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/lit/ - Literature

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11791102 No.11791102 [Reply] [Original]

Dearest /lit/,

What articles can you recommend on social media and power? I'm very interested to see the Machiavelli of the digital age.

Also, if you've got any thoughts of your own, don't hesitate to share. /lit/anons are smart as fuck.

>> No.11791170
File: 135 KB, 2000x2000, Guide to Mass Media and Propaganda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early days yet for this chart but some works on it may interest you.

>> No.11791198

This is cool stuff anon, thank you. Did you make the chart?

>> No.11791219

Yes, i'm still making it.

>> No.11791242


>> No.11791253

Are you from Thirty Two?

>> No.11791389



>> No.11791557


>> No.11791813
File: 154 KB, 750x1217, 7908709701l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


study the powerful mavens who rule cyber social territory

>> No.11791879

bump for interest

>> No.11791883

idk, I get the feeling the paradigm shift to the digital age renders many of these books obsolete. The technologies employed to exploit addiction mechanisms and narcissism today makes Edward Bernays' techniques techniques seem like child's play.

>> No.11791983

Postman is fucking great. As a pseudo (ha) follow-up to AOtD, read Nicholas Carr's pic related. Unfortunate and ironic clickbait cover aside, great dissection of the function of the brain as a litmus test for the effects of the physical anchors of epistemology.
>from voice
>to page
>to screen

>> No.11791985
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>> No.11792114

Has anyone written a book linking Bentham's idea of constant surveillance enforcing "ethical behavior" in the panopticon to the increasing penetration of social media and the disappearance of private life? Like, a kind of hypercharged community policing of behaviour rather than state enforcement—a co-opticon. There's something there, I'm sure of it.

>> No.11792129
File: 236 KB, 800x1222, psychopolitics-195470897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.11792407 [DELETED] 
File: 662 KB, 1920x1440, 1533610469870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting thread, OP. Funny that it should pop up today, because today I started a group focused on this very thing. Recruited a few smart, relatively amoral, internet-savvy peers to try to create a network of social media influence.

We are going to create many reddit accounts to promote news when we want to, attempt to build a following on a few accounts on instagram and twitter, build some websites, and write fake news. All this is with the intent of helping the group members with different pursuits and guerrilla marketing, in addition to creating a network for hire.

Anyways, wouldn't be spilling all this for no reason. If you're a relatively productive writer with a bit of a Machiavellian streak, email me at digitaldemosthenes@gmail.com. We especially would like someone familiar with blackhatworld.com to acquire tools to automate certain processes.

>> No.11792498

Sounds like some gay /pol/ LARP desu

>> No.11792501

More focused on individual profit than social change, but I see how it might sound that way. Well, we don't plan on spreading anti-Semitic sentiments.

>> No.11792726
File: 28 KB, 801x459, google-dont-be-evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, best of luck. Just remember that you're working within a framework owned and operated by the worlds biggest information company, which is in cooperation with the most sophisticated intelligence network in history. Don't expect to make too big a splash without someone taking notice.

>> No.11793492


>> No.11793603

You can add The Image by Boorstin, Discourse Networks by Kittler, Tube of Plenty by Barnouw, Baudrillard, maybe some cultural studies classics I don't know...

I don't think Postman is a good choice though

>> No.11794026
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>> No.11794722


>> No.11795108
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there is only power and those too weak to seek

>> No.11795409

Thanks for the recommendations, why don't you think Postman is a good choice?

>> No.11795436

I'm curious. What would /lit/ say is a healthy amount of internet activity? If any. I've basically limited any internet exposure to; this board while I'm at work, podcasts, and listening to music. Probably a few searches and such here and there. It's still daily, even if it's miniscule. This is the closest thing to social media I still use. So, is it better to do without altogether, or is moderation key?

>> No.11796299

I'm also curious about this.

>> No.11796556

Have you read Barnouw's "A History of Broadcasting in the United States" series? it looks interesting.

>> No.11797593

There is a book that is basically anti-tv that might interest /lit/. Not sure if anyone else knows what it is called.

>> No.11798201

Henry Jenkins

>> No.11798580

To be perfectly honest I've barely skimmed his book but the argumentation didn't seemed really thorough and it felt much more like a work of a polemicist than an academic one. He makes some valid points, but there is too many books on the subject and not enough time to read them all. I might be wrong, but I think it can be missed

I haven't but it looks like so. The Sponsor is also a very interesting read on the history and influence of advertising

>> No.11798977

I try to do the following:

- use instant messaging in limited frames; turn off phone internet in certain intervals (or keep the cellphone away altogether)
- limit to browsing 4chan from work, lurking in threads
- try to keep a "reading queue" of articles and such; focusing on themes of interest
- use Youtube only for listening/discovering music, and following certain channels (Art history, philosophy lectures, etc)
- strive to continue not having any form of social media (fb, insta, etc). Keep free time at home for vidya (as it's my hobby), reading and the occasional film.

So I would say we are way past any concept of "internet activity limit". It's very much part of our lives and the way we access information, but that does not mean that we should drown on it and all it offers. Negativity is healthy, I think we should use it constructively based on our needs and areas of interest. When something becomes "automatic", minimize or eliminate it all-together (news, reddit, etc).

>> No.11799206

Looks interesting, any others?

>> No.11799350

there is a sadness that can be felt in every comment section on every site that isn't related to some technical Q/A (even though I've seen those go off-topic and sink into sadness too) that I would rather not expose myself to it at all, I'm most likely here because I'm currently one sad individual,
I'm aware of it but I'm not sure how to escape it,

I don't know how much is too much, I'm probably on an overdose right now

>> No.11799422

I think that's easily doable. I'm not too far from having these limits set in place, already. A checklist such as this will aid me quite well.
>It's very much part of our lives and the way we access information
I agree. It's ingrained in the system, culture, etc. We have some folks proclaiming internet access to be a human right, a utility, or a way of life. I try to only use it as a tool to enhance the human experience, as lame as that sounds. I think setting boundaries is good for overall mental health. As >>11799350 said, there is an inevitable sense of lethargy with overexposure to this medium.

>> No.11800464

Sherry Turkle

>> No.11800979

On Television by Bourdieu?

>> No.11800985

the most positive place on teh internet, genuine positivity not forced faux cheeriness like leddit, is the comment section of certain songs on youtube. its mostly proles because well youtuube, but they are still being genjinely nice to each other and expressing sentiments of what they find beautiful

>> No.11800991

The way to have power over it is to not get involved. Exploit the people using it. Understand that their identity revolves around this and without it you would have a shell of a person.

There's no point in becoming a social media star. But there is a lot to be gained from exploiting laymen who use the sites. In case you're just looking for pussy, in which case have fun with that brain-dead garbage.

>> No.11801002

i havent used social media since like 2009 i think(apart from sometimes messaging people on facebook) but back when i did it was mostly just about making jokes iirc. Like you post some joke on your friends wall or you say some funny shit to impress a girl, or whatever. It seems like things have become more about crafting a stylized version of yourself and your life, which is obviously just cancer.

>> No.11802088


>> No.11803239

Nah it wasn't by a big name philosopher or anything.

>> No.11803243

Check out digital theory courses on open course. Also - Tan Lin for poetry , and Marshall McLuhan is foundational to what you’re looking for.