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File: 17 KB, 220x304, 220px-Evola-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11764892 No.11764892 [Reply] [Original]


I was reading this guy's Wikipedia page and I've come to the conclusion that he's an incel who jerked it to weird Satanic ritual orgies and only got laid because he paid prostitutes.

Not even /pol/ should like this guy, he's totally degenerate by their prudish standards.

Why is he so popular again?

>> No.11765010

where did you even find that in the wiki article?

>> No.11765026

pol is not even that big on evola, they like Spengler more. Mostly pol doesnt even bother with people like that and are just vaguely Christian a la deus vult. But also christianity is a jew religion meant to enslave europe so theres some pagan larping and general atheistic pessimism or memery.

what a stupid place, and yet every day i go there

>> No.11765068

What's with this weird trend of ascribing bring an "incel" to people who aren't incels? Is it just because you don't actually know what it means but saw some cool late-night comedy Jew read the word from a teleprompter? Why would you use a word whose meaning you don't understand

You could have literally googled the definition of it moments after seeing it.

>> No.11765076

Evola was literally a NEET larper. I don't understand how anybody could take him seriously.

>> No.11765081

What's with this weird trend of ascribing bring an "boomer" to people who aren't baby boomers? Is it just because you don't actually know what it means but saw some cool late-night comedy post on 4chan? Why would you use a word whose meaning you don't understand

You could have literally googled the definition of it moments after seeing it.

>> No.11765093

wasn't he an aristocrat

>> No.11765119

Most of /pol/ likes the idea of decline, but not the idea of cycle. Most posters in /pol/ believe that west can revitalize through facism. This tells how much they actually understand Spengler and his writings.

>> No.11765193

He often said interesting and accurate things. It's obviously beyond you.

>> No.11765200

>Most posters in /pol/ believe that west can revitalize through facism. This tells how much they actually understand Spengler and his writings.
Nobody seems to actually read Spengler lol. there are a few guys on pol that actually understand him.

pol is still caught somewhere between edgy nihilism and genuine desire to overcome

>> No.11765269
File: 539 KB, 760x1032, spengler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decline alone is over 1000 pages. You think /pol/eddit's reading that?

>> No.11765309

I actually read it, yeah

>> No.11765320

>pol is still caught somewhere between edgy nihilism and genuine desire to overcome

Spengler himself was also caught in between the two. Not really nihilism on his part, but he struggled to keep a sense of objectivity within his theory of history, while also truly desiring an option out of it, when he knew there really wasn't. He evaded normative judgment wherever possible, but you can still see how much he despised the later stages of western civilization.

>> No.11765346

yeah for sure, the Hour of Decision is full of invocations to action that completely contradict his deterministic(mystic determinist but whatever) worldview

>> No.11765365

I dont mind him doing that in hour of decision, because it's not a historic work in the sense that Decline of the West is. But you can see how his judgment starts to seep in, especially in the later parts of Decline of the West.

Not that it invalidates his historical theory, because the man was a prophet in many ways. Even Adorno said that Spengler had only been forgotten because his intellectual contemporaries could not dare to challenge him.

>> No.11765386

He has that brave pessimism thing, fighting against impending doom.

I have only read abridged version of Decline of the West, do I gain anything by reading the full version? Can anyone tell?

>> No.11765446

I was not meaning to attack you, spengler frend

>> No.11765454

If you liked what you read, the unabridged is just more good stuff. See for yourself: https://archive.org/details/Decline-Of-The-West-Oswald-Spengler

>> No.11765509

i agree, Spengler is the single biggest paradigm shift ive had studying these things. Everything ive thought about in the past 5 years was colored by him. I had this philosophy i was trying to do back then, i had developed it form ages 16-19ish but reading him gave me this framework i could use to mediate the more abstract metaphysical stuff
A lot of the stuff in volume 2 i dont care for as much because it is a different metaphyics than mine.

What are you referring to specifically in Volume 2 that betrays judgment?

>> No.11765538

>I was reading this guy's Wikipedia page
Stop! You weren't reading the current pozzed (((Wiki))) page, were you? The entry three years ago is far more fair when it comes to his views on tradition and fascism.

>> No.11765547

>I was reading this guy's Wikipedia page

Then you should definitely be sharing your opinions on a public forum.

>> No.11765564

When Spengler describes the later part of Western civilization, he's basically describing a disease, or old age. It would be stupid to describe a disease as 'evil'; it just is something that happens. Yet a doctor will see it as something deleterious to the organism, even though it is inevitable. Spengler has the same outlook as a doctor, diagnosing the disease of old age in a civilization, or culture, as civilization itself is already a form of decline. He knows that a later civilization isnt as healthy as a younger one, yet at the same time it is something that cannot be avoided.

>> No.11765585
File: 267 KB, 711x1126, the parasite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not disease though, but rather parasite.

>> No.11765586
File: 233 KB, 560x821, autisticfrenchies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evola was heavily influenced by the orientalist Guenon who basically ripped off Schelling and Blavatsky and the French fin de siecle occultists. Just read the originals. Or just read Kant if you want the superior Western version of Vedanta.

>> No.11765649

> b-but muh aristocracy
> I have no place in society anymore! waaah!
Why are right wingers such fucking babies? At least Libertarians have some dignity in their vision.

>> No.11766230

Show more respect for our lord and savior, you filthy infidel.

>> No.11766250
File: 16 KB, 234x264, 9B9A49BE-FC42-41EF-BED1-ADF34141F33E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incel has replaced retard as a socially acceptable word to describe the socially inept

But if you’d ask me, incels are pretty retarded

Lets derail this chat with an npc meme too :)

>> No.11767406

eh i think not. Death is inevitable.

>> No.11767441

>orientalist Guenon who basically ripped off Schelling and Blavatsky and the French fin de siecle occultists
can you explain? he vocally disagrees with all the people you mentioned in his work, even did a whole book about how Blavatsky is a charlatan

>> No.11767565
File: 1.86 MB, 2552x3980, 1536650112732-pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't understand meme, h-help

>> No.11767592
File: 75 KB, 500x681, 1484271048568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realize I've been reading the abridged edition (and translated to English because my German is only good enough for Kafka and Juenger's simpler essays) and somehow didn't notice it until now

>> No.11767598

>Guy literally writes books on sex magic
>lol incel

Would argue against degenerate but I would at least entertain that as an argument to be made. On the off chance you're not trolling, you should be fucking embarrassed.

/pol/ likes to talk about Spengler but I'm pretty sure they have never read his works first hand, generally speaking, and yes I also go there every day. Its a good hurt.

I don't think you know what any of these words mean

You're looking for answers from someone who can't give you them because hes just name dropping random people to seem smart

>> No.11767605

>ripped off Blavatsky

>> No.11768074

Holy shit, that difference. Makes you wonder how many other pages are similarly compromised.

>> No.11768113

Someone post the "then and now" Wikipedia page for Involuntary Celibacy

>> No.11768240


>I was reading this guy's Wikipedia page and I've come to the conclusion

and that's where I came to the conclusion that OP is a faggot

>> No.11768251

>only got laid because he paid prostitutes.

>> No.11768346
File: 88 KB, 598x728, dostoyevsky on the jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is also ignorance inevitable?

Here follows a fitting essay by Evola on the subject of the British Empire and the real hand behind its power. Worthy of note is the fact that that same hand never lost its strength with the eclipse of that ogre, but only shifted its weight into a different pocket.


>> No.11768374

I mean a large percentage of pol is people like you and me that compulsively go there but think we are not actually pol because we aren't stormfags. So pol in a sense has read Spengler, it's just not the core of the board, who have much more shallow and angry, political, views about history.

>> No.11768404
File: 1.26 MB, 1090x3758, round table group.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the plan hatched by the Rothschilds with the aid of their agent Cecil Rhodes, which would see fruition upon the capture of the American government with the quiet passing of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

>The powers of financial capitalism had [a] far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. -- Caroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, Chapter 20

>> No.11768414

Quigley was so fucking smart. If you combine quigley with the recent Biohistory theory you get something approximating an actually sensible view of history. You have to add in a bit of evolutionary biology that some people would prefer not to think about, but when you combine it all, things begin to clarify.

Funnily enough it tracks well with Spengler, who just like divined all his ideas from some mystic metaphorical awareness of the depth of historical processes.

>> No.11768453

>Biohistory theory
Have you read Jim Penmans book Biohistory? And can you tell what you thought about the book?

>> No.11768493

I think it's brilliant. I understand he doesn't want to touch on race or sex differences much, but his theory is so well fitting that it almost elides the need to do so.

I don't know that he is entirely correct, it is a subject that is immensely hard to test. But using it as a framework elucidates an enormous amount of mysteries which present in trying to understand the rise and fall of societies, and the particularities within of individual psychology and united sociology, as well as how they fit into the environemnt.

Just a god tier synthesis

>> No.11768513

Anyone has a non pdf link to decline of the west?

>> No.11768559
File: 31 KB, 528x640, 1509852078919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's impossible to find a legit edition of the two volumes under $150

>> No.11769459

He was descended from Italian nobles and was among the most knowledgeable in the West with regard to ancient religions. His critiques of modernity are on-point elaborations of Nietzsche's ideas about democracy, liberalism and socialism, often from a spiritual absolutist point or view which is a position that is difficult to reason from in a compelling way.
I think his books are great, even though his political ideas are pretty larpy. I think of the systems he envisions more as works of art than prescriptive instruction.

>> No.11769617

I feel like I'm seeing Spengler more and more often on 4chan. I approve.

>> No.11769847

Try auctions on ebay if you can't find a good used bookstore irl. I got both volumes in excellent condition with only some pencil underlinings for 30USD.

>> No.11769853

It seems there is a bigger interest in general. Probably has to do with the rising popularity of the New Right/alt-right. Just today I bought an intellectual biography of Spengler, and last year a huge new, complete translation of Der Untergang des Abondlandes (in Dutch) was released. Interesting times indeed.

>> No.11769891

well for one thing you can talk to Leftists about Spengler and they dont flip out. This makes him very attractive for people who are kind of traditional or conservative but dont want to be seen as Nazis.

And of course his metaphyiscal view of civilization as organism expressed by a symbol- this is just a very beautiful idea that many people like.

>> No.11770411

>tfw bought both hardback volumes for $83 and still have them wrapped in bubble wrap in which it was delivered. It is a bit disappointing the pages a deckled though