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/lit/ - Literature

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11793109 No.11793109[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

LoTGH, Mushishi?

>> No.11793139

Berserk, EVA, Lain, and Shinsekai Yori.
Ghibli stuff too

>> No.11793161

Shinsekai Yori is no different from your run of the mill ya 'its deep because dystopic setting' trash.

Texhnolyze is up there with End of Eva and Tatami Galaxy, Ping Pong and Angel's Egg

>> No.11793163

Mobile Suit Gundam. Tomino is the Shakespeare of anime.

>> No.11793167


>> No.11793171

Tsumi to Batsu

>> No.11793186

Is it possible to watch "Turn A Gundam" without watching other Gundam?

>> No.11793188

Can your taste be any more basic?

>> No.11793198

It is pretty stand alone but you won't really get what is happening in the ending. Also why wouldn't you want to watch the OG Gundam?

>> No.11793202

Sword Art Online, GATE, One Punch Man.
All the good ones.

>> No.11793205

It's from the 1970's isn't it? Seems to be pretty dated. Isn't there a remake of the OG. Might watch that.

>> No.11793208


>> No.11793214

Utena. Nothing else is worth the time.

>> No.11793216


>> No.11793217

Made in Abyss

>> No.11793225

Why does everyone say that Gravity's Rainbow is like Evangelion? I've seen that as an answer on tons of 'what's the NGE of literature' and as someone who hasn't read it I'd like to know why

>> No.11793226

you guys aren't gay right?

>> No.11793232

It's old and sometimes the quality isn't great. If you're at all interested in Gundam though you should still watch it. The Compilation Movies are on Youtube, watch those.

>> No.11793239


>> No.11793284

The Tale of Princess Kaguya

>> No.11793291

Kaiji and akagi

>> No.11793300

Cardcaptor Sakura

>> No.11793308

Also, Kaiba, other Clamp stuff, Monster, and HxH

>> No.11793313

And Revolutionary Girl Utena

>> No.11793343
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>> No.11793371
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>> No.11793433
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Haibane Renmei's setting was based on Hard-Boiled Wonderland. Also Christian purgatory.
Don Quixote has an anime adaptation.
Anne of Green gables has an anime adaptation.
Bernard-jou Iwaku is a comedy about eccentric bookworms and their psuedery.
Psycho-Pass is a garbage show, but they name drops half of the western canon to impress teens.
Ghost in the Shell SAC references Catcher in the Rye a lot, but GitS is great so its ok when they do it.
Yukino in Kare Kano is seen reading Catcher in the Rye too iirc.
Cowboy Bebop retells Hemingway's The Snows of Kilimagiaro in an episode.
Fummofu!? has the student president reading The Prince, and the Haruhi movie has Yuki reading Hyperion (the sci-fi book not the poem)

also Rose of Versailles, Utena, Amagami, Lain, Tesagure Bukatsumono, and Evangelion, simply because they're great.

>> No.11793443

>Bernard-jou Iwaku
Gonna watch this. Looks interesting. But why the fuck does it have a 6.03 on MAL. Is it just retards scoring it or what?

>> No.11793458

It's /lit/ the show. Normies wouldn't like it or understand it.

>> No.11793460
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Pic related is the most /lit/ anime. Especially for us college students

>> No.11793466
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>> No.11793479
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Also Mawaru Penguindrum because it's a combination of Murakami's works like Kafka on the Shore and after the quake with Ikuhara's directing.

>> No.11793486
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Hermann Hesse's Demian:
"Der Vogel kämpft sich aus dem Ei. Das Ei ist die Welt. Wer geboren werden will, muss eine Welt zerstören. Der Vogel fliegt zu Gott. Der Gott heisst Abraxas"

"The bird struggles out of the egg. The egg is the world. Whoever wants to be born, must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas."

>> No.11793494

2deep4them I guess

>> No.11793499

His work on ping pong the animation cemented him as one of the best anime directors for me.

>> No.11793503

Durarara!!'s method of storytelling is pretty interesting.

>> No.11793512

Aoi Bungaku Series

>> No.11793521

You just posted it, OP. The Monogatari series skips rope with common forms of storytelling, whether classical, modern, or postmodern.


>> No.11793534

The compilation movies are utter garbage, watch the series.

>> No.11793551
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>> No.11793631
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I can recommend some Go Nagai stuff, like Devilman.
The manga of Devilman is dated on this times, but still one of my favorites histories ever.
Also, Getter Robo (who Nagai colaborated) is pretty good, and I can recommend to you without a doubt.
There are Shonen Jump stuff who are pretty good, too, like Hunter×Hunter, Zetman, Haikyuu and Slam Dunk .

>> No.11793665

I forgot to say that these are manga recommendations.
Oh, the first 106 episodes of Urusei Yatsura and the first 2 movies are great, Mamoru Oshii (the director of The Ghost in the Shell '95 and the sequence), between the talented Studio Pierrot staff of this era, did a great job in this anime.
Is sooo better than the Rumiko Takahashi manga.

>> No.11793715

Manga is more /lit/ than anime.

>> No.11793750

Anime seems like a pretty shit medium.
I just stick to Yuasa, Dezaki and Ikuhara these days.

>> No.11793773

Joshiraku, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei.

>> No.11793781

Kumeta is the Pynchon of /a/

>> No.11793889

Kanashimi no Belladonna

>> No.11794023

Half of it is funny, and the other half is referential humor that would fly over a gaijin's head

>> No.11794035

FLCL did magical realism better that marquez

>> No.11794355

>Is it just retards scoring it or what?

It's MAL, what do you think? You don't take MAL ratings seriously right?

>> No.11794374

Tomino gundam is garbage though

>> No.11794402

OG Gundam is the only bit of his work that I found to be well written in any way. Then things take a hard nose dive from Zeta onwards

>> No.11794422

Zeta is his magnum opus Kamille is the GOAT space autist

>> No.11794548

Anime is not /lit/ approved.

>> No.11794727

MAL really is an interesting case
>NGE not even top 100
>Lain not even top 500
>Gintama appears 8 times in the top 30 because the first series is 200 episodes so your rating doesn't count until you've seen 40 episodes and all the seasons after are obviously sequels so overall your rating only counts if you've seen enough that you'd have dropped it if you didn't like it
I haven't seen Gintama and I have nothing against it but a) it clearly has an advantage that series like HxH and LotGH also have and b) it should not take up almost a third of the top 30
NGE and Lain are definitely worthy of /lit/ approval, and those are just out of the relatively small amount of anime that I've personally seen. NGE in particular I've seen discussed tons of times. Obviously no one is unironically claiming that SAO or K-On or High School DxD are /lit/ approved

>> No.11794863

Gintama is the greatest anime of all time everything else is garbage

>> No.11795368

Kino no Tabi, Mushishi, LotGH, Blame!, Berserk, Monster, Utena, Princess Tutu, Bungou Stray Dogs, Aoi Bungaku, Sword of Paros (manga only, I'm the only one on /a/ who has read it).
DR3 is poor man's Baccano.

>> No.11795375

Aku no Hana

>> No.11795392

Sword of Versaille as well.

>> No.11795397

All of them

>> No.11795410

Imagine caring about MAL ratings

>> No.11795435

*Rose of Versaille

>> No.11795445


>> No.11795448
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Is Happy Sugar Life /lit/?

>> No.11795485

Princess Kaguya is not only the best anime movie of all time, but possibly one of the best movies of all time.

>> No.11795509

Ghibli is horrendously overrated other than Only Yesterday and Gauche the Cellist (both directed by Takahata the master). Miyazaki is a hack.

>> No.11795516
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>inb4 OP gets banned because asking for red-pilled anime belongs on the anime board.
>inb4 OP asks /a/ about red-pilled anime, and he gets banned and told his post belongs on the /pol/itics board.
>inb4 Rinse and Repeat.

>> No.11795520

Yeah distracted, that's it.
Reminds me, Nausicaa manga is Bible tier.

>> No.11795531

/lit/ is a better place to get good anime reccomedations than /a/
absolute state of that board

>> No.11795543

Naruto Shippuden.

>> No.11795550

Revolutionary Girl Utena is the only anime worthy of /lit/

>> No.11795553


>> No.11795566
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Kokou no Hito
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Koroshiya 1
Saikyou Densetsu Kurosawa
Oyasumi Punpun
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou

>> No.11795573

Bebop was the first anime series I saw outside of DBZ and Pokemon.
I like it, so than I found Berserk and loved it.

After that everything else I've seen has been trash.
Can someone give me a good anime recommendation?

>> No.11795581

read the posts above.

>> No.11795593

This. Fooly Cooly is definitely worth a watch. And it's quite short, only 6 episodes that can be found online.

>> No.11795610

FLCL is for teenagers who listen to crappy alt rock and think they're intelligent

>> No.11795615

So is reading Sartre but that doesn't stop this board.

>> No.11795625

nah dude

>> No.11795633
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watch it

>> No.11795846

Tatami Galaxy managed to improve the original novel and its ideas and imagery. I'd say it's one of the most interesting examples because of how great it managed to deliver the author's story.


Go Nagai is the equivalent of pure pulp fiction stuff, not really lit.


lel, FLCL is one of my favs but hold your horses.

>> No.11795998
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>the penguins were a complex foreshadow the entire time
it still impresses me

>> No.11796017

I liked ergo proxy among many others.

>> No.11796185

This thread is completely indistinguishable from one on /a/.
Keion is new sincerity.

>> No.11796331
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Hyouge Mono

>> No.11796602
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Baka To Test To Shoukanjuu

>> No.11796754

great anime that haven't been mentioned in the thread:
Princess Tutu
Cipher The Video
Oniisama e...

>> No.11797256
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Princess Tutu was already mentioned, but it's worth repeating.

>> No.11797271

god i wish i had a little sister

>> No.11797290

You unironically already posted the most /lit/ anime. The Monogatari series is great, especially Monogatari Second Season

>> No.11797318

Attack on Titan, Death Note, Sword Art Online, the list goes on

>> No.11797371

It's kinda a meme, but there's some truth to it.
End of Eva has a ton of symbolism that may or may not be important, and references a lot of things that go over people's heads. It features things like qabbalism, christianisty, obelisks, solipsism, and existentialism, but the creator himself that the religious elements were only used for the aesthetic.
So you're left with this jumble of references to untangle, and you can't be sure whether there's any reason to untangle them.

>> No.11797375
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So it's like Lain?

>> No.11797399

Lain is more of a "rewatch to get it" show. You'll understand a lot of the wierd things that confused you the first time.
End of Eva is different in that knowing what's coming doesn't change anything. You have to decide whether you want to research the symbolism, and whether it actually has meaning.
Imo, a lot of end of eva's meaning is left to the viewer, and that quality has made it a cult classic.

>> No.11797405

seconding this. its the aesthete's choice (which means most of /lit/ will ignore it)

>> No.11797412

this but unironically

>> No.11797415

Anime is repetitive, derivative, fetishistic, and juvenile

>> No.11797484
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>> No.11797682
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I'm surprised you are the only one mentioning that movie. The art is gorgeous and the final message is really melancholic.

"-In the purity of the city of the Moon leave behind this world's sorrow and uncleanness.

-It's not unclean !

-There's joy, there's grief. All who live here feel them in all their different shades ! There's birds, bugs, beasts, grass, trees, flowers and feelings. "

A very underrated movie.

>> No.11797718
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>> No.11797849

What is /lit/‘s opinion on Madoka?
Brilliant or pseudo intelligent?

>> No.11797928

Good blend of feminist theory and utilitarianism, its certainly far better than previous urobutchi shows
The only /lit/ anime out there is Hunter x Hunter, and 5cm per second

>> No.11797979

Clearly you haven't watched much anime. The fact that you think these two are /lit/ (especially fucking 5cm) and not shows like Utena, Mushishi, Tex, Versailles, Tatami etc is the peak of hilarity.

>> No.11797989

Fantastic Children

>> No.11797990

>Clearly you haven't watched much anime
No I haven't, now go back to >>>/a/ if you're looking for an expert's opinion.

>> No.11797994

Hunter x Hunter is cool though

>> No.11797998

Shinkai is a hack but 5cm per second is a great movie (his only good movie in fact), don't be such a contrarian

>> No.11798002

> recommendation thread

>> No.11798005

> OP is not told to watch Boku no Pico

>> No.11798148

You posted one.

>> No.11798161
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Innocent and its sequel Innocent Rouge are incredible and highly underrated.

>> No.11798179

What's that one where he waits until some girl is unconcious in the hospital to sprog all over her?

>> No.11798373

End of Evangelion

>> No.11798388

5cm per second is a very aesthetic movie capturing the growing distance between two people through time, I don't see why you'd hate it if you enjoyed things like Mushishi which are all about the setting and overall atmosphere rather than plot

>> No.11798429

Well each episode of Mushishi is a fable so some may consider that to be what elevates Mushishi above 5cm.

>> No.11798455

Shinkai is absolutely not a hack, but 5cm is one of his worst.

Voices from a Distant Star, Places We Were Promised, and Garden of Words should be required viewing

>> No.11799268

good post.

to contribute to the thread - gungrave, paprika and actually tons of others like samurai champloo, black lagoon, tokyo ghoul, etc.

>> No.11799578

I like Tatami Galaxy a lot, but it's just good YA. Bakemonogatari is aesthetically great if you can get past the fanservice.

>> No.11799595
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I like Macross. Wouldn't really call it /lit/ though.

>> No.11799843
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you're so cold, shanghai dandy...

>> No.11800492


One of the best anime of all time.

>> No.11800548

Eve no Jikan
Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei
Tenshi no Tamago

Kokou no Hito
Oyasumi Punpun
Umibe no Onnanoko

>> No.11800930
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I'd suggest Big O. Interesting setting, if nothing else.

>> No.11800948
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>> No.11801003

>Eve no Jikan
Meaningful in lessons, good, but falls short in plot
Romancetrash with minor redeeming twist of space
>Yojouhan blajwjes
Never watches but I know what it is
Loses meaning once you realize nothing has actual thought put into it and its just a bunch of random biblical references. Giant mecha fights r nice tho

Outgrow comic books, anon

>Voices from a Distant Star
Aesthetic but boring
>Garden of Words
Good and thoughtful
The second part is my favorite anime bit of all time, but kinda does fall flat due to bad translation and/or melodramatic writing. Rest is good too, but that second bit made me think for a while.

>Shinsekai Yori
Somewhat incoherent plot overall but great world and thoughtful lessons to be had, also probably the least "weeb-esque"
I've ever found an anime with both yuri and yaoi in it.


>> No.11801007


>> No.11801049

Ergo Proxy
Eureka Seven
Anything by Yoshiyuki Tomino

>> No.11801083

Rose of Versailles
Sailor Moon

>> No.11801087


>> No.11801111

yes, it's fantastic

>> No.11801121

Space Dandy

>> No.11801697

Girls Und Panzer is absolutely /his/ for what its worth