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File: 124 KB, 900x750, Jacques-Derrida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11773465 No.11773465 [Reply] [Original]

Is he one of the wisest and most well-read people from the past 100 years?

>> No.11773476
File: 49 KB, 500x668, deleuze-playing-chess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's better

>> No.11773485


>> No.11773524

I can't even imagine the amount of books he must've read

>> No.11773590

No. He was a hack who cared only about feelings and not reason.

>> No.11773837

Psh, Leo Strauss was infinitely better read.

>> No.11773923

This. Jordan Peterson is where it's at kids

>> No.11774119

I don't see how grounding his thinking, which is foundationally Heideggerian, in relation to structuralism was not a total degradation of Heidegger's thinking on langauge.

>> No.11774149

basic and bluepilled. fake. detestable.

>> No.11774165

He was neither a scientist nor an artist, that is: of no importance.

Nowadays most philosophers are great readers who are not good at math and do not have enough creativity to be artists (many of them are at least honest with themselves and do not go forward trying to deceive themselves and the croud, like the Andy Warhol's, Pollock's, DFW's and EE Cummings of the world).

>> No.11774197

is Jordan Peterson still getting butmad about Blur songs?

>> No.11774199

There has only ever been one EECUMMINGS of this world and there shouldn't have been. I piss on his grave.

>> No.11774201


Derrida is actually a hack

>> No.11774217

deconstruct my ballsack, dumb nigger

>> No.11774252

>Warhol not an artist
>EE Cummings not an artist
>Pollock not an artist
>DFWmememan not an artist

Just because you don't like their work doesn't denominate / relegate their positions, just as a plumber who has done a shoddy job is still a "plumber" just not one you appreciated.