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11787042 No.11787042 [Reply] [Original]

The same way people like Scruton in "Sexual Desire" argue for a more disciplined and strict sexual relations, what are the books and who are the people who argue to the exact oposite?
What are the books that say we should all fuck like rabbits and enjoy all the debauchery possible?

>> No.11787047

your mom's diary desu

>> No.11787054

All of Sade's novels
Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment
Michel Onfray's La puissance d'exister: Manifeste hédoniste
Genesis 1:28

>> No.11787080
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She is actualy too soft
Thanks. At least one person took it seriously

Need more tho. I wanna see arguments for promiscuity

>> No.11787104

Herbert Marcuse strongly advocated for sexual liberation ("polymorphous perversity", as he put it) in his Eros and Civilization. I honestly can't think you might want anything else.
As a matter of fact, 120 Days in Sodom and Eros and Civilization might be all the reassurance you could ever possibly want for this belief.

>> No.11787112

The Epic of Gilgamesh

>> No.11787118

probably this OP.

>> No.11787151

Epicurus argued for negative hedonism, which is not what OP's looking for. You're thinking of Aristippus.

>> No.11787172

based started wih the greeks poster

>> No.11787218
File: 65 KB, 480x480, rapestruemeaning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, thank you
Realy? Is this much?
Not realy, my mom is too soft
Is it? Thanks them

>> No.11787448

you want to see arguments for promiscuity because you are thinking with your dick/vagina

you're letting your dick/vagina lead

maybe you should try letting your mind lead. or your heart, more importantly

promiscuous sex doesn't help form intimate close honest long lasting meaningful partnership-friendship type committed relationships where you know you can trust a person to Always be there and that you can tell them Anything. that is part of what Really connecting to someone consists of. not just fucking their body.

fucking people's bodies does not bring fulfillment.

believe me, I've tried. don't believe me, try it yourself. good luck.

>> No.11787479
File: 16 KB, 194x250, slaanesh_wants_to_cuddle_by_techmaguskhobotov-dcihsl5.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexual contact is a very important aspect of intimacy. Maybe more sexual contact can make people more conected.
Also, I am more concerned with people being able to explore their sexuality at fullest and freest without being wrongly judged by wider society

>> No.11787532

sexual contact being a very important aspect of intimacy is a convenient opinion

in my experience sexual contact actually has no effect on intimacy whatsoever

what does have an effect on intimacy, is trust, honesty, the freedom to be yourself, and security that someone won't leave you. being able to talk about anything, share anything, to cry, whatever it is. to share our darkest fears and memories, and highest dreams and aspirations, and everything in between.

sex is just a physical act. intimacy can take place during sex, but sex does not require intimacy, and intimacy does not require sex.

who cares what the fuck society thinks anyways, none of their business

you want to know what society thinks? you should spend all your life fucking and trying to fuck and thinking about fucking. makes you pretty preoccupied than to care about other things that maybe matter more.

>> No.11787544

are you a woman by chance?

>> No.11787547
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>Also, I am more concerned with people being able to explore their sexuality at fullest and freest without being wrongly judged by wider society

>I'm so manly I don't form human relationships or emotional attachments
Hell yeah bro

>> No.11787548

you only really don't feel alone in the world when you know that someone can recognize the real you

you will only ever give someone the chance to recognize the real you if you can be honest about all your feelings and all your thoughts. first that requires first being honest with yourself about what real emotions you got swirling around under the hood. and it's also a two way street. you need to be the person that deserves to be seen, because you also care about other people and what they are really feeling, what they Really need, emotionally, compassionately.

anybody can fuck. but loving and being a good partner, that's complicated, and it takes sacrifice. that's why most people opt for loosely understood transactional sexual relationships
where they aren't required to actually do any work and deepen their understandings of themselves, of what love really means, of how we should live, and why we should live. it's easier to just fuck. but that doesn't mean that fucking actually has any long term reward whatsoever

fucking will not make you happy, or fulfilled. it never has, for anyone. that's the truth.

commodifying sex is one of the most fucked up aspects of our modern world.

>> No.11787551


>> No.11787553

Shulamith Firestone

>> No.11787579

yea, I form them. But what that post decribed wasn't possible with a woman.

>> No.11787584
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>in my experience sexual contact actually has no effect on intimacy whatsoever
How could it be if there are several ocasions of marriages ending because one or both sides didn't fucked any longer? It is integral to the relacionship. You don't need to fuck 3 times a day, but there are studies that show that couples with have sex 1 time a mounth are happier.
>is trust, honesty, the freedom to be yourself,
This also includes sexuality.
>who cares what the fuck society thinks anyways, none of their business
Easier said than done.
>commodifying sex is one of the most fucked up aspects of our modern world.
Never said to make sex a commodity. I said to be freer and more honest.

>> No.11787589

The mathematician?

>> No.11787590

for every urge anyone has ever experienced, there has been someone who came up with a rational explanation as to why it was well placed in order to keep doing the thing indefinitely without impediment.

some of those people wrote books about what they came up with and you can go read them.

this applies to many things.

i don't think we were meant to act on our every urge. we resist attacking and killing each other in times of anger... it doesn't mean that in order to truly be free someday we must actually begin attacking and killing. just because your body tells you to do something does not mean it is in your best interest, in the long run. our bodies tell us to do plenty of stupid things. that's why all sorts of addictive behaviors exist in the first place. that's why people become addicted to drugs, to gambling, to sex, or to other things.

doesn't mean that to abstain from those things would be betraying their "true" nature deep down. perhaps letting themselves be consumed by compulsion is actually more dangerous to their "true" selves becoming actualized in their lives

if you can't look at things in the long run, if all you care about is short term instant gratification instead of playing the long game, building things, building a life... well, good luck with that, dude. Ive been down that road.

it is a bitch.

>> No.11787596

No, the cuck utopian socialist
(if those two aren't the same thing)

>> No.11787602

>How could it be if there are several ocasions of marriages ending because one or both sides didn't fucked any longer? It is integral to the relacionship. You don't need to fuck 3 times a day, but there are studies that show that couples with have sex 1 time a mounth are happier.

what you are saying is all in a society where sexuality is being shouted at us from the rooftops 24/7 from all forms of media from before the age where we can speak or think for ourselves. this has to be taken into account.

scientific studies and their results seem to lend to ideas about what is the natural state of humans and human relationships but there are a lot of variables that don't get taken into account

such as, if everyone grows up in a hyper-sexualized society, operates in a hyper-sexualized world that is almost impossible to escape from anywhere you go- it's pretty difficult to resist that idea that sex is of preeminent importance

it's only integral to a relationship in which the members of that relationships MAKE it integral. couples that fuck more regularly and are more happy as a result place sex on a high pedestal just like they are taught and that is why it is valued

it's difficult to go against the grain of an idea you have been bombarded with so consistently from so many sources for so many years and everyone you know is affected by it

>> No.11787604

I assume he means Charles Fourier

>> No.11787611

i rape all moralists in torture chamber cum torture branding ultra cauterisation tickling inceessant face deformation

>> No.11787616

OP, Marquis de Sade

>> No.11787618

you know why the Romans had the Colosseum?

if there wasn't things for the people to be preoccupied with they'd actually be paying attention to how hard they were getting fucked (metaphorically, not literally) by the system, and then maybe do something about it

blasting soft core porn at everyone all day is throwing like throwing fuel on a fire that's already lit

>> No.11787622

>Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment

>> No.11787627

the flight the fligh plan i ust fikled with the agency lists me my man doctor e michael jones here. he didnt write so good. lotta loyalty to the papacy for an anti-semite white nationalist.

>> No.11787629


Just admit you've resigned to the idea of becoming a dumb prostitute and forfeited ever being a mindful human being with dignity.

>> No.11787636

Callicles in the Gorgias was ruight BTW plato had to fabricate him losing an argument to socrates sophistry all these pseuds who think they are so stoic so enlightened are just low IQ cattle...

>> No.11787637

What are you talking about? Sex is considered a taboo topic, and it's censored in most forms of media. Actual explicit sex is considered the stuff of trashy novels and trashier movies, despite it being a healthy part of life. We have to resort to innuendos and euphemisms to talk about it. We talk about sex as if it were a crime, talking about protecting someone's "innocence" if they are naive about it. We live in a pretty sexually repressive culture from what I can see.

>> No.11787641

i have no ideological grudge against u but ur stupid LOL. both perspectives are unexceptionable here.

>> No.11787642

I'm no expert at sex itself, but I'm not stupid.

>> No.11787644

can i lick your bare flesh

>> No.11787646
File: 30 KB, 770x438, 160927210830-tk-ah0927-exlarge-169-e1479345171641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not hard to find books promoting promiscuity. Pretty much all of society promotes it nowadays except very few instutions such as the Church. Why would you look for books specifically dealing with the issue when it's pretty much an accepted and promoted viewpoint today? Are you just trying to bait?

>> No.11787648

oh sureeee. all the elite most attractive people with the most attractive figures and most revealing outfits possible being in almost every advertisement ever- sure its not a sex act, but it is sexual.

im not saying sex is in and of itself bad. don't lump me in with christians just because i dont think you should go out and fuck anything that moves.

i just think preoccupation with sex is widespread, and it leads to other problems- and i think a lot of people pursue sex out of loneliness, and it doesnt help. i think people need to connect more authentically, and to want to connect more authentically, instead of vying for just fucking whatever willing partner they can find

>> No.11787655

in my mind, sex is like weed. it can help you connect sometimes, with some people. it can be a fun distraction.

but at the end of the day, it's a dead end.

it can be used to get through a hard day, it can be nice when your body hurts or you are bored or suddenly you are tense and horny. but it's not going to make your life worth living. it's not the light at the end of the tunnel. it's not the ultimate achievement. it bothers me that it is treated as such.

>> No.11787656

i agree but even the most hedonist liberal cuck is actually a huge prude who needs to be sex tortured for reeducation in a sadean demon world.

>> No.11787662

what really makes life worth living, is connecting authentically with other people. really Sharing your life and having others share their lives with you. trust, truth/honesty, understanding, openness, free communication, security, compassion, patience

in some situations, not all, sex can actually interfere with more important aspects of connection developing. relationships based on sex do not survive, relationships where sex is the only salvation do not have a long shelf life

>> No.11787665

Liberals are the worst too because there's no reason for them to be such prudes. They're just infected by Judeo-Christanity and don't even realize it. I don't agree with Judeo-Christian values but at least they are consistent.

>> No.11787672

Oh I agree we are preoccupied, but I don't think that's something we can change, no matter the amount of repression. You think muslim countries aren't secretly preoccupied with sex?

Better yet, look at the past: when women tended to cover up their ankles, ankles were considered obscene. It's almost like there's a conservation law, somewhere. Try to clamp down on sex, and it'll just go to a new place. From the inside view, it will always feel like the same amount of "obscenity".

>> No.11787679

ankles are obscene. in fact barefootedness needs to become more "naked" again so that its even more erotic when you slide someones socks off... stripping them... revealing a tender secret place...

>> No.11787688

that's coming from a perspective that the only way to change things is by authoritative repression by an organized institution

of course that never works. what could work, though, is if we worked together to re-frame our understanding of things. gently, gradually, from a genuine desire to do good, not to be better-than or to judge or whatever.

if the idea was true, if it really helped people to feel better, if it really made sense, it would spread. that's the way things should be done, then they are voluntary- and they are only done voluntarily as a testament to the inherent truth of whatever it could be. but that also relies on the dedication and commitment of each individual to 1. the greater good, and 2. truth

>> No.11787693

Yeah, I've thought of this before. If we covered up more, nakedness would become sexier.

If sexuality were very common, more so than now, we'd probably become less aroused by vanilla sexuality and start treating it as just another thing.

>> No.11787697

Vanila sex IS getting boring for many people, I dont know the statistics of the top of my head but there are so many women now who do anal aswell

>> No.11787703

sharing your deepest darkest pains and fears with someone, and they don't run away, they stay and accept you and love you...

listening to someone share their darkest pains with you, and you Really Listen, you really bare their pain with them, and accept them, and are compassionate, and are patient- and then they want to Really Listen to you-

man, those situations feel much better than sex. the kind of weight that gets lifted off when you can share your real feelings, your real pain that you have been hiding out of wanting to appear strong- we all do it. when we can finally be honest about how much fucking pain we carry around, about the horrible shit that has happened to us, the horrible things we feel, and have other people be honest with us, and we accept each other- it becomes easier to not want to escape our pain through whatever distraction we can find.

our true selves, allowing our true selves to be seen by others, and others allowing their true selves to be seen by us- that shit really makes life make way more fucking sense, and we realize we aren't alone, and that we really actually have togetherness

i think we try to fuck to achieve togetherness, or more togetherness. there's a lot that fucking can't communicate

>> No.11787708

in egotistical sexual conquest you feel like you can't really be yourself, share yourself. you think you need to present yourself as a suitable sex partner for the presentation of a suitable sex partner that the other person is also trying to create for you

that's not real connection. that's just like fucking birds dancing and puffing their feathers.

we humans have extreme emotional and mental capacity, and we have the language to communicate those things with. we should fucking use it.

>> No.11787710

I agree strongly with your approach, although I'm going in the opposite direction for much the same reasons. I have a genuine desire to be good, and so far I think that people should be free to sexually express themselves fully, and that it's healthy to do so, and that the view of sex as something taboo has been damaging.

I do agree with you about the trouble in marketing, though, but I don't zero in on sex specifically. I dislike the way marketing tries to manipulate us so overtly. I feel like it's disrespectful to the audience but that it's become considered acceptable because it works so well that everyone does it.

It sounds like we'd both support it becoming politically or socially incorrect for ads to be overtly sexual to sell a product that has nothing to do with sex. We'd just want that for different reasons.

>> No.11787713

conquest and reciprocity are both performative, transformative relations... i dont know if any is really more authentic than the other...

>> No.11787715

in terms of private inward authenticity, that is

>> No.11787747

like I said before, I don't think sex is inherently evil. I don't think there is any one-size-fits-all rule. some sex is good, and some sex is not as great. but classifying it as such is the responsibility of no one besides the people engaging in it.

i like little phrases like that, "sexually express" ourselves. yes i do think there are many things that can be expressed through sex, and that it can be healthy. but I also think that "sexual expression" can be confused with acting on any sexual compulsion whatsoever.

of course, just like language, through sex you can express many things. you can express love through sex, or you can express desire to dominate, or even hate, or you can express all sorts of complexes. just like with language. language is not evil in itself. but it can lead to other things depending on the usage and user.

i think we should use sex to express higher things instead of desire to possess someone's desirable physical form or what we have taken to be an interesting personality. this is what I see happening a lot today. boredom rushes in quick.

in my life, what has worked for me is, no love, no sex.

ive had plenty of sex without love. didn't do anything for me in a deep way. but sex with love Did do something. but with the love, was the sex even necessary? was it a crucial component? Not at all. It was just a perk.

that's why I think overvaluation of sex is a supreme putting-the-cart-before-the-horse

but that's just my opinion. over all, people fucking each other is one of the less harmful things people can put their energy into. there are more important things for sure.

but there are not many more important things than us all being able to really connect with each other in increasingly deep and meaningful ways

>> No.11787750

no love no sex as in... if im not in love with someone, im not going to have sex with them

>> No.11787765

it's a funny thing what has happened in our culture

the 60s and the hippie movement that has been retold to us a million times gave a lot of people hope that the world could take a huge turn for the better. lots of people had lots of sex with each other like never before. in fact, the modern attitudes of sex pretty much started back then, during the so called "sexual revolution".

then the 70s came along and everyone forgot about all the hope and optimism they had experienced in the 60s. but you know what survived? "sexual liberation".

and instead of people having sex under the pretext of spiritual communion or whatnot, they did away with all the pretext, and the force of ego and conquest crept in pretty strong to the cat-and-mouse game of finding folks to screw (not that it wasn't there before, it's just came unabashedly and unashamedly to the forefront).

50 years later, here we are. and sex for a lot of people is not about connecting, it's not about having these transcendental experiences, it's not about creating peace for ourselves and each other. we all operate with inferiority complexes and are feeling the constant need to remedy it, sex being one of the go-to's that we are consistently reminded of. love doesn't even seem to enter into the equation anymore for a lot of people, or even if not love, some form of COMPASSION!

just seems kind of fucked up to me.

>> No.11787776

>ctrl + f "bataille"
>0 hits

>> No.11787811
File: 150 KB, 871x931, HEUA2RQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the actual arguments behind being an absolute nancy and being repelled by sluts? What are the arguments behind the purity is good meme? Honest question, seems like a bunch of sexually repressed morons who refuse to acknowledge part of themselves force their skewed ideology on other people. I believe completely that those who argue against sexual liberation are ignorant or flat out liars hiding under that guise that it's the eighteenth century and condoms in their modern capacity don't exist.

>> No.11787818

read the rest of the thread m8

>> No.11787820


Do you actually want to know or do you just want to say what side you're on? We are debating on a forum of the internet - there is no point in asking what you're asking except to navel gaze like a vainglorious moron.

>> No.11787844

It's just one autist spamming, i couldn't give less of a fuck about his opinions.
I know the common arguments
>sanctity of marriage
But i don't understand why these people preach the things they say when they very clearly are human and have desires they're ignoring and shutting out completely. Except for the true one percent that are asexual and pragmatic. I can understand if it's something like pedophilia and they choose not to destroy a child's life but then i would like to understand their opinion on the matter. There's also the social aspect, iv'e talked to people before about how they feel and some say you don't need to have sex ever to be healthy in a social environment which seems false to a certain extent.

>> No.11787848

i believe that the idea of sex's worth being self evident based on how great sex feels and how great it feels to look at a sexy images or video and jack off is about as good an argument as one could make for smokin speedballs out their anus

tell you what, i miss my euphoric drugs much more than i wish i was having sex every waking moment. but no one is telling me that i'm lying to myself or in denial because i refuse to imbibe in those other things again.

I can tell you that the nature of the cravings are really not all that different whatsoever. but one of them is supposed to be part of my *real* identity, and the other is not? according to WHO?

but if I am in a committed relationship with someone I love very much, who I have been through hell and back with and stood by me through it all, and opt out of fucking whomever else shows the least bit of interest, I get assholes breathing down my neck telling me what a fucking prude I am.

to me, that is bullshit. that's the same kind of fucking proselytizing that their supposed sworn enemies did for thousands of years.

i will respect your right to do whatever the fuck you want with whoever the fuck consents. but don't tell me i'm fucked up for not adhering to your oversimplified-contrarian-to-the-old-establishment-knee-jerk-indignant views

>> No.11787853

Absolutely based. Stray strong my man.

>> No.11787861

>i miss my euphoric drugs much more than i wish i was having sex every waking moment.
tbqh sex is not that great is the feeling I've had since loosing my virginity years ago.

>> No.11787905

Those birds have a connection we can only dream of, immediate and untainted by the poison of language

So does that make you a contrarian to the contrarions of the old establishment?

>> No.11787915

>in my experience sexual contact actually has no effect on intimacy whatsoever
That's because you have no experience. Also this statement is observably and verifiable as false. I want christian/pol LARPers to leave /lit/

>> No.11787924

/pol/ pls go

>> No.11787925

you may be right about the birds.

doesn't make me shit. disagreement doesn't imply contrarianism.

there is definitely contrarianism taking place somewhere in the greater scheme of things however and it should be duly noted

contrarianism is inherently black and white thinking. "if this was wrong, then the opposite must be true". when you have black and white thinking, a lot of space for new insights gets thrown under the bus. there's a whoooole lot of subtlety than can exist between two poles of a spectrum

especially when instead of just boiling it down to singular viewpoints at a time, we choose to be contrarian to an entire perceived group of people and everything they may have touted. we say, these people are bad, so therefore everything they thought must be bad, and the opposite must be true.

that's just kind of fucking stupid. it's also a symptom of this idiotic identity politics going on today.

>> No.11787926
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>mfw this includes sharing all of my cringy, /d/eviant fantasies

>> No.11787929
File: 12 KB, 220x279, 220px-Heidegger_4_(1960)_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is it bad to stick an electrical wire into your nucleus accumbuens

>> No.11787935

I love you bro.

>> No.11787936

ironically/unironically I had sex last night. believe me or not, I give not a shit.

i've had relationships where it certainly Seemed like the sex was increasing the intimacy, for a while. but All of those relationships turned out to become, and end, Very fucking Fickle. Very fucking Fast.

the relationships where I really tried to work on connection in a deep emotional way, not just through physical means- those are the ones that lasted, and actually MEANT something to me or to them in the longrun

>> No.11787945

I love you too, man. This world is fucking crazy sometimes. All we really got in the end is each other.

>> No.11787947

>commodifying sex is one of the most fucked up aspects of our modern world.
You're a retard. Sex is the one thing that most makes sense to commodify next to physical labor.

>> No.11787969

It makes complete sense to commodify because it holds so much power over people. Complete sense. You are correct.

Doesn't mean that it's not still fucked up for it to be used in such a way. as a commodity.

>> No.11787996

>Michel Onfray

t. french pseud.

>> No.11788014

>Pretty much all of society promotes it nowadays
I mean that's objectively wrong, but ok.

>> No.11788019

>being able to explore their sexuality at fullest and freest without being wrongly judged by wider society
thats why everyone is tolerant and nobody shames virgins

>> No.11788023

Shame on you /lit/ !

>> No.11788024

It's not fucked up at all you're just a retard

>> No.11788030
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>all the elite most attractive people with the most attractive figures
black pill

>> No.11788036

sexual proletariat gang report

>> No.11788039

Not everything is about you

>> No.11788051

oh right, exploiting weakness isn't fucked up at all

you must be into Machiavelli eh

>> No.11788067


t. blue-pilled, western-brainwashed, Levinas-sucking ethics peddler

>> No.11788083

studies show that when people cooperate, instead of compete- they create better results

species that cooperate the most, the best, proliferate.

competition creates some winners and more losers. cooperation benefits everyone, without the extra bullshit.

competition emphasizes domination. cooperation emphasizes group dynamic.

a lot of people working together can do infinitely more than a lot of people working for themselves

>> No.11788086

Cooperation is competition at a social level. Sorry brainlet. Get out of your individualistic viewpoint. You're not the center of the world.

>> No.11788088

So gangbangs it is

>> No.11788097
File: 113 KB, 710x888, 008C6F14-BD72-40A2-A8E7-3E968BF5533B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11788098

>commodifying sex is the same as taking advantage of a weakness
Literally what? You're retarded. Leave /lit/ and never return.

>> No.11788099

hey man, I'm open to being dissuaded if I'm presented with cordial and rational discussion, as anyone who cares about truth should be. so hit me with your best shot if you have some good arguments to debate

i'm not the center of The world, but my personal experience of consciousness is certainly the center of My world, as are you of yours

btw u r a fukn pussy

>> No.11788106

it was meant in more of a 4chan discussion context, haha

seems like folks are always trying to dick measure on here, instead of having this attitude of mutual discovery

fuckin lame. there are so many intelligent people that could be becoming so much more intelligent if they worked together in the right ways. instead they want to measure dicks with each other.

>> No.11788124

YES commodifying sex takes advantage of weakness when a sexy woman is being used to try and sell a product. by this type of advertising, it could be argued that peoples' weaknesses have actually been cultivated the past 100 years or more

another weakness taken advantage of by advertising? inferiority complexes. stupidity. inertia. insecurity. comparing oneself constantly to others and perceived achievements - "the joneses" and what not

>> No.11788136
File: 211 KB, 1500x825, life happens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight 4chan it's been real

>> No.11788148

Based post.

Retard. YOU leave /lit/.

>> No.11788158

Then your problem is with consumerism and advertising. At least fight the right battles you fucking moron.

>> No.11788170

But you have not mentioned why is commodification of sex so bad, only that the advertisement of it is predatory (which is like most advertisement anyway).

>> No.11788218

why are porn-addled neets like OP discussing sexuality as if they were ever in danger of touching a woman?

>> No.11788518

top kek unless you live in Saudi Arabia, he's absolutely correct.

>> No.11788534

scruton is a moron,
he embraces egalitarianism and classical feminism and then somehow goes on to advocate for traditional relations
what the fuck is wrong with him, is he really this much of a self unaware moron?

>> No.11788967
File: 39 KB, 645x773, 1318199516002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anybody can fuck
Sh-shut the fuck up...

>> No.11788970

Sex is merely symbolic

>> No.11789112

you create falso dichotomy
getting a job is cooperation and domination at same time
same applies to every other mutual interaction
read foucault

>> No.11789427

gore vidal maybe, he was a proper degenerate

>> No.11789449

commodification of sex was actually meant in a more broader term than purely monetary

seeing it as a sort of product that one should want to consume as much of as possible, in quantity, without much regard for quality, without much regard for where it comes from, or why... just like people think about money, or status... that's pretty stupid, and arguably harmful

>> No.11789456

>he doesn't know

>> No.11789460

Any Andre Guide novel

>> No.11789496
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>intimate close honest long lasting meaningful partnership-friendship type committed relationships

>> No.11789512
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>> No.11789516

So you never read Epicurus? Epicurean school is anti-sex

>> No.11789520

>What are the books that say we should all fuck like rabbits and enjoy all the debauchery possible?
There are two problems:

- In a sexually liberated society every 12-25 year old female is chased by all the 13-70 year old males. See for example Melania (48) and Donald (72) Trump.
- In ancient times most women died from childbirth. They would write their will if they knew they were pregnant. So women are biologically predisposed to picking only the best mates.

>> No.11789525

I have never seen a based tripfag on this board but this is the most accurate thing ITT.

>> No.11789536

>In a sexually liberated society every 12-25 year old female is chased by all the 13-70 year old males. See for example Melania (48) and Donald (72) Trump.

Why is this bad? Men are going to seek younger women because they lose their fertility before men do.

Can't remember the exact ages, but it's why Aristotle recommended the best age for getting married for men was (around) 38 to someone half their age because then you both lose your fertility at the same time.

>> No.11789540

>this whole thread
I want /pol/ and incels to leave

>> No.11789548

I don't.

>> No.11789556

God don't remind me of that bastard. Was my tutor. Loved/hated female undergrads.

>> No.11789595

I'm not making a moral judgement butt the sexual economy in a sexually liberated society of humans is going to pair up multiple women to one man and leave several men without partners.
That's just how it is.
I don't really know what the mot ethical or personally succesful choices are.

>> No.11791473

This is OP again.
H-holy shit. Didnt saw it got this big.
Well. I need to read it all so, I will do it ans then awnser acordinly

>> No.11791620
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>What are the actual arguments behind being an absolute nancy and being repelled by sluts?

The best sex involves deep emotional connection.
Deep emotional connection takes a long time to develop.
One night stands, by definition, take place over a very short amount of time.
Therefore, the best possible sex can't happen during a one night stand.

People who don't pursue the best (aka "higher") pleasures are disgusting.
Sluts pursue one night stands.
Therefore, sluts don't pursue the best sex.
Therefore, sluts are disgusting.

>> No.11791747

absolutely normalfag

>> No.11791906
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Okay, but still, restraining to much your own desires also is bad. Making casual sex so far as I am aware, has no negative impact, also, being addicted to something is in general bad. Fucking like rabbits should be read as "being able to have sex when and with who and how you want", not going out of your way to fuck the first person out there.
I don't see sexuality being shouted 24/7; I see only provocative things. A society in with there is sexuality 24/7 dosen't censor majority of naked bodys and "excessive lewdness"
Holy shiet
I ain't talking about soft porn, I am talking about the real stuff
Prostitution is a respectable profession like any other
I don't see them actualy.
Is it? Is more about if fucking everyone is better or restraining yourself is the right way
Fair point
Well, yea, but sex usualy makes people more intimate so they open up from time to time
This is a fair point, many people do this, but also, a lot of people don't see a problem in having a lot of sex with strangers.
I think this is a gross misinterpretation of the overall picture
I too agree with you
Thanks for the point my fellow anon.
Is it? I think is more than this
Okay, will check
Well, with this logic...
Okay, thanks
Oh, you had classes with him? Interesting. Seens like /lit/ has people with famous contacts.

Thanks all for the suggestions and comments. This is being a nice thread. I am gratefull for all so far, hope my thread is being interesting to all.

>> No.11792081

But best sex comes with experience too, but there is no reason to assume you can't have deep emotional connection with someone while having one night stands

>> No.11792100

That's what a man sounds like, anon.

>> No.11792128

hmm some of William Blake but it's not very sexy

nope. that's just how the christian propaganda machine factored him

>> No.11792142


>> No.11792145

To be honest I don't actually feel like having sex and my gf always cheat cause they seem to need it for the connection. Its getting tiresome.

It makes sense though because sex is Oxytocin.

>> No.11792206
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You can get experience with one person.

And, like I said, deep connection takes time. I speak from experience here — nothing in my life has ever matched the bliss of having been with a woman for years and seen every side of her. Great art comes close, but even the best falls just short of a long-lived love.

>> No.11792282

>what are the books and who are the people who argue to the exact oposite?
What are the books that say we should all fuck like rabbits and enjoy all the debauchery possible?

He hasn't read a single fucking book written in the last fifty years because they all support this idea.

>> No.11792291

>You can get experience with one person.
Limited since it is only one person. And you conveniently missed my other point to talk about your life.

>> No.11792294
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If you make something ubiquitous you destroy its meaning to the individual. Food was once sacred, you didn't have a lot of it, the family meal was an important facet of human bonding. Now we eat hamburgers while one our way to work and rarely sit down at the dinner table together. Education was once taken quite seriously by children, it was an honor and not something everyone got to have, and so parents and children tried to make the most of their education. Now people spend tens of thousands of dollars to zone out during lectures and scroll through Facebook.

You think fucking like rabbits will do anything positive for the world? Sex will become sexless. Sex will become a handshake. It already has. So many people fuck nonstop, yet are filled with ennui and self-loathing. There is no connection made, there is no exploration of self for most of these people. A world of ubiquitous sex is a world where sex has become lost.

>> No.11792401


>> No.11792598
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I misread, I thought you meant that it was possible to have deep connections with the people that you were having one night stands with.

If I have a longstanding, meaningful source of sex, why would I waste time on meaningless sex? The meaningful is better, anyway.

>> No.11792640
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Who is this church lady and why should I care?

>> No.11792644

>implying people didn't fukaround bcause you couldn't read about it in the newspapers
Haha aa.

>> No.11792927

>Sexual contact is a very important aspect of intimacy.
Sex feels good to encourage breeding, not merely to have more sex. Or you could say to have more sex, but this sex is for getting humans pregnant and creating a mother and father bond. This is biology and goes beyond all the philosophy, sex is a primal act of breeding that has the consequence of feeling good, sex doesn't exist just to feel good.

>> No.11792948

>why would I waste time on meaningless sex? The meaningful is better, anyway.
That is like saying if I have a really good friend, why would I bother going out to make others? You are trying to create a distinction that doesn't necessarily exist. You are only saying whether one is better than the other (that is fair I guess), not that you are completely unable to have both at the same time.

>> No.11792954

>What are the arguments behind the purity is good meme?
Having sex with random people devalues the act on an emotional level, a slut will be unable to build up a long lasting emotional connection in the majority of cases.
>who refuse to acknowledge part of themselves
what part of myself? i don't have a desire to fuck people i don't plan on spending my live with
>force their skewed ideology on other people
no one is forcing anything onto anyone mate, the sexual liberation is out in full force and i prefer it that way, it's perfect to weed out people with that desire.

>> No.11792964

>why would I bother going out to make others?
that's a false analogy
correct be
why would i bother going out to meet people that i will not meet again

>> No.11792969

Yeah bro that's that reading comprehension kicking in, huh? Yeah something not being considered publicly ubiquitous enough to show up in newspapers is definitely the same as open cultural acceptance of fucking like rabbits as a societal norm and good like publicly abundant food and education. There's also no such thing as unfulfilled people in the modern day.

Someone in this thread said you were thinking with your dick. It must be rather small.

>> No.11793050
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>some say you don't need to have sex ever to be healthy in a social environment which seems false to a certain extent.

people like you create men like this

>> No.11793056

Sabbatai Zevi

>> No.11793212

you want to see arguments for chastity because you are a bitter virgin

you're letting your resentment lead

maybe you should try letting your mind lead. or your heart, more importantly

being a NEET who posts on 4chan all day doesn't help form intimate close honest long lasting meaningful partnership-friendship type committed relationships where you know you can trust a person to Always be there and that you can tell them Anything. that is part of what Really connecting to someone consists of.

being alone does not bring fulfillment. being miserable doesn't make you special. it only makes you miserable.

believe me, I've tried. don't believe me, try it yourself. good luck.

>> No.11793287
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>tbqh sex is not that great

>> No.11793292
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Learn more here

>> No.11793303

>sex does not require intimacy
Is this a joke?

>> No.11793304

>only really don't feel alone in the world when you know that someone can recognize the real you
>Literally being naked in front of someone else
Not too bright?

>> No.11793335

>i bother going out to meet people that i will not meet again
Exactly, because you might want to meet them somemore. your relationship with them need not undermine your existing relationship with others. At the very least you have not explained otherwise.

>> No.11793378

>because you might want to meet them somemore.
no the point of the analogy is that you don't want to meet them if you actually wanted to meet them more it would be a meaningful relationship
>your relationship with them need not undermine your existing relationship with others
that was in no way implied
you can have multiple meaningful relationships the point is they have to be meaningful i don't get why you have such a hard time to understand this

>> No.11793447

>you don't want to meet them if you actually wanted to meet them more
How would you know that if you don't bother meeting them.

>i don't get why you have such a hard time to understand this
What I don't understand is why you seem to demand that you can't have meaningful relationships and one night stands as if they are mutually exclusive.

>> No.11793471

>How would you know that
Because people go out with specific goals in mind, if i go out to drink with people at the bar without getting into relationships then i'd do that, same goes for one night stands i go and have a one night stand if i don't want a relationship with that person.
>that you can't have meaningful relationships and one night stands as if they are mutually exclusive.
i guess that may be me formulating badly
you can have meaningful relationships and one night stands because they don't interfere with each other, what i referred to specifically were romantic relationships

>> No.11794738

>someone argues against promiscuous sex
>only explanation is they are virgin

t. brainlet

>> No.11794745

>thinks the naked body is the whole content and composition of the "real you"

>> No.11794758

>thinks porn sex is intimate

have you seen brazzers?

>> No.11795123

This thread went so far off of the fucking rails, jesus

OP, look into sex-positive feminism, jean genet, de sade, bataille