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11767580 No.11767580 [Reply] [Original]

>author starts to insult the protagonist

>> No.11767727

>protagonist starts insulting the narrator

>> No.11767728
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>narrator starts insulting the reader

>> No.11767785

good thread lads

>> No.11767849
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> reader starts insulting the author

>> No.11767867

>Author can't hide his anger at current political situation at the time of writing.

>> No.11767888

Hey same

>> No.11767903
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>author threatens to fuck the reader in the arse

>> No.11767920

I feel it in this post.

>> No.11767930
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>author starts insulting the author

>> No.11767951
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>author cant hide his disdain for women and arabs

>> No.11767964
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>the author refers to the person reading as ‘fuccboi #1’ and the main character as ‘fuccboi #2’

>> No.11767995
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>protagonist calls the author a NPC

>> No.11768004
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>Author starts insulting jews

>> No.11768021

basee y redpillee

>> No.11768130
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>Author can't hide his jealousy of his superior peers *cough* Freud *cough*.

>> No.11768146
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>author thanks the reader for their patience

>> No.11768153

Examples of all three, s'il vous plait

>> No.11768158
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>author starts putting words after words, often including commas, semi colons, colons, dashes, quotations, periods, etc, and does so for the entire length of the work

>> No.11768159

my diary desu

>> No.11768166
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>author clearly wrote while high

>> No.11768171

1. The Magic Mountain (although it's a light critique of a naive protagonist), plenty of modernist works

2. Many 4th-wall breaking, XX century experimental novels probably none of them is real "good" though

3. Infinite Jest (DFW hints numerous times that the narrator is simply more intelligent than the readers)

>> No.11768182
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>the narrator starts talking over and correcting the other narrator

>> No.11768184

Based metanarrative poster

>> No.11768209

>narrator gaslights the reader

>> No.11768239

>author writes a book

>> No.11768268

At Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O’Brien

>> No.11768275

>the author dies

>> No.11768280
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>the reader dies

>> No.11768285
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>the protagonist reads the book

>> No.11768288

never ending story?

>> No.11768295
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>the narrator dies and the next pages are blank

>> No.11768296
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>the narrator apologizes to the reader for helping the author introduce a mental parasite in his mind

>> No.11768299


>> No.11768323
File: 162 KB, 564x410, 7C1A17AB-9B46-4EA0-AE23-40142D1D0BF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the author sues the narrator

>> No.11768338
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>the reader finds out he's the protagonist

>> No.11768357
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>The narrator is the protagonist's pet dog

>> No.11768419
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>author starts punching the grand mother of the main character in the face while main character is out shopping

>> No.11768476
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>the reader gets narrated

>> No.11768478


>> No.11768481

Döblin insults Franz Biberkopf plenty in Berlin Alexanderplatz

>> No.11768491

>supporting character is heavily implied to be the narrator
Pure Kino

>> No.11768505
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>narrator dies in the story
>keeps narrating

>> No.11768566
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>protagonist is the narrator
>reffering to himself in the third person

>> No.11768609

>author rambles about Jean-Pierre Pernault for 6 pages
>author self-inserts as a complete fuckup

Good stuff.

>> No.11768934
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>narrator is the reader

>> No.11768959

>the narrator turns out to have been the main character all along

>> No.11769027

ayy my creative writing prof did this

>> No.11769065

this image hurts my brain even after I make out what it is

>> No.11769083

ole reliable

>> No.11769134
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>the narrator is god

>> No.11769144

>character dies and narrator stops mid narration

>> No.11769152

If on a winter's night?

>> No.11769165

>Author apologises for going off on a tangent.

>> No.11769405

>Reader is a first person narrator

>> No.11769435

Nietzsche attacks his reader in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, first by attacking "the readers" (as a class or species) in the first part, then again in the 3rd part he writes about "Zarathustras monkey", basically someone who copies Zarathustras way of speaking (by obviously, having read the book) and who emulates him to appear more deep and interesting.

>> No.11769439

though i cant point to any examples off the top of my head i actually really like this one

>> No.11769694
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>narrator criticises himself

>> No.11770151

>protagonist speaks directly to the reader

>> No.11770255

I would ask for a book like this but then it would defeat the point of reading it

>> No.11770296

>protagonist meets narrator in room filled with screens depicting various scenes of protagonists life.

>> No.11770390

>antagonist shows up at protagonists house just to insult them

>> No.11770426
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>protagonist dies halfway through

>> No.11770431

Cliché. Not based and unpilled.

>> No.11770468

pretty much sea of fertility

>> No.11770478

>protagonist dies in the first chapter

>> No.11770543

my diary desu

>> No.11770801

>author starts shucking and jiving like a memphis coon and the book explodes into confetti and disco lights come on

>> No.11770828
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>author skips the narration

>> No.11770845

>the narrator stops narrating

>> No.11770948

>protagonist begins narrating the reader, then kills them

>> No.11771094
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>the narrator is revealed to be a gun

>> No.11771533

>the narrator doesn't know what to narrate

>> No.11771539
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>the narrator stutters

>> No.11771620

all three in niebla by unamuno

>> No.11771686


>> No.11771783

>narrator starts dabbing on the protagonist

>> No.11771821

>the narrator lies to the reader

>> No.11771900
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>the author's IRL pet is the hero

>> No.11771917
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>author writes a novel in the guise of an instructional guide in the guise of a 1st-person narrative of events

>> No.11772021
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>the protagonist dies in the womb before the story even starts

>> No.11772145
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>protagonist finishes writing the book
>it's not even his book

>> No.11772286
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>Author states in the first line that this character's backstory is not important nor interesting, but that he's going to tell it anyway

>> No.11772298
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>author's son's stuffed animal is the protagonist

>> No.11772311

Based Dostoevsky.

>> No.11772318
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>book ends and you realise that Raskolnikov wasn't the good guy

>> No.11772557

how wasnt this apparent right from the start

>> No.11772583
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>the narrator is the book

>> No.11772592
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>narrator writes the book after he dies

>> No.11772933

stutters a cute tho

>> No.11772960

T-t-this a-anon kun

>> No.11773139

What was dosto trying to convey in the book? What was his intention of writing?

>> No.11773197
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>protagonist posts on 4chan

>> No.11773219

>the reader can't be bothered to read the author

>> No.11773367

>narrator is narrated by another narrator

>> No.11773383

>narrator is a mute but he sprays

>> No.11773388

which book?

>> No.11773390
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not a book, but

>narrator is violently beaten by another person, who takes over as the narrator

>> No.11773394
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>the footnotes start insulting and referring to the author in the third person

>> No.11773409

mister b gone

>> No.11773480

>Author uses protagonist narrator as a device to spread his opinions about movies, comics and TV shows as the absolute truth

Ever heard of Diary of Phil the Nerd? That's better for you. The second book haves a scene where the author literally uses the book to ask George Lucas to get back the rights for Star Wars from Disney and make a remake of Episode VII where Han Solo doesn't die.

>> No.11773487

>The author's girlfriend's imaginary friend who also happens to be a cat is the protagonist

THIS IS A TRUE BOOK. Italian only albeit.

>> No.11773497
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>author gets cucked while writing the book
>adds a chapter of the protagonist just shitting on women for 20 pages

>> No.11773608


>> No.11773735
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>author names 1 (one) athlete

>> No.11773744

Lol was actually trying to get at the Rig Veda since a lot of its classical interpreters think that the words of the Vedas themselves have always been and are part of the fabric of the universe, and thus indirectly part of their own creation as a text

>> No.11773833

>that sudden 15 page long passage about some basketball player in Exit Ghost

>> No.11775112

Holy shit quadruple dubs, someone answer this entity

>> No.11775134
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>protagonist meets God

>> No.11775143
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>narrator insults the reader

f-fuck you Dostoevsky

>> No.11775174

Plumbers Don't Wear Ties baybeee

>> No.11775230
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>author apologizes for protagonists bad language

>> No.11775235
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>There is no narrator

>> No.11775236
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>the narrator lists all contingents of an entire army

>> No.11775266
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>narrator is an NPC

>> No.11775273

>author writes about corn