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11780698 No.11780698 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most redpilled author you've encountered?

>> No.11780710

Hitler, Brevik, Schopenhauer (only 'On Women'), Elliot Rodger, Weninger, and Peterson all made me the redpilled man I am today

>> No.11780711

Miguel Serrano

>> No.11780713

Redpilled as in right wing or redpilled as in truthful? There's a major difference.

>> No.11780715
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nice, my redpilled brother. shadilay

>> No.11780720

Praise Kek, white brethren

>> No.11780723


>> No.11780726

my diary desu

>> No.11780728


>> No.11780729
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>> No.11780730

tbf wasn’t goebbels a cripple too

>> No.11780770

William Luther Pierce

>> No.11780829


>> No.11780832


>> No.11780890


>> No.11781227


>> No.11781238


>> No.11781243

In terms of actual "red pill" then Moldbug, seeing he uses the term himself.

>> No.11781253

Peter Hitchens

>> No.11781261
File: 35 KB, 600x450, Gvhccatsboobs-hp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic titties**

>> No.11781269

Ron Paul, the original

>> No.11781278


>> No.11781312

when I first heard his name that's exactly what I thought. glad I'm not alone

>> No.11781329

The Blessed Henry Suso

>> No.11781390

This is a prime example of how sexual excesses rot the mind and corrupt the linguistic faculties. Wernicke's area is more recessed and intertwined with the primitive instinctual faculties. If you've watched enough pornography, or read enough "erotica", this makes connections to the hypothalamus and medial preoptic area, rather than the prefrontal region so as to associate many words, patterns and their interpretation with sexual arousal rather than the intellect. The moment arousal occurs, you are instantaneously distracted and prefrontal transmission stops. It almost defeats the entire point of being literate only to have reason hijacked at will by the primal regions intent on seeking release, which after being done leaves one depleted, unmotivated and fatigued.
You think you're making a joke here but the joke is on you. Your brain is damaged from sexual excesses. You can't even sit down and read without a pairing of words reminding you of some arousing situation or other series of words. This is hell.

>> No.11781424

chaste and brainpilled

>> No.11782228
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>> No.11782238

If this isn't pasta it should be - not because it's wrong but because it's important.

>> No.11782244
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I hope you're aware that Wernicke (as well as Broca) are primarily language centers in the brains, which is why a debilitating disorder of grammar and syntax is named after them. Pulling brain pseudoscience out of your ass helps no-one, and I say this as someone who completely agrees with you and abstains.

>> No.11782246

idk all i really got from your post was pornography and erotica

>> No.11782248

Nevermind, I misread your post and I am a complete tard

>> No.11782299

Don't worry. I assume this is you.>>11782244. Still posting some quick thoughts I jotted down.

Pointing out their function contradicts nothing of what was written.

I used to read books and suddenly get aroused. This is because years upon years of seeing certain words used as titles for pornography videos corrupted them by association. To this day, I need to write about sexual topics with great care so as to avoid words previously associated with contextual arousal. My internal thoughts likewise need to avoid the vernacular terms which have been defiled by years of seeing them and thinking of them during the sexual process. Even otherwise innocent words, come and cum, were corrupted and ruined for the longest time. Nothing is worse than for these common words to be associated with arousal.

The association remains extremely strong. If I see nudity in a film, I quickly divert my eyes or get up and turn it off and arousal won't ensue. Yet, were I to go to that popular site, even with Ad block enanabled on every thumbnail, you know what happens? Arousal will occur if I read and imagine those terms.

Ultimately I have no proof but to say it's pseudoscience is to dismiss this hypothesis from an argument of ignorance.

>> No.11782312

Houellebecq is redpilled as fuck.

>> No.11782331

Thanks to advice like this from my bishop now I can examine my technical manuals luridly depicting arcing jets of viscous globules spattering all over heaving orbs free from feeling so much as a tingle.

>> No.11782434
File: 2.96 MB, 718x404, good dog.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VERY cute dog

>> No.11782534

Weininger (at face value, not as the "brilliant and precisely wrong" thinker Lovedick von Wittgenstein thought he was)
Klaus Theweleit
Omar Khayyam
Kreia from KOTOR II

>> No.11782540
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>> No.11783267

People are waking up to the pitbull problem.

>> No.11783336
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>> No.11783340
File: 924 KB, 1223x1600, De Sade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11783349
File: 57 KB, 640x480, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11783355
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That dog is a great outfielder.

>> No.11783689

Complete opposites. You cannot say one is redpilled without implying the other is hopelessly bluepilled.

>> No.11783789
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>Schopenhauer (only 'On Women'),

>> No.11783974
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>> No.11783980
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>> No.11783983
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>> No.11784911

Laozi and Nietzsche

>> No.11784947

What exactly makes Samuel Beckett so redpilled?

>> No.11784959

Washington T. Booker

>> No.11784971

That's max stirner.

>> No.11785111

chaste and breadpilled

>> No.11785117

that is going to be a yikes for me

>> No.11785227

Nick Land

>> No.11785258

found the brainlet

>> No.11785286

This ain't /pol/, sweetie. Having studied history and philosophy, we know better than to believe everything goofy right wing YouTubers tell us.

>> No.11785408

>Having studied history and philosophy,
*Watched left wing YouTube videos

>> No.11785482

RIP to the doctor who showed me this book.

>> No.11785508

Karl Marx unironically

>> No.11785523

truthful, the actual redpill

>> No.11785547

I don't watch youtubers and I do study things like history and philosophy. But don't you think it's a bit silly to suggest that your specific conclusions and assumptions must be correct, and unquestionably so, given the wide and disparate scope of human knowledge? And you don't even know what I actually believe. I hate pol. I'm economically left. But I also happen to be traditional in many ways. I also believe in the organic "tribe" rather than the undifferentiated masses in the realm of social order. Does this mean I deserve, in your eyes, to have my opinion cast aside and thrown in with the alt-right? Whose politics can be largely described by neurotic pathology?

>> No.11786449

George Orwell and Machiavelli

>> No.11786564

nice, HH my brother.

also, Pewdiepie

>> No.11787411

Dan Simmons in his Iilium/Olympos books talks about Jew hating deathbots created by a Muslim cabal or something
>redpill to me means self made reality

>> No.11787413

You need to watch Reloaded my guy

>> No.11787419

stirner desu

>> No.11787428

>Kreia from KOTOR II

fucked up dude

>> No.11787430


>> No.11787434

now do one for Ironpill

>> No.11787435

Kevin MacDonald

>> No.11787436

Some retarded kid drew a (failed) swastika and wrote 'Sieg heil' on a wall. Most redpilled thing I ever saw.

>> No.11787488
File: 32 KB, 714x194, fucking popcorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to bother listing the classics, though I'll say that Anselm and Aquinas are dear to my heart. Apart from that...
>Marx for his breakdown of capitalism.
>Arendt for her understanding of geopolitics and political movements.
>Kolakowski for his work on Marxism.
>Adorno for waking me up from the Anglo positivist fairy tale.
>Bakker for his theory of heuristic neglect.

>> No.11787592


>> No.11787771

It literally says Samuel Beckett on the picture

>> No.11787795

d.h lawrence easily
>My great religion is a belief in the blood, the flesh, as being wiser than the intellect. We can go wrong in our minds. But what our blood feels and believes and says, is always true. The intellect is only a bit and a bridle.
literal red pill

>> No.11789087


>> No.11789138

The brain is the largest sexual organ and yours is damaged from scholastic excesses.

>> No.11789148

Neil deGrasse Tyson

>> No.11789187
