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11768950 No.11768950 [Reply] [Original]

Literally try to prove him wrong. Oh wait, you can’t.

>> No.11768957

#2: Finally shut the fuck up about it and don't turn it into a yearly, heavily politicized pity party, like no one else in the world had never gotten any buildings blown up.

>> No.11768963
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Sam Harris is such a pussy. The boys that carried out 9/11 were heroes. Hit the (((US))) where it hurt, right in the wallet, all retaliation for (((US))) actions in their countries: trying to destroy the last strong traditional society left with cheap consumerism, whoredom, atheism, etc. It was only a matter of time before the shepherd mystics reacted.

>> No.11768969

Only lesson from 9/11: leave Muslims alone or we will pay for it in immigration and terrorism. They're not going to bend over like the rest of the world to the (((US))) and take it right up the ass. They don't want to be us, the West must leave them alone.

>> No.11768976

Uh no you stupid christcuck, all religions should be open to mockery

>> No.11768979

There's a real problem with sloppy thinking in the atheist community. Does he think the 9/11 attackers were motivated by insults against Islam?

>> No.11768988

Poorly written tweet, yes

>> No.11768992

Why should they be open to mockery? Free speech isn't absolute and if Christianity is true your mockery could lead people away from that truth and to the eternal damnation of their souls.

>> No.11768993

9/11 didn't happen because of "mockery." How fucking stupid do you have to be to think that?

>> No.11768998

>They don't want to be us
muzzies's been larping as westerns for quite some while now

>> No.11769010

ffs 9/11 was not due to religious differences

>> No.11769031

some muslim countries larp as western others like Saudi Arabia are just weird degenerate yet hyper Muslim modern atroctiies

>> No.11769033

that guy only sees what he wants to see, I watched one of his discussions and fell asleep 15 minutes in, the only thing I got out of it is that atheism is a religion and that he has a problem with religion as a institution, he doesn't say the second one directly because there is no clickbait material in that, also he's interested in spirituality, well there is a thing called religion that satisfies those needs

I also remember of the atheistic thinkers bashing religion and then offering an alternative "well, you can meditate, I meditate for example, and it's explained in my book"

on what drugs are those people

>> No.11769043

Some yes, but this is exactly what is pissing off the serious Muslims. They're rejecting the Westernization they see around them. And why shouldn't they? The West is a degenerate hellhole at this point.

>> No.11769187

I’m not necessarily disagreeing with him, but I don’t see the link between 9/11 and the necessity of free speech about religion.

>> No.11769280
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>the shepherd mystics

>> No.11769299

Who the fuck still cares about 3000 dead burgers?

>> No.11769303

Oh you’re one of those loons that think it was an Israeli inside job. Yawn.

>> No.11769304

>get close to taking Harris seriously as an intellectual
>then he goes out and says something you'd expect to hear from a 14 year old youtube commenter with a Joker profile pic

this is like the fourth time this has happened

>> No.11769310

its an open wound

>> No.11769318
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Just not my religion.






>> No.11769323

Let's offend kikes, homosexuals, niggers, equality, women.

>> No.11769324

....I'm sorry... are people still retarded enough to think 9/11 was anything other than a false flag to generate perpetual conflict with Israel's enemies and enrich the arms industry? Oh and to make a pretty penny for the perpetrators with put stock trades and insurance claims of course.

>> No.11769333

Is that Latios or Latias?

>> No.11769334

9/11 and the war on terror in general did not happen because of religion. Religion is only the tool for persuasion to follow an anti-imperial agenda

>> No.11769358

>9/11 wasn’t about religion
Honestly you polbabies are beyond parody

>> No.11769360

Death to am*rica.

>> No.11769368

Harris is such a fucking tool. As if 9/11 happened over mocking Islam.

>> No.11769370

>(your imaginary)
Gosh, that's petty. I wouldn't be surprised if he is the type of guy to use the term 'magic sky daddy'.

>> No.11769372

Not that guy but honestly it is very likely that certain, influential people in positions of power (jewish or not) knew about the likely possibility of such attacks and let it happen in order to ensure massive profits for themselves and their fellow elites. Don't see how that's /pol/.

>> No.11769378
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>hurr durr a bearded man in a cave outfoxed the world's lone superpower and all its intelligence agencies to deal it more damage in one stroke than the USSR could in 50+ years

And no it wasn't just DA JOOZ. Israel could never do such a thing without the complicity of the US elite. Wake up and smell the coffee. No country can actually successfully attack the US which means it has to generate its own threats out of thin air to perpetuate the military machine. This means endless proxy conflicts in the non-nuclear world. And what better place than in the Middle East full of Israel's enemies. It's a win-win.

>> No.11769445

>Free speech isn't absolute and if Christianity is true your mockery could lead people away from that truth and to the eternal damnation of their souls.
And if Islam is true?

>> No.11769452

Then mockery of Islam would lead people away from the truth and it shouldn't be permitted. The reason I choose Christianity is because I have reasons to believe it's while I have reasons to believe Islam is false.

>> No.11769472

Bush did it tho, the jews just knew about it.

>> No.11769480

that's funny, I don't base my beliefs based on their truth value in any possible scope, I'm aware that I may be living the wrong life and that's acceptable, your belief might be a reflection of your inferiority complex

>> No.11769496

I don't know what you're saying. You don't value truth and for some reason that means I have an inferiority complex?

>> No.11769497

>unironically thinking such a geopolitical shifting attack was conducted because someone insulted religion
So this is the power of atheist logic

>> No.11769518

Of course terrorism is always injustifyable, but if you're serious about mitigating it, you find that there are often quite legitimate grievances behind it.
Just take an honest look about the role the US or the West in general is playing in the world.

>> No.11769521

Al-Qaeda cited the presence of the American basis near their holy sites in Saudi Arabia as their prime motivation.

So yes, the 9/11 attacks did indeed happen because someone felt that his religious sensibilities were insulted. Harris is right.

>> No.11769533

I don't think I'm qualified to evaluate whether something is true or not, that prevents me from developing the urge to spout my outdated belief system into the world and compare it with some other outdated belief system. In a sense, you can say that I do not believe in truth, because I would rather not associate myself with people who think that they have grasped the concept of anything. Every time I think something is, I shortly after find out that it is true to a degree and to an other degree it's not. Yes, if the truth puts me in a superior position, then I'm ready to reject it, because that superior position tends to be the least place I would find any development.

>> No.11769540


>> No.11769549

>uncle Oven moralfagging

>> No.11769556

You're not qualified and that's fine but I am. I have done my research and I have good reasons to believe the things I do. Not everybody is as ignorant or apathetic on the subject as you so you shouldn't assume that's the case.

If Christianity is true then would follow that all other religions are false. There is no degree of truth in this matter, it either is or isn't true. In some case or subjects it true that there are degrees of truth but it doesn't follow that the answer to every question is relative.

>> No.11769575

>I've done my research
>var christianity = true;
>var everythingelse,
>if (christianity == true) { everythingelse = false}

nice research there buddy

>> No.11769597

the abrahamitic religions are outdated instruments for social control.

founding faith in reason is also quite laughable

>> No.11769616

These atheist cliches don't interest me because it's lazy. What exactly do you mean by instrument for social control? Are you accusing the early Christians of lying about Jesus in an effort to control people and gain power or are you saying that religion can be used to temper the worst aspects of human nature? Or maybe you're thinking of something else?

Why exactly is reasonable faith laughable to you?

>> No.11769633

They are, and the mockers must deal with the ramifications of their actions e.g. charlie hebdo

>> No.11769643

>mockery is a holy tradition that must go on

>> No.11769674

Seriously, what´s with fedoras and their "muh big brainz" meme? They sound more obnoxious than anything else, really.

>> No.11769676
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midwit detected

>> No.11769690

Harris is a narcissist cunt.

And I'm a materialist, atheist, bla bla bla, with a deepseated hatred for anyone who actually believes in anything.

Those towers exploding was the only thing to make me feel alive that whole year. Only good burger is a dead one.

>> No.11769707

>fuck god and religion bro, flexing on you with my smarts nigga

"Did modern """"philosophers""" sleep during the lectures on Kant? Do they not understand the implications on burning down the social dogmas that Christianity build for decades?

It seems like these days philosophers just want to say dumb shit that weed smokers would find smart so they donate to them on patreon.

>> No.11769711

Fucking kek.

>> No.11769720

Terrorism is a modernist, Western concept. It was sold to the mudslimes by the CIA.

>> No.11769765

It’s not that we never learned but that we did not even listen . 9/11 was the subaltern speaking, yet we did not realize it. From that we should have learned how to regard the formerly colonized and how little meaning “humanity “ has on a post-colonial world.

>> No.11769766

>Free speech isn't absolute

it is in countries that are actually free

>> No.11769771

There is no country in the world that allows absolute free speech and I doubt any individual would support it if they actually stopped and thought about what it means.

>> No.11769800

Sure there should be some limits, but they need to be conceived with the understanding that the right to free speech is meaningless without guaranteeing the ability to be heard.

>> No.11769825

Why do you object to me saying free speech isn't absolute if you agree with it? Your ability to be heard is not a relevant factor in determining whether speech should or should not be limited.

>> No.11770422

If christianity is true then everything else is false by default. Truth cannot be contradicted.

>> No.11771047

This, but unironically.

>> No.11771145

But 9/11 wasn't about free speech? Bin Laden himself stated that it was a reaction to the murder and plundering the US imposed upon Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine.

>> No.11771155

>free speech is absolute in my country!!11
>actually no it's not because sure there should be some limits

Stop posting.

>> No.11771163

Everyone IS free to do it.

>> No.11771167

>the implications on burning down the social dogmas that Christianity build for decades?
modern (more accurately 20th century) (((philosophers))) understood this perfectly well

>> No.11771173


>> No.11771190

Religions are true for specific races (in the spenglerian sense). It's not universal. In that way a white person (inb4 muh jew religion ,it was adopted and modified for whites jackass) could never be muslim and an arab could never be christian.

>> No.11771205

Sam Harris is the philosophical equivalent to a candy hentai girl getting gang raped by minotaurs

>> No.11771238

You clearly lack understanding of what Sam is and has always said. Atheism is a lack of belief in a God and thus NOT A RELIGION. It is so fundamentally basic and you just blatantly don't get it and twist what Atheism is and what Harris says.

>> No.11771246

>kids born in 2001 are currently 17 years old

>> No.11771257

>shepherd mystics
blessed post

>> No.11771260

Pretty sure Al Qaeda weren't just mad that people like Harris insulted Allah. It had more to do with US foreing policy in the Middle East. That's not to deny the religious aspect of their motivating ideology, but it's not like they just flipped out because they couldn't handle the bantz.

>> No.11771262

#2 Saddam Hussein is linked to Al Qaeda

>> No.11771366

This. not to mention their architectural heroism. fuck those ugly ass slabs, fuck International Style skyscraprs

>> No.11772921
