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11762112 No.11762112 [Reply] [Original]

We live in a society

>> No.11762121

Are those Hazari books worth reading? I'm especially interested Sapiens and Homo Deus. I've heard reviews raving about them and others calling them childish like the author is listing age old theories as if he invented them while completely blind to his own cultural preconceptions.

>> No.11762124


>> No.11762135

Hey, Handmaid's Tale is actually pretty ok

>> No.11762152

Let's title this picture, "The Downside of Literacy".

>> No.11762154

They're full of bullish and unsourced assertions, and the books bleeds with the author's progressive views (natural selection is so great! also humans killing animals for food is so evil :( !). They're basically on the level of amateur history, no idea of how the hell they're actually such a phenomenon. Homo Deus is marginally interesting, but if you've got better things to read, don't waste your time on it.

>> No.11762168

In a live in we society.

>> No.11762200

This is so much better than where i live

>> No.11762226

I don't get this meme

What is "We live in a society" a sentence fragment of?

>> No.11762232

Lurk more

>> No.11762238

Seriously? How much worse could it get?

>> No.11762331

I always assumed it was a Seinfeld reference.

>> No.11762338

There is no such thing as society.

>> No.11762383

>mfw saw Master and Margarita in the airport bookstore

>> No.11762886

Here's a synopsis:

>Humans are a product of Natural selection
>Also, human evolution stopped 40,000 years ago and divergent isolated populations have no evolutionary differences you racist!
>Also, eating animals is bad

Totally not worth reading desu. The few bits of valuable information it contains could be found elsewhere in a source not surrounded with patently political unscientific nonsense.

>> No.11762983


This. Read Homo Deus, wasn't impressed.

>> No.11763305

There is a great podcast episode from I believe parallax views on homo deus should give you an idea

>> No.11763343

>fiction best seller is a period guilt porn about the british union of fascists
>non-fiction best seller is about why nationalism and borders are bad

what is the reason for this phenomenon? do only liberals read books these days?

>> No.11763348


>> No.11763354
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>> No.11763374
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>mfw I realize that, within the confines of a society, we live

>> No.11763377
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That's not a bad thing. Most people want something easy that they can relax with. It's only a few of us who are interested in challenging ourselves during our liesure time. Even most of this board doesn't read anything to begin with

>> No.11763495
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Heh, it's fucking shit though.

>> No.11763560

Is that the subtitle to 50 Shades of Grey sequel, sitting on the shelf next to The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck and a couple Dale Carnagie books?

>> No.11764605

what's wrong with Call Me by Your Name?

>> No.11765250
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>trite YA crap
>what's wrong with it?

>> No.11765286

I want you to read what you wrote. Read it again and again until you comprehend what website and board you're asking this question on. Then I want you to go to your bookshelf, get your copy of Call Me By Your Name, put it in a garbage bag, and throw it away.

>> No.11765381

i want to sloop on all them boox

>> No.11766892
File: 247 KB, 590x607, 2018-09-10 23_46_56-Fifty Shames of Earl Grey_ A Parody - Fanny Merkin, Andrew Shaffer - Google Book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About six years ago, when "Fifty Shades of Grey" was becoming big, I remember seeing a "Fifty Shames of Earl Grey" at an airport. Google Books had a preview.

>> No.11766983

I read it in the original Hebrew and thought Harari did a great job trying to tell a very long story. His chapter on the invention of modern sexuality was pretty provocative, explaining that single mothers create more aggressive males when society needs greater risks taken. Harari anticipates a gynocratic "Fempire" that begins its climb through incorporated power hierarchies by using weaponized sexuality, the sophisticated feminine checkmate given to women by nature to balance out the physical strength of men. Women will rule and administer the bureaucracies of society. Men are needed only for the wrenches, torches, the dangerous, heavy stuff. Harari explains in addendum that we are witnessing this re-balancing of society. With the prospect of war so distant in the past, men needn't rule and will in fact be bumbling buffoons at it. For productive, harmonious peace time, the "Pax Feminina era" as Harari coins it, feminine administrators are the better fit, and better poised for the future dilemmas born of genetic engineering and artificial intelligence. A "Post-Reproductive" society still has to deal with the norms of a liberated sexuality, and here Harari has faith in current technologies and social activism to better manage Sapiens nature. Starting with sex robots and polygamous internet communities, Harari speculates that in the future, the interests of the individual and of society will etch away at Sapien-shaming taboos, adding convenience, safety and sustainability to our sexuality of the future. Whereas thirsty males of today are locked to their porno screens and VR headsets, Harari envisions automated fellatio receptacles adorning progressive urban spaces, helping sexual designers concentrate sexual services wherever becomes best. Sexual emergency services could be planned near schools, Harari suggested.

>> No.11767371


You have to hand it to him, it’s quite an achievement to come up with even bigger bullshit than anti-oedipus

>> No.11767438

BRUH I just finished Sapiens *bicep emoji*

>> No.11767459

This thread was destined to be a disaster. Every post is either in agreement with OP, adding nothing to the discussion, or inexcusable defenses of X book that receives the expected elitist /lit/ reply of all meme and no substance.
inb4 "you've added nothing to the thread either"

>> No.11767460

JBP fiction bestseller

>> No.11767521
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It's a common phrase people use before making some sort of negative observation. Something like "we live in a society where people with life-threatening illnesses need to use gofundmes to pay for their treatment."

People picked up in it being used so often though that they start joking with it, especially through the medium of "Gamer Joker", who makes statements like "we live in a society where bad*ss gamers don't get girlfriends."

The whole thing is just one big amalgamated joke making fun of politics, "gamer culture", youth angst, and so on.

>> No.11767522

picked up ON it*

>> No.11767548


Way to add something to the discussion yourself, faggot

>> No.11767653

>he ignores inb4s
cringe and newpilled

>> No.11767706

50 shades of grey master and margarita the new pornographic novel where christian grey sex with a margarita cheese pizza mamma mia!?!?

>> No.11767707

It's just a plain and dull average gay romance book to read on vacation. Nothing too special, although it does have a cosy atmosphere to it.

>> No.11767710

> peach full of cum
> blowjobs and elasticity of bumholes
> "YA"

they might be hungry for cock but this aint no hunger games, hun x

>> No.11767717
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> grrr I hate it when a thread is either in agreement or disagreement with the OP
> but don't you go telling me I don't contribute lol I know that already!

very insightful this post really got the noggin joggin clap clap

>> No.11767739

Would unironically read Stephen Fry's book Mythos. Maybe would pick up Call Me By Your Name to see if it's better than the movie and then drop it at my local charity shop.

Is anyone actually surprised though that the best-sellers list contains semi-popular books even more popularised by TV and film adaptations, pop-science and history, Memerson and YA fiction like Murakami and Gaiman? I mean, it's not a bad thing, I'd rather see some of these books become bestsellers than another Fifty Shades of Grey, but they're all very middle-of-the-road and accessible titles.

I don't expect there to be a sudden resurgence in popularity of Ulysses unless HBO wanted to make a TV series about it with a stronk black trans pansexual turantula as the protagonist. Everyone should calm their bollocks. We get it, normies are plebs and that's why Dan Brown sells, is there anything really insightful about highlighting that? What do you want me to do about it, OP? I honestly don't care, as long as people are enjoying reading their trash books who am I to take that away from them?

The reason why the majority of /lit/ has never seen a vagina or girlpenis is because of elitist autismo like this.

>> No.11767756

What one is that? The non-fiction anti-nationalist book?

>> No.11767760

Yes because neo-Nazi retards are too busy getting all their reading material via fake news shared on social media while taking big poopies for mommy and smashing their butt-cheeks together screeching "my bum-bum eat chocolate"

>> No.11767780

thankyou sir

>> No.11767791

Stephen Fry's Mythos is badly written and intellectually dishonest.

>> No.11767798

a few of these arent even that bad, but the covers really suck

>> No.11767805

Could you please elaborate? I've enjoyed Stephen Fry's books before. What do you mean by intellectually dishonest?

>> No.11767808
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>> No.11767821

It's a Seinfeld reference

>> No.11767823

And they say the left can't meme.

>> No.11767833
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> "my bum-bum eat chocolate"

Funniest thing I've read all day.

>> No.11767837

joke's on you, I've atomized myself to a degree where I have embraced a sort of post-solipsism. The notion of society means nothing to me.

>> No.11768107
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>Harari has faith in current technologies and social activism
An extreme amount of doubt

>> No.11768131


>not getting the use of ironic meta-irony

Newest of newfriends

>> No.11768156


Stephen Fry is a certified hack. You should be ashamed for not spending your time in a more useful manner.

>> No.11769021

>stephen fry


>> No.11769099

Bugs.. easy on the society

>> No.11769108

So faggot shit is okay?

>> No.11769161
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read E.M Forster's homo kino instead.

>> No.11769221

Sapiens is fun, just don't go in expecting to learn a lot... he does a good job telling the story, and it's probably mostly correct.

>> No.11769327

>I don't expect there to be a sudden resurgence in popularity of Ulysses
Please think again about what you wrote.

>>non-fiction best seller is about why nationalism and borders are bad
Didn't you notice the Peterson book there?
>do only liberals read books these days?
Kind of. It's a fact that /pol/ types aren't very cultured, they rarely go beyond Ebola, Wagner overtures, and classicist art in their spiritual and aesthetic pursuits.

>> No.11769621

If it's good then yes, look at Plato's Symposium or Mishima's Confessions of a Mask. Call Me By Your Name is Jodi Picoult tier though.

>> No.11769648

At least Murakami was top 10, surprised to see Jordan Memerson up there.

>> No.11769950

Nice virtue signaling, anon.