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/lit/ - Literature

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11792210 No.11792210 [Reply] [Original]

theres literally no point in reading fiction. you dont get smarter, you dont acquire new knowledge. fiction is fairy tales for escapists, its pathetic. the only time reading fiction is acceptable if its a book with a historical context and you're reading it to get a better understanding of something non fiction you are reading like reading the illiad as part of your study of ancient greece etc

pic related is what the average fiction reading npc looks like, note the brown skin

>> No.11792219

Nice bait

>> No.11792235
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>not exploring the mental landscape of the most intelligent life forms known to man

>> No.11792237

I'd rather read fiction than do even stupider shit, like playing video games.

>> No.11792241

t. Noel Gallagher

>> No.11792251

reading is for brainlets

>> No.11792252

spot the brown skinned "people"

>> No.11792260
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>admitting that brown skinned "people" are still better than you

poor guy

>> No.11792268

I agree. I only read non-fiction because I like to memorize facts. In fact, most non-fiction is full of pointless interpretation and pontification that deviates a little too far from the plain and simple facts, and for that reason I primarily read dictionaries, encyclopedias, manuals, and textbooks. Theorizing, contextualizing, synthesizing, experimenting with form: what do any of these things have to do with the facts? Nothing. Let's stick to memorizing facts like savants.

>> No.11792273

There are no facts only interpretations. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11792275

Any problem with my skin, "man"?

>> No.11792412

Sir... we got him

>> No.11792419

every book has a historical context you retard

>> No.11792555

in the future someone will read harry potter to get a better understanding of the people of the millenium. that doesnt stop you from being a fiction reading brainlet

>> No.11792681
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problem is you already have to be smart to appreciate fiction
that's a big barrier for most autists

>> No.11792870

>post fat sluts like that
>thinks hes smart

wow now thats what i call delusional

>> No.11792882

I pity you hahaha

>> No.11793579

beginner level "enlightened" NPC spotted

So I take it youre an accomplished scientist? Surely youre not some autist who inflates his ego by boasting about "studying" X topics while you slave away at mcdonalds?

>> No.11793587
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>> No.11793620

Fiction is fine as a supplement to history and philosophy. If you read fiction for any other reason it's nothing but entertainment, which is also fine but not /lit/.

>> No.11793623

red piller

>> No.11793640
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>> No.11793732

Are you legitimately autistic

>> No.11793772

the legit second smartest guy I know (physics phd student at Harvard (rejected MIT)) unironically "doesn't read fiction"

>> No.11793782

Fiction doesn’t make you smart, but it’s an expression of the emotional side of humans, which is just as valid.

>> No.11793798

The actual state of /lit/

>> No.11793801

I used to like this, but after i turned 8 i realized how retarded that is

>> No.11793802

Fiction (when done well) is the only thing capable of bringing us out of our own heads. Of course, your head is so far up your own ass that it probably wouldn't do you any good, but that's no reason to sperg out on the rest on us patricians

>> No.11793816 [DELETED] 

i found the people of color

>> No.11793827
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You are right, I read fiction when I was a kid then moved to math, physics and latter to philosophy books. I tried to read fiction again and it feel like watching fucking tv, that's when I realized fiction readers are braidead retards.

>> No.11793829

>top tier

>good tier

>okay tier

>shit tier

>cringe tier

>oh shit nigger what are you doing tier

>> No.11793833

What do you think of anime, especially shoujo (romance) genre, anon?

>> No.11793838

fiction and non-fiction are the same thing

>> No.11793852

You might have a point if you limit fiction to shitty modern fiction, which is unfortunately read quite a lot. The classics, though, are different. You're gonna tell me that there's nothing to be learned from stories like
>Slaughterhouse 5
>The Catcher In The Rye
>Infinite Jest
>Finnegan's Wake

>> No.11793858

Is incel now the go-to diss?

>> No.11793883
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>> No.11794155

>I only read non-fiction because I like to memorize facts
No one does this, you retard. Non-fiction requires thought, reflection, and attention. Fiction does not, though some works can allow it, especially those deeply entrenched in some culture, philosophy, or movement. The premise for your autistic tirade has no basis, you made it up so you could sperg out.
Go to bed and don't leave the lights on.

>> No.11794164

Literally opinions and worse than fiction

>> No.11794217
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Red pillar

>> No.11794302

>Can't defend your tastes
>Instead find something else to look down upon
Have some backbone anon

>> No.11794329

fiction is good for developing imagination

>> No.11794335

Read Speak, Memory and then tell me with a stright face that it's "oh shit nigger what are you doing tier"

>> No.11794340

for fuck's sake

>> No.11794352

All books are fiction. Even academic physics books, yes.

>> No.11794368

>OP hasn't even read Aristotle's Poetics

>> No.11794371

that's a really weird list.

Besides what is learned from anything depends on the person experiencing it, arguably all of reality holds some lesson, since it's all connected.
literally the closest thing to non-fiction

>> No.11794442

Baste falseflagging sped

>> No.11794449

unbased and shitpilled

>> No.11794474
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>Traditional textual interpretation founds itself on this particular understanding of metaphor: a detour to truth. Not only individual metaphors or systems of metaphors, but fiction in general is seen as a detour to a truth that the critic can deliver through her interpretation.

>> No.11794477

Some fiction is based, most is bluepilled. Non-fiction is the way to go if you’re not a complete brainlet - unless you’re actually a fantastic writer, then write prose occasionally.

>> No.11794478

>physics phd
that's autism, not intelligence
t. physics phd

>> No.11794501

>Non-fiction requires thought, reflection, and attention
Isn't this required for all activites?

dont answer that because it is and your dumb

>> No.11794567 [SPOILER] 
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Your argument is now invalid.

>> No.11794590

Jesus fuck. I thought NPCs didn't exist, but I'm pretty sure you're one. How the hell is history cringe?

>> No.11794605

i've got an undergraduate degree in math and minored in physics so believe me i know the autism
but this guy was always ahead of the pack, understood stuff faster and more rigorously and made fewer mistakes
also got a medal in the International Physics Olympiad for my country after absolutely dominating the national olympiad
not saying he wasn't slightly autistic but there were a lot of guys in the physics program twice as autistic who didn't get half the results

>> No.11794922
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>theres literally no point in reading fiction.

>> No.11794951
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>> No.11794967

>top tier
Science, mathematics, and technology
>good tier
Outright fiction
>okay tier
>shit tier
Philosophy, history, biography
>Raped cunt tier
Holy books.

>> No.11796169


>> No.11796186

White STEM graduate here, can confirm that you're a brainlet.
What's the point of knowing about ancient Greece?

>> No.11796223

>top tier
Metaphysics, Economics, Political Philosophy, Relgious texts, Mathematics

>good tier
Essays from politicians, History, Autobiographies of great people, Natural Philosophy (science), History of Science/Math/Philosophical development (Epistemology, in short)

>okay tier
Self-help Philosophy, Nietzsche, Existentialism

>shit tier

>cringe tier
Self-help books for how to get rich or some stupid shit like that


>> No.11796293
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>fiction is good for developing imagination
So literally turns you into a NPC wew lad

>> No.11796313

>Non-fiction requires thought, reflection, and attention. Fiction does not
That's gonna be a major yikes from me.

>> No.11796339

I don't think you understand the NPC meme. Has there been a more misunderstood meme?

>> No.11796344
File: 86 KB, 500x398, stop liking what i don't like excuse-me-sir-stop-liking-things-i-dont-like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah because reading about the mundane lives of old dead people or self-help books is much more productive and has WAY more knowledge. Oh, maybe i should read some essays written by people who write better novels, where they complain about out of date things like ferry rides or something.

>> No.11796350

Is that a fact?

>> No.11796351

Do you not realize that they're NPCs precisely because they lack imagination?

>> No.11796373

it's fiction

>> No.11796398

I’m not even engaging in this thread just stopping by to call you a retard because you don’t understand how NPC works

>> No.11796404
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NPCs literally think in images they are pure imagination, they are unable to abstract thinking in words and language like a real human being. Now go back to /sffg/ you dumb NPCs.

>> No.11797014

Fiction can be far more true that non-fiction because it is not limited by reality.

And I say this in complete seriousness.

>> No.11797061

>talks about fiction at large
>uses Harry Potter as an example
Yikes. It's almost like you're talking like this about fiction because you only know YA books.

>> No.11797073

all fiction is as low brow as harry potter

>> No.11797087

*sips tea*
*sips tea*
Usually, when someone says something I disagree with, I'm compelled to respond.
But your opinion is so retarded my only reaction is to laugh.

>> No.11797122
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>Fiction can be far more true that non-fiction because it is not limited by reality

>> No.11797130

you know its true. the very act of reading a fictional novel for "entertainment" suffices as proof of this. people read fiction to waste time, its no different to flicking on keeping up with the kardashians and burning time watching the carefully constructred story line. the only difference being keeping up with the kardashians probably has better writting than whatever horse shit books a brainlet like you reads in his spare time at least the writers of that show try to display some semblance of reality, its without doubt not of a lower brow than the average fictional novel

you are an npc

>> No.11797781

may aswell just watch a movie. fiction and film are the same brainlet activity

>> No.11797787

tell me she does prawns

>t. prawn

>> No.11799214

reading is for brainlets. do your own studies, nigger.

>> No.11799224

>he thinks he can think for himself

>> No.11799235



>> No.11799246

Pure imagination is abstract thinking you moron

>> No.11799254

Please tell me how Economics doesn’t belong in the tip-toppiest of top tiers.

Existentialism is shit. You all pay attention to the wrong shades of philosophy completely

>> No.11799265

All fiction contains underlying philosophy and good fiction helps you learn more about yourself

>> No.11799296

The entire study was founded on bias

>> No.11799323

>an npc

>> No.11799326

>he doesn’t enjoy the point where emotion and intelligence meet
>he can’t into art

>> No.11799332

Old guy here. I’m done with fiction. Sad to admit I wasted twenty years for nothing. As of July i’ve only read non-fiction and now I feel apart of the world again, like I have some sort of knowledge I can apply to day-to-day questions and struggles.

People read fiction so they can tell others they read fiction, usually in a bragadocious manner.

>> No.11799360

What bias? How?

How is John Von Neumann’s Theory of Games and Economic Behavior biased? What bias does it suffer from, tard?

>> No.11799365
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It is to the guy who posted it. Clearly all facts are subjective, as it's impossible to separate the thought from the thinker, or the observer from the observation. The only way to stave off the postmodernist nightmare is for enough of us to agree on certain "facts," and to suppress those who deny them.

Welcome to your reality tunnel, friend.

>> No.11799379

You should have kept reading Von Neumann. He's the one who identified the Catastrophe of Infinite Regress. In the end, all assertions are subjective, therefore biased.

>> No.11799424
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>the tip-toppiest of top tiers.

>> No.11799426

But you didn’t answer my question about the bias in Game Theory. Real shame, did you even read his book on Game Theory at all? You see, as opposed to reading summaries on Wikipedia I actually read literature, you fucking retarded backwoods cracker faggot.

Listen, let’s take a look at chapter 12 in Theory of Games where he asserts that a Communist society is essentially a one-person game where the numerical utility (as with all one-person games) is zero? I mean, do you even remember reading that? Do you want to actually discuss what is written down in books or do you want to quote Wikipedia articles? Have you actually read Von Neumann?

>> No.11799450

I think I speak for everyone when I say we don’t want your stupid frogposting ass on his board anymore gtfo retard

>> No.11799471
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>> No.11799476

>Please tell me how Economics doesn’t belong in the tip-toppiest of top tiers.
Imagine typing this with a straight face.

>> No.11799511

>imagine being a mathematician and typing with a straight face
I always do

>> No.11799540

Wew lads a real sperg has come to the thread time to shut down the shitposting he might hurt himself

>> No.11799596

>Top tier

>Great tier

>Good tier

>Shit tier

>Cringe tier
Any technical writing

>> No.11799603

The fact that nobody on this board seems to be able to tell that this is facetious is concerning.

>> No.11799615

If you only read more fiction, you'd feel better integrated with the rest of humanity, and maybe acquire some empathy and social skills. You would at least come across as less of a screeching autist.

>> No.11799654

Haha, just stop pleb. That post was designed to hurt your feelings and it looks like it worked.

I don’t like you. Never have, never will. But I’m willing to see things from your point of view.

I do have empathy. I have a girlfriend, I have a life, a really nice job.

I love life. You don’t need to read Jordan Peterson to have done these things. I would suggest you avoid that stupid dad bullshit anyway. He thinks he knows more than you because he is older. This is my advice for the crowd of fiction reading, Petersonites on this stupid board, with barely any respect for actual literature like Von neumanns seminal work, or Ptolemy’s Almagest

I had a great conversation last night about Euclid’s Elements. That a good sign

>> No.11799822


>> No.11799836


>> No.11799924

>I do have empathy. I have a girlfriend, I have a life, a really nice job.

but are you gay?

>> No.11800041

>doesn't read fiction
>prefers to write it

>> No.11800056
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Just so you know, Peterson is non-fiction.

>> No.11800062

>note the brown skin

>> No.11800133
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>not escaping and creating your own reality

>> No.11800155

Simulacras believe everything that doesn't have a use in the banal world is useless or bad, you are the Zakotveno my man.

>> No.11800278

I’m the non-fiction chad
Yeah no. Nothing he says is remotely true.