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File: 38 KB, 663x579, 1496714369505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11785900 No.11785900 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw the Catholics were right all along

>> No.11785918

You mean the Orthodox Christians, right?

>> No.11785920

>tfw we made a mistake by abandoning the ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas.

>> No.11785929
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Yes. The one holy catholic orthodox and apostolic church

>> No.11785931

About what? Fucking children? Catholicism has a long history of scummy shit.

>> No.11785933

Basically a subsidiary of the Russian government.

>> No.11785937

How so?

>> No.11785941

About what? Name one thing they got right.

>> No.11785943

Catholicism and the actions of various members are different things If you can't see that, then you might as well be retarded for all that matters.

>> No.11785952
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>not the pseudo-dionysian tradition

>> No.11785959

You can tell orthodox isn't the true church when you watch any interview with their supposed holy man. Save for a few, it is full of conceit and pride. There is something in orthodoxy aimed at reaching some sort of Godlike status above all. Whenever you read an orthodox story, it's always some form of "he was so pure, he looked at water and it turned into bread, then he gave the bread to the poor and when the poor said thanks, he rejected the thanksgiving and went back into his cave where angels descended from a waterfall and gave him drink." There is always this stench of self-aggrandizing in orthodoxy where it seems like their holy men basically work to be superheroes. Meanwhile in catholicism the supposedly real saints are always humble and have pain inflicted upon them and remain humble. And then they die. There's no fanfare around the whole thing or some "he was so holy...x and y amazing thing happened and he didnt even consider it to be worthwhile! wow omg so cool".

>> No.11785960

>An arm of the Czarist regime.
Priests were literally required by law to denounce any anti-government ideas they heard on Confession.
>An arm of the Soviet Government.
A lot of clergymen were actual KGB agents.
>An arm of the Putin Government.
Just watch the news for this one. Incidentally there's a schism going on right now by which the Patriarch of Moscow is trying to put himself as the defacto leader of Worldwide Orthodoxy.

>> No.11785963

>It's not Catholicisms fault, it's Catholic practioners fault

>> No.11785975

You're not practising Catholicism if you're raping children, are you retarded? or just an ignorant Murifag?

>> No.11785977

This is a spooky statement. Think about it

>> No.11785989

How is it spooky? Any religion or subcategory of a religion has scumbags as well as good folks.

>> No.11786004

>how is it spooky?
Because you're separating the doctrine from the people who practice the doctrine implying that "catholicism" itself is not at fault. You're arguing that the essence of catholicism is not at all intertwined with the condoning of molestation. You're creating a spook by arguing this way.

>> No.11786012

what did it for you?

>> No.11786014
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Yeah, Bartholomew seems to be getting blown out pretty hard. Even more than Francis has been lately, and that's saying something. It's just getting less press.

>> No.11786017
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That would be true only if there were no examples of people practicing the doctrine of Catholicism rightly. In fact, there are numerous examples of that. They're called saints.

>> No.11786019

>OP's priest molests him as a child while reading him tidbits from the NT
>OP becomes the faggot

>> No.11786024

>Because you're separating the doctrine from the people who practice the doctrine implying that "catholicism" itself is not at fault.
That's just the way it is. Ideals differ from individuals. Tell me in which Catholic text says raping children is alright.

>> No.11786030

Why do they have that slanty thing on the bottom part?

>> No.11786035

for the lulz

>> No.11786036

You shall know them by their fruits :^^^^)))

>> No.11786042

Doesnt say its alright explicity but the doctrine of forgiveness washes away all justice if everyone was a pure practicing cathcuck.
If you lived in a theocracy with catholic saints as rulers you wouldn't have secular justice according to the bible

>> No.11786043

They didn't do a good job nailing it

>> No.11786044
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There you go right there, venerating anyone other than god.

Might as well be into idolitr- oh.. wait..

>> No.11786047
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>Doesnt say its alright explicity but the doctrine of forgiveness washes away all justice if everyone was a pure practicing cathcuck.

What does this even mean? Forgiveness doesn't get rid of justice. Justice and mercy are equal elements of God's judgment. Sins and crimes are judged, but if the sinner is genuinely repentant mercy is shown and the sin is forgiven. Why do you think showing forgiveness removes justice?

>> No.11786048


>> No.11786071

Separation of churchand state. We have different views about what justice entails. I lean more towards the retributive and restorative views of justice not too dissimilar from the status quo we have now. If everyone adopted your view of justice no one would be punished in the worldy realm. The image of aristotle pointing his hand down at the world in Raphael's school of athens comes to mind when thinking about this concept

>> No.11786073

Why are sex and masturbation a crime?

>> No.11786080

Because sex is a life-creating act and therefore it should be taken extremely seriously.

>> No.11786084

You're not judged until you die. Spiritual redemption or whatever differs from criminal justice. You're mixing stuff like a typical Murifag from Ohio.

>> No.11786086

If you think that's bad, wait till you realize they were wrong all along.

>> No.11786087

>I lean more towards the retributive and restorative views of justice not too dissimilar from the status quo we have now.

>> No.11786150

Hey buddy. Your comment would be well received on www.reddit.com
Check it out, man.

>> No.11786408

Read A Theory of Justice by John Rawls you dip

>> No.11786430

God is never wrong.

>> No.11786432

because god has to see it and it gets boring after a while

>> No.11786440

Let's put you in prison 10 years for a crime you did not commit and then see how you feel about the justice system.

>> No.11786441


Sex is not a life creating act if you use contraception and masturbation is definitely not a life creating act.

>> No.11786442

>There are unironic cultists on /lit/ right now

>> No.11786452

>tfw this particular religious ideology is "DAH TROOF"

Fuck off, read more.

>> No.11786458
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>being this thick

>> No.11786462

Explain exactly what is thick about it.

>> No.11786463

Sex is a life-creating act when you do it as nature commands.

>> No.11786464

>Can do literally anything
>Decides to watch me masturbate

Too bad, should've given me better looks.

>> No.11786473

Nature doesn't command. Catholics do.

>> No.11786475

Nature does not command anything about sex.

>> No.11786477

based and beardpilled

>> No.11786478

Bullshit, humans have reproductive cycles. Sex doesn't 100% always lead to pregnancy.

Goddamn it you stupid motherfuckers need science.

>> No.11786481

Have the Catholics here ever explained the serpent hall with the nuclear crater lizard Christ?

>> No.11786484
File: 135 KB, 1013x1200, DhldkuWWsAAImtv (2018_07_11 22_14_27 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the women he faps to

>> No.11786488
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>Pagan Slav worship

>> No.11786489

It's a figure of speech that it's lost in translation from my native tongue, my bad. What I meant was, sex is a life-creating act when you do it properly, all nature leads to life and survival. Do condoms grow in trees? No. Does anal sex lead to life? No. Then it's not what nature intended.

>> No.11786491

he has to watch everyone jerk it tho, it's all a part of his plan. he sees you, he just doesn't like it, that's why it's a curse

>> No.11786493

You are thinking of /x/ you glow in the dark CIA nigger

>> No.11786495

Name one (1) pagan influence on Orthodoxy

>> No.11786499

So that's a no then. Oh well, carry on.

>> No.11786501

>saints are always humble and have pain inflicted upon them and remain humble. And then they die.

Sounds like they want you to be a slave.


FTR, I was raised catholic, now atheist.

>> No.11786502

Why do we allow marriage to ruin so many peoples lives?

Really motherfucker? No sex unless married? I swear all the saints and apostles and priests etc. were autistic as fuck.

>> No.11786506

The moment they decided to go full Apostate and abandon the one True Faith (AKA Catholicism)

>> No.11786514

Regardless of the veracity of that claim, how is that in any way pagan?

>> No.11786516
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>I was raised catholic, now atheist.
Get a load of this badass lol

>> No.11786517

That's literally what Judie-Christian-Muslim religion is being a slave to an indifferent deity and learning to love it.

>> No.11786526

>How is abandoning faith in any way pagan?
I will pray for you tonight.

>> No.11786532
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>> No.11786536

Marriage didn't ruin lives until sex before marriage became the norm.

>> No.11786541


>> No.11786543

Define what you understand the word "Pagan" to mean

>> No.11786545


t. Incel poltards who doesn't know about the Index of banned books

>> No.11786556

Let me spell it out for you so you will finally understand: anyone who is not Catholic is pagan/apostate/heretic/heathen/etc. Take your pick.

>> No.11786557
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>> No.11786566

>pagan/apostate/heretic/heathen all mean the same thing
Is this power of Romist school education?

>> No.11786570

They all go to hell :)

>> No.11786572

>posts a clip from bioshock to support a notion of slavery that the clip basically critiques

>> No.11786573
File: 92 KB, 634x263, pope_hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.11786578

Who is in this pic? I'm very interested in Christian mysticism

>> No.11786581

ya boi Emil Cioran

>> No.11786588

Damn Jezebel poster...

>> No.11786593

Fake Catholic, I bet you converted during the 2016 US election you kekistani alt right MAGAcel faggot

>> No.11786600

I'll pray for you as well

>> No.11786606

Huh? How did he chose Christian mysticism? Wasn't he a nihilistic atheist?

>> No.11786608

Kekistani Incels are smarter than Catholics.

>> No.11786623

Kekistani incels tend to LARP as Christian Catholic Warrior Deus Vault MAGA shit

I'll pray that you stop mixing Catholicism with your retarded american political ideas and 4chan memes

>> No.11786635

>stop mixing Catholicism with your retarded american political ideas and 4chan memes
Wow, you've got that strawman ready to go whenever you get angry don't you?

>> No.11786636

>There is only one God
>Multiple Divine entities
>Worship a Man-God
>No idolatry

Christianity is actually one of the lowest tier religions in terms of doctrinal cohesion. It appeals to so many people by manipulating flaws in human psychology.

>> No.11786642

>in terms of doctrinal cohesion
Sorry bud, but those examples don't cut it.

>> No.11786692

Christianity has used so many tactics that there are a ton of hidden contradictions.

>For the lazy they removed all of the physical requirements of the Levitical priesthood and have passages alluding to faith-only salvation.
>For the strict moralists they added in passages about how, actually, you have to have fidelity to commandments after all.

>You have passages saying God the Father is God, that the Holy Spirit is God, and that Jesus is God, but they are obviously not the same, and the fuck-up is called "The Trinity".

>A few different tactics for people demanding evidence have been used: 1) Passages saying that people just won't heed evidence no matter what (like Pharoah in Exodus) 2) passages saying that other people were, like, totally persuaded by overwhelming evidence (the Apostles, the Israelites in the desert, etc.); 3) passages saying that you are tempting God by asking for signs; 4)passages saying that God is obvious because nature (like Romans 1:20) and to just shut up stupid Goyim.

>> No.11786715

It's crazy how people who have never read the bible act so educated about it lol

>> No.11786756
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pick one

>> No.11786765
File: 44 KB, 657x527, tfw country livin .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw God exists and is good

>> No.11786782

Then why does hell exist and why is so easy to get there and impossible to get out?

>> No.11786796

Because people do bad things and we must be very careful not to harm our brothers

>> No.11786809

Its also easy to go to heaven

>> No.11786815

^Literally this, there is no excuse to fall into Sin Anon.

>> No.11786818

Implying that sinners would enjoy getting into heaven.

>> No.11786826

Nature doesn't have intentions outside of human ones.
You're projecting your own values and desires on the result of millions of years of happenstance. This is an instance of the pathetic fallacy. Yes, it's actually called that.

>> No.11786830

>Nature doesn't have intentions
>Penis goes in vagina since the literal creation of man

>> No.11786839

Man wasn't created.
But I'm sure you know about the lack of anal sex practices among Neanderthals, being one yourself and all.

>> No.11786842

Moving goal-post fallacy.
Most likely followed by No-true scotsman fallacy if I seriously respond.

I've read the bible multiple times. Just read it cover to cover a couple of months ago. I even annotated it.

>> No.11786845

And you said it was the other guy who was using fallacy LOL

>> No.11786850

It was and you too LOL

>> No.11786871

Not all creatures have penises and vaginas tho, usually only mammals so your logic is pretty flawed.

Or are you just being retarded on purpose?

>> No.11786875

What do you not understand about Penis ------> Vagina?

>> No.11786877

More like phallus-y amiriteuguise?

>> No.11786893

Right, but most organisms on this planet don't have those so clearly your "nature has intentions" bit is complete bullshit.

>> No.11786895

>most organisms on this planet don't have those
And only Humans have Souls, so what exactly are you trying to argue here?

>> No.11786904

Prove it

>> No.11786910

isn't the word "animal" derived from Latin "anima" meaning "soul"?

>> No.11786911

That's on you, heretic.

>> No.11786928

>Not all creatures have penises and vaginas tho, usually only mammals so your logic is pretty flawed.
Eh, he's saying that anything that leads to life proves nature's intentions, not necessarily talking exclusively about dicks and cunts.

>> No.11786937

>he's not using that flawed logic he's using this other flawed logic

>> No.11787003


>> No.11787007

The trinity is pretty much the hardest western philosophical concept to grasp. took me fucking years to even start thinking of it as a solid construct. Catholics would do good to explain it better and relate it to other concepts through metaphor

>> No.11787030

I'm just pointing out the stupidity of the average deus vault poltard magacel larper bitch autist amurigan shit

>> No.11787033

Thanks h3productions

>> No.11787039

>sex isn't about reproduction, see, if you put a condom on, it isn't reproductive
>yes my artificial intervention negates natural law

>> No.11787040

It’s more complicated than that but he went through different phases in his life. He was also a huge mystic scholar and even his most nihilistic works have tonnes of references to Christian mysticism.

>> No.11787079

So if you break your arm, I assume you wouldn't get a plaster cast, then, since they don't grow on trees. And you only eat food you hunted yourself, since agriculture is unnatural. And you're not currently typing on a computer, one of the most unnatural devices of all.

After all, it's what nature intended.

>> No.11787496

>Thinking veneration is the same as idolatry
>Not knowing about the trinity

The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.11787563

No, any attempt to describe the trinity through metaphor is basically a guaranteed heresy.

>> No.11788081

Wow this beard is shit

>> No.11788085

Read 'The New Gods', his most explicit treatment of religion. It's... complicated.

>> No.11788128

unironically hell doesn't exist in christianity. Nothing in the bible supports it
all that happens is when jesus comes back the souls are purged in a instant of fire

I don't understand how this misconception exists or continues to exist. Does anybody actually read the fucking book?

>> No.11788153

Why worship God when you can worship his machine spirits instead

>> No.11788445

>Islam and the actions of various members are different things If you can't see that, then you might as well be retarded for all that matters.

>> No.11788456
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>tfw the catholics are still dumb as fuck

>> No.11788468
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>faith only is lazy

>> No.11788491

>Nothing in the bible supports it
>this is your brain on protestantism

>> No.11788517

cite now

>> No.11788530

>tfw you can pick and choose specific bits of a fuck ton of writers operating in different contexts and time periods yet retroactively state that they all shared the same view and your """tradition""" was unchanging throughout history and plug your ears and shout la la la if anything brings up even a minor change to any church position yet smugly claim superiority because you have no problems joining a religion for "muh aesthetic" without giving any critical thought to having a consistent theology

>> No.11789044

Yes and no. Anima more specifically meant breath and developed into animalis, meaning breath of life or "animate". Animal(-is) also means living creature in Latin.

>> No.11789658

Sex with no reproduction is just masturbation between two people

>> No.11789696

Anima is closer to movement than soul but it’s a good point

>> No.11789704

t. poltard incel who faps to traps on a daily basis

>> No.11789718

It's not harmless. I'm an atheist and the discouragement of recreational sex and masturbation is a good thing. These habits reduce a man to nothing more than a slave that is after his next hit of pleasure. Overcoming them is admirable.
The inspiration for celibacy and chaste ideals has its roots in neoplatonism.

>> No.11789727

You're not fooling anyone, MGTOW poltard incel

>> No.11789732

Not MTGOW. Not an involutinary celibate.

>> No.11789749

>He hasn't accepted the fact that although all denominations have major flaws, Jesus Christ is who he said he was and he is more than worthy of your faith
I seriously hope that this isn't (You). If it is, I will unironically pray that (You) might continue to seek the truth.

>> No.11789766

MTGOW and incels are notorious defenders of pornography and sex dolls. They obviously don't have a problem with recreational sex. They have a problem with not getting the real thing. Totally different issue. Nice meme staw men ad hominems that aren't even true.

>> No.11789870

I would still respect them, because I had probably done something I was not aware of and they were to warrant that amount of time.

Respect the police.

>> No.11789900

truly an awful thread

>> No.11789976


>> No.11789995


>> No.11790262

>projecting this hard

>> No.11790802

> Church asks for all the gibs and money as taxes and concessions
> feeling that Jesus was kinda opposed to that
Explain yourselves catholics why would you follow a corrupt church; as a non-christian the Russian Orthodox Church seems like the only one which is based and sticks to its roots without bending over to the will of social norms.

>> No.11790850

Maybe in superficial ways, but the EO has capitulated on divorce and contraception, not to mention the Russian church has pretty much always been an arm of the state.

>> No.11790854

Weird Catholic Twitter

>> No.11790872

man is meant to be a slave and shouldn't try to be anything more
money is irrelevant and humans are inherently corrupt
catholics capitulated on almost everything
if you want the real deal you should look for traditionalist catholicism

>> No.11790876

Blood for the blood God, skulls for the skull throne you fucking Imperial degenerate.

>> No.11790891

No, he means what Jesus is, a Baptist.

>> No.11790922

friendly reminder that if you haven't converted to Hinduism yet you are a brainlet

>> No.11790978

Worship mammon. money is irrelevant
>Humans are corrupt
then why follow the teachings of the church.

In my honest opinion, Christianity is the most inferior out of the three abrahamic religions simply because it has changed so radically from its inception when it was "divinely inspired" in the modern time it simply has no relation to the original bible "if you can even find the original". You just have to look at all the denominations to see how corrupt the christian people have gotten , simply look at the debauchery of megachurches the ostentatious catholic church or how some denominations have simply changed the rules to fit them i.e protestants and divorce or gay marriage.
Explain to me how you can call yourself a christian when your methodology is so far gone from how christ practiced and lived himself or the teachings of the bible; that its only resemblance to the original is the name. Please tell me that their is in fact one denomination that follows in how Christ lived and lives closely to the early bible if you have any copies of it.

>> No.11790981

wtf im not Catholic now

>> No.11790985

>catholics capitulated on almost everything
Like what?

>> No.11791073


>> No.11791325

>straw manning a position no one has taken itt

>> No.11791462

>a communion of national churches is a subsidiary to one single nation
brainlet detected

>> No.11791515

>implying being a non-denom Kierkegaard inspired christian isn't the correct faith

>> No.11791580

>god is an active deity that works through the church to gift grace and save souls
>responds to prayer
>mass child rape slips by him

>> No.11791587

>implying a government is a nation
You are the brainlet, anon. Russia's government values the interests of the state and the individuals administering it over the interests of the Russian nation, just like the government of almost every other country on Earth today.

>> No.11791596

>yfw the Mormons are right
You don't need to have child abuse scandals when you have multiple wives

>> No.11791607

Real Mormons have multiple child wife abuse scandals, anon.

>> No.11791621

Yeah, but at least they don't have to be abused knowing that their rapist is Catholic

>> No.11791683

You fucking apostaste WASP cunt. Theres only one true church buddy.

>> No.11791690

You're right, and it's the Church of the Latter Day Saints

>> No.11791754
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>tfw it was only about how good tight little boypussy is

>> No.11791873

I thought it was Morrisey!

>> No.11791944

The soul is immortal. 10 years of penance, whether or not the modern world would judge it as just, amounts to very little.