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11772621 No.11772621 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become a Bohemian artist that acquires lusty muses and drinks wine in public?

>> No.11772641

Go to Brooklyn and fuck a gender-neutral thot with armpit hair

>> No.11772755

Don’t become a Bohemian.
The Czechs are mongs.

>> No.11772760


I wouldn't follow a path that appeals so heavily to egotistical desires, not to be preachy, but for your own sake consider, how often do these sorts of people end up terribly depressed after their "adventurous" life? Sorry if I sound like a bore or patronizing or anything but, much of the romance for the hedonistic artists life is really just what it is, romance, so hey, don't end up like Dorian Gray.

>> No.11772813

T. Wageslave

>> No.11772856

Someone is reading of human bondage

>> No.11772905

pure ideology

>> No.11772932

i'm with this guy OP, just get your CPE certification and marry some girl that's gotten over her slut phase, have a few kids, pay your taxes, and don't rock the boat. middle class conservatism is actually countercultural these days, or so i've been told.

>> No.11772945

Very true.

t. washed up hedonists who wasted their youth flaccidly LARPing as catullus, wilde, rimbaud, etc.

Much better off treating the artists life as a business, instead of being a smelly loser. But then again - better off still not to live the artists life. ;)

>> No.11773009

>wasted youth

Tell me how to spend your youth in a productive manner.

>> No.11773037

You can't just choose to be something you aren't. The Bohemians you're romanticizing haven't existed naturally for a long time. The only modern day equivalent I can think of is urban African Americans.

>> No.11773041

I wanna pet that kitty

>> No.11773047


This, and I guess I know what you're saying about some black people, as much as I hate to engage that sort of conversation with someone who isn't black and may be basing their opinions off prejudice, ya, I'd say the rapper lifestyle is analogous to that of someone like Byron. But ironically, it's likely considered savagery on here, yet with Romanticists and Modernists it's "poetic". But I guess it's always been that way.

>> No.11773055


I'm not him but the first guy to advise against it. I think youth should involve a conscious level of hedonism with strong intentions to quit as soon as one has the inclinations out of their system. As soon as this is finished (should be around 18 - 20), I highly recommend taking up a healthy spiritual practice, as decadent lifestyles will only lead to a ruined soul. And by healthy practice, I mean any tradition that involves the end goal as a return to God and His consistent worship (as opposed to pagan religions like wicca, voodoo, or thelema). That's my take anyway, I apologize if I come off as pompous or condescending in any way.

>> No.11773056

You get my point exactly, at least I think. They're generally low class by political and economic design, they have less opportunity so more free time, they engage with the arts (when if so many are displeased with the style).

Fear not, I speak purely from my own experience. Although I myself am not black I lived in the same environment and under those same circumstances for several years, nearly two decades in fact. I didn't make music though, my art was photography.

>> No.11773060


>> No.11773068
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>the rapper lifestyle is analogous to that of someone like Byron

>> No.11773072

1. be born rich

>> No.11773114


Licentiousness, flamboyance, taking to arts, bohemianism, the like, what's the difference? That they're usually not white?

>> No.11773617 [DELETED] 

They're niggers

>> No.11773819
File: 15 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Czech this joker out

>> No.11773827

I may be wrong, but I think it depends more on the absolute idiocy of the people around you, rather than who you actually are and what you actually do.

>> No.11773854

>as soon as one has the inclinations out of their system.
they desire to shag never goes away lmao

>> No.11773863

>Be from wealthy family
>Get syphilis
>Enjoy the false sense of fame that Internet can bring while you are dead.

>> No.11774059


more like musty

>> No.11774097

t. 20 year old virgin

>> No.11774520

Larping as anything is a waste of time.

>> No.11774561
File: 314 KB, 2024x1603, Arearea,_by_Paul_Gauguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they'd read the moon and sixpence instead, they'd know the answer:
1 have humdrum middle class life
2 have boring marriage
3 get interested in painting
4 run off to pacific idyll inhabited by dusky sirens who walk around with their tits out
5 paint them

>> No.11774605

The difference is that between Childe Harold and "iffy blicky", you mouthbreathing waste of space. Do the world a favour and jump off a bridge.

>> No.11774615


>> No.11774735

don't talk about shit you don't know about

>> No.11774893

Professional instagrammers are the bohemians of the New Economy

>> No.11775719

t. 30 yo slaglife who cant go a week without faps.

>> No.11775729
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>> No.11775774
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Step one: be a trust fund baby.

>> No.11775802

start with the loomis

>> No.11775806

if you want a muse like that it's not difficult, just hire a hooker.