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11775981 No.11775981 [Reply] [Original]

How’s my Aryan book shelf coming along? Missing anything?

>> No.11775992


Forgot my culture of critique/ Jews and their lies and Canada in decay aren’t there

>> No.11775997

enjoy never getting laid

>> No.11776003

>The God Delusion and not the Avestas and Vedas

lmao cringe and bluepilled, of course this is just bait but in the 1% change it's not you are fucking retarded

>> No.11776010

Ah yes the prime example of Aryan superiority

>> No.11776028
File: 7 KB, 241x209, quite the specimen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 books about the dangers of authoritarianism
>also im a nazi
>but also le based black economics man
really scratches your scrotum

>> No.11776030
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>> No.11776041


Yeah that doesn’t belong there really. Thought there could be some value in the science in it. Alex Linder said some good things of Dawkins but I think he meant the selfish gene

>> No.11776060


So are you telling me there’s no value in trying to learn economics from what I judged to be good teachers of the discipline?

>> No.11776071

Why even make fun of nazis when they do it for you

>> No.11776074

He's telling you that you're a brainlet. It's something you'll have to get used to because it ain't changin anytime soon.

>> No.11776082
File: 131 KB, 1200x746, 1200px-KMtrilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need the trilogy, son.

>> No.11776092
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>Man, Economy and State
Based and redpilled.

>> No.11776094

Is this a joke? Literally toss all of these except Evola. At least he was enough of an erudite that you can learn something from him between the lines

>> No.11776096



Pick one

>> No.11776104

200 years together

>> No.11776153

>Capitalism apologist literal nigger

>> No.11776211


>> No.11776215

>my awakening

>> No.11776296
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aryan book shelf
>George Orwell, a well known anarcho-syndicalist leftist who fought against Franco in Spain siding with the Anarchist Catalonia,

Anons, we have reached new levels of cringe.

>> No.11776321

I applaud you. You were willing to spend what looks like an not insignificant amount of money to assemble a perfect bait image. I am torn between different explanations of what makes this such ideal bait. Is it the presence of Orwell? Sowell? Von Mises, Rothbard, and Hitler on the same shelf? Or perhaps it your copy of the God Delusion. Whatever the explanation, good work.

>> No.11776333

I actually think he's just retarded.
If he went ahead and bought that just to bait, he's even more retarded.

>> No.11776392

t. never read Homage to Catalonia

He said, Franco winning was the best outcome after the Stalin used his guys on the ground to purge the anarchists and "Trotskyists"

>> No.11776432

It doesn't matter what he said. He was still a leftist anarcho-syndicalist and call this an "aryan collection" with his books in it is still a joke (especially, like pointed by other anon, those 2 books are anti-authoritarianism). Your führer would
be very disappointed.

And I won't back up Stalin, he totally fucked up Spain and the anarchists. Orwell hated him and stalinists. He was not happy with Franco's winning, he was angry with Stalin ruinning everything.

>> No.11776440

It’s kind of amusing to think of the thought process that went into the image if it were bait! Perhaps he is not as stupid as we percieve him to be but why?

>> No.11776457 [DELETED] 

Which publisher is the Mein Kampf from and is it in german?

>> No.11776466

He just googled some well know authors from libertary/liberals/conservative circles and got 2 books of orwell because "it's cool".
Still retarded.

>> No.11776488
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>> No.11776513


>> No.11776654

Alex Linder is a fucking retard, in case you haven't noticed.

>> No.11776662


I can't get over this -- someone who can type in complete sentences actually did something based on Linder's recommendations. I'm shaken. If this is a troll 10/10.

>> No.11776676

Shrek - Compilation du Cringe

>> No.11776778

don't forget von mises, the austrian jew who supported fascism until he got chased out of the country by nazi's

>> No.11776781
File: 42 KB, 716x402, alex linder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you believe the jews are bad
they control media and banks lol
>what should we do to combat this

>> No.11776788

he looks vaguely jewish himself.

maybe just Mediterranean.

>> No.11776809

>alex said

>> No.11777151


>> No.11777214

>le dawkins
absolutely blackpilled.

>> No.11777251

You're missing a social life and adequate real world experience

>> No.11778039

in other words you don't agree with him

>> No.11778048

you could try hitler's favourite philosopher: schopenhauer

>> No.11778061

Go find a new job, Tom.

>> No.11778157

>Le black economics man.

Chicago school economics is kys tier.

>> No.11778184
File: 67 KB, 418x630, proxy.duckduckgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this today

>> No.11778189

>no upanishads
>no vedas


>> No.11778190

brain, apparently

>> No.11778202

White Identity by Jared Taylor is very good. Recommend you read it first to lay a platform for the others. Dawkins isn't worth it. You need more Carl Schmitt.

>> No.11778207

Kys leftie hobo.

>> No.11778212

Don't forget the book from the hardcore anti-authoritarian socialist.

>> No.11778215

American Blacks are 1/4 White Europeans. There was enough Aryan genetics to ontogenly express an Aryan psyche, even if there wasn't enough for an Aryan phenotype.

>> No.11778230

Mises and Rothbard are total quacks.

>> No.11778237
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Facism was an organic response to the failures of Marxism. Very natural that they came across. Another author OP should read is George Sorel, another then-Leftist who laid the platform for the Right-critique of Liberalism and Revisionist Socialism, and built the plaform for Fascism.

>> No.11778238

Missing J B Peterson's Rules for Life and Gorilla Mindset.

>> No.11778243
File: 119 KB, 362x500, 3940922893_a704c76589_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagnar essays are other works you should read to understand romantic volkism. From there you can go back to the Weimar Classicalists. Always remember that Fascism took us into space and to the moon, and is only hope for us to conquer the galaxy.

>> No.11778267

>Basic economics
Why do people experience prejudice towards the rehashing of the original material when it comes to something like philosophy, but gladly immerse themselves into blowhard literature like this? If you want "basic economics", why don't you just read some textbooks?

>> No.11778379


>> No.11779089

>Who supported fascism
Except he didn't. Read 'Socialism: and economic and sociological analysis' where he argues against fascism in favour of liberalism. Brainlet.

>> No.11779122

I know it's bait, but I admire your shelf for the simple fact that it has focus unlike so many others that load their shelves with random books read at random

>> No.11779163

>aryan bookshelf

>> No.11779173

the camp of the saints is conspicuously missing.

>dawkins god delusion
you realize all that viking odin hammer god shit is iron age northmen equivalent of yahweh as national deity right

>> No.11779198

Capital strikes again

>> No.11779249
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Not as redpilled as this stack

>> No.11779455

To paraphrase Schopenhauer: “The cheapest sort of pride is racial pride; for if a man is proud of his own race, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own race falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the race to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.”

>> No.11779472
File: 606 KB, 1416x1600, 1535105234950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aryan bookshelf
>orwell, a communist

>the god delusion
>nazi germany, a christian country

>> No.11779507

>nazi Germany

>> No.11779520

Which translation of Mein Kampf is that?

>> No.11779531
File: 52 KB, 500x360, i-45590d25273028e065586042c86ca8ed-FriedrichCoch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nazi germany
>not christian
someone hasn't read Mein krampf

>> No.11779538

>The God Delusion
Let me guess, when you were a kid you were an edgy as fuck atheist and you're now a neo-Nazi but you have nostalgia for Dawkins?

>> No.11779623

Ditch milo, manson, and weaponised lies then it might be alright

>> No.11779650
File: 14 KB, 250x219, 1480571045759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and goldpilled.

>> No.11779661

Needs more hip hop albums

>> No.11779710

Brutal haha

>> No.11779791

Cringe-tier logic that utterly fails for at least one important factor: time. A personally successful man might dislike his race, or the concept of racial pride, at some point in his life - but all too soon he will almost assuredly need the assistance of these people, and his tune will change rapidly, accordingly.

>> No.11779792


Underrated post


>> No.11779797

The term "pride" can mean two things:
The first one I think is what Schopenhauer is referring to here - someone who holds themselves in high regard simply because of their class, their family name, their appearance, or indeed, their race. Those are things that nobody "earns" but is simply born into.
The second definition however is perfectly reasonable. A person can be "proud" of their family or community in this way, even though they are only part of those things. The same feeling cannot be had towards these things of others - you cannot feel "proud" of someone else's community, family, nation, etc. This is admiration, and to admire in someone else is not the same as being proud of your own.

I certainly don't think people should be in love with their identity. Rather, their identity should serve as a basic pillar which supports them throughout life. A well-adjusted person should be as naturally comfortable with his origins as a healthy man is with his bones.

>> No.11779916

>God delusion
Just remove this book and replace it with Confessions - St Augustine of Hippo

>> No.11780026

>Thought there could be some value in the science in it
This is your brain on /pol/ and kisslessness.

>> No.11780033

You fucking disgust me

>> No.11780039

>orwell, a communist
Burgers really are politically illiterate, aren't they. Orwell worked as a cop in India, dumb fuck. A literal colonizer who made sure to snitch on actual communists in England before rotting.

>> No.11780042
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>> No.11780049

You don't have sex and character by weininger or the transfer agreement by Edwin black. Two Jews. You got a lot to learn

>> No.11780050


Mises never supported fascism. Read the fucking context around the quote you will inevitably post, it was at the end of a chapter attacking fascism. Yes, he considered it a lesser evil than socialism and thought fascism may have done some good to prevent socialism, but it was written 1927 - well before Hitler came to power. He accurately predicted, in the very same chapter, that if the fascists have their way Europe will drown in blood.

>> No.11780055
File: 109 KB, 588x823, 1536097106918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The God Delusion

>> No.11780063

He wanted to preserve the cultural tradition of Christianity, sure.

I think what anon means is that he wasn’t a pure god believer. Otherwise he wouldn’t have advocated eugenics

>> No.11780084

Traditional christianity and eugenics match perfectly. There is nothing against not letting retards reproduce, on the contrary letting them stay in a state of innocense is seen as good for their soul. And fucking your wife as often as physically possible for reproduction was also something the NSDAP promoted and which is classic for christian traditionalists even today.

So simply missunderstand the Novus Ordo Sect for Catholicism.

>> No.11780087

He "snatched" on Stalinists, not on Communists. Orwell was a Trotskyist.

>> No.11780089

Is it really paraphrasing if you change the point entirely? I don’t think Schopenhauer expressed racial pride, but he did believe that some “races” were superior to others.

>> No.11780091
File: 35 KB, 700x898, 3D7DF8F7-F0D3-4052-9EBF-E5E17FF345D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ never preached to ‘love thy neighbor unless he is a lesser race’.

I must have missed that verse

>> No.11780094

What is it that makes someone my neighbor?

>> No.11780104

I didn't say anything about race but the bible does speak about not mixing up the "fabric" and not taking in certain people.

What you consider racism was normal throughout 2000 years of christianity.

>> No.11780110

Stalinists are communists, mongrel. I know what Orwell was, and Trotsky wasn't a communist. He was a traitor who invited white guards in the red army, wrote Hitler the Pacifist on November 1933 and fucked off to Italy during WW. Goebells praised him as well. You're illiterate.

>> No.11780112

That they live next to you jfc
>because people have misinterpreted Jesus Christ for 2000 years that’s what is compatible with his teachings
Off yourself. I guess ISIS is in line with Muhammad’s teachings as well?

>> No.11780114

Yeah, because christians are racist. Are you retarded or some shit? What's your point.

>> No.11780117

Hitler was a Communist you absolute retard.

Don’t you know the origins of the Nazi party? Absolutely pitiful

>> No.11780118

when jesus lived your neighbor was almost always someone of your race

>> No.11780129

Okay? He didn’t say that your neighbor SHOULD always be someone of your race did he?

If I remember correctly he preached the opposite of that principle, finally denying the covenant that brought Jews together in its entirety.

>> No.11780148

People didn't missrepresent christianity, retard. Moderns do.

You don't even know actual Catholics. TradCaths are as anti-semitic as your average Palestinian to this day. What you know are kumbaja retards thinking praying ad orientem. Stop commenting on subjects you know nothing about.

>> No.11780231

Economics is for idiots. Just study philosophy.

>> No.11780271
File: 184 KB, 600x500, 1510489420284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clearly an American
>""""White identity""""

>> No.11780310

>The God Delusion
Literally the only thing worse than having a Bible on there. A Quran would be a better option even. You have fedora the book on your gay shelf along with a bunch of other stupid irrelevant shit that have nothing to do with European culture and identity. Kill yourself

>> No.11780434


Von Mises, Sowell, Rothbart, Belfort, Orwell, and Dawkins are complete non-sequiturs in addition to Sowell being black. You are also missing Culture of Critique, the Bell Curve, Might Makes Right, any Nietszche book, Camp of the Saints, the Imperium, and Lothrop Stoddard's Rising Tide of Color Against the White World Supremacy.

1.5/10 for how "Aryan" the bookshelf is.

>> No.11780528

>cringe tier logic
>posts an argument devoid of any logic
I honestly don’t even know what point you were trying to make.

>> No.11780530

How are people non sequiturs?

>> No.11780539

The Levant was the point of contact between the Mediterranean world and the near east. By ancient standards, the cities there would have been fairly cosmopolitan due to trade networks running through their territory.

>> No.11780549

>Economics is for idiots
Where does this come from? Absolutely no one thinks this. The reason economics is under appreciated a little is because people don’t understand he vast importance of it, like Hayek did. It interferes with every aspect of our lives.

But no one thinks economists are idiots. Some economists are former engineers, and the branch of Game Theory that sprang from economics has a lot of award-winning mathematical principles that should impress anyone with the level of thought put into it.

Economics is a valuable discipline. Philosophy a la Nietzsche is not valuable at all. A little interesting, but ultimately pointless in the end.

>> No.11780691

Imagine taking Richard Dawkins seriously past the age of 16. He's fine when it comes to evolution and biology but whenever he gets out of those fields and tries to talk about religion and/or philosophy he makes an ass of himself. Reminder he has gotten absolutely rekt by John Lennox and other Christian apologists.

>> No.11780714

>the author of Animal Farm
how does one get this stupid?

>> No.11780716


>> No.11780721

>Stalinists are the only communists
How indeed

>> No.11780762

Orwell was a democratic socialist who rejected the communist label since communism lead to oppressive nightmares.

>> No.11780767

No one has ever been rekt by a Christian apologist.

>> No.11780779
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>> No.11780783


>> No.11780791

Your fedora is showing. Most of the meme atheists are absolutely terrible debaters who don't know shit about philosophy. They crumble when you have them engage in a debate that can't be solved with "muh science" memes.

>> No.11780803

Yes, Orwell once fought alongside hardcore commies. However, he eventually turned away from communism and during the last few years of his life he called himself a democratic socialist.

>> No.11780834

Your ironic shitposter that drifts from one internet fad to the next, never finding meaning and consigned to a life of mediocrity is showing.

>> No.11780838

theists always fail in debates, most can't even define faith, let alone whether it is sufficient basis on which to found a position

>> No.11780916


Culture of critic the was beside my bed, the bell curve is currently being shipped, I’m reading imperium online, which is I bought the decline of the west for context
And I listen to neitzsche during work

>> No.11780936

>Avestas and Vedas
What are these? Sorry if thats a dumb question.

>> No.11781002

>theists always fail in debates
There's no point in talking with a fedora like you. Even if a total pseud like Sam Harris gets annihilated in a debate you'll argue he won because he holds the same positions as you.

>> No.11781008

Be honest how many of these books have you actually read.

>> No.11781009

Damn son, I can't remember the last time someone I witnessed someone project this hard. Get help. Or continue to cry over people mocking your favorite meme atheists.

>> No.11781019

>time someone I witnessed someone
Damn it. I meant to say:
>time I witnessed someone

>> No.11781028

>projecting this much
not going to address the actual point I brought up? just going to baselessly attack public figures you disagree with? okay

>> No.11781034


>> No.11781039

What's the point in engaging with someone who thinks no matter what atheists ALWAYS win? You have your head so far up your own ass there's no point. I admit there are plenty of dumb Christian apologists who have been destroyed in debates. I've never said Christian apologists always win.

>> No.11781109

I couldnt give less of a shit about atheists or theists, religion is inconsequential. What I find extremely irritating is idiots jumping onto the Christ LARPER fad and shitting up the board with arguments that they'll change their minds about as soon as they move onto the next garbage.

>> No.11781117
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>implying only Christian larpers dislike Dawkins

>> No.11781592

>Von Mises
Remove these, then we'll talk

>> No.11782184

Wtf I hate Schoepenhauer now.

>> No.11782421

If that's not the Ford Translation of Mein Kampf, you haven't read Mein Kampf.

>barring a pre-1946 German version

>> No.11782435

how is it better than the stalag version?

>> No.11782611


>> No.11782614
File: 68 KB, 595x743, afajfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God's delusion besides The Decline of West

>> No.11782622

Do you take pleasure in contradicting yourself, or are you simply the poltard of the week?

>> No.11782663

>TradCaths are as anti-semitic as your average Palestinian to this day
Antizionism =/= antisemitism. Stop commenting on subjects you know nothing about.

>> No.11782670
File: 2.08 MB, 2580x3152, 1527964029024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I am speaking about antisemitism. Hate of jews for the killing of jesus. There is a reason why jews hated nothing more than traditional Catholicism till they destroyed it through the II Vat Council.

>> No.11782733

Spengler was actually pretty interesting desu

>> No.11782735

Trash the austrian school. National Socialists should look up to Feder. Modern schools I would recommend are populistic-Keynesianism and MMT.

Trash the god desusion. If that copy of mein kampf isn't Stalag or Ford: trash it. Trash Jared Taylor. I can't personally speak about "Way of the Wolf" or "Faustian Man in a Multicultural Age" due to lack of familiarity.

Pick up Rockwell's "White Power." The Myth of the 20th century. A copy of the protocols that's just the pamphlet. Spengler is good under the right circumstances. Get yourself well affiliated with Hinduism, and cyclical time before reading him. While you're at it, it might help to read some Guenon. That'll also help you with Evola. If you're going to have both 1984 and Animal Farm then you should just complete the set and get Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451. I don't care much for these meme dystopian novels, but Brave New World is a good entry-level critique of materialist society. (note that materialism includes both capitalism and marxian-socialism) Huxley's affiliation with the perennial philosophy can also help you in your later studies.

What exactly is your focus with this collection? It looks like some attempt to ham fist the most stereotypical bigotry into a neoconservative worldview. If you're an atheist then you should acquaint yourself with the fascistic worldview. Gentile is a good introduction to this. If you're an Ariosophist then definitely study Jung and the Traditionalist school. If all you're interested in is being racist then I don't see much purpose in collecting books. Race is a very "You've heard one, you've heard all" topic.

>> No.11782737
File: 198 KB, 920x1169, Merry+Prankster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading any edition of Mein Kampf that isn't the stalag translation

Nice bait OP

>> No.11782739

Reminder that all true Catholics are sedevacantists

>> No.11782748

The Avestas are the Zoroastrian scripture. The Vedas are Hindu scriptures. The Vedas aren't all of the Hindu scriptures, but they're considered the most authoritative. They're also EXTREMELY old.

>> No.11782752

Yeah, hard to not be as a tradCath.

>> No.11782783

>right winger read Orwell’s books for ideology and it is not Road to Wigan Pier and Homage to Catalonia
A walking caricature

>> No.11782937

>Some sad economy books like you should give a crap about that godless field
>Rothbard who is a fuckin jew
>8th grader atheism books
>One pathetic Evola book that you misunderstand
>FEDvid Duke
>George Orwell anti-totalitaryan shit

Please be memeing friend

>> No.11782962

A noose

>> No.11782981

Because most text-books are filled with Keynesian garbage.

Keep in mind that they believe anyone who isn't to the left of Stalin is a fascist.

>> No.11783510
File: 163 KB, 700x609, führdora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's as if you tried to piss off everybody with that shelf. Mein Kampf, but nothing on Weimar, the interwar period and world war one in general or the conservative revolutionaries in Germany in particular. Sowell's basic economics and von Mises and rothbard, but not anatomy of the state, nothing by hazlitt or Hayek. No Gottfried Feder, which would be essential for a natsoc. Evola's most edgy sounding book, but nothing to go with it. Jared Taylor next to the fucking protocols. Only animal farm and 1984, but no Brave new world or homage to catalonia.
Nice bait, OP. Made me reply.

>> No.11783523

>decline of the west next to books by le atheist man and le argument cult leader

>> No.11783643
File: 2.41 MB, 3024x4032, 1534999055014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets post more edgy bookshelves for op

>> No.11783646
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>> No.11783651
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>> No.11783672
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>Catechism (but as shitt Novus Ordo one)
>Rules for Sargoynites
>Notes from the NEETcave
>paying for Madame President

>> No.11783676

>Spending this much money to bait people

World class shit right there op

>> No.11784296

>rise and fall of the third reich
Shirer single-handedly invented and popularized the lie that the Nazis claimed that the Germans or Teutons were a 'Master Race', a lie which is universally believed, although nobody can even tell you what it is supposed to mean, what the term is or means in German, or where it is to be found in National Socialist literature.

"Master Race" was Shirer's deliberate mistranslation of "Herrenvolk", an extremely rare word used by German leadaers a total of perhaps 8 or 9 times. As a stand-alone term, it means "Nation of Men", a brave, independent people. In contexts of obvious dominance, it means "ruling people", "dominant race" or "colonial power". The English term "Master Race" does not appear in the English translation of any work of National Socialist literature that I know of. See if you can find it. Look for "Herrenvolk" or Herrenmensch" or "Herrenrasse" in any Nazi text using the "Search Inside This Book" feature on amazon.com or the "Blick Ins Buch" feature on amazon.de and you'll see what a rare word it is. I don't think you'll ever see any of these words used in a real quotation, in the sense alleged, by any real National Socialist. These are smear words tossed around by cheap writers, usually writers of fiction, for purposes of irony or sarcasm, nothing more. Most serious writers on National Socialism do not use these words.

Even at Nuremberg, they never claimed there was any "Master Race Principle" (except for Chapter 2 of Mein Kampf, which does not use the word Herrenvolk at all), they used it as a blanket jargon-term of accusation alleging racism, military aggressiveness, and so on – things that are not unique to Nazis or Germans at all – they are the universal history of humanity.

For 45 years William L. Shirer also told people Hitler was a "carpet chewer", a gross mistranslation. He claimed that Hitler chewed the carpets in huge temper tantrums during the Czech crisis. He made this claim in Berlin Diary, Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, and even in his last book, The Nightmare Years, published in 1984, almost 45 years later. He learned nothing in all that time. "Teppichfresser" means somebody who is climbing the walls or going around the bend, or is wearing out the carpets by pacing up and down while dictating. It's slang, and anybody else would take it as slang. But Shirer repeated it for 44 years.

>> No.11784349

>As a stand-alone term, it means "Nation of Men"
Wrong. It can either mean "Volk of Lords/ Masters" or "Volk of Men", the later not making any sense and as a german I prolly know better how such a term would be used than some mutt literally translating a much more complex language.

That doesn't mean that it's not an anglo smere term, it only means that you're bad at translations and should stop caiming such shit if you don't want to make a case against the actual NSDAP ideals.

>> No.11784355

>a much more complex language.
is this how you guys cope lol

>> No.11784420
File: 189 KB, 1273x958, 1531910795447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you denying that german, which only didn't get picked as the universal language because it's too complex, isn't harder to understand than a language lacking even proper noun marker?

So I was right about the fact that you can't even know which traslation is the right on, So instead of sperging be thankful to get corrected so you don't make us all look bad next time.

>> No.11784437

>which only didn't get picked as the universal language because it's too complex,
or maybe because Germany didnt conquer half the world while England did? lmao at euros and their cope mechanisms

And your language isnt even that complex, compared to something like Ancient Greek it is babby tier, and complexity is not measured solely by grammatical autism in the first place.

>> No.11784470
File: 75 KB, 1584x864, cc7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German and frence were the languages of the academia together with latin. The upper class learned contiental languages to communicate, like the patricians learned greek. But if you want to make it universal you can't use a language cherished for its complexity and ability to have a words for everything. If it would be the sear amount of people speaking it, we would be currently shitposting in mandarin chinese.

>And your language isnt even that complex
Never claimed that, read again if I already bother to speak your language because of your monolinguality.

But despite all this my point still stands and you should simply accept the correction from someone which actually read most of the lit you are refering to in it's original language and hold similar views, simply without the mutt-autism associated with "diasphora".

>> No.11784495

I speak French and Russian as well Im not monolingual. also have studied latin and greek somewhat

German and French were not the languages of academia, they were the languages of high culture, French much moreso than German during most of the past 1000 years. Latin was the main language of academia, with Greek being secondary.

Im also not the amerimutt, Im Canadian which is a different sort of mutt. my ancestry is Scottish-English and I can trace it to particular families in the Scottish Highlands and southern England.

>> No.11784515
File: 1.53 MB, 2241x2569, 1492268531059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im also not the amerimutt, Im Canadian which is a different sort of mutt. my ancestry is Scottish-English and I can trace it to particular families in the Scottish Highlands and southern England.
Don't take it personally, the banter simply begs to be delivered,

>> No.11784540

I don't identify as being British if that's what you mean. I mostly identify with the city I grew up in

>> No.11784565

All is good. That's the proper way of circumventing the creatura destiny of so many diasphora specimens.

Well, how come you speak russian? I'm pretty fluent in Polish, so ti powinieneś mnie zrozumieć. My baguette and taco speak on the other hand is pretty rusty.

>> No.11784612

I taught myself to read Russian for an extremely memey reason. My Russian is not good at all, but they can understand what im saying and i can read their literature, which was the main point, being able to read random 19th century texts.

En francais je m'expresse mieux mais j'ai quand meme des erreures et sur l'ordinateur je n'ai pas les accents ou cedilles ou quoi que se soit. Le dernier occupation que je faisait, l'homme qui m'a donner l'entrevu a cru que j'etais francophone avant que je lui ai dit que je suis anglophone, alors peut-etre mon Francais c'est comme le Francais d'un homme un peu stupide.

>> No.11784638
File: 44 KB, 496x368, Omelette-du-fromage-Dexter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>qui qui baguette
Scratch that, my frence is already 10 years rusting in limbo but it seems I atleast can understand it.

Funny thing about languages, I grew up in the netherlands for 3-4 years beeing 5-9yo and to this day despite not speaking the cheeseheads language anymore I still have their accent. New people more often than not complement me on my nearly accent free german, thinking I'm a immigrant from the netherlands.

>> No.11784663

I have the same thing m8, I lived in Germany when I was 0-4 and Quebec until i was 6, and I think it impacted me somewhat because people always think I have an accent in English, they guess all sorts of random shit. My French sounds like Marseille french according to French people ive met.

>> No.11784671

>Aryan book shelf

anon please!

>> No.11784691

If I remember it right, till ones 10th birthday the brain still has it's default neurons, making you like a sponge regarding everything, especially the language you are speaking in that time frame. That window closes afterwards, deconstructing all those unused neurons for efficiencies sake. That's also the reason why it's so important to stretch your kids brain as much as possible in that fragile time frame so as many neurons as possible get triggered and saved from destruction, which will make them accesible for other bridges afterwards.

So it's very likely that, just like freshly hatched chickens, our brain simply consideres those speaking patterns as the default. At least Poles think I'm speaking like I'm always angry (read: german).

You're a NATO kid?

>> No.11784709

It's interesting stuff, i have been reading a bit about a theory of child development recently, but it is so hard to test this stuff properly.

And I'm Canadian, we moved to Germany like a week after I was born because my father had a position at a university in Bayreuth.

>> No.11784732

Nice, I'm currently trying to relocate to bavarias north as well.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm personally studying it to get my future kids the best I can and thankfully "living by example" is ingrained in kids so changes are good even without knowing everything your kids will be pretty similar to you from a nurture perspective additionally to the 80+% of hereditary IQ.

>> No.11784780

I don't really remember much but my parents tell me it's a beautiful place. My father also said that he found that Germans act like they are adults and the rest of the world is children which i found funny regardless of whether it's true.

As to raising children I have honestly sort of traditional views on that, to the point where I am verging into actual memery. I think that Victorian England essentially got it right.

>> No.11784823

Yeah, northern bavaria is what germany as a whole should look like.

Good choice, I'm also collecting antique and vintage childrens books for the purpose of raising them traditional. I'm also on the Ted-Pill. One of my english language favorites is the "Book of virtues" by Bennett, not classic but it has many short nice stories about morals and virtues for kids without beeing sissi about stuff. But in the end mine will prolly get to know the age appropiate canon before getting into school.

"Teaching your children values" by Eyre and well as the same book with responsibility I found to be as well very informative about some methods I might implement to circumvent arguments. Not really trad but I try to keep it open for whatever works.

>> No.11784961

Well, I'm off to bed. It was nice talking with you, canuck mutt. Godspeed.

>> No.11784982

you too m8

>> No.11785008

>Squandering your jism on jezebels is a good thing

>> No.11785197

Didn't see his copy of Decline of the West. I agree, he's also worth reading

>> No.11785203

Hey you forgot your dragon dildo and your MAGA hat you Incel autistic bitch

>> No.11785231

>Hate of

Pre Vatican II Catholicism never hated Jews. We cannot hate them, we pray for their converrsion. I bet you're a MAGA polack American.

>> No.11785253

Hey, that’s mine

>> No.11785772


So you're Iranian? Filthy, filthy fucking sandnigger.

>> No.11786759
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Jesus christ, this can't be fucking real. Oh man.
>Facism was an organic response to the failures of Marxism.
Retarded and wrong. Fascism was a reaction to the failures of the liberal society and the fear of communism
Keeps getting worse

>> No.11786833

>What exactly is your focus with this collection? It looks like some attempt to ham fist the most stereotypical bigotry into a neoconservative worldview. If you're an atheist then you should acquaint yourself with the fascistic worldview. Gentile is a good introduction to this. If you're an Ariosophist then definitely study Jung and the Traditionalist school. If all you're interested in is being racist then I don't see much purpose in collecting books. Race is a very "You've heard one, you've heard all" topic.

This shelf is a more or less progression of the last 5 months after taking the red pill (JQ). Ill keep searching for the truths no matter where that takes me because an underlying nihilism is at the root of my soul.

dropped out of uni for economics so in attempts to supplement real economic logic I went the mises/rothbard route. I acknowledge many of these books are contradictory but surely there can be knowledge found in them regardless?

>except Dawkins desu i regret putting that fuck in here

>also if my Mein Kampf version is Jew translates shit I’m going to burn it in honour of the furher

>> No.11786841


Also I really appreciate all the feedback I’ve gotten in this thread.

Remember everyone I’m sure you’ve been in my position before, eager to find the truths your race has passed on:

>although i would bet there’s a lot of cucks here on /lit/

>> No.11787130

I'm a Polish Catholic, you will never meat a harder one in your life than those from the country where jesus is king unironcally and borders get rosary prayed to keep niggers and arabs away.

>> No.11787606

Definitely lacking "Trifles for a Massacre," and, "School for Corpses."

>> No.11787614
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>> No.11787617
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You need to understand OP that this racism, white nationalism, fear of The Other is created by the Power Elite to trick you into supporting them and working against your own Class interests

>> No.11787664
File: 589 KB, 2046x1127, lefty v pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mother of god
its the leftypol library from this meme

>> No.11787682

anyone who cant appreciate tyhe commitment of people like OP to their bait needs to be sent off to a concentratioon camp

>> No.11787720

>tfw I'm a minor meme
good times lads

>> No.11787794

I hope you actually bought some proper books meanwhile instead of beeing proud of political Harry Potter tier lit.

>> No.11787807
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>> No.11787896

This is either a joke, or an autist who is swayed only by memes.

>> No.11788116


Alright who did this?
Which one of you was it?

>> No.11788121

Why the fuck would you put book shelves in fron of a window?

>> No.11788129

Our landlords too cheap to install curtains and our neighbours have a good view through that one

>> No.11788176

>landlord is responsible for curtains
Ask me how I know you're a larping teenager.

>> No.11788185

He is that's part of the property
well that's what the other housemates told me

>> No.11788242
File: 55 KB, 500x375, 4657685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking the landlord is responsible for curtains
>rather blocking the window than buying 5$ curtains
>living with retarded housemates
As I can see reading more lefty books hasn't help your brain to develope beyond a niggers reasoning skills.

>> No.11788257

that's what I got told by the other housemates
why would they lie
how do you know they aren't counted as part of the property?

>> No.11788309
File: 85 KB, 872x759, grow-the-fuck-up-a-book-that-teaches-you-how-to-be-an-adult-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't you mog even read the lease? Curtains are part of your interiour, for which every render is himself responsible. Sure some landlords might already have one installed but that's more common in short college flats, because the people living there regularly let their shit behind.

I know this shit because I'm a neo-boomer and had something like 7 different flats since my 17th birthday. Depending on yourlease your landlord can rent it out on you even without a carpet or other floor covering, let alone wallpapered walls. Read the lease like an adult und go to your cheapest dollarshop and buy a cornice and curtain. You will get mold if you don't vent regularly and for that your landlord can make you pay.

Jesus, man.

>> No.11788319

venting requires opening windows, not curtains, and we have plenty of others to open

>> No.11788323

Needs more Evola and culture of critique. Someone made a /pol/ reading lit on goodreads, you should look at that

>> No.11788336

You can't vent a room without windows in it. Good lord, it's not even funny anymore. Didn't your parents teach you any household skills? And venting means opening the window fully for a couple minutes, ideally with draught so the humidity and shit can get properly exchanged.

I'm not kidding you. Tae my advice and buy simple curtains, they are like 5€ at ikea or at least glue some milk-gass foil onto the window if the view is the main problem. You can even make "milk glass" yourself in your kitchen, although it will look shittier.

Don't be that kind a tenant. At least do it for your books as the mold will also destroy them over time.

>> No.11788340

there is more than one window in the room you retard

the space between the blocked and the bookcases is not sealed

>> No.11788356
File: 89 KB, 796x1060, 1525276169773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suddently another window appears
You better not be kidding. It still looks trashy. Even gluing magazines onto the window would look better.

>the space between the blocked and the bookcases is not sealed
What does it have to do with anything? You can't open the window, let alone fully. You waste energy to bring light during daytime into your room and the air quality is way shittier. Let alone the fact that you can't even have plants in there.

I really don't get your reasoning for rather blocking a window than to buy a cheap ass curtain or view-blocking alternative. It would prolly be enough to buy a half height billy shelv to put it between the four others to make room for the window.

>> No.11788370

I'm pretty sure I mentioned it in more than one post but you weren't getting it
>What does it have to do with anything?
you tell me mr circulation
>You waste energy to bring light during daytime into your room and the air quality is way shittier.
its not a bedroom and we have plenty of light from all the other fucking windows
>I really don't get your reasoning for rather blocking a window than to buy a cheap ass curtain or view-blocking alternative. It would prolly be enough to buy a half height billy shelv to put it between the four others to make room for the window.
you're really putting too much effort into this

>> No.11788380
File: 8 KB, 235x210, 17499497_10154617953356785_8427820246187448928_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mentioned other windows (in the flat) not in the same room, a big difference, and I don't realy believe you, as it's pretty uncommon to have two in a small room. But whatever.

>you tell me mr circulation
Circulation of air can only happen if the window is actually fully open, not about there beeing "air" between the window and the bookcase. Good lord, I'm realyl trying to help you punk out.

>you're really putting too much effort into this
Yeah, it's not like I could have suspected much after seeing bookcases as curtain surrogates.

>> No.11788402

Now that is shitposting

>> No.11788434
File: 301 KB, 620x930, 1508728295382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What Happened?
>Hillary Rodham Clinton

>> No.11788490

>in the flat
This is why you think its a bedroom
And why you think there is one window
>not in the same room
learn to read retard
there are multiple windows in the large room the books are in
> as it's pretty uncommon to have two in a small room.

>> No.11788512
File: 79 KB, 628x553, dystopian genre live in a society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quaquaqua, gamers?

>> No.11788519
File: 158 KB, 478x463, 1531151229832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying someone not even reading a lease, buying used unmatching bookcases and placing them in front of a window while not knowing while air circulation prevents mold is likely to live in a house instead of a social housing flat

>implying that same someone which is living with "housemates" has more than a single small to medium sized room in this flat

>implying further someone who thinks curtains are the landlords responsibility knows better how typical houses and flats are build

It's funny how each time you upload your books to pride yourself you get ripped a new asshole because you're a brainlet. Really gets da noggin joggin.

>> No.11788583

they're new bookcases
they're different colours because the maker changed models in between purchases
you're really fucking obsessed with this window?
even after I've told you there are many
I'm just repeating what the housemates said and had no reason to doubt them, I'm not a paranoid projectionist concocting vast alternate realities on the flimsiest of information

Who is getting ripped? You're making these bizarre assumptions and being told you're wrong.

>> No.11788607
File: 19 KB, 500x590, 1536697993520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw out:
>Mein Kampf
No argumentative content.

>Man, Economy, and Sate
Treats "the State" too transcendentally; Carl Schmitt's "the Concept of the Political" may help cure this way of thinking, or Stirner, if you're a pseud.

>George Orwell's works
Total garbage.

He is the fucking king of the Dunning-Krueger effect; you'd do best not to learn from him.

>Protocols of Zion
If it was a verified document, I'd say read it, but it's a hoax, so don't.

Occultist nonsense. Nietzsche is marginally better, but a lot of it is still nonsense.

Don't throw out, but be careful. His arguments against God/Christianity are good, but he is a secular humanist, which is often worse.

I strongly recommend adding James Burnham's "the Machiavellians" and "the Suicide of the West".

>> No.11788612 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_4044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, I know you're going to keep on ranting and raving til you see a picture
big open plan living room/dining/kitchen
a housemate is currently moving, hence the mess, her kfc too. Asians love kfc.

>> No.11788616
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It's okay, nobody expected naything from a meme bookcase owner.

>> No.11788622

Really shitty cut room. You should have bought half height billies to go under the window or at least such high bookcases that one can't see the windows anymore. That just looks stupid either way.

But at least you're not a hobo punk. Good on you.

>> No.11788630

if I got half height they'd need to take up more room

>> No.11788668

You mean floor room. Hopefully. And considering your furniture the whole wall could be made into a half bookcase height sideboard without a problem. But that's bout taste, which is rare.

>> No.11788684

no it couldn't be because there is a ducted heating vent about a half meter to the left of the furthest bookcase

You assume that's the only window
You assume thats my bedroom
You asusme I'm in a flat
You assume and assume and assume
When do you realise that MAYBE you're wrong and are really bad at these guesses?
You ever heard of Dunning-Kruger?

>> No.11788698
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Everything I said was due to your repsonses and it beeing the most likely scenario. And as I said, you only make excuses why blocking a window is without alternative. Why do you even keep responding if you don't deep down know it was a retarded choice? It's not like you need to explain yourself to strangers.

And all that, keep in mind, is after I wasn't even the one calling you out on the window first.

>> No.11788704

>making excuses
>its what the rest of the housemates said
pick one

>> No.11788705

Strange collection. I'd say they're all worth reading but if you think you can derive one ideology from them in combination you probably haven't opened any of them yourself.
Hitler and Orwell obviously clash, and Rothbard and Mises were both Jews.
You should read those books instead of posting /pol/threads about them here.

It's alright, but not exactly "very good".
It has a crapload of statistics and anecdotes but barely any discussion of them at all. It's the kind of book that's really good for quoting at people.

>> No.11788711

>making excuses for not even having read the lease let alone beeing able of independant reasoning
Come on now, desu.

>> No.11788732

>demanding people to second guess their housemates and assume they're lying

>> No.11788969
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>> No.11789008
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>not blindly sucking up retarded claims regarding ones lease
I hope you don't show the same attitude to other contracts.

>> No.11789575
File: 93 KB, 1280x767, 1280px-Dienstflagge_Preußen_1933-35.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> nazis
> literally having Gott mit uns on their belts
> not christian

>> No.11789627
File: 70 KB, 798x544, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-1985-0109-502_Kirchenwahl.-_Propaganda_der_-Deutschen_Christen-_in_Berlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pagan larping amerimutt "nazis" will never understand.

>> No.11789630
File: 66 KB, 2000x1898, D47FD631-1460-4A19-8232-1C1CA33D4A35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally having runes inscribed in their uniforms
>not pagan

>> No.11789635

>using ancient symbolism stands contrary to the religious views of those at the top and the near complete voter base
Runes are cultural heritage. One can celebrate Plato without believing in their gods, mong.

>> No.11789644

Fresh from the Giftzwerg, and pretty much every other propaganda used. The NSDAP were pretty much all christians and so were those at the top, besides nutcases like the unironic faggot Göring with nailpolish and his gayass white uniform.

>> No.11789653
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And it's logical, because most were catholics and there is no hate like catholics hates jews before the second vatican council.

>> No.11789670
File: 49 KB, 334x500, 500_F_71519514_E0Tp78FayVAFdlNHKhoNfBSvysDw5BKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for coherence in nazi thought

>> No.11789684

it's all sour grapes to people like you.

>> No.11790004
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>>Man, Economy, and Sate
>Treats "the State" too transcendentally; Carl Schmitt's "the Concept of the Political" may help cure this way of thinking, or Stirner, if you're a pseud.

Care to elaborate? The following excerpt seems to show "the State" to be rather unmysterious.

>What is relevant, in short, is the extent to which [bureaucrats] are in a relation to state to their fellow men. We might add that, in this work, the term "State" is never meant in an anthropomorphic manner. "State" really means people acting toward one another in a systematically "stateish" relationship.

>> No.11790216

Deeply embarrassing

>> No.11790240


>> No.11791002

you're a class A chad!

>> No.11791231

>no William Luther Pierce

>> No.11791296

>it’s another depressive soiboi doesn’t understand the nature of pride episode

>> No.11791401


>> No.11792316

>Trash the austrian school. National Socialists should look up to Feder. Modern schools I would recommend are populistic-Keynesianism and MMT.
Truth-seeking should always come first. If you're more concerned with matching up the right people and ideologies, then congratulations, you're wasting your time learning about shit that either doesn't exist or doesn't matter. Stop spending so much time on /pol/. Most of the so-called "red pills" you think you've absorbed amount to meaningless bullshit with edgy aesthetics. Protip: if you're reading anything that can be adequately described as "mysticism", toss it.

If you really want to learn politics, read the scientists: Machiavelli, Tocqueville, Mosca, Sorel, Michels, Pareto, Hayek. If you want to learn economics, pick up a textbook (although Sowell is not that bad of a start).

>> No.11792638

God doesn't automatically mean the Christian God you troglodyte.

>> No.11792671
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>scratches your scrotum
won the whole thread

>> No.11792703

4 books on that shelf worth something

>> No.11792716
File: 64 KB, 980x484, 1404277225845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god doesn't mean the christian god in a christian society which had regularly catholic mass on the battlefields nd which population and leaders were christians through and through because a small, and rejected, group inside wanted to larp as pagans
Imagine having to brezel so hard to make reality match the jewish anti-catholic narative because you read some de facto irrelevant spergs. It's really sad.

>> No.11792848

Yeah, you

>> No.11792905

Do you think you're reading "the Christian alphabet" right now?

>> No.11792940
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Jews are only anti-catholic because the priests are competition for that sweet 10yo boy pussy

>> No.11792950

>has literally child molestation as a cultural heritage called Bacha Bazi
>thinks he can trash talk the onyl religion which made child molestation illegal until the infiltration of the jews during the 60s
Try again, inbreed.

>> No.11793057
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I have the every right to shit talk any pedophilic religion poisoning the minds of my people. Alt-right christfaggot kids are the worst new internet trend. Go back to fedora tipping, it was less cringy.

>> No.11793532

Gee, edgelord, where'd you get that? "Green Room?" Love you teenagers who've never laid eyes on a "neo-nazi," watching a ridiculous genre thriller and immediately assimilating its themes into your worldview. When "American History X," came out nobody took it seriously, it didn't expose some nascent cultural reckoning, it was flogging a dead horse, now thanks to your ignorant generation being fed on sensationalism and not having the wherewithal to discover anything new for yourselves, goose-stepping in line with the status quo and all the while calling other people nazis, we have to deal with all of this "White supremacy," "Neo-Nazi," yadayadayada, "Racism bad," bullshit. The liberals have indeed become the anti-intellectuals, it has become the right-wing literature which has become "Subversive," which is ironic since analyzing literature from all points of view is what makes a well-informed opinion, but no, it's probably best to simply indulge your own, I can't even fucking do this.

>> No.11793558

Of course Islam is the fastest growing religion, they breed like rabbits, it's not a matter of people converting, it's people being born into a system, if atheism is on the rise in Christian nations it is due to greater freedom of choice, in some countries where Islam is prevalent it is mandatory, the State Religion, there's like 3 countries on earth that have Christianity as a State Religion, there're about a dozen that have Islam, the children are raised to believe the homeland and religion are fundamentally linked, you have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.11793811

So basically Islam is so based and redpilled it refused to be reformed and has stayed as a state religion that way and also by conquest and general redpilledness and I know exactly what I'm talking about and christians are still retarded crybabies with a low test religion. Yep, good to know

>> No.11793822

Germania by Tacitus
not that redpilled of a work but it's been perceived as such both by those who take it as an upside and those who take it as a downside

>> No.11794277

Such a confused little child.
This whole thread.

>> No.11794313

>babby's first /pol/

>> No.11794314

>Alt-right christfaggot kids are the worst new internet trend.
I'm a fashist catholic polak for the last 2000 years. Try again, inbreed.

>> No.11794694
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Thanks for proving my point. Polish """people""" are sub-human btw. Lotsa love and kisses

>> No.11795044
File: 7 KB, 222x227, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only like white people and tom's

>> No.11796481

y tho

>> No.11797653
File: 54 KB, 220x185, 220px-Distribution_Haplogroup_R1a_Y-DNA.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>polish are subhuman
>have the highest and purest percentage of the last aryan migration, therefore as aryan as it gets, so even Hitler stole their blonde children to larp them as germanics
>quotes memevola to be edgy
Unironic yikes.

>> No.11797679
File: 2.00 MB, 200x259, 0293809234243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Ayran bookshelf
>based black man Sowell
>based jew Rothbard
>based atheist Dawkins
>based controlled-opposition Jared Taylor

>> No.11797697

Dr. Peterson? Is that you?

>> No.11798157
File: 163 KB, 746x789, Nazism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop LARPing as a Catholic you pathetic clueless brainlet.


>> No.11798184

>En francais je m'expresse mieux mais j'ai quand meme des erreures et sur l'ordinateur je n'ai pas les accents ou cedilles ou quoi que se soit. Le dernier occupation que je faisait, l'homme qui m'a donner l'entrevu a cru que j'etais francophone avant que je lui ai dit que je suis anglophone, alors peut-etre mon Francais c'est comme le Francais d'un homme un peu stupide.
En français je m'exprime mieux mais je fais quand même des erreurs et sur le clavier je n'ai pas les accents, les cédilles ou quoi que ce soit. Pour le dernier boulot que je faisais, le gars avec qui j'ai passé l'entrevue a cru que j'étais francophone avant que je lui dise que je suis anglophone, alors peut-être que mon français est comme celui d'une personne un peu stupide.

>> No.11798366

>a catholic presence prevents degeneracy and jews from power
>coincidently where there catholics, there is enough degeneracy, jews and communists leading to people voting
>Quotes a german catholic side WITHOUT evidence which has a vested interested in showing that they dindu nuffin
My nigger, the map only shows Catholics, not ALL christians, which would be the proper way of showing it if you want to compare it to aganism which was practically unknown in germany and people would have had laughed in your face if you would have told them that they should start workshipping some snownigger religion.

>In an October 1928 speech Hitler said the Nazis “tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity… in fact, our movement is Christian. We are filled with a desire for Catholics and Protestants to discover one another”. In another speech, the Nazi leader argued that:

“Today Christians … stand at the head of [Germany]. I pledge that I never will tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity … We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit … We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre and in the press. In short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture, as a result of liberal excess.”

Hitler to dis day isn't excommunicated, you mong.

>> No.11798719

>this is your brain on materialism

I was gonna ask you to read some idealist philosphers but i'd honestly be suprised if you have or will ever read a book about philosophy in your life.

>> No.11799517

I think a true NPC would only like "minorities" because they were told to.

>> No.11799682

I agree with it except for Duke. The guy is obviously not a fucking fed and his podcast with Eric Striker is great.

>> No.11799706

Mein Kampf
Dein Kampf

>> No.11799728

Imagine how rich you must be to just buy useless books just to meme on 4chan. I refuse to believe these are real.

Dugin his Fourth Political Theory is pretty based desu

>> No.11799995

How do you combine Mein Kampf with (((capitalism)))? Doesn't make sense