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File: 460 KB, 900x1001, OL4334052A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11770074 No.11770074 [Reply] [Original]

Could someone summarize his philosophy for me?

>> No.11770087

He makes no sense whatsoever, not because it is a poor explanation but because there is no substance to the stupid idea of a rhizome in philosophy or much of anything in the 'thought' of Deleuze, Guatarri or other French postmodernist philosophers. it's all just garbage dressed up in impenetrable verbiage and everyone thinks the ideas are so massive and complex that we couldn't possibly understand them, but actually it's just interminable words with no meaning or substance. where Deleuze and Guatarri have dipped into science and mathematics, which other people actually know a thing or two about and which has fixed concepts, they have been exposed as the charlatans tha tthey are. people should read Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science by Bricmont and Sokal.

People like Deleuze and Nick Land are full of hot air and their lack of scientific knowledge shows.

>> No.11770088
File: 274 KB, 1009x1317, Kant_gemaelde_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone summarize his philosophy for me?

>> No.11770093

Kant blocks the exit to the cave because he thinks our eyes only evolved to see in the dark. Kant's categories are the immanentization of Platonic Forms. The Platonic thirst for a Beyond consummates itself in the negative existence of the Kantian noumenon: the thing-in-itself is the unknowable = x, and what is left to the imagination is always more potent than what is spelled out. Thought is a dog chasing its own tail. Hegel was the dog finally biting down. God no longer the intelligible sun, but the Concept of conceptuality itself, reduced to a commodity as any other, as forms are.

>> No.11770096
File: 1.15 MB, 2000x1200, hegel_by_mitchellnolte-d8l17eg-e1491455087946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone summarize his philosophy for me?

>> No.11770099

be a chad
be a virgin
t. virgin

>> No.11770102

Could someone summarize literally all of philosophy for me?

>> No.11770103


to use a weather analogy:

western: quasi-geostrophic, slowly expanding mothion around a high pressure system. more and more complicated structures expanding outwards from the central state of being

eastern: coriolis force does not exist, high pressure quickly disperses and finds its level. everything is nothing lmao

>> No.11770104

Post the rhizomes weed meme and you've got it

>> No.11770114

Become a yuppie artist

>> No.11770115

>Fashionable Nonsense
the passage on D&G amounts to 15 pages of "I don't think anyone could understand any of this".

>> No.11770120

be a schizo chad
be an autistic virgin
t. autistic virgin

>> No.11770123

fuck goddamn it I thought OP asked "summarize philosophy (in general) for me" my bad

>> No.11770129

it's ok, sweetie, because I asked

>> No.11770132

be a chad
be a virgin
t. virgin

>> No.11770137

it's not garbage it's just not really philosophy, the rhizome is almost just a metaphor

Difference and Repetition is genuine philosophy, if not that interesting in the end.

>> No.11770145


>> No.11770161

Hegel is the AIDS of philosophy. The arising of what is x for itself is the birth of the problem of meaning. He tries to kill and fun or mysticism.

>> No.11770163

>dude there are things we can't comprehend, just like a dog can't comprehend all human language, like things outside of our brains dude, and i like to call that shit a 'noumenon' lmao
Please enlighten me more