycle which I struggle to escape from. It makes me wonder if other people endure similar feelings of guilt regarding being generally unproductive.

>> No.11811669
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I am proud of you.
My counsel for you is to eat a meal of fatty fish to start out most days in order to provide energy and to help sustain your body's demand for protein. It further aids with neuroplasticity and further repair due to the DHA/EPA content. Salmon, sardines or tuna. They can serve as nourishment for a large day ahead. The largest problem lies in eating fats and protein late day and before bed. There was an old text I once read, that I'm at a loss for, theological/ascetic, that said something along the lines of "do not feed them meat until they are ready".

I avoid psychoactive substances means to pleasure or as a crutch but they are not evils of themselves, provided they are not used to hedonistic ends, and are used with a goal in mind.
Coffee can be used tactically, provided you have a full day lined up and resolve only to drink it at the start of the morning. Phenibut can be used to prevent nocturnal erections and wet dreams which is very useful in the early weeks of abstinence. They also act as catalysts, further disrupting the old default mode network to effectuate your positive changes.
In cooler weather, I sometimes find smoking a smoking a bowl of tobacco following my morning walk to be a great conduit for meditation and contemplation. This was Kant's routine and the time where he did his writing.
It is very good to eliminate sugar from your daily routine and I commend you for doing so. However, I still find buying some candy after a month of abstinence helps reinforce abstinence and reveals a newfound appreciation of how attuned you otherwise would be to such basic things. I will on very rare occasion, buy some Haribo candy after a large task as a reward.

While loosely organized, what I am getting at is that these can all serve as means and tools to prevent the far worse slip up of regressing back into the sexual state. Admittedly my motives for asceticism are more selfish than most in that they help aid productivity and further my own ends. This does not blind me from understanding a total renunciation of all pleasures for an even higher goal of a total denial of the will, should you wish to ignore my own routine and carry on with your existing one (it clearly is working).
Ascetics, sages and philosophers have long attempted to distinguish between the more base pleasures and their indulgences, which serve no end but disruptive pleasure, and the higher and more refined ones which lead to lasting contentment. Even the most extreme Western ascetic of the in the past 1000 years, Henry Suso, said:
>Question: Paul says that no law is made for the just.
>Answer: Just persons, by becoming so, conduct themselves more submissively than other people because they understand from within, in the source, what is proper outwardly for everyone, and they view all things accordingly. The reason that they are unfettered is that they do (freely) out of an attitude of detachment what ordinary people do under compulsion.

>> No.11812020
File: 158 KB, 480x639, 8A045EE9-0318-450D-B2A7-C6070139D4CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a boring personality, a small penis and a terrible body
I think I’ll never find someone who likes me

>> No.11812085

WHOA you're more successful than a fucking 21 year old working at a restaurant. Pat yourself on the back big guy

>> No.11812147

Your outlook and self hatred is more ruinous than any of those traits.

>> No.11812227

You've got to go back >>>/soc/

>> No.11812234

Mommy reading books to me was the most comfiest thing ever. To be wrapped in her arms, listening to her soft beautiful voice, telling the story of a an epic or something calming. It definitely was one of my favorite times of life.

>> No.11812256



I wrote that in my notes while high. It's weird but I like it

>> No.11812267

it's these sorts of delusions that lead to widespread destruction and loss of life

>> No.11812274


>> No.11812297

Why are writers and literature buffs such depressed faggots?

>> No.11812314

You sound like a sociopath with no self esteem

>> No.11812583

Consider the reality that you are a pseud.

>> No.11812614

Lately I’ve been obsessed with the idea that I have a brain tumor. I have strange memory and cognitive issues where I forget basic things about my life. Sometimes I’m in my parked car and it feels like it’s moving forward even though It’s not. I’ve also been getting these weird headaches on the top of my head lately.I keep thinking that a brain tumor aould explain all of this, but I can’t be bothered to see a doctor.

>> No.11812675

Stop being a pussy and go to the doctor

>> No.11812702

I have for years now been able to write erotic fiction that specifically caters to my fetishes, and does so very well. Other people love my erotica and I love it too. I've been able to fap to my own writing before. But now that I'm trying to move away from constant sexual stimulation and do more of a nofap lifestyle, this talent has become a danger. It's difficult to live with the knowledge that I can get high off my own supply, so to speak.

>> No.11812878
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I think it's time for me to quit /lit/ and moved on to some of the smaller sites which haven't been touched by the political miasma choking most of the internet. I just can't stand the constant /pol/ posting, politicization of everything, bickering and posturing. Any potential for discussion gets snuffed out by an ideologue screaming about their pet issues; any recommendation threads get co-opted by people trying to lure more converts for their cause; any fun threads quickly turn into some stupid tit-for-tat shot against your ideological opponent. Slowly and surely every post is turning into a "based and redpilled" or "cringe" or some other inane non-content reply that means nothing, to a crowd of others who expect nothing. It's just a drawn-out degradation unto death for the board, it will never get better unless there's a major shift in perspective in the pop-culture of "the west"; the critical mass has already been reached where newfags dominate the discourse and attract more of their kind. I've been chewing on the idea of the importance of exposure to information—and perhaps more importantly the importance of avoiding exposure to poor information—for a while now, and i've reached the conclusion that /lit/ has come to constitute a net negative; The 1 in a 1000 good post isn't worth the accumulation of 999 posts of grime. You simply can't draw clean water from a poisoned well. Whatever i was once attracted here by is gone, either from me or the board, so it's time i moved on rather than dragging my feet and succumbing to the inertia of habit. I'm not sure if this storm will ever blow over, or what will be left after it does, but either way i've had enough of it.
>see you next week
i unfortunately, i don't thinks it will be so this time. Even if other sites only get a few posts a day it's come to the point where i'd rather be alone than in poor company.

>> No.11812899

My motivation is through the floor. I have 6 hours before I have to get up for my morning class, but I'm also starving and I'd have to go out for food. I've got several assignments that may be due tomorrow so I might just bang them out there, but I'm still tired as fuck due to my terrible sleep this week. Essentially, by sleeping from 6pm-12am and staying up for classes on Tuesday, I threw off my sleep schedule so that I'm always running on empty, and work that is normally trivial is now a bitch to get done at all. I hope these situations get less common as you adapt to university life because today I couldn't even read.

>> No.11812927

Thanks for the reply. I can see your point about using some of these things as rewards or tools, but I decided to be extra strict in the beginning because I always find myself heavily investing in 'replacement indulgences' as soon as I quit one my most serious vice which is alcohol.

After a full month I may start to gradually add some of them back in when they're no longer merely serving to fill the hole were drunkenness once was. I might take up a pipe again as a rare reward, I used to smoke one in the past and it's a way different and more benevolent experience than cigarettes.

I'm also not unselfish in my motives, they're entirely secular and maybe even hedonistic (in the sensible Epicurean sense rather than the self-destructive indulgent one), but I've found all these practises to actually heighten the quality of life, which is a very pleasant discovery. It would be one thing to refrain from this stuff for an abstract idea or a greater good, but realising that keeping the harmful pleasures at a minimum actually leads to a more agreeable life in the long run is very encouraging.

Epicurus himself, being the father of hedonism, was himself a chaste man, saying that sexual pleasure never does one any good and one is lucky to not be harmed by it.

>> No.11812975

I don't know what to do. I don't think I ever have. I wish and wait and whimper and it only hurts more when time comes to face the next hurdle. I feel I'm a burden to everyone around me. I can't tell if they care about me genuinely or simply don't want my suicide to be on their conscience. I feel like a worthless, foolish, leech. My dad's dead, my mom has lung cancer and keeps smoking and my brother is doing all he can to help while I silently resent him for telling our parents he wanted a little brother.

>> No.11812993

Is there a way to completely detach yourself from your emotions. I want to walk up to random strangers and do random shit without fear of embarassment or self-consciousness.

>> No.11813031

It requires training. I recommend reading up on Diogenes for inspiration.

>> No.11813079

Blog your life story right here, nigga

>> No.11813085

>I'm straight and if I would fire your gloomy low energy ass. Improve yourself instead of drinking away your weekends like a loser. Be greatful and great the day instead of languishing. Get proper sleep. Drink some more coffee if you have to. Just stop being a loser.

>> No.11813088

>I find it hard to create an unique identity in the world of capitalism and consumerism. Am I me or am I just a fool falling for marketing schemes?
Tfw communism is a marketting scheme.
Tfw bolsheviks were funded by Wall St

>> No.11813451

>moved on to some of the smaller sites
w-which one anon

>> No.11814106
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>tfw you've been drawing when you should be writing
At least I'm being productive in some capacity, I guess.

>> No.11814139

watcha drawing anon?

>> No.11814182
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Just finished this thing

>> No.11814185


>> No.11814192
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>> No.11814203

Anime is NOT /lit/ approved.

>> No.11814208

absolutely based, this is me at the moment although I am slightly struggling in some areas. It's difficult to not have lewd thoughts when there are whores literally everywhere at uni.

>> No.11814210

is there a wallpaper version of this .gif?

>> No.11814219

Avert your eyes from them. There is no need to look or think about them. Sit in the front of the class, or at least in a row where they will not be in your sight or peripheral.

>> No.11814251

This but annoying/bad personality instead of boring.

>> No.11814291


>> No.11814532
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I think I want a christian gf. Both the one girl I know that I feel like I'm actually friends with and the one girl that has ever openly shown romantic interest in me were christians. This isn't just me drawing random correlations either, I think both of their personalities (compassionate, understanding, somewhat /lit/ interests) were a result of their faith. Actually interesting people instead of instagram whores. And while I think they often take it too far I vastly prefer christian temperance to normie hedonism.

Only problem is I'm not christian, and I have no idea how to meet people who are actually religious, not just larping or blindly following it because their parents did (I realize most people take up religion because of their parents, but I think there's a distinction to be made between people who go on to give the underlying theology some thought and those that just continue with it because they always have). What do I do /lit/? Start going to bible studies?

>> No.11814580

I'm kind of drifting in this direction too romantic interest-wise after a youth spent on drug-fueled open relationships with hippyish bipolar art hoes. I'm interested enough in religion and religious feeling that I can talk religion and theology well, but I still have too much of a contrarian streak to be with a devout Christian without slowly poisoning their faith by discussing epistemological problems and the specific differences and pro/cons between various religions and denominations. Taking the route I'm about to suggest could lead you down the same contrarian path, but an academic interest is at least an honest and complex if tepid and noncommital interest in contrast to the vague faith of cultural Christians that don't do their reading: consider thinking of religion and religious practice as something with organismic merit, something that is healthful and pleasant to individual person as a feeling being, as opposed to thinking of religion as a sterile deontological set of axioms and propositions.

If you fall in the fold of that mental framework you will at least have a respect for religious feeling and religious living even if not religious truth-claims per se, and really I feel that those things are why most people engage in religious practice anyway: attempts at logical proofs of God etc. are more of an afterthought, and I'd personally doubt that even as many as 1% of Christians could explain, say, the cosmological argument.

>> No.11814656
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Demand a hand job with lotion instead. I think it feels far better,and no objectionable tastes to mar the experience. If she objects to THAT, then move on. Then she isn't that into you,and it makes all her motivations suspect.

>> No.11814847

Still a slave either way.
There is only one way to be free. Renounce the flesh.

>> No.11814986

think a lot about this site.
Anonymity or not, You can begin to structuralize discourse into stages as you grow older.
wonder if the founding fathers of America had some insight into these almost circadian-like thought patterns which would lead to certain forms of discourse taking place in segmented periods of time. Just enough time for rival ideologies to fester and erupt non-violently in the form of voting.
sick and tired of politics. Hope that threads like these aren't just market research cataloged by the new 4chan administration to better understand which ads would get clicks.

>> No.11815410

>Anon's first day realising there are European hours on /lit/
They grow up so fast. Now you just need to know to read the sticky instead of posting here and if you want to post here do something useful like catching the Chinese bros who'll give you a deep dive on current and ancient lit in the California braindead hours of the evening.

>> No.11815425
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I want my sexual desires to go away, they've done nothing but hurt me

>> No.11815589

Abstain and remove arousing material from your environment and you will find that they will.

>> No.11815645
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I have begun to pay close attention to people's pants. It seems that men wear a great variety of pants including tracksuit pants, sweats, jeans, gym shorts, regular shorts, khakis, etc.; all of them comfortable and practical, whereas women only wear three types of pants. They all fall under the categories of yoga pants, skinny jeans (this counts regular jeans that are too small to contain their legs), or mini shorts. A lack of variety in pants isn't really a problem in itself, the issue is that I'm not sure why anyone would wear those; they all appear to be uncomfortable and, in my opinion, unattractive.The amount of women I have noted in the past few days who were wearing any other variety of pants is in the single digits, and most of them were older. I don't know what sort of conclusions to draw from this, but I am not quite inclined towards discrediting an entire gender based on their choice of pants.

>> No.11815662

you recommend castration or pissing through (my) mouth?

>> No.11815690

Wow, i'd never expect that an observation of people's pants could be so interesting

>> No.11815708

It requires training. I recommend watching Eric Andre for inspiration.

>> No.11815735
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>get sentimental
>drunkly text people (mostly girls I was / am crushing on)
>go to sleep
>wake up to feelings of shame
please kill me I will literally never stop being a pathetic piece of shit. also
>tfw out of melodramatic music to listen to
guess I'll go to bed desu

>> No.11815967

Are you 19? 22? Eventually you get to a point where you skip all the useless steps and just drink and go to sleep

>> No.11816204


>> No.11816236

Yoga pants are very comfortable. Women's jeans are made of thinner, more stretchy fabric than men's jeans so they're comfortable too. And up until a couple years ago it was practically impossible to find fashionable women's shorts that weren't mini shorts.
t. woman

>> No.11816250

if my MC narrates a whole book like a orphan out of a charles dickens novel, is it going to get annoying really fast?

>> No.11816584

Tfw idea guy with potential but no idea where to start

Please help me