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/lit/ - Literature

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1177886 No.1177886 [Reply] [Original]

Classic Literature:
Science Fiction:
Best Book Ever:

>> No.1177894

The Holy Bible

>> No.1177899

Classic Literature: 1984
Fantasy: The Corum saga by Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction: Anathem
Romance: Pride and Prejudice
Mystery: The Turn of the Screw
History: Huckleberry Finn
Crime: The Stranger
Best Book Ever: 1984

>> No.1177902

That book sucks.

>> No.1177919

>best book ever: 1984

what, are you still in highschool?

>> No.1177920

I'm in university

>> No.1177932

You're a loser.

Orwell's a good man, but if 1984's your favorite, you are a poorly-read individual.

>> No.1177941

I hate your kind, not everyone on earth had to read it in highschool, it is a very good book, there's a reason it's a classic beyond the message. Well-read adults can still list 1984 as their favourite book because that's a subjective thing and they can list the book they enjoyed most of all when they read it. I'm not that guy but it's also my favourite. So go choke on dicks and list Ulysses as your favourite you pretentious faggot.

>> No.1177943


>Best Book Ever: 1984


>> No.1177948


I mean, every board does this, but /lit/ takes it to a whole nother realm of wankery. This is why everyone hates us.

>> No.1177949

Classic Literature: Erp? I guess 1984.
Fantasy: The Hobbit.
Science Fiction: Dune.
Romance: N/A
Mystery: I guess I read a James Patterson novel when I was 12.
Crime: ^^^same
Best Book Ever: Dune



>> No.1177950

lol, it's funny because you're a foul mouthed individual hwo praises himself for his "unique" opinion.
On one hand you say that it's fully okay for anyone to like 1984, and that, if nothing less, it is a testimonial to your intellect. Yet at the same time you use childish insults to get attention.

Too funny...

>> No.1177955


You call taste subjective... then you badmouth Ulysses?

>> No.1177966

>what, are you still in highschool?
>you're a loser
>you're trying way too hard to troll this guy

>> No.1177974

Excuse me for my insults, I just lowered myself to your intellect and those words came naturally.

>On one hand you say that it's fully okay for anyone to like 1984, and that, if nothing less, it is a testimonial to your intellect

I don't say this, I said your favourite does not represent your intellect at all, it can be whatever book you enjoyed most i.e. something light hearted you read in between shakespeare plays.

I also take notice of the fact you have brought up 0 arguments to counter me and end this discussion here.

I call taste subjective, only a fool would argue otherwise, but I didn't badmouth Ulysses, just the poster.

>> No.1177975


Fucking hateful faggots. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.1177989
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>Fucking hateful faggots. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.1178003

The best book I've read is The Sound and the Fury. It is also my favorite book. But some of the reasons it's the best is due to the way it's written, the story, the characters, and whatever else is in there. There is no family in all of literature that is more tragic than the Compson family and Faulkner does great to highlight all their flaws and the reasons for their downfall.

>> No.1178024

Agreed. I liked it way more than Light in August.

>> No.1178034

>come to check out /lit/
>see this thread
>zero to trollfest in under ten seconds
>close /lit/ forever

>> No.1178040

Another promising thread ruined by faggotry.
Seriously /lit/ you should be above this dribble.

>> No.1178057

Classic Literature: Lost Illusions by Balzac
Fantasy: Lord of the Rings
Science Fiction: Dune
Romance: Norweigan Wood by Murakami
Mystery: Can't think of one
History: Musashi
Crime: Can't Think of One
Best Book Ever: Sea of Fertility by Mishima Yukio

>> No.1178076

>promising thread

really? we get this thread every day ffs

>> No.1178087
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Classic Literature: freak the mighty
Fantasy: freak the mighty
Science Fiction: freak the mighty
Romance: freak the mighty
Mystery: freak the mighty
History: freak the mighty
Crime: freak the mighty
Best Book Ever: freak the mighty

>> No.1178115

In hopes of reclaiming a /lit/ related thread:
Classic Literature: 100 Years of Solitude
Fantasy: Night Watch
Science Fiction: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?/Ender's Game
Romance: Erm. Pride and Prejudice?
Mystery: And Then There Were None
History: Never read any non-textbook history. Historical fiction? The Red Badge of Courage
Crime: All I can think of would be more mystery-ish. A study in Scarlet, maybe?
Best Book Ever: Don't know.

>> No.1178669

brofist for Musashi.

>> No.1178735

Classic Literature: The Red and the Black - Stendhal
Fantasy: The Hobbit - Tolkien
Science Fiction: 2001: A Space Odyssey - Clarke
Romance: Lolita - Nabokov
Mystery: Anything Sherlocke Holmes
History: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - Shirer
Crime: Anything Sherlocke Holmes
Best Book Ever: Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Nietzsche

>> No.1178760

Classic Literature: Catch 22
Fantasy: Idk
Science Fiction: Dune or Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Romance: Idk
Mystery: And Then There Were None
History: Ten Days That Shook the World
Crime: The Brothers Karamazov (I don't even care that it doesn't count as crime)
Best Book Ever: Clockwork Orange or Catch 22

I'll probably be starting 100 years of solitude in the next week or so. It'll be the first book I've read in Spanish so I'm pretty excited for it (not counting an adapted-for-Spanish-students copy of Amalia that I was forced to read).

>> No.1178765

Classic Literature: The Brothers Karamazov
Fantasy: Neverending Story
Science Fiction: Ender's Game
Romance: Lolita
History: Autobiography of Ben Franklin
Crime: In Cold Blood
Best Book Ever: Infinite Jest

this could use a biography and short story category

>> No.1178766

Classic Literature: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Catcher in the Rye
Fantasy: His Dark Materials Series, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Science Fiction: Pendragon Series (fuck yeah)
Romance: not my thing
Mystery: Brother Odd
History: MAUS, Lord of the Flies (does this count?)
Crime: Odd Thomas
Best Book Ever: Ishmael

>> No.1178772

Classic Literature: Oliver Twist
Fantasy: The Hobbit.
Science Fiction: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Romance: N/A.
Mystery: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.
History: Catch-22.
Crime: *See Mystery
Best Book Ever: Catch-22.

>> No.1178783

1984 is an amazing book. Can't argue with that. But Animal Farm is better.

>> No.1178803

Classic Literature: Candid
Fantasy: Maus
Science Fiction: Enders Game
Mystery: Girl with the Dragon Tatoo
History: Ghost Soldiers
Best Book Ever: Catch 22

help me fill my empty cats

>> No.1178806

Classic Literature: The Outsider - Camus
Fantasy: A Storm of Swords - Martin
Science Fiction: Hyperion - Simmons
Romance: N/A
Mystery: The New York Trilogy - Auster
History: N/A
Crime: Deniro's Game - Hage
Best Book Ever: Deniro's Game - Rawi Hage

>> No.1178818
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Classic Literature: 1984
Fantasy: The Lighting Thief series
Science Fiction: Flowers for Algernon
Romance: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (not a big romance reader)
Mystery: The Speckled Band (Sherlock Holmes)
History: War Stories
Crime: In Cold Blood
Best Book Ever: A Clockwork Orange

>> No.1179281

Quite a few people choosing Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep for their best sci-fi book. I don't get it. I hated that book. :(

>> No.1179285

Classic Literature: Crime and Punishment
Science Fiction: Ubik
Romance: For Whom The Bell Tolls
History:1812: Napoleons Fatal March on Moscow
Crime: Mr Nice
Best Book Ever: On The Road

>> No.1179318

Classic Literature: Wuthering Heights. Fucking thing rocks.
Fantasy: Le Morte d'Arthur.
Science Fiction: A Scanner Darkly.
Romance: Lolita.
Mystery: The Turn of the Screw. It probably doesn't count, but I'm submitting it.
History: Trapped! The Story of Floyd Collins. Dude gets trapped in a cave, shit goes badly.
Crime: Either Zodiac or In Cold Blood. Unreliability of the writers be damned, they're fascinating reads.
Best Book Ever: Fuck... between Gatsby, Light in August, Lolita, and the Christian Bible.

>> No.1179442

Classic Literature: Crime and Punishment
Fantasy: Howl's Moving Castle
Science Fiction: The Handmaid's Tale
Romance: Lolita
Mystery: The Complete Sherlock Holmes
History: N/A
Crime: In Cold Blood
Best Book Ever: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by JSF

>> No.1179634

Classic Literature: La Terre by Emile Zola
Fantasy: The Broken Sword
Science Fiction: The Dispossessed
Romance: Giovanni's Room
Mystery: The Wasp Factory
History: The Black Jacobins, CLR James
Crime: The Dragon Syndicates by Martin Booth
Best Book Ever: Watchmen

>> No.1179643

Classic Literature: Earthly Powers, Anthony Burgess
Fantasy: Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
Science Fiction: Sirens of Titan, Kurt Vonnegut
Romance: Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov
Mystery: Ten Little Indians, Agatha Christie
History: The Twelve Caesars, Suetonius
Crime: Lobster Boy, Fred Rosen
Best Book Ever: Ulysses, James Joyce

>> No.1179647

>>Best Book Ever: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by JSF

Considering it's a gauche and obvious rip-off of The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass, I don't think it could possibly be any better than second-best. Although I happen to think it's among the worst.

>> No.1179662

Classic Literature: To Kill A Mockingbird
Fantasy: House of Leaves
Science Fiction: Rant
Romance: Can't think of one.
Mystery: Relic
History: In Cold Blood
Crime: In Cold Blood
Best Book Ever: House of Leaves

>> No.1179665

Classic Literature: The Odyssey
Fantasy: The Steel Remains or The Hobbit.
Science Fiction: Look To Windward
Romance: The Republic of Trees
Mystery: Don't Cry For Me, Aberystwyth
History: Napoleon
Crime: The Killing Kind
Best Book Ever: Couldn't say, I haven't found it yet.

>> No.1179679


On the Road for best book?

I want to touch your body.

>> No.1179688
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Classic Literature: The Outsider/Stranger
Fantasy: Dark Materials (haven't read much)
Science Fiction: Oryx and Crake
Romance: n/a
Mystery: The Big Sleep
History: n/a
Crime: The Big Sleep
Best Book Ever: The Big Sleep

>> No.1179709

Classic Literature: The Trial - Kafka
Fantasy: The Once and Future King - White
Science Fiction: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress - Heinlein
Romance: -
Mystery: -
History: The Decline of the West - Spengler
Crime: The Godfather - Puzo
Best Book Ever: The Trial - Kafka

>> No.1179717


So true. DADoES was pretty generic and unimpressive in my opinion. It didn't have much if any of the philosophy that made Blade Runner so fucking awesome.

>> No.1179775

Classic Literature: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Fantasy: H. P. Lovecraft
Science Fiction:
Mystery: Murders in the Rue Morgue
History: A People's History of the United States
Best Book Ever: Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.1179780

Classic Literature: Our Mutual Friend
Fantasy: Earthsea Trilogy
Science Fiction: Riddley Walker
Romance: Kristin Lavransdatter
Mystery: Molloy
History: The Devils of Loudun
Crime: The Dwarf
Best Book Ever: Independent People

>> No.1179847

I finished DADoES a week or so ago. Having seen Blade Runner a few times years ago - and having enjoyed it - I was interested in seeing just how different DADoES would be (I already knew they varied greatly, but I didn't know specifics). It was almost completely unlike what I'd expected. Still, I liked it. But only, say, 3/5 stars worth of like.

>> No.1179925


>> No.1180019

im with this man
The Bible

>> No.1180028

Classic Literature: Hamlet
Fantasy: The Hobbit
Science Fiction: Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said
Mystery: Altered Carbon (well, it IS a mystery)
History: The Professor and the Madman
Best Book Ever: Blindness

>> No.1180033
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Classic Literature: The Count of Monte Cristo
Fantasy: Song of Ice and Fire
Science Fiction: Stranger in a Strange Land
Romance: Lolita I guess?
Mystery: And Then There Were None
History: N/A
Crime: Crime and Punishment I guess? The Trial? I dunno what this means I not good with literature
Best Book Ever: Stranger in a Strange Land

>> No.1180036

/me hugs you
First person to agree with me on this board.
I also found it poorly written to the extreme. Just my opinion, of course, ladies and gents.

>> No.1180040

Classic Literature: Johnny Gossamer
Fantasy:Johnny Gossamer
Science Fiction:Johnny Gossamer
Romance:Johnny Gossamer
Mystery:Johnny Gossamer
History:Johnny Gossamer
Crime:Johnny Gossamer
Best Book Ever:Johnny Gossamer

>> No.1180048

i might get a lot of hatred for saying this but in my opinion George Orwell is one of the worst and most overrated authors ever.

1984 was a pretty bad book. in the third part it's like a fucking video game where the villain explains his whole master plan to the character for no real reason. The society model is so inefficient that no government ever would do something like that, even if it was possible.

and then you got Animal Farm. I really don't get what's supposed to be good about this book. He just wrote a story about the soviet revolution and used animals instead of people. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH NOW THATS ORIGINAL. the only way this could have been any gayer is if the animal flag would have been a pink heart

george orwell my ass

>> No.1180050

Classic Literature: David Copperfield by Dickens
Fantasy: is The Once and Future King fantasy?
Science Fiction: First Men on the Moon by Wells
Romance: The Woodlanders by Hardy
Mystery: The Man Who Was Thursday by Chesterton (is that a mystery? Kind of, I guess?)
History: Dancing Mania and the Black Death by Justus Hecker
Crime: Sherlock Holmes stories
Best Book Ever: I couldn't even venture to say.

>> No.1180054

While I agree with you, 1984 will probably hold a special place in my heart forever and ever.

>> No.1180057
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>George Orwell is one of the worst and most overrated authors ever.

>> No.1180060

Classic Literature: Brave New World
Fantasy: Not much of a Fantasy man, LOtR?
Science Fiction:Slaughterhouse 5
Romance: Lolita... Sort of
Mystery: Atlas Shrugged
History: Herodetus; The Histories
Crime: Don't read crime.
Best Book Ever: I really enjoyed the Road, Brave New World and Atlas Shrugged. Probably a tie.

>> No.1180070

Have you read anything else but what they assign in high school? Keep the Aspidistra Flying, Down and Out in Paris and London, Homage to Catalonia--hell, just read some of his essays. Shooting an Elephant is awesome as well as How the Poor Die.

>> No.1180084

Excuse my spelling; I'm eating lamingtons and trying to stop they crums from ketting in my keys, shit is hard.

>> No.1180088


>Atlas Shrugged

Rule 4 buddy.

>> No.1180102

Classic Literature: The Iliad
Fantasy: A Game of Thrones
Science Fiction: Dune
Romance: n/a
Mystery: n/a
History: Fiction: Cryptonomicon; Non: The Looming Towers
Crime: n/a
Best Book Ever: Dune

>> No.1180421

Classical Literature: A Clockwork Orange
Fantasy: The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit (I am so original)
Science Fiction: everything by Lovecraft
Romance: does The Count of Monte Cristo count?
Mystery: Poe or Lovecraft
History: n/a
Crime: n/a
Best Book(s) Ever: the Penguin Classics of H.P. Lovecraft

I know, I am a Lovecraft whore.

>> No.1180426

Classic literature: War and Peace
Fantasy: The Lord of the Rings (Yeah, I know...)
Sci-Fi: IDK, LOL
Mystery: Only read Holmes.
Crime: In Cold Blood
Best Book Ever: East of Eden

>> No.1180429

Classic Literature: Siddhartha
Fantasy: The Book of the New Sun
Science Fiction: Dune
Romance: There Are Doors
Mystery: The Big Sleep
History: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
Crime: The Killer Inside Me
Horror: The Traveling Vampire Show
Best Book Ever: Franny and Zooey